Teaching Ideas & Tips
Teaching Ideas & Tips
Teaching Ideas & Tips
Under each of these categories are articles covering ideas & tips to improve in teaching and learning:
Preparing a Course
- Preparing A Course - Summarized from Davis, Barbara Gross, “Tools for Teaching.” San Francisco Jossey-Bass.
- Tips for Faculty Teaching for the First Time - Advice and resources for faculty encountering their first teaching experience from the Center for Teaching and Learning, Washington University
- Enhanced Course Workload Estimator 2.0 - from Center for the Advancement of Teaching at Wake Forest
- The UDL Guidelines - "The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn."
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL) from Office of Accessibility Services at Rowan
- Copyright - This a Libguide to resources on copyright for the Rowan community
- Checklist For Conducting A Fair Use Analysis Before Using Copyrighted Materials from Cornell Univeersity Libraries- this will help you to determine if you can use copyrighted materials in your course within the limits of fair use under U.S. copyright law (Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act).
- Fair Use Checklist - from Columbia University Libraries
- Guide to the TEACH Act - from University System of Georgia
- Using Third Party Materials in Online Courses - Penn Libraries, University of Pennsylvania
Designing a Syllabus
- Rowan Syllabus Policy - check for "must have" syllabus content
- Rowan Recommended Syllabus Statements
- Rowan Generative Artificial Intelligence suggestions
- Rowan Faculty Center Syllabus Check List - an extensive list of suggestions
- Suggestions for Preparing an Effective Syllabus by Frances Johnson
- Accessible Syllabus - Accessible classroom resources promote student engagement and agency that covers images, text, rhetoric, and policy
Promoting Academic Integrity
Professors have an important responsibility to build a culture of trust and honesty in the classroom to support academic integrity. Learn what you need to know to create this environment, about violations, how to prevent violations, and what to do if you suspect a student of a violation. The articles and teaching tools on the Academic Integrity Teaching Resources page will help your students gain the skills they’ll need in school and in the workplace.
Beginning the Semester
- Building Trust with Students—Even Before Class Starts: How to Promote Psychological Safety in Your Classroom by Alicia Burns, January 7, 2022
- 101 Things You Can Do in the First Three Weeks of Class by Joyce Povlacs Lunde from University of Nebraska–Lincoln Office of Graduate Studies
- Tips for Learning Students' Names - From Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation at Carnegie Mellon University
- Engaging Students on the First Day and Every Day: 7 Strategies for Connecting in the Classroom by Michael Roberto, April 9, 2021
- Setting Expectations - Developing expectations, or a code of conduct, with the class helps to foster community by balancing the learning needs of the individual with those of the group (Center for Teaching Innovation at Cornell University)
- Icebreakers That Rock - Cult of Pedagogy, Jennifer Gonzalez, January 2015
- 60 Awesome Icebreakers for Orientation and Beyond by Lindsey Velde, Modern Campus, January 2, 2023
- 25 Classroom Icebreakers For College Professors [Plus: Free List of 50 Icebreakers]
A roundup of the best classroom icebreakers to help students connect and collaborate in any course from TopHat, March 30, 2021
Inclusive Teaching
Inclusive Teaching Resource
This tool was developed by members of the Rowan University's SPC3 committee on Promoting and Supporting Inclusive Teaching, Scholarship, and Professional Development.
This tool was developed by members of the Rowan University's SPC3 committee on Promoting and Supporting Inclusive Teaching, Scholarship, and Professional Development.
Holding Office Hours
- Virtual Office Hours - Supplementing in-person office hours with online office hours can help extend the learning environment and make you more accessible to your students (Columbia CTL)
- Why I Require Office Hours Visits by Zachary Nowak, December 14, 2021
Communicating in the Classroom
- The 7 Rules Of Handling Difficult Students by Michael Linsin, Smart Classroom Management
- 9 Strategies for Getting More Students to Talk - A state Teacher of the Year shares her techniques for increasing the number of students who talk and share their ideas in class by Rosie Reid, Edutopia, April 25, 2019
- Maximize the Impact and Comprehension of Your Presentations - from the Institute for the Biology of Stem Cell at UC Santa Cruz
- Recognizing Microaggressions and the Messages They Send pdf - Adapted from Sue, Derald Wing, Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation, Wiley & Sons, 2010.
- Pecha Kucha, an alternative format for presentations - The basic format is 20 slides/images, 20 seconds per slide/image (so, just under 7 minutes per presentation)
Using Discussions
- Effective Class Discussions - Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning
- Effective Online Discussion Questions - Teaching and Learning Resource Center at Ohio State
- 5 Strategies for Effective Discussion Questions by Alyssa Moon on July 27, 2018
Engaging and Interactive Classrooms
- The K. Patricia Cross Academy Videos - provides 50 short videos on various teaching techniques that are practical to use and address many dimensions of learning.
