News and Updates
News and Updates - Prior Calendar Years
January Chat with Travel Sessions & Travel on Pcard
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in January. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Thursday, January 11th and Tuesday, January 23rd -
A member of the Procurement team will be available during January’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Updates to Travel Policy
Accounts Payable is pleased to announce that we have made some updates to our Travel Policy in hopes of alleviating some of the burden users face when processing travel expenses.
Note the following changes effective immediately:
- No receipt is required for any expenses $35 and under on an expense report
- NJ Sales Tax is reimbursable
- Premium economy for airfare is reimbursable
- Travel on Acela trains is permitted when it is the most economical
- Early bird check in fees for hotels are permitted when necessary
- Trip cancellation insurance is permitted
You can reference the full updated policy under University Policies.
We strongly encourage users to utilize our Expense Report Tip Sheet when completing expense reports. Accounts Payable utilized the most common errors to create this tip sheet.
Please visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements as well as visit our News and Updates Webpage to see upcoming Chat with Travel dates.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Independent Contractor Process Updates
The OC&P and Human Resources have finalized the policy regarding changes to the Independent Contractor process.
Please review the updated webpage that includes an outline of the new process, forms, database, and power point that we will be presenting during the online training on Thursday, December 7, 2023, at 1:00 pm. You can register for the Ask a Buyer Presentation here.
The biggest visible change will be to the Vendor Portal where you will submit the IC Determination Form in lieu of emailing it to Determinations will be routed internally, and you will be notified of the status by OC&P.
Changes to the Vendor Portal will go live on Monday, November 20, 2023, but you are free to use the new process immediately.
Thanks for your patience and support,
November and December Chat with Travel Sessions
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in October. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Tuesday, November 28th -
- Thursday, December 7th and Tuesday, December 19th -
A member of the Procurement team will be available during October’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios and No Room Upgrade/Early Bird Check-In Fees
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class, No Travel Insurance, & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class or Acela
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Retiring Banner Finance forms on 10-31-2023
The Banner Finance forms that have been replaced by the upgraded My Finance dashboard in Self-Service Banner will be retired as of Tuesday, October 31.
All Banner Finance users must use the My Finance dashboard to complete necessary tasks as of that date. If you have not already, review the relevant training materials for the new dashboard on the IRT website.
The Division of Finance will be inviting employees to attend sessions later this fiscal year to gain more hands-on experience and address any questions you may have about the new dashboard.
If you have any technical questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400, or submit a ticket in the Rowan Support Portal. You can also get answers to common questions in our Knowledge Base and our chatbot, Ask Susan, at any time.
Contact Information:
Technology Support Center
*NEW* Non-Employee Travel Forms
Accounts Payable would like to announce that we have updated our travel forms for Non-Employees.
All Non-Employees, with the exception of candidates and guest speakers, require pre-approval when traveling overnight. Pre-approval can be obtained utilizing the Non-Employee Domestic Travel Request Form for domestic travel or the Non-Employee International Travel Request Form for international travel. Once the traveler returns from their trip and reimbursement needs to be made, the Non-Employee Travel Expense Form should be utilized.
The traveler needs a Banner ID# in order to be reimbursed. Ensure you obtain this through the Office of Contracting & Procurement's portal prior to submitting the Non-Employee Travel Expense Form.
We strongly encourage users to utilize our Expense Report Tip Sheet when completing expense reports. Accounts Payable utilized the most common errors to create this tip sheet.
Please visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements as well as visit our News and Updates Webpage to see upcoming Chat with Travel dates.
If you would like to schedule one-on-one training or would like Accounts Payable to host a training session for your department, please feel free to email with your request.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Candidate Travel Reminders
As the new semester has started, Accounts Payable would like to provide some reminders regarding candidate travel.
The *NEW* Non-Employee Travel Expense Form should be utilized to reimburse candidates for any out-of-pocket expenses they may have incurred. An encumbrance number (Travel Request) is not required for candidate travel.
