How to Apply for Aid
How to Apply for Aid
How to Apply for Financial Aid
Steps to Apply for Aid
Create Your Account
Both the student and parent of dependent students are required to create a account (formerly known as your FSA ID). This is used for several aid-related tasks such as completing the FAFSA, signing loan documents, and borrowing Direct PLUS loans. Keep this account safe.
Students and parents should not share login information.
File Your FAFSA
Tips for Filing the FAFSA
- File your FAFSA early. The FAFSA application is typically available October 1st in advance of the upcoming school year and should be completed no later than April 15th.
- Add Rowan University's school code, 002609.
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Important Information for New Jersey Dreamers (DACA)
New Jersey Dreamers may be eligible for state aid funding. In lieu of the FAFSA, you will complete the New Jersey Alternative Application to see if you qualify. You can read more about eligibility for this program and additional required documents on our website.
Complete Verification
What is Verification?
Verification is a process that confirms the data you reported on your FAFSA is accurate. The Department of Education selects approximately 30% of processed applications for verification. If you are selected for verification you will be notified by our office via email. Please be sure to complete all requirements as quickly as possible to avoid delays in processing and finalizing your financial aid.
New Jersey Resident?
If you have been selected for state verification, you will need to submit documentation to HESAA directly. You can access your state verification requirements at
Need Help With Verification?
Review Your Award Offer
How do I access my award offer?
Incoming students can find their preliminary award offer in their College Financing Plan approximately 3 weeks after being accepted to Rowan University.
Understanding Your Award Offer
Current students will find their award offer in Self-Service Banner under the "Financial Aid" tab. Awards are available in mid-June prior to the start of a new academic year.
- Grants and scholarships are automatically accepted and applied toward your bill. If you wish to use your student loans, you need to accept them in the "Financial Aid" tab of Self-Service Banner.
Complete Loan Documents
The first time you borrow a federal loan at Rowan University you will be required to complete both loan entrance counseling as well as a loan agreement before the funds will disburse (pay) to your account.
What is loan counseling?
Loan counseling is an overview to help you understand your responsibilities regarding your loan. We will be notified electronically when you successfully complete loan counseling.
What is a loan agreement?
A loan agreement is commonly referred to as a Master Promissory Note (MPN). This is a legal document in which you promise to repay your loan(s) and any accrued interest and fees to the Department of Education.
Explore Additional Funding
If you still need additional funding to cover your bill or for other school-related expenses, there are many options available to you:
- Parents of dependent students can consider a Parent PLUS loan.
- Graduate students can apply for a Graduate PLUS loan.
- Many private banks and companies offer student loans. You can use any lender of your choice. You can click here for a resource to get you started on looking for, and comparing private student loan options.
- You can also enroll in a deferred payment plan with the Bursar's Office.

Summer Financial Aid
The summer semester is considered a “trailer” to the standard academic year. This means that summer acts as a third semester of the award year. As a result, you will only have remaining federal aid for the Summer term if you have not exhausted your aid eligibility.

New Jersey Dreamers: State Aid
The New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application allows undocumented students enrolled in eligible New Jersey colleges and universities to apply for state financial aid.