- Increasing Student Motivation & Participation - Center for Teaching Innovation at Cornell University
- 50 Alternatives to Lecture - Alexandra M. Pickett, Associate Director, SUNY Learning Network
- From Teaching With Your Mouth Shut - by Donald L. Finkel, "Teaching with Your Mouth Shut" can also be read online and/or download as an ebook
- Interactive Lecture Strategies - Rutgers Digital Classroom Services
- 289 Interactive Techniques - great pdf to save when you want something new
- Problem-Based Learning - Center for Teaching Innovation at Cornell University
Using Group Activities
- Using Group Projects Effectively - Eberly Center Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation
- Implementing Group Work in the Classroom - Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo
Conferencing using Video
- How to Reduce Eyeglass Glare on Zoom - Here are some proven tips to avoid excessive glare on your glasses when on Zoom. (Rosemary Ravinal, March 29, 2021)
- Ten Tips to Look Your Best on Video Conferences (Rosemary Ravinal, April 8, 2020)
- How To Look Your Best On A Webcam Video Call - (2020, The Slanted Lens, YouTube 10:59) Learn the do's and don'ts of how to light your video Zoom, FaceTime or Skype calls. He does promote some products.https://theartofeducation.edu/2020/12/what-you-need-to-understand-about-generation-z-students/
Knowing Your Students
- Culture of the Community - this section from the Rowan Inclusive Teaching Resources features strategies meant to support a diverse and flourishing classroom community, intentionally structured to support well being and belonging for all students.
- When to Tell Your Rowan Students about Disability Resources - helpful infographic from Academic Success. Some students qualitfy for temporary accommodations.
- Three Statistics that Will Change the Way You Think about Generation Z - Podcast by Tim Elmore, Growing Leaders
- 5 Things to Avoid Saying to Students Suffering from Anxiety - Christine Ravesi-Weinstein M.Ed., eSchool News, March 14, 2019
- 5 Things to Say to Students Suffering from Anxiety - Christine Ravesi-Weinstein M.Ed., eSchool News, March 15, 2019
- What You Need to Understand About Generation Z Students - Abby Schukei, The Art of Education University, December 14, 2020
- The First Day Of A New Semester...as Told by an Extremely Anxious Student - by Betty Crocker, Eastern Connecticut State University, January 18, 2017, Podcast 4:00
Managing Your Classroom
- The Beginning and End of Class - two of the most important moments of class time. From the Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning
- The Five Minutes BEFORE Class Begins - creating the right atmosphere to prepare your students for the class that is about to begin. (Steve Volk, October 12, 2018)
- Small Changes in Teaching: The Minutes Before Class - 3 simple ways you can set up the day’s learning before the metaphorical bell rings (By James M. Lang, November 15, 2015)
- The 5 Second Solution for a Talkative Class - YouTube (3:24), Cult of Pedagogy
- Emergency Guide for Rowan Faculty and Staff: Helping Students in Difficulty - Counseling & Psychological Services (CPS) have developed this informational guide to assist faculty, staff, and the university community when dealing with troubled and/or troubling students.
- Emergency Preparedness Quick Reference Guide for Rowan Faculty & Staff (pdf)
- Small Changes in Teaching: Last 5 Minutes of Class - Don’t waste them trying to cram in eight more points or call out as many reminders as possible (By James M. Lang, March 7, 2016)
- Eight seconds of silence that will transform your teaching - (Teaching in Higher Ed podcast (27:51) with Dave and Bonnie Stachowiak, July 17, 2014)
- Inclusive Teaching Practices - the Rowan Inclusive Teaching Resource offers a wide range of recommended strategies for inclusive and equitable pedagogy with a focus on student agency and input. Covering the following topics: Student Engagement, Student Agency, Valuing Student Input and Voice, Growth Mindset, and Reduce Barriers
Assessing for Learning
- Assessment - This section of the Inclusive Teaching Resource offers strategies to integrate equity into your evaluation, grading, and assessment practices. While not every strategy will work in every teaching and learning context, we offer ideas like transparency and centering learning that are adaptable in any classroom.
- Alternatives to Traditional Testing - UC Berkeley Center for Teaching and Learning
- 50 CATS by Angelo and Cross: Techniques for Assessing Course-Related Knowledge & Skills pdf
- Examples of Classroom Assessment Techniques - some of the more commonly known techniques (Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, Northern Illinois University)
- Practical Guide to Assessment - Dr. Brophy presents a series of short videos on assessment topics that are designed for faculty at the University of Florida and all who teach in higher education.