Please note the following when coordinating a candidate’s visit to campus:
- Courtyard at Marriot in Glassboro, NJ should be utilized for the hotel and paid via Rowan PO #.
- Meals should NOT be charged to the rooms.
- The traveler needs a Banner ID# in order to be reimbursed. Ensure you obtain this through the Office of Contracting & Procurement's portal prior to submitting the Non-Employee Travel Expense Form.
- Itemized meal receipts are required for reimbursement. Per diem is not permitted.
- Proof of payment is required. à A credit card statement or copy of the credit card that matches the last 4 digits shown on the receipt should also be provided in addition to the receipt/order confirmation of the expense.
- Only economy or coach for airfare and train can be reimbursed.
- Utilize current IRS mileage rate (found on the form).
- Include Google Maps
- NJ sales tax is not reimbursable.
Friendly reminder that Chat with Travel sessions are still occurring every month where Rowan faculty and staff have the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member is available once a week from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. The dates for these sessions are advertised via Daily Mailers and are listed on Accounts Payable's News and Updates Webpage.
If you would like to schedule one-on-one training or would like Accounts Payable to host a training session for your department, please feel free to email with your request.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
October Chat with Travel and Travel on Pcard Reminders
Posted: 10-01-2023
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in October. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Tuesday, October 10th and Thursday, October 26th-
A member of the Procurement team will be available during October’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios and No Room Upgrade/Early Bird Check-In Fees
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class, No Travel Insurance, & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class or Acela
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
September Chat with Travel and Travel on Pcard Reminders
Posted: 09-01-2023
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in September. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Friday, September 8th -
- Tuesday, September 12th and Thursday, September 28th-
A member of the Procurement team will be available during September’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios and No Room Upgrade/Early Bird Check-In Fees
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class, No Travel Insurance, & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class or Acela
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Mileage Update to Travel Policy
Posted: 07-18-2023
Accounts Payable is pleased to announce that we have made an update to our Travel Policy in hopes of alleviating some of the burden users face when processing mileage reimbursements in Concur.
Effective immediately, the round-trip mileage function can now be utilized when submitting mileage reimbursements. For example, when you are requesting to be reimbursed for travel from Rowan to an event and back to Rowan, you can now enter this as one expense line item. You no longer have to split the mileage into two trips/expense line items.
Please reference our detailed step-by-step guide on Entering Personal Car Mileage in Concur.
Key tips when submitting mileage reimbursements include:
- For day travel, the business purpose of the travel needs to be included in the “purpose of the trip” field.
- Ex. Event name, project name, etc.
- Deduct normal work commute if travel occurred on a normal workday
- Make a comment if there is no deduction due to a special circumstance like a scheduled remote day/holiday
- The mileage calculator must be used and applied to all personal car mileage entries
- A physical street address must be included on all mileage entries
- Ex. A report will be returned for corrections if the address only states Philadelphia, PA.
- If utilizing paper forms, the Google Map copy needs to be attached showing the route being reimbursed
We strongly encourage users to utilize our Expense Report Tip Sheet when completing expense reports. Accounts Payable utilized the most common errors to create this tip sheet.
Please visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements as well as visit our News and Updates Webpage to see upcoming Chat with Travel dates.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
August Chat with Travel Sessions & Travel on Pcard Reminders
Posted: 07-14-2023
Accounts Payable will resume Chat with Travel sessions in August and will continue on a monthly basis. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Monday, August 7th and Friday, August 21st -
- Thursday, August 3rd and Tuesday August, 15th -
A member of the Procurement team will be available during August’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios and No Room Upgrade/Early Bird Check-In Fees
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class, No Travel Insurance, & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class or Acela
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Upgrade coming for "My Finance" application in Banner
Posted: 07-24-2023
The Divisions of Information Resources & Technology and Finance are pleased to announce we will soon be upgrading the My Finance application in the Self-Service Banner. This upgrade is required as part of the larger transition from version 8 to 9 of Self-Service Banner.
