Teaching Resources
Teaching Resources
Teaching Resources
After years of gathering information, reading related research and attending professional development and teaching conferences, the Faculty Center has acquired a number outstanding resources. We have provided that information here organized by topic area, take a look to see what you find!
Great Teaching is Inclusive and Equitable
Great Teaching is Inclusive and Equitable
At Rowan University, we believe that great teaching attends to students' needs through inclusive teaching strategies that strive toward equitable learning outcomes for all students. This page offers a variety of resources for our faculty to learn more inclusive and equitable practices in teaching.
Academic Integrity Teaching Resources
Academic Integrity Teaching Resources
Professors have an important responsibility to build a culture of trust and honesty in the classroom to support academic integrity. Learn what you need to know to create this environment, about violations, how to prevent violations, and what to do if you suspect a student of a violation. These teaching tools will help your students gain the skills they’ll need in school and in the workplace.Generative Artificial Intelligence and Teaching
Generative Artificial Intelligence and Teaching
This page provides the University Senate Generative AI Task Force's recommendations and suggestions along with teaching resources.Teaching Ideas & Tips
Teaching Ideas & Tips
The resources that have been gathered on this page are ideas and tips to assist in improving the learning in your classes.Student Support & Well-being Resources
Student Support & Well-being Resources
Since student support and well-being is essential to their success in the classroom, this resource shares presentations and resources for faculty and students.Canvas Resources
Canvas is the Learning Management System (LMS) used at Rowan
The following resources will provide assistance with setting up your Canvas course and using it as a teaching tool:
- Canvas Course Share - compiled by the Rowan Writing Arts Department
- Self-paced Canvas Course - Developed to help familiarize you with Canvas, Rowan’s Learning Management System (LMS), and help increase your comfort and confidence with the tool, Rowan Online adapted a number of sources to create this self-paced course.
- Instructure Community - Canvas LMS - provded by the makers of Canvas
- Using Canvas to Support Face-to-Face Instruction - a workshop series offered by the Faculty Center
Teaching Technology Resources for Faculty
Teaching Technology Resources for Faculty
This resource is to inform you of technology tools that you could incorporate into your courses. If you need assistance with these tools and ideas to use them, please contact our Educational Technologist, Carla Sbrana (sbrana@rowan.edu).Informal Student Assessment Tools
Informal Student Assessment Tools
Rowan offers two different informal student assessment tools. Use these to obtain feedback from your students. These tools are from Anthology, the same company that offers the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction, but you can use these tools whether or not you use the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction. Even those whose department is not participating in the IDEA SRI can use these tools. You will need to have a section in the active semester.
Rowan Instructional Continuity Plan
Rowan Instructional Continuity Plan
This web page contains resources for Rowan University faculty in the event that classroom instruction is disrupted. It has been developed by The Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in collaboration with the Division of Information, Resources and Technology and has been endorsed by the President’s Office.Possible reasons for instruction to be disrupted include:
- Inclement weather
- Personal illness of instructor
- Unsafe conditions on campus
- Pandemic illness
- Natural disaster
Lending Library
Lending Library
Feel free to borrow any of our books. Our Lending Library has resources on the following subjects: Assessment, Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning, Publication, Rowan Seminar/First Year Experience and Service Learning. We are always adding to our library.