ADD Policies & Procedures

ADD Policies & Procedures

University Policies

ADD students are expected to adhere to the same Rowan University policies as all other students. As such, all ADD students are expected to:

  • Abide by the Student Code of Conduct.
    • Disciplinary or academic sanctions may extend a student’s graduation timeline.
  • Check their official Rowan email account frequently.
  • Review and understand Rowan University’s NJ Residency for Tuition Purposes
  • Acknowledge the tuition and fees generated by their registration, and pay in full by the deadline for each term.
  • Apply to graduate by the appropriate deadline, based on expected graduation term.

In addition, all students in an ADD program are expected to adhere to the ADD-specific policies and procedures as outlined below:

ADD Level Matriculation

  • Students must complete, and their advisor must submit to the Office of the University Registrar, an ADD Student Agreement and Confirmation Form in order to be officially matriculated into and properly coded for an ADD.
  • A student may not enter an ADD through a “Change of Major” form/request.
  • Admission to the undergraduate portion of an ADD does not necessarily guarantee admission to the graduate program.
  • Students must complete all requirements of their undergraduate program before they can be admitted to the graduate portion of their program.
  • In order to move to the graduate portion of the ADD, students must work with their advisors to complete and submit to the Office of the University Registrar, an ADD Transition Form once all undergraduate program requirements have been met and the student has submitted a graduation application for their undergraduate program(s).
    • By signing this form, the student accepts the offer of graduate admission to the ADD, if approved by all required advisors.
    • This form will not be processed if a graduation application for the undergraduate program(s) has not been submitted. 

Advising & Registration

  • ADD students are expected to meet with their ADD advisor(s) at least once per semester to ensure adherence to appropriate course/program sequences.
    • Students in double-discipline ADDs should meet with advisors for both disciplines throughout the course of their program.
  • Students may self-register for undergraduate courses online, via Self-Service Banner.
  • During the senior year, ADD students should work with their advisor(s) to choose appropriate graduate-level coursework.
  • Students will not able to be self-register for graduate-level coursework and must be manually registered by the Office of the University Registrar, per advisor’s request.
  • Students in an ADD cannot also use Senior Privilege to take additional graduate coursework as an undergraduate student above the 12 graduate credits (or otherwise, as determined by the specific ADD agreement) permitted as part of the ADD.
  • After undergraduate program completion and matriculation into the graduate portion of the ADD, students may self-register for graduate courses online, via Self-Service Banner.
  • Students are expected to make all registration changes (adds/drops/withdrawals) each term following the appropriate deadlines, as determined by the part of terms for their courses, or they will be responsible for the charges incurred.

Billing, Financial Aid, & Grants

  • All ADD students will be billed based on the tuition rates as determined by their specific ADD coding. Refer to ADD Program Guide for specifics.
  • ADD students should complete the undergraduate FAFSA until formally admitted to the graduate portion of their program. At that point, students should submit the FAFSA for the graduate level.
  • ADD students must abide by all institutional, state, and federal financial aid requirements and deadlines.
  • Students can only receive undergraduate aid when enrolled as an undergraduate student – aid options will likely change when a student is admitted to the graduate program.
  • Be advised that federal regulations prohibit Title IV financial aid for certain programs (see
  • Students in education ADDs will not be considered education majors until they are active in the graduate major – this may impact financial aid and grants.

Graduate Credit Transfer

  • Students in an ADD may take up to 12 graduate credits (or otherwise, as determined by their specific ADD agreement) while still in the undergraduate portion of their program, and count those credits toward both their undergraduate and graduate programs.
  • Once grades for the final undergraduate term are finalized, students should work with their advisors to complete and submit an ADD Transition Form to the Office of the University Registrar in order to request the transfer of graduate credits, taken while an undergraduate, to the graduate record/transcript.
  • ADD students must earn at least a “B” grade in the graduate courses completed as an undergraduate in order for the courses to transfer to the graduate program and record.
  • The graduate credits completed as an undergraduate student will transfer to the graduate program, but the grades will not. Only the graduate courses completed while enrolled as a graduate student will count toward the graduate GPA.

Degree Conferral

  • Unless otherwise directed, students should apply twice for ADD graduation -- once for the term they expect to complete all undergraduate program requirements, and then again for the term they expect to complete all graduate program requirements.
    • Prior to the Spring 2021 term, ADD students were awarded both their undergraduate and graduate degrees at one time, at the end of the entire ADD. 
  • Although ADD students apply twice for graduation (undergraduate, and then graduate level), they will pay only one graduation fee.
  • Participating in the annual Commencement Ceremony is optional: students may choose to participate when they complete their undergraduate requirements, when they finish their graduate program, and may participate in one, both, or neither ceremony.
    • Participating in the Commencement Ceremony does not mean that a student has graduated; in order to graduate, a student must fill out the graduation application by the deadline and be approved by their advisor(s).
  • Failure to submit the graduation application by the deadline may delay the student’s graduation until the next term.


  • An ADD student who no longer wishes to complete their ADD must inform their advisor(s) immediately to request that the University Registrar update the student’s record to reflect a traditional, undergraduate program.
  • If an ADD student is not admitted to the graduate portion of their ADD for any reason, the student should work with their advisor(s) to develop a plan of action and request that the University Registrar update the student’s record to reflect an appropriate non-ADD program.
  • Any ADD student that fails to comply with both the academic and administrative requirements for their specific ADD and/or fails to meet any/all requirements within the specified timeframes, may not be able to start and/or continue in their selected ADD.