The upgrade, which we expect to release later this summer, includes:
- A new and improved look and feel
- New dashboards that provide an on-demand view of data (saved queries are run and results displayed on the dashboard), including new graphics to assist with spend analysis.
- A new requisition module dashboard that provides an on-demand view of the document history and current status
You can find a sneak peak of the updated application here.
Be on the lookout for more details about this upgrade, including Knowledge Base articles and videos to help navigate the updated application.
Contact Information:
Technology Support Center
Banner Finance Fiscal Year End Process Update
Posted: 07-07-2023
Beginning at 11:00AM on Friday, July 14th, the Finance Division will be completing year end system process updates in the Banner Finance module in both Self-Service Banner & Administrative Pages.
On July 14th, all Banner Finance users are required to log off of, and remain out of, the Banner Finance module by 11:00AM.
The Finance module will be unavailable until Saturday, July 15th.
Banner Finance includes, but is not limited to:
- Requisitions
- Receiving
- Non-PO Payment/Direct Pay Processing
- Approval Queues
- Journal Entries
- Accessing Budgets
- Indexing in Onbase
Please contact if any questions or concerns.
Contact Information:
Mary Ann Nisula
Assistant Controller
Accounting Services
AP Fiscal Year-End Reminders - Travel, Non-POs & Invoices
Posted: 06-05-2023
As we approach the countdown to fiscal year-end, Accounts Payable would like to remind everyone of a few key items.
Invoices Paid Against a Purchase Order
- Friday, July 7th— last day to submit any invoices to be processed for FY 23
- Ensure all invoices have been sent to Accounts Payable via
- Ensure you send the vendors you are working with their approved PO#(s) as soon as you obtain them & request that they send their invoices with the PO# on it to
- Can request that the vendor copy end-user on the email
*Only services that have been rendered or items that have been physically received on or before June 30th will be recorded in FY 23*
- To avoid processing delays:
- Ensure you process electronic receiving in Banner as soon as you receive the product/service
- If you know you will be invoiced a higher amount than you originally thought & requested on the requisition, submit a change order ASAP & ensure you process electronic receiving for the additional amount
- NOTE: If the invoice amount is more than 10% of PO amount or greater than $100 you will need to request a change order
- An invoice needs to be submitted - Proforma invoice or quote is NOT accepted
- Start & end date of the service need to be provided if not listed on the invoice
- For example, Membership/subscription term
- Ensure you are responding to AP requests in a timely manner
- If receiving is required in order for the payment to be processed:
- AP sends out reminder emails to process receiving – these emails will be sent out weekly & daily as we get closer to FYE
- Automated daily emails are sent if receiving is incomplete
Non-PO Payment Requests
- Friday, July 7th— last day to submit any Non-POs to be processed for FY 23
- Email all requests directly to with “Non-PO” listed in the subject line – please do not send via inter-office mail.
- To avoid processing delays:
- Review the Non-PO Category List to ensure you are not submitting a Non-PO that is not reimbursable
- Double check that all required documentation is attached to your Non-PO Payment Request Form & that all approvals have been obtained
- For example, ensure proof of payment is attached (examples shown on slides 24-25) & all approval signatures have been obtained
- For additional information on required documentation, visit our Non-PO Payment Request Webpage
Employee Travel
- Friday, July 7th— last day to submit any Concur expense reports to be processed for FY 23
- NOTE: Keep in mind that you need to allow sufficient processing time for travel requests to be fully approved with encumbrance #s.
- Review any open encumbrances — confirm expense reports have been submitted & fully approved
- Once the report has been fully approved in Concur (sent for payment status), Close Out Your Request
- If you closed out your request and notice the budget is still held up, there may be an error — email
- To avoid processing delays:
- Cost Object Approvers (COA) in Concur — verify there is sufficient budget in the foapal lines before approving reports to avoid Non-Sufficient Fund (NSF) issues. If you need to move budget, have it moved prior to submitting the report.
