Accepting My Award
Accepting My Award
Accepting Your Award Offer
Any "free" money, such as grants and scholarships are automatically accepted for you and applied to your billing statement. If you would like to accept a federal student loan offered to you, you will need to do so on your Self-Service Banner.
Only federal student loans require additional action before we process them. This allows you to control your loan debt. If you choose to borrow some or all of your federal student loans, you will need to accept the loan offer. You may accept your loans only after you are emailed your finalized aid package, which will be sometime in June, unless you have outstanding financial aid tasks or are not registered for classes.
Important Information
When accepting your awards, please keep in mind the amount is for the academic year. You will get half of your loans in the fall, and the other half in the spring. If you decide to select a lesser amount than offered, this will be split between the two semesters so please plan accordingly. If you need help correcting or updating your loan amounts, please contact our office.
All federal student and parent loans deduct an origination fee prior to sending the funds to schools. Use our Loan Calculator to determine the net disbursement amount you will receive. This tool is helpful if your goal is to borrow only what you need to cover a balance due.
If you are graduating in December, your loans will be prorated and we need to manually adjust your award, please contact us to assist you.
Please Note: If you are taking summer courses and would like to use financial aid, please visit the summer aid page for instructions
Video: How to Accept Your Loans
Text Instructions
- Log into your Student Self-Service Banner Account
- Select "Access Banner Services; Secure Area Login"
- Select the "Financial Aid" Tab then "Financial Aid Self Service"
- Click on the "Award Offer" tab at the top
- Scroll to the middle of the page to "Loans"
- The default setting is to split the total amount evenly between the two semesters. You can use the "Modify" button under "Take Action" to change the amount you would like each term.
- You must accept all of your subsidized loan offer before you can accept any unsubsidized loans.
- When finished please review your selections and click "Submit" at the bottom of the page.
Loan Entrance Counseling
If you are a new federal loan borrower at Rowan University you need to complete Loan Entrance Counseling as one of the two requirements for receiving your federal loans.
Master Promissory Note (MPN)
If you are a new federal loan borrower at Rowan University you need to complete the Master Promissory Note (MPN) as one of the two requirements for receiving your federal loans.
Responsible Borrowing
Understanding your student loans and creating a budget will help you mange your student loan debt. Even though you may be eligible for several types of aid, it is always important to only borrow what you need as there are lifetime limits to the amount of loans you can borrow.