Room Assignments

Room Assignments

Room Assignments

Students receive their room assignments through different processes depending on whether they are new students or continuing residents.

  • Continuing Students - Continuing students apply for housing for the next academic year during the spring semester. Detailed information about the application and room selection process, including important dates and deadlines is sent to every student via their Rowan University email account. 
  • Transfer Students - Transfer students who apply by June 2nd will be able to select their own room through the online MyHousing system during the month of June. Transfer students should begin to monitor their Rowan email account for information about this process once they have completed their application.  Transfer students who apply later or do not select a space during this process will be assigned by staff in the Office of Residential Learning and University Housing and receive a confirmation message in the Rowan University email. 
  • First-Year Students - New first-year students should apply for housing as soon as possible after submitting their admissions deposit but are strongly encouraged to apply by June 2nd. First-year students will have the opportunity to mutually match with another incoming first-year student to be their roommate. After submitting the application, additional information about first-year room assignments will be sent to the student's Rowan University email account during the summer.

ADA Accommodations

Students requiring disability-related accommodations affecting their housing must apply and submit supporting documentation to the Office of Accessibility Services. Their office will share with RLUH who is eligible for an accommodation. RLUH will work to identify an accommodating space based on what we have available. Please note, not all accommodations are guarenteed to be met. Questions about the process should be directed to the Office of Accessibility Services at 856-256-4259 or

E-Mail Communications Policy 

All communications regarding the housing assignments and room selection process will be sent to the student’s Rowan University e-mail address. It is the student’s responsibility to check this e-mail account regularly. Students are responsible for messages sent to this account including meeting deadlines and taking actions they are expected to take related to their housing.