- Ensure all required documentation is attached – utilize Expense Report Tip Sheet and visit Employee Travel for more resources
Concur Travel Encumbrances - For Employees
- FY 23 encumbrances do not roll over into FY 24 — this cannot be changed due to Banner systematically closing out the encumbrances for the fiscal year-end roll
- Due to this, if your trip is still multiple months away & you will not be charging any of the expenses before June 30th, we recommend not submitting your Travel Request until after June 30th.
- If submitting an FY 24 Travel Request in FY 23:
- Before June 30th - include all predicted travel expenses on the request, but only include amounts for the expenses that will be charged in FY 23 and will be included in the encumbrance
- After July 1st – submit another Travel Request as “extension of prior trip”
- Include all travel expenses, but only include amounts for the expenses that will be charged in FY 24 and will be included in the encumbrance
Student Travel
- Friday, July 7th— last day to submit any paper expense reports to be processed for FY 23
- NOTE: Keep in mind that you need to allow sufficient processing time for travel requests to be fully approved with encumbrance #s.
- Review any open encumbrances
- Confirm expense reports have been submitted & fully approved – can verify payment status to the student via Banner screen FAIVNDH
- Email with the following info to close-out existing encumbrances:
- Traveler Name
- Encumbrance #
- Destination
- Reason for closing
- To avoid processing delays:
- Verify there is sufficient budget in the foapal lines before approving reports to avoid Non-Sufficient Fund (NSF) issues. If you need to move budget, have it moved prior to submitting the report.
- Ensure all required documentation is attached to the travel form – utilize Expense Report Tip Sheet and visit Student Travel Webpage for more resources
We encourage you to visit our Fiscal Year-End Webpage to find many valuable resources, including a copy of the PowerPoint presentation the Division of Finance hosted on April 26, 2023.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacey Bucci
Accounts Payable
May Chat with Travel Sessions and Travel on Pcard Reminders
Posted: 05-01-2023
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions as great feedback has been received. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Monday, May 1st and Tuesday, May 16th -
- Thursday, May 25th -
A member of the Procurement team will be available during May’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
Please note due to Fiscal Year-End, Chat with Travel sessions will NOT be occurring in June, but will resume after.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios and No Room Upgrade/Early Bird Check-In Fees
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class, No Travel Insurance, & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class or Acela
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Fiscal 2023 Year End
Posted: 04-14-2023
Fiscal 2023 Year End Budget Requirements |
Department Heads should review their unit's salary and non-salary accounts to ensure that all budgets are not in an actual or projected deficit. This is required for all FOAPALs (operating, carryforward/special programs, grant or capital project FOAPALs). Actual and/or projected deficits within your unit/org must be covered through budget transfers. Please cover deficits for all salary accounts (other than full time salary) through a budget transfer form no later than 07/11/23. |
Fiscal 2023 Year End Closing Dates: |
June 15, 2023 |
All full time Special Assignment Payments and student Special Project Contracts (formerly salary vouchers) need to be submitted by June 15th in order to be paid within FY23. ** Any FT or student labor redistribution for FY23 (for BW Pay#14) must be initiated by department no later than July 14th.** |
June 15, 2023 |
Last day to enter new vendor or vendor reactivation requests for FY23 purchase order requests. |
June 22, 2023 |
Last day to process requisitions or change orders* for FY23 goods and services. Please place your requisition (for active vendors only) with appropriate documentation and required approvals to allow conversion to PO. Goods and/or services physically received by the close of the fiscal period June 30, 2023 will be charged to FY23 budget. See note 2 below for exceptions. *Change order requests to reduce PO amounts or adjust for payment of items received before 6/30/23 will be processed. |
