Registration Information
Registration Information
Rowan Global Student Registration Guide
Students can view full registration dates and deadlines on the Registration Periods and Registration-Related Dates and Deadlines page of the Registrar's website.
Please book an appointment or reach out by email to your Academic Advisor to discuss your academic requirements and registration questions. You can schedule an appointment using RSN.
If you require assistance during registration and would like help by email, please contact us at Please include the following information in your message:
- Your name and student ID
- The Course Registration Number(s) (CRN)
- The error message you are receiving
Which Classes Should I Take?
Students can view their degree requirements and remaining coursework in DegreeWorks. You can access DegreeWorks from Self-Service Banner. On the Students tab, select Student Records, then DegreeWorks (Responsive).
For more information about DegreeWorks, please view these training videos.
We strongly recommend that all students meet with their Academic Advisor once per semester. You can schedule a time to meet using the RSN or reach out to your advisor by email.
How to Search for Classes in Section Tally
The full course catalogue for Rowan University is called Section Tally. Instructions for searching in Section Tally can be found on this handout. You can also view video tutorials about how to search in Section Tally.
Note the CRN (Course Registration Number) for the specific section you are interested in - you'll use that CRN in the registration screen.
Please keep in mind that courses may be restricted for a variety of reasons, including by campus, majors, prerequisites, etc. Please contact your Academic Advisor for more information.
How Do I Select Free Electives?
What are free electives?
Here, the word “free” means you’re free to choose. You can take almost any class you want and it will count toward your degree. Free electives are any courses that are satisfying overall university requirements rather than specific major requirements. Most majors allow a designated number of free elective credits for degree completion.
Why do I have to take free electives?
These classes are designed for students to graduate with a well-rounded education and to fulfill general credit requirements. See this page for Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science credit criteria.
What free electives should I take?
You have a wide variety of courses from which you can choose for free electives. Electives can be anything of interest, related to major or not, and can help you build skills toward your future career, or could be applied to a Minor or Certificate of Undergraduate Studies. Free electives could also help you satisfy prerequisite courses for future graduate studies or be added simply to complement your degree. Your academic advisor can also provide you with recommendations for electives that are popular with students in your major.
How do I search?
Courses are not specifically labeled “free electives.” You can search for these courses as you would search for any, by going to Section Tally and searching through courses on there. To search for specific online courses that could work for the upcoming semester, please select the upcoming term, then on the campus dropdown, select “online.” Select the box next to “Display only sections with space available” and “Display only sections with no pre-requisites, co-requisites, or other restrictions.”
How to Register in Self-Service Banner
Check out our Screenshot Registration Guide
How to register in Self-Service Banner:
- Select your courses from Section Tally and/or course lists provided by your advisor
- Note the Course Registration Number (CRN) (5-digit number) for each course
- Login to Self-Service Banner
- Select the Student tab
- Click Registration
- Click on the second tab Register for Classes
- Select the Term from the drop-down menu
- Select Continue
- Select Enter CRNs
- Enter the five-digit CRN of a course
- Tab to enter or select +Add Another CRN to add more
- Once you have entered all of the CRNs, select Add to Summary
- Select the green Submit button
- To remove a course, select Remove under the Action column, then select Submit.
Please note: The use of a mobile phone for registration is not recommended.
Registration Adjustments
Adjustments to registration can be made by the student in Self-Service Banner until the end of the first week of classes.
Regular Add/Drop - During the first week of classes, students can add or drop classes directly in Self-Service Banner. Students are not financially responsible for any dropped courses.
Late Add/Drop - Students may still drop courses online via Self-Service, through the end of the Late Drop/Add period, however, professor approval is required to add a class during this period. Students are not financially responsible for any dropped courses.
Withdrawal - Withdrawing from a course allows a student to stop attending and receive a "W" grade. This grade does not impact a student’s GPA or reduce their attempted credits. Students are still financially responsible for the charges associated with any withdrawn course. If you are thinking about withdrawing from one or more courses, please review this handout and speak with your advisor.
Students can view more about Registration Adjustments on the Registrar's website.