Grading Strategies
- Fast and Equitable Grading - general strategies to save time from the Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo
- A Better Way to Assess Discussions - a group grade for whole class (ASCD, Alexis Wiggins, April 1, 2020)
- How to Grade Discussion Boards Efficiently and Get Even Better Conversation from Students
- - by Rebecca Barrett-Fox
- The Problem with Grading - When it comes to how we show what students know, do traditional grading practices deserve an F?
- Final Grade Calculator - for students
Alternative Grading Methods
- Beyond “the Grade”: Alternative Approaches to Assessment - specifications grading, contract grading, mastery grading, and ungrading (Bok Center at Harvard)
- Alternative Grading Methods: How do we determine the grade a student receives in a course? - specifications (“specs”) grading, ungrading (Eberly Center Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation)
- To help new students adapt, some colleges are eliminating grades - focus on learning, not grades (NPR, March 26, 2023 by Jon Marcus from Hechinger Report
- What is Ungrading? - by Amy Kenyon, September 21, 2022, Duke Learning Innovation and Lifetime Education
Performance Criteria
- Using Rubrics - This article covers: 1) Why use rubrics? 2) How can you develop a rubric? 3) How can you incorporate rubrics in a course? 4) Online Rubric Resources from the Center for Teaching Innovation at Cornell University
- Rubric for Assessing Student Participation from Ting Chang at Eberly Center Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation
- QuickRubric - a tool to help create rubrics
- Performance Criteria - examples of rubrics and rating scales for different situations created by faculty at Carnegie Mellon
Giving and Receiving Feedback
- Receiving and Giving Effective Feedback from the Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo
- Essential Guide for Giving and Receiving Feedback - key points to think about when both receiving and giving feedback, which can be applied to a wide range of situations by Dom Barnard, February 15, 2021
- Giving Effective Feedback - This resource gives three important questions to think about when composing feedback, followed by some ideas for effective face-to-face feedback (Centre for Teaching and Learning at Oxford University)
- 5 Research-Based Tips for Providing Students with Meaningful Feedback by Marianne Stenger
August 6, 2014, Edutopia
Feedback is different from grading:
- Feedback is a formative assessment tool that uses descriptive, constructive, and nonjudgmental language.
- Evaluation is a summative assessment tool that judges outcomes and allows for comparison against a standard of performance.
- Providing iterative feedback is preferable as this gives the recipients the opportunity to improve before taking part in the next activity and before a formal evaluation.
- Effective feedback is achieved by setting up a positive interpersonal relationship between the person providing feedback and the recipient, as this creates an environment that fosters development
Getting Feedback on Your Teaching
- Rowan Mid Semester Focus - The MSF on teaching and learning is a mid-semester evaluation technique that provides instructors with rich and meaningful feedback from their students regarding the learning environment in a course. The process is entirely voluntary and data confidential. This process is conducted by members of the Faculty Center MSF team.
- Conducting a Mid-Semester Check-In - how to conduct your own mod-semester check-in from the Center for Teaching & Learning at UC Berkeley
- Rowan Informal Student Assessment Tools - Rowan offers two different informal student assessment tools. Use these to obtain feedback from your students. These tools are from Anthology, the same company that offers the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction, but you can use these tools whether or not you use the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction. Even those whose department is not participating in the IDEA SRI can use these tools. You will need to have a section in the active semester.
- 5 Strategies to Manage the Hurt of Student Evaluations - by Diane Rubino, Adjunct Faculty, New York University, Community College of NY, and Fulbright Specialist
Assessing Your Teaching
- Assessing Your Own Teaching Effectiveness (pdf) - check list with methods from BCIT Learning and Teaching Centre
- Reflective Practice - ideas from DePaul University Center for Teaching and Learning
- Sample Self-Assessment Tools - complied by the University of Pittsburgh Center for Teaching and Learning
Ending the Semester
- Last Day of Class - list of ideas to end your semester with a "bang" from the Center for Teaching & Learning at UC Berkeley
- Making You Next Semester Easier - ideas from the Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning at George Mason University
Managing Time
- Time Management Tips & Strategies
- - These are strategies used by Frances S. Johnson, Ph.D. in her life/work that she have found to be especially helpful. Certainly, everyone has different strengths and needs, but you may find that some of these tips are useful for you.
- This productivity expert’s ‘five sentence rule’ can help you cut your email time in half
- - by Courtney Connley, Oct 17 2018
Supporting Students
- 9 Awesome Study Tips for College Students
- AcademicTips.org - resource for students filled with college study tips, tricks, skills and guides to help them manage their time, take better notes, study more effectively, improve memory, take tests, and handle the stresses of college life.
- How Faculty can Support Student Mental Health - from Inside Higher Ed, July 7, 2021
- Student Support & Well-Being Resources from the Rowan Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
- Rowan Center for Well-Being
Updated 2/26/25