June 23, 2023 |
Last day to place orders through Amazon. See note 2 below for exceptions. |
June 23, 2023 |
Last day to place orders to Office Depot. |
June 23, 2023 |
Begin systematic batch closing of POs with remaining balances of $10.00 and under. Process to continue throughout Finance year-end close (mid-July) procedures. |
June 23, 2023 |
Last day for using a BOA Purchasing Card (PCard). ** Cards usage will be suspended from this date until 7/1/23.** |
June 29, 2023 |
All departmental deposits must be received on this day by the Office of the Bursar for posting by 4:30 p.m. |
June 30, 2023 |
Any open purchase orders at the close of FY23 (6/30/23) will be charged against FY24 budget if the item hasn’t been physically received. |
June 30, 2023 |
Goods to be charged against FY23 budget must be physically and electronically received (in banner) by the close of business day. |
June 30, 2023 |
All BOA Purchasing Card (PCard) June activity should be allocated in BOA Works system by end of day. |
July 07, 2023 |
Last day to post Non-PO payment request’s with a transaction date of June 30, 2023 for FY23 goods and services received on or before June 30, 2023. |
July 07, 2023 |
Cutoff date for processing Accounts Payable documents to be recorded in fiscal year 2023. Such documents include Non-PO payment request, travel, and invoices against purchase orders. |
July 07, 2023 |
Last day to submit journal entry requests/feeds and fully authorized DCAs. |
July 11, 2023 |
Last day to submit a budget transfer form for salary accounts. |
July 18, 2023 |
Last day to submit requests for labor redistribution corrections and adjustments (reallocation of salary and fringe) for full time and students (BW & BS Pay#14). |
Important Notes & Reminders |
1. |
Entering a requisition in Banner by the cutoff date (6/22/23) does not guarantee that the expense will be processed and paid within the current fiscal year (FY23). Due to ongoing supply chain disruptions, orders may not be processed and fulfilled during the current fiscal year (FY23). Continue to anticipate shipping delays, out of stock items and back orders. Please plan accordingly and do not wait until the cutoff date (6/22/23) to submit a requisition. |
2. |
Cutoff date exceptions for requisitions:
Amazon activity from June 23rd to June 30th may be processed via requisition. All other cutoff dates (DCAs, Office Depot, etc.) apply to the funds noted above. |
3. |
All invoices should be forwarded to the Accounts Payable department or sent to |
4. |
FY23 Operational Budget surplus will not carry forward into FY24. |
5. |
FY24 Non-operating funds budgets (special programs, etc.) will not be set up in Banner until Finance completes year end system roll procedures, tentatively set for mid-July 2023. |
6. |
POs open at the completion of FY23 will carry forward to FY24 and charged to the fiscal FY24 budget.
7. |
Journal entry feeds include: telephone, stationary, utility allocations, postage, custodial back-charges, labor & material back-charges, duplicating, catering, copier, fuel charges, atrium card and BOA Pcard correction activity. |
8. |
Additional Procurement information can be found here. |
If there are any additional questions or concerns regarding the year-end closing process, please contact: |
Accounting Issues: |
Kyle Beach ext.63714 |
Accounts Payable Issues: |
Joselyn Peoples ext.64335 |
Budget Issues: |
Eric Williams ext.64337 |
Bursar Issues: |
Adrienne Graber ext. 65162 |
Purchasing Issues: |
Chris Haley ext.64149 |
Grant Issues: |
Rita Piccioni ext.65492 |
Contact Information:
Mary Ann Nisula
Assistant Controller
Accounting Services
Sign Up for Finance's Fiscal Year-End Prep Training
Posted: 04-07-2023
Please join the Finance Division for a presentation on Fiscal Year-End Prep on Wednesday, April 26th from 1pm-2pm. The presentation will discuss key components to prepare for a successful fiscal year-end. Presenters will include Budget, Office of Contracting & Procurement, Accounts Payable and Accounting Services. We strongly encourage anyone who oversees departmental budgets or performs day-to-day fiscal procedures including, but not limited to, processing requisitions, DCAs, budget transfers, Non-PO Payment Request Forms, and travel to attend.
Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form (link shown below). When you register, please submit any questions you would like to see answered during the presentation. The link to the training will then be emailed to you on the morning of April 26th.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Alexis Jones
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Mary Ann Nisula
Accounting Services
Natalie Beury
April Chat with Travel and Travel on Pcard Reminders
Posted: 03/31/2023
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions as great feedback has been received. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Monday, April 3rd and Monday, April 17th -
- Thursday, April 13th and Tuesday, April 25th -
A member of the Procurement team will be available during April’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios and No Room Upgrade/Early Bird Check-In Fees
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class, No Travel Insurance, & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class or Acela
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Sign up for Student Travel Process Training
Posted: 03/30/2023
Student Travel Process Training
Please join us for a presentation on the student travel process on Thursday, April 27th 1pm-2pm. We will discuss what is required for student travel requests as well as expense reports, including what is needed from each area that reviews and approves each form. Presenters will include Accounts Payable, OSP, Study Abroad, Export Control, and Ethics.
Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form (link shown below). You can submit any questions you would like to see answered during the presentation when you register. The link to the training will then be emailed to you on the morning of April 27th.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Miranda S. Salvatore
Accounts Payable
Deborah DiPietroantonio
Accounts Payable
New Non-PO Payment Request Form & Non-PO Category List
Posted: 02/28/2023
A *NEW* Non-PO Payment Request Form has been created and a *NEW* Non-PO Category List is also now in effect.
- Condensed Form - Select the applicable bank code on the top right of the form to populate the appropriate signatures.
- The new form should be utilized for all bank codes including Bank 24 (South Jersey Tech Park), Bank 25 (Foundation), Bank 30 (General), and Bank 33 (Rowan Global).
- Validate Form - The Validate Form button is a new feature that allows users to verify all the necessary sections of the form have been completed before submission.
- Select the Validate Form button on the bottom right of the form and the fields that were missed will appear on the screen.
- Update the fields as needed
- Examples - Click the text in blue to link to a webpage or show examples of the data to enter in a particular field.
- Extensions - When a Chrome Extension for Adobe is installed on a computer, select the 'Open in Desktop App' button to utilize the form features.
The Non-PO Payment Request Form is used for reimbursement to faculty, staff members, or students who incur minor out-of-pocket expenses to accomplish official university business. These expenses must remain in compliance with the Accounts Payable General Payment Policy and cannot bypass the Office of Contracting & Procurement's (OC&P) guidelines.
We strongly encourage that a Pcard be utilized for membership fees, subscription fees, registration/application fees, and license renewals. This will reduce the amount of out-of-pocket expenses incurred for employees and students. Please visit OC&P's Pcard Webpage to obtain more information on Pcard usage and to request a Pcard.
A Non-PO Payment Request Form can be denied for any of the following reasons:
- A Non-PO is submitted beyond the 45-day deadline from the date the expense was incurred.
- An incomplete or old Non-PO Payment Request Form is submitted.
- A Non-PO Payment Request Form contains a purchase from one of OC&P’s preferred vendors.
- Ex. Amazon, Home Depot, Lowe’s
- Ex. All office supplies, including ink and toner, should be purchased at Office Depot. Staples purchases are not permitted.
- Ex. All textbooks should be purchased through Barnes & Noble.
- Ex. Any printing for business cards, letterhead, or envelopes needs to go through University Publications via the Stationery Ordering Process.
- A Non-PO Payment Request Form is used in lieu of the requisition process to pay a vendor for services received and/or rendered.
- Ex. Consultant payments, speaker fees, rental fees
- If the vendor is in Banner, but is terminated, please reach out to Procurement to assist with having this vendor be made active again for payment to be processed.
- The reimbursement is for a subscription or item that requires IRT approval.
- If the download occurs on a Rowan-owned device, IRT approval is needed.
- Any software subscription that requires ITAP approval needs to be processed through OC&P. This ensures that ITAP approval is obtained PRIOR to the purchase being made.
- Ex. Dropbox subscription, website domain registrations, Grammarly
- The reimbursement request includes a signed contract.
- Any contracts/terms and conditions need to be processed through OC&P for legal and purchasing review. Following any negotiation on the contract, a requisition needs to be processed.
