Spring 2025 Move In/Out
Spring 2025 Move In/Out
Spring 2025 Move In/Out
Welcome (back) to on-campus housing!
If you are moving IN for the spring semester, please see below for the specific check-in steps for your hall.
For all Nexus Buildings (114 Victoria, 57 Main, 230 Victoria, 223 High, or 220 Rowan Blvd): Please visit the front desk in 220 Rowan Blvd to complete your check-in. If you have Nexus Properties related inquiries, please contact the Nexus Properties staff at studentlife@nexusproperties.com or via phone at: 856-612-5417.
- For all other halls: Please visit the Housing Office in Savitz Hall to collect your key and complete your check-in. The housing office is open Monday-Friday between 8:30 AM and 8 PM.
If you have been approved to move OUT for the spring semester, please see below for the specific check-out steps for your hall. Please note that if you are not approved to move out, you will continue to be billed and your assignment will remain active:
To vacate a Nexus Space (114 Victoria, 57 Main, 230 Victoria, 223 High, or 220 Rowan Blvd): You will need to return your key & fob at the front desk in 220 Rowan Blvd. If you have Nexus Properties related inquiries, please contact the Nexus Properties staff at studentlife@nexusproperties.com or via phone at: 856-612-5417.
To vacate a Holly Pointe or RoBo space: As you are not turning in a key, you will need to email the Assignments Coordinator at smithlb@rowan.edu to let us know you've completed your move.
To vacate a Whitney, Edgewood, Townhouse, Magnolia, Chestnut, Willow, or Mimosa space: You will need to return your old room key at the RLUH Office in Savitz Hall by the move out deadline. The housing office is open Monday-Friday between 8:30 AM and 8 PM. Failure to return your key, or turn in your key late, will result in additional charges to your account.
For any questions or concerns, please contact our office:
1st Floor Savitz Hall | 856-256-4266 | housingquestions@rowan.edu