Thinking about adjusting your schedule? Keep in mind that there may be graduation delays, issues with sequencing, and implications to Financial Aid. Please speak with your Academic Advisor to help determine what's best for you.
Non-Matriculated Students
Matriculation is the process of formally enrolling into a college or university. Students are considered a non-matriculated/visiting student if they have not been formally admitted and matriculated into a Rowan degree or certificate program. Non-matriculated/visiting students are not eligible for financial aid. Please fill out the Activation & Registration form located on the Office of the University Registrar website.
Undergraduate Students
Students who have not been accepted into an undergraduate program are considered non-matriculated, and are permitted to accumulate no more than 24 total credits of undergraduate coursework (11.5 per term) until accepted and matriculated into an undergraduate program.
Students who have never attended Rowan University, or who are no longer active in Rowan systems, should complete an Activation & Registration Form for Visiting (Non-Matriculated) Students. Once activated, you will receive further instructions for activating your account and registering for courses.
Non-matriculated undergraduate students are permitted to register at the end of the registration period for each term.
** Note: Non-matriculated students do not qualify for financial aid.
Graduate Students
Graduate non-matriculated students are those who are visiting the university to take courses. They are not officially enrolled in a program, but are taking courses here that could potentially count towards a program if they decide to enroll in the future. They could also be taking courses here to transfer to another institution or use for an external purpose. Students can take a maximum of 9 credits of graduate coursework before they must officially enroll.
In order to take a course(s) as a graduate non-matriculated visiting student, you will need to fill out our Activation & Registration Form for Visiting (Non-Matriculated) Students.
Once you submit the form, you will then be given steps to log into your non-matriculated student portal to upload your unofficial transcripts showing proof that you’ve completed at least a bachelor’s degree. Once the unofficial transcripts have been reviewed and your activation has been approved, you will receive an email within 3 business days that contains next steps regarding how to register for your course(s).
** Note: Non-matriculated students do not qualify for financial aid.
If you have a hold on your account, you will not be able to participate in registration until it is taken care of and the hold is lifted.
To see if you have a hold, go to: Self-Service Banner - Student - View Holds
If you have a Wellness Center Hold, it may be because they are missing required health forms. If this is the case, you can find the required health form information at: and contact their office at 856-256-4333 or to talk about your specific hold.
If you have a Bursar hold, it may be because you owe money on your account. If this is the case, you can look at your bill by going to Self-Service Banner- Bursar- E-pay Center and contact their office at 856-256-4150 or to talk about your specific hold.
Course Registration Help
Section Tally Search Options
Section Tally Search Results
Be sure to see your academic advisor every semester. You should be able to find your advisor using the Rowan Success Network powered by Starfish (RSN; If no advisor is listed for you in RSN, please contact your academic department or email Please do not “self-advise” – there may be requirements or prerequisites that you are not aware of that will delay your graduation.
Before you register, you can check on any pre-reqs or restrictions attached to a course by clicking on the CRN in the Section Tally.
Check your Self-Service Banner account NOW to see if you have any registration holds. In Self-Service Banner, under "Student," choose "Student Records" and then "View Holds." You cannot register until those are removed, so take care of whatever is needed as soon as possible.
Keep in mind "15 to Finish" – an average of 15 credits per semester will help you to graduate on time. If you are a full-time student, note that registration for 12-17 credits costs the same flat rate. Plan to take an average of 30 credits per year to graduate on time (for a 120 credit major).
The Registration website contains information including registration-related dates, instructions on registering, forms and more. It is especially important that you know the registration-related dates and deadlines for the term (drop/add, withdrawal, etc.). Please email the Office of the University Registrar at
Have a list of CRNs (Course Registration Numbers) and alternate choices ready to type in. CRNs are the numbers all the way to the left of each row in the Section Tally, which is the report that contains the most up-to-date course information each term. Information about navigating the Section Tally can be found here.
- Banner Self-Service is where you will log in to register - this link provides instructions.
- If you are unable to register for any section of a course that you NEED to stay on track for graduation, be sure to connect with your advisor.