- The reimbursement is for the purchase of gift cards.
- Gift cards cannot be purchased with personal funds. The University utilizes Clincard for physical and virtual gift cards. Clincard is available for all your gift card needs. Visit Clincard Gift Card for more information.
- Food reimbursements that do not adhere to the Reception and Entertainment Policy
- Ex. Working lunches, retirement receptions, staff meetings
- Ex. Gourmet Dining Food Service Waiver was not obtained for an event held on campus with food totaling over $100
- The University cannot pay for alcohol charges. Include documentation showing the transfer of funds from Foundation to your University foapal or obtain a signature from the Foundation office.
Other Helpful Tips & Reminders
- Regalia reimbursements being funded by the Provost Office need to be reviewed and signed by the Provost.
- NJ & FL sales tax is not reimbursable.
- Travel reimbursements cannot be processed on Non-PO Payment Request Forms.
- Employees utilize Concur.
- Non-Employees and Students utilize paper travel forms.
- Ensure all required backup is provided with the Non-PO.
- Itemized receipt of the transaction.
- Proof of payment - A credit card statement or copy of the credit card that matches the last 4 digits shown on the receipt should also be provided in addition to the receipt/order confirmation.
- For on-campus events, food/beverage purchases from an outside vendor totaling $100 or more must have an approved Gourmet Dining Food Service Waiver
- Completed Entertainment/Official Reception Request Form for all food and entertainment (including supplies/decorations for an event) purchases
- Honorarium Request Form approved and signed by Procurement for any honorarium payments. Employees cannot be paid honorariums.
- Independent Contractor Checklist, copy of grant program, and HR determination email for Grant Participant stipends
- Department Heads cannot sign off on their own reimbursements.
To learn more information regarding Non-POs, please visit our new webpage Non-PO Payment Request or contact Accounts Payable at
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Travel on the Pcard
Posted: 02/27/2023
Travel on the Pcard
To assist the Rowan community with alleviating the burden of out-of-pocket expenses, the Pcard Policy has been updated to permit more travel expenses on the Pcard.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios and No Room Upgrade/Early Bird Check-In Fees
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class, No Travel Insurance, & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class or Acela
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions as great feedback was received. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Tuesday, March 14th and Monday, March 27th -
- Tuesday, March 7th and Thursday, March 23rd -
*NEW* We are excited to announce that a member of the Procurement team (Stacie Mori and/or Nicole Johnson) will be available during March’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
New Entertainment/Official Reception Request Form
Posted: 02/13/2023
New Entertainment/Official Reception Request Form
A new Entertainment/Official Reception Request form has been created and should be utilized for all food, dining, and entertainment purchases. This includes the purchase of decorations for an event.
Backup should include a meeting agenda, event start and end time, event location, and a full attendee list. For student-only events, a flyer with the event location is sufficient.
Please reference the Entertainment and Reception Policy to ensure the food, dining, or entertainment purchase is in accordance with Rowan University’s policy.
For all on-campus events that include food and/or beverage purchases totaling $100 or more, a Gourmet Dining Waiver needs to be submitted prior to the purchase being made.
As a reminder, the Entertainment/Official Reception Request form as well as an approved Gourmet Dining Waiver (if applicable) needs to be attached to all Non-PO Payment Request Forms submitted for reimbursement as well as all University P-Card transactions in BOA Works. If these items are not provided, your reimbursement may be delayed and/or denied and your Pcard transactions will be flagged.
The Entertainment/Official Reception Request form is also required for any food, dining, or entertainment purchases made with a purchase order.
Contact Accounts Payable for more information regarding Non-PO Payment Requests and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard or Purchase Order questions.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Alexis Jones
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Accounts Payable Travel Updates and Reminders
Posted: 1/31/2023
Accounts Payable Travel Updates and Reminders
As the new semester begins, Accounts Payable would like to provide some updates and reminders regarding traveling on behalf of Rowan University.
