New Student Information
New Student Information
Information for New Rowan Global Students
Welcome to Rowan Global! We are looking forward to working with you. This page includes important information to help you get started.
Not Sure Which Program is Right for You?
Interested in a Rowan Global program, but not sure which is the right fit? Wondering how your credits will transfer? Connect with Marren Magee, our advisor for new and undecided students. You can schedule through RSN, or email globalundergraduateadvising@rowan.eduComplete Your New Student Checklist
Your admissions portal outlines the required onboarding materials, including:Set up your Rowan University accounts (Rowan NetID)
- Follow these steps to activate your Rowan NetID
- Once your accounts are active, please start checking your Rowan University email on a daily basis
PLEASE NOTE: It can take up to 48 hours AFTER you confirm your enrollment to be able to set up and access your accounts
Also, check out the MyRowan portal - it's a great way to access all of your Rowan platforms in one place. This video tutorial shows you how to customize your dashboard with your most-used accounts.
Review your Financial Aid (if applicable)
- Renew your FAFSA and ensure that it is complete
- Check your Financial Aid
- Contact the Financial Aid office if you are unsure of your financial aid status
RowanCard Photo Submission
- Follow the instructions in the Rowan Card Website for uploading your photo.
- Your RowanCard will be printed and mailed to your address on file
Complete the Rowan University Orientation and review important information
- Orientation is mandartory for all for all students and will help you get to know Rowan University policies, systems, and resources. You can access the Online Orientation directly from your New Student Checklist in the applicant portal.
Complete Wellness Center Requirements
- Steps to complete health forms can be found in the New Student Checklist in the Application Portal.
- Please direct all questions to the Rowan University Wellness Center at 856-256-4333 or email
Connect With Your Advisor
Your Academic Advisor is available to help you onboard to Rowan, will work with you to plan your coursework, and is a resource for academic success. We recommend that you meet at least once per semester. You can find your Advisor and their contact information in the OASIS Directory. To get an idea of what to expect in an academic advising appointment, watch this video.Learn Your Degree Requirements
Transfer students are encouraged to review their accepted transfer credits in Self-Service Banner.
- Go to Self-Service Banner and log in using your Rowan Net ID
- Select Student
- Click Student Record, followed by Academic Transcript
- Any posted transfer credit will appear at the top of your transcript
DegreeWorks is Rowan University's system used by students and advisors to review degree requirements and remaining coursework.
- You can access DegreeWorks from Self-Service Banner
- On the Students tab, select Student Records, then DegreeWorks (Responsive)
- For more information about DegreeWorks, please view these training videos.
Register for Classes
Once you have reviewed your degree requirements and spoken with your Advisor, you'll be ready to register for the upcoming semester. Don't delay! Rowan University classes fill quickly and students are always encouraged to register well in advance of the semester.
You can view registration instructions, dates, and more on our Registration page.
Find Support on RowanCONNECT
Additional Important Items and FAQs
Academic Calendar
The general university campus calendar outlines holidays and breaks when the university is closed along with traditional academic semester dates:
Glassboro, Camden and Partner College Campuses
All Global courses that meet in Glassboro, Camden and our Partner College Campuses (RCBC, RCSJ) follow the university campus calendar for holidays and breaks.
Online, Hybrid, & Accelerated Courses/Programs
Online, Hybrid, and/or accelerated courses and programs may follow follow different calendars. As per standard Rowan Global policy, online courses are not subject to holiday, weather-related, or other delays or closings; therefore, assignment and testing deadlines are not affected by delays or closings. For information on course Global Course Schedules visit and the Rowan Online Immersion
Rowan Online Immersion (called ROI) is a free training tutorial provided in the Rowan Canvas learning management system. It is designed to prepare students taking online or hybrid courses for the first-time at Rowan University. Students who have taken online courses at other institutions are encouraged to take ROI so that they become familiar with Rowan's online learning and technology. The course takes approximately 1 hour to complete and can be completed at the student's own pace.
Inclement Weather Policy
Information on weather-related or other emergency closing policy and information can be found on the Public Safety website.
Rowan Global Glassboro and Camden Courses
All Rowan Global courses that meet on Rowan's Main or Camden campus follow Rowan University's official inclement weather closing policy.
Rowan Global Off-site Courses
Rowan Global courses taught off-site follow the delay-and-closing procedures of the location where the class is being held. (For example, a course that meets at Rowan College of Burlington County will follow Rowan College of Burlington County's delay-and-closing procedures. If Rowan College at Burlington County is open, then Rowan Global students taking a course at that location should expect that their class will be held regardless of whether or not Rowan's Main or Camden campuses are open.) Site-specific delay-and-closing procedures and information can usually be found on the host location's website.
Note: Keep in mind, even if the off-site location is open, instructors may still choose to delay/cancel/reschedule a class meeting, so check your Rowan email.
Tuition, Billing and Payments
Tuition, billing and payments at Rowan University are handled by the Office of the Bursar.
Tuition rates:
Students are notified by email when their bill is available to view. Bills are typically due 6-8 weeks prior to the start date of the semester
Instructions for Paying Your Bill
- Go to Self-Service Banner
- Log in using your Rowan Network ID and password.
- Under the "Bursar" tab, select "ePay Center" to be directed to the secure payment site.
For more information, including the Deferred Tuition Payment Plan, please view Payment Methods and Plans
Register with University Resources (if applicable)
The Office of Accessibility Services provides accommodations and assistance to students with various documented disabilities in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. If you previously received accommodations at previous institutions, you may receive accommodations through Rowan University. To register with the Office of Accessibility Services, please use the Accessible Information Management system (AIM).
Contact: | (856) 256-4259
The Military Services Office at Rowan University provides assistance to veterans and dependents of veterans with their education benefits. The Veterans Affairs Office also provides programming and resources for the campus community.
If you are a current military service member, veteran, or dependent who receives tuition benefits, you must complete the paperwork required for processing your benefits with Rowan University for each upcoming semester.
Contact: | 856.256.4233
Should I attend an in-person Orientation?
Preferred Name Policy
The Rowan University Preferred Name Policy enables members of the campus community, including students, faculty and staff, to use and be known by a preferred name in the classroom and conducting general business at the university. Rowan University will make good faith efforts to display preferred names to the University community where feasible and appropriate, and to update the reports, documents and systems designated to use preferred names.