School of Professional Studies Advising

  • Woman sitting down looking at Microsoft Tablet.
  • Woman wearing a lab coat and goggles working at a desk
  • Person sitting casually with one leg raised, looking at a laptop covered with stickers.

School of Professional Studies Advising

School of Professional Studies Advising

Welcome to the School of Professional Studies Academic Advising page.  We are looking forward to working with you.

The School of Professional Studies offers pathways to educational and occupational advancement through workforce certifications, academic certificates, and other stackable credentials leading to the Bachelor of Professional Studies degree.   For more information, please see the department website.

School of Professional Studies Advising Team

Dennis Barrera | Online and 3+1 Students

Charles Stewart | Transfer Students

Marren Maggee | Freshman and Undecided Students

To schedule an appointment, please use the Rowan Success Network (RSN) or contact your advisor directly.

Program Guide - Healthcare Management

Students can view the full Healthcare Management Program Guide here. 

Currently enrolled students can view their degree requirements and remaining coursework in DegreeWorks, which can be accessed from Self-Service Banner.  On the Students tab, select Student Records, then DegreeWorks (Responsive).  For more information about DegreeWorks, please view these training videos.

We strongly recommend that all students meet with their Academic Advisor once per semester. You can schedule a time to meet using the RSN or reach out to your advisor by email.

Academic Programs

Click here for a searchable list of available programs, including Certificates, Bachelors, and Masters degree programs.

Student Resources

Learn more about programs and resources available that can help you be successful throughout your time at Rowan.

3 Plus 1 Partnerships

Rowan University has partnered with area community colleges to expand degree completion access. Click here to learn more.