If you would like to schedule one-on-one training or would like Accounts Payable to host a training session for your department, please feel free to email with your request.
- *NEW* An Expense Report Tips sheet has been created to easily reference before submitting an expense report in Concur for an employee or a Travel Expense Paper Form for a student or non-employee. Referencing this chart and ensuring all required documentation listed on the chart is attached to your report will assist with a quicker turnaround for reimbursement.
- Key Tips include:
- Per diem = travel allowance in Concur
- Mileage calculator with the physical street address listed needs to be utilized in Concur
- Ex. 2000 Clements Bridge Rd Deptford, NJ instead of Deptford, NJ
- Normal work commute mileage needs to be deducted if travel occurred on a normal workday
- Make a comment if there is no deduction due to a special circumstance like a scheduled remote day or holiday
- Business purpose needs to be included in the purpose of the trip for day travel reimbursements
- Google map needs to be provided when reimbursing mileage on a paper form
- Proof of payment needs to always be provided when requesting reimbursement
- Ex. A credit card statement or copy of the credit card that matches the last 4 digits shown on the receipt should also be provided in addition to the receipt/order confirmation.
- Key Tips include:
- Remember to close out your request in Concur after you submit the expense report.
- If you do not close your request, your encumbrance will not reduce which will affect your budget.
- Visit Concur: Closing a Request After Reimbursement for instructions on closing your request.
- *NEW* Chat with Travel- We’re excited to announce that in February, we will be offering Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Monday February 13th and 27th -
- Thursday February 9th and 23rd-
- To reduce out-of-pocket expenses, it is encouraged that Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, be utilized to book your travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent, including students and non-employees, with an approved encumbrance #. A Pcard can also be utilized to process a registration fee.
- Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard should be marked as “University Paid” on your expense report.
- If the Cost Object Approver (COA) needs to be changed from what is currently in Concur, please fill out the Cost Object Approver Update Request Form.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Miranda S. Salvatore
Accounts Payable
Deborah DiPietroantonio
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2023
Posted: 1/20/2023
Effective January 1, 2023, the standard mileage rate has increased to $0.655 per mile for individuals traveling in privately owned vehicles on official business for the university. Concur Travel and Expense software has been updated to reflect this change for employees. All travel paper forms for Students / Non-Employees have also been updated. Students / Non-Employees should use the appropriate form when requesting reimbursement for travel.
Per University Travel Policy, when utilizing privately owned vehicles for official University business, the mileage reimbursement will be made at the prevailing IRS business rate. If a personal automobile is used for business purposes, individuals will be reimbursed for miles incurred in excess of daily commute at the current IRS-authorized mileage rate. The personal mileage reimbursement covers all costs related to the operation of the vehicle, including service, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, and gas.
Expense Report Tips
- For day travel, the business purpose of the travel needs to be included in the “purpose of the trip” field.
- Ex. Event name, project name, etc.
- Deduct normal work commute if travel occurred on a normal workday
- Make a comment if there is no deduction due to a special circumstance like a scheduled remote day/holiday
- The mileage calculator must be used and applied to all personal car mileage entries
- A physical street address must be included on all mileage entries
- Ex. A report will be returned for corrections if the address only states Deptford, NJ.
- If utilizing paper forms, the Google Map copy needs to be attached showing the route being reimbursed
For more information regarding mileage rates visit; IRS website
Concur Travel and Expense website;
Students / Non-Employees travel paper forms; Accounts Payable website
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
Electronic Budget Transfer & Budget Revision Forms
Posted: 12/19/2022
The Budget Dept has created an electronic Budget Transfer & Budget Revision form. The Budget Transfer form is used to transfer funds within the same FOAPAL – fund, org & program, putting funds into the salary line from a non-salary account or vice versa. The Budget Revision Form is used to transfer the revenue that was brought into a Special Program FOAPAL and allocating the funds into a salary or expense account for the same FOAPAL - fund, org & program. Paper forms and PDF forms will no longