Accommodated Testing FAQs for Faculty
Accommodated Testing FAQs for Faculty
Accommodated Testing Frequently Asked Questions for Faculty
Below are some of our most frequently asked questions (click each question to view our response). If your question is not answered below, please email us at so we can help!What are the student's responsibilities for accommodated testing?
- Discuss your Accommodation Letter with your professor to determine how Testing Accommodations will be used for the course.
- Make your appointments at least 5 business days in advance. Business days are Monday through Friday, excluding Saturday and Sunday. Any requests made after 4:30 PM will be processed on the next business day.
- Schedule your test in AIM for the same day and time as your class, without conflicting with another class.
- Notify the professor and Testing Services at least 5 business days in advance if your Testing Center appointment differs by more than 2 days from the class test date.
- Comply with all Rowan University and Testing Center policies regarding attendance, testing, and academic integrity.
What are the faculty member's responsibilities for accommodated testing?
- Support Accessibility Services, Testing Services, and Rowan University in fulfilling legal obligations under the ADA to accommodate students with disabilities.
- Meet with students with registered accommodations to decide if they will use the Testing Center on a test-by-test basis, for the entire course, or not at all.
- Upload the test into the AIM system using the link provided in the email test request by 12 PM (noon) the day before the scheduled testing appointment.
- Complete the proctoring instructions form in the test request link, including class time, allowed aids, special instructions, and test return preferences.
- Direct any questions or concerns about Testing Accommodations for each student to
What are the Testing Center's responsibilities?
- Provide a secure testing environment with trained proctors following ADA requirements.
- Safeguard tests before and after administration.
- Enforce Testing Center policies on electronics and report irregularities (e.g., academic integrity, disruptions, inappropriate behavior, and etc.).
- Oversee approved aids and adaptive technology in accordance with the student's registered accommodations and the professor's proctoring instructions.
- Return testing materials via the professor's preferred method.
What are the hours of the Testing Center?
Proctoring is available during the Fall and Spring semesters:
- Monday through Thursday: Appointments can be scheduled from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Testing Center closes at 7:00 PM).
- Friday: Appointments can be scheduled from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Testing Center closes at 4:00 PM).
During the Summer Session and Winter Break:
- Monday through Friday: Appointments can be scheduled from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Testing Center closes at 4:00 PM).
I just found out that a student wants to use the Testing Center but the test is in less than 5 days. What are my options?
It is your discretion whether to allow the student to take the test after the rest of the class. You can communicate your decision to the student and provide the test when requested by Testing Services.
If you choose not to allow the student to test after the rest of the class, inform them that they did not provide the required 5 days’ notice. In this case, they will take the test with the rest of the class without accommodations.
Why would the appointment for the student to take the test be scheduled for a different day and time the rest of the class is taking the test?
If the test day and time are similar (within a day or two), the extended time may conflict with another class the student is taking. This is considered a reasonable difference in testing time.
If the test day and time are substantially different (more than 2 days later), communicate with the student to understand why they are testing at a significantly different time.
What if I change the date of the test after the student has scheduled an appointment?
What happens if I don’t send the test to the Testing Center by 12:00 PM (noon) the business day prior to the date of the appointment?
What if the student is sick or needs to change the appointment for some other reason?
Although we administer the tests here in the Testing Center, we are not able to give students permission to change their appointments. We require that they email their professor to receive permission to change their appointment and then forward that email to us with their reschedule request. We will then work with the student to reschedule the appointment.
Does the Testing Center administer make-up tests?
We only administer make-up exams for students with registered accommodations through the Office of Accessibility Services.
What information do I need to provide for the Testing Center to proctor a test?
Time Limit
- How long does your class have to complete this assessment?
Extended Time Policy
- If the student does not complete the assessment within their allotted extended time, would you permit them to continue working past this time limit until they finish?
- Yes, I would allow the student to continue working beyond the extended time.
- No, I would not allow the student to continue working beyond the extended time.
Online Platform
- Is the test being administered via an online platform?
- No. (Upload testing materials via AIM.)
- Yes. (Provide the platform name and password if required.)
Allowable Aids
- What are the allowable aids for this assessment (e.g., laptop, tablet, calculator, notes)?
Special Instructions.
Are there any special instructions given to the class for this assessment?
Assessment Return Preferences.
How would you like the completed assessment returned to you?
- Scan and Email, and hold originals for pickup.
- Scan and Email, return originals by internal office mail (include department and building).
- Scan and Email, return originals by US Postal (include address).
- Hold originals for pickup.
- Online Assessment, no return needed.