Garden State Guarantee

  • Garden State Guarantee

Garden State Guarantee

Garden State Guarantee

Signed into legislation in 2021, the Garden State Guarantee is a financial aid program that provides tuition assistance to eligible New Jersey students enrolled at Rowan University (or other 4-year public NJ universities). This program aims to cover (or reduce) the net cost of tuition and fees for eligible students.

Consideration for this program is easy and there is no separate application required! Submitting your FAFSA or NJ Alternative Application is the first step for us to review your eligibility for this award. 

This state grant program's availability and details are subject to change based on state budget and legislative decisions. Modifications may occur without prior notice.

Beginning with the Fall 2025, new Garden State Guarantee awards will only be available to students who meet the first tier AGI requirements:  $0 - $65,000. GSG awards for AGIs above this will only be available to those students who previously received an award and meet all other eligbility criteria.

Income Requirements

The amount of financial assistance available to students is based on the parent(s) AGI for dependent students or student/spouse income for independent students. The income-establishing eligibility will be based on the income reported on the FAFSA for the academic year in question.

Adjusted Gross Income Net Cost of Tuition & Fees*
$0-$65,000 $0
$65,001-$80,000 $7,500/year
$80,001-$100,000 $10,000/year

*The Garden State Guarantee (GSG) is a last-dollar program. When combined with all other grants and scholarships, it ensures the net cost of the tuition and fees correspond with the amounts listed on the chart above.  

Examples of how the Amount is Calculated


Student Eligibility Requirements

Students who meet the State’s criteria are eligible for the Garden State Guarantee:

  • Must be a New Jersey resident, including NJ Dream Act students.
  • Must complete the FAFSA and meet all state deadlines to have state aid eligibility determined. Failure to complete your state aid process jeopardizes your eligibility for this program too. Check your state aid status online at HESAA.
  • Enroll full-time (12+ credits each term). You can view additional information about enrollment requirements here. 
  • Must have earned at least 60 credits but not more than 127 credits. Once you have earned 128 credits, you are no longer eligible.
    • This includes transfer credits earned from a different institution, even if they will not count towards your current degree program.
    • Students with less than 60 credits should review the Rowan Opportunity Program.
  • Working toward your first bachelor's degree. 
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Additional Terms and Conditions

  • Full-time enrollment is required. Courses must be required by the student's declared degree program.
  • Funding is available for fall and spring semesters only.
  • There is no GPA requirement, but students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress to receive the award.
  • Will be awarded as a "last dollar" to cover tuition and fees after all federal grants, state aid, and institutional funding, have been applied. This award cannot be used to create a refund/credit balance.
  • Program and/or course specific fees are excluded from the funding calculations, such as: the Engineering Differential Fee; the Nursing School Differential Fee; the Educational Field Experience Fee; Student Health Insurance; Graduation Fee; specific lab or studio course fees, and miscellaneous Bursar billing fees.

Frequently Asked Questions