Events for Faculty
On-going ~ March ~ April ~ May
Date, time, location,
Title and Description |
Facilitators and Sponsors |
On-going |
The Faculty Center Presents:
Rowan University Libraries workshopsCover various topics related to inquiry, learning, research, and creativity. All workshops are free and open to students, staff, and faculty, and most are open to the public. Use the Workshop Calendar's search filters to view workshops by category or audience. For more information on library workshops visit our Workshops LibGuide. |
Every Friday 12:30 - 1:30 pm |
Lunch & Learn: Exploring Neurodiversity & AccessibilityA welcoming space for all faculty and staff to attend, ask questions and get more information on Neurodiversity and Accessibility at Rowan!
Mondays 1/27 – 5/5 9:00-11:00 James Hall 3012 (Conference Room)
RU WritingAll Rowan faculty & librarians are invited to join these 2-hour, hybrid sessions devoted to protected writing time. We encourage you to register via this brief Google form to establish a schedule to support your writing (but even if you don’t you can still drop in and write during any of these sessions). Perk: If you register, we will send calendar invitations to you! |
Facilitators: Sponsor: |
Wednesdays 1/29 - 5/7 9:00-11:00 James Hall 3012 (Conference Room) |
RU WritingAll Rowan faculty & librarians are invited to join these 2-hour, hybrid sessions devoted to protected writing time. We encourage you to register via this brief Google form to establish a schedule to support your writing (but even if you don’t you can still drop in and write during any of these sessions). Perk: If you register, we will send calendar invitations to you!
Facilitator: Sponsor: |
January 27-May 5 Every Monday from 11:00-12:00 James 3092 |
Drop-in Research ConsultationsAsh Lierman, Education Librarian, will provide research support for all faculty and graduate students. Please feel free to drop in for a research consultation with Ash.
Facilitator: Sponsor: |
PD Opportunities from Montclair State UniversityThe Office for Faculty Excellence at Montclair State University offers multiple workshops that are free and open to the public. Most are online. |
March |
Tuesday, March 4 4:30-5:30 pm Zoom |
Using Canvas to Support Face-to-Face Instruction Series:Session 5: "Managing Group Projects & Activities through Canvas"In this interactive Zoom hour workshop, discover ways you can use Canvas in your face-to-face classes for “group-worthy” activities and the best practices involved.
Facilitator: Sponsors: |
Every other Wednesday, starting March 12th (3/12, 3/26, 4/9, 4/23, and 5/7) Zoom |
Workshop Series: Practical LaTeX for Academic Writing & TeachingA virtual, hands-on workshop series to help faculty, librarians, and graduate students learn how to use LaTeX to create documents that look as professional as they read. LaTeX provides the tools to format everything from complex equations to well-organized text – whether math-heavy manuscripts, technical reports, structured essays, syllabi, or assignments. Topics:Week 1 – Getting Started with LaTeX This virtual workshop series is open to everyone—no prior experience needed! |
Facilitator: Sponsors:
Monday, March 17th - Friday, March 21st James Hall
2025 Spring Break Writing RetreatThe purpose of this retreat is to provide faculty and librarians with expectations for producing scholarly and creative activity with space, time, and sustenance as they work on a scholarly or creative project. The retreat will be held during spring break in 3 different timeframes (2 days, 3 days, and 5 days). Space is limited and priority will be given to tenure-track (untenured) faculty and librarians, but all full-time faculty are welcome and encouraged to apply.
Decisions will be made and notifications sent out on or before February 20th. |
Sponsor: Provost's Office & Faculty Center |
Tuesday, March 25 4:30-5:30 pm Zoom
Using Canvas to Support Face-to-Face Instruction Series:Session 6: “Using Canvas Speedgrader and Feedback with Face-to-Face Classes”The sixth session will cover why faculty should use Canvas Speedgrader and feedback in their face-to-face classes and the best practices involved. |
Facilitator: Sponsors: |
Friday, March 28 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Business Hall room 104 Please register by Friday, March 21st, 2025.
RTC Mini-Conference Spring 2025Great Ideas for Teaching Students (GIFTS) Mini-ConferenceThe conference will provide faculty and graduate students with opportunities to engage in in-house professional development and conversations around high-impact teaching strategies. In addition to providing faculty and graduate students with opportunities to learn from the successes of their colleagues, it provides opportunities for faculty and graduate students to present professionally. Light breakfast refreshments will be provided from 8:45-9:00. |
Facilitated by the Rowan Teaching Connection (RTC) Sponsored by the Faculty Center |
April |
Tuesday, April 1 9:30-10:30 am or Wednesday, April 2 12:30-1:30 pm Choose a date and register by March 31 to receive the workshop materials. |
Growth Mindset for Students Series:Session 1: How Can I Reach and Teach Struggling Students?For teachers whose students are struggling to keep up with course content, pace, and assignments. Effective strategies for engaging students, assessing progress and comprehension, and promoting a growth mindset. |
Facilitator: Sponsors: |
Tuesday, April 1 4:30-5:30 pm Zoom
Using Canvas to Support Face-to-Face Instruction Series: Session 7: “Using the Canvas Gradebook & Analytics with Face-to-Face Classes” The seventh session will cover why faculty should use Canvas Gradebook and New Analytics with their face-to-face classes and the best practices involved. |
Facilitator: Sponsors:
Thursday, April 3 2:30pm ET Zoom |
Activating Annotation in Your LMSHow instructors are using collaborative annotation to help students develop foundational academic skills like deep reading and critical thinking. In addition to sharing pedagogical best practices for social annotation, we will demonstrate how Hypothesis is used with course readings in your learning management system (LMS). Participants will gain a clear understanding of how to start incorporating social annotation into their courses to improve student outcomes. (Free for Rowan) |
Sponsors: Hypothesis |
Tuesday, April 8 9:30-10:30 am or Wednesday, April 9 12:30-1:30 pm Choose a date and register by April 7 to receive the workshop materials. |
Growth Mindset for Students Series:Session 2: How Can I Encourage the Growth Mindset with Three Simple Tips?Discover how to build a foundation for your students, helping them understand that there is such a thing as a growth mindset, and demonstrating for them what it is and how it works.
Facilitator: Sponsors: |
April 9-10 12:00-3:00 pm Zoom Register (free) |
AnnotatED 2025 Virtual Conference: Empowering Learning through Social AnnotationFor educators, administrators, & innovators passionate about enhancing learning through social annotation. List of sessions. |
Sponsors: Hypothesis |
Thursday, April 10 2:30pm ET Zoom |
Annotate Your SyllabusAsking your class to annotate the syllabus allows you to introduce students to social annotation in a low-stakes way. Even better, you’re providing students with an opportunity to engage with the syllabus, to share ideas and to ask questions about the course in a way that sets the tone for engagement throughout the term. In this workshop, the Hypothesis team will review ideas and guidance for the collaborative syllabus annotation assignment. Participants can expect to come away from this session with a clear idea about how they can start incorporating collaborative annotation into their courses to improve student success. (Free for Rowan) |
Sponsors: Hypothesis |
Tuesday, April 15 9:30-10:30 am or Wednesday, April 16 12:30-1:30 pm Choose a date and register by April 14 to receive the workshop materials. |
Growth Mindset for Students Series:Session 3: How Can I Help Students See that Sweat (Working Hard and Smart) is Key to Their Success?Discover techniques for getting students to work smarter, not just harder. This program covers questions of metacognition, the value of low-stakes feedback, and innovative ways that tests and quizzes can drive students to make more neural connections and increase long-term retention. |
Facilitator: Sponsors:
Tuesday, April 22 9:30-10:30 am or Wednesday, April 23 12:30-1:30 pm Choose a date and register by April 21 to receive the workshop materials. |
Growth Mindset for Students Series:Session 4: What is Gamification and How Can it Promote a Growth Mindset?Gamification uses gaming elements and mechanics in a nongame context—and it’s really simple to implement if you know where to start.
Facilitator: Sponsors: |
Updated 3/21/25