Canvas Course Share
Canvas Course Share
Canvas Course Share
The Faculty Center and members of the Rowan Writing Arts Department hosted the to "Canvas Course Share” on Monday, August 9 at 1:00 PM ET. A panel of four faculty members who were recommended by students for their organization and ease of use in Canvas shared how they set up their courses in Canvas. The event was hosted by Jude Miller (Writing Arts). The panel was comprised of:
- Tiffany DeRewal (Writing Arts): Google Docs for overviews and use of discussions
- Josh Gedacht (History): weighted assignments and pages in Canvas for overviews
- Vanessa Bond (Music Education): module setup and announcements
- Allison Kelly (Chemistry): quizzes/exams
Documents created by Amanda Haruch, Jaclyn Partyka, and Michael Fisher of the Writing Arts Department for the event:
Unfortunately, the recording was lost, however, a Summary/Notes document was created from the event.
Updated 11/10/21
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