Furniture Details

Furniture Details

Descriptions of Standard Residential Furniture

Traditional Residence Hall Furniture:

Most of the traditional residence halls are furnished as double-occupancy rooms, though there are some exceptions where single-occupancy rooms are available. Additional details about those exceptions can be found below. Each double occupancy room includes one of each of the following items for each resident:

  • 5-drawer Dresser
  • Desk
  • Desk Chair
  • Wardrobe or Closet
  • Bed with twin XL mattress (80-in long twin sized)

Apartment Style Furniture:

There are several different styles of apartments offered within the University housing system. Regardless of how many bedrooms are included in a space, there are only single-occupancy or double-occupancy bedrooms within an apartment. Each bedroom includes one of each of the following items for every resident:

  • 5-drawer Dresser
  • Desk
  • Desk Chair
  • Wardrobe or Closet
  • Bed with twin XL mattress (80-in long twin sized)

Common area furnishings vary between different styles of apartments within the University housing system. Each living/dining room of an apartment is furnished with at least 1 of each of the following pieces of furniture:

  • Upholstered living room sofa
  • Upholstered living room armchair
  • End Table
  • Coffee Table
  • Dining table and chairs (enough for the number of residents assigned to the apartment)

Additional Furniture Details

  • All bedrooms and apartments are furnished with a standard set of University-provided furniture. No removal or customization of furniture within a living space is permitted without an approved accommodation request from the Office of Academic Success and Disability Resources. 
  • Twin XL Beds
    • Twin XL beds are characterized by longer dimensions than a standard twin bed. Twin XL beds are 80 inches in length and require Twin XL bed sheets to fit properly.
    • Larger-sized beds are not offered in University housing options.
    • All beds can be raised to a maximum height of 36 inches off the ground, allowing for about 32 inches of under-bed storage. A hammer or rubber mallet is sometimes necessary to take apart and reassemble the beds. Bed loft kits and bunk beds are not available. Store-bought bed risers, which are used properly as designed, are permitted. Makeshift materials such as cinder blocks to raise the height of the bed are not permitted. 
  • Standard dimensions of bedroom furniture (all buildings except Holly Pointe Commons)
    • 5-drawer dresser: 30”W x 24”D x 45”H
    • Desk: 42”W x 24”D x 45”H
    • Wardrobe (includes clothes hanging section with two bottom storage drawers): 32”W x 24”D x 72” H. Wardrobes are standard furniture for any room without a built-in closet.
    • Twin XL bed: 80”W x 36”D x 36”H. At its highest setting the maximum amount of storage space under a bed is 32” up from the floor. 
  • Standard dimensions of bedroom furniture for Holly Pointe Commons
    • 2 two-drawer stackable dressers
      • Unstacked (designed to slide under bed): 30”W x 18”D x 20”H
      • Stacked: 30”W x 18”D x 40”H
    • Table Desk without drawers: 42”W x 24” D x 30” H
    • Wardrobe: 32”W x 24”D x 65”H
    • Twin XL bed: 80”W x 36”D x 36”H. At its highest setting the maximum amount of storage space under a bed is 32” up from the floor. 
  • What’s included in a single occupancy room (Does not include Nexus Apts or Holly Pointe Commons)?
    • A single occupancy room contains 1 standard set of furniture.
      • Twin XL bed
      • 5-drawer dresser
      • student desk
      • student desk chair
      • Wardrobe or built-in closet


New Jersey State Fire Code Regulations Pertaining to Furniture Arrangement:

  • All furniture items must be at least 18 inches from the sprinkler head(s) located on the upper portion of the walls in each room.
  • Furniture may not obstruct the doorway of a student’s room. Furniture placement must allow for the door to open completely.
  • Prior to the beginning of the Fall semester, all University provided furniture is arranged in a format compliant with New Jersey State Fire Code regulations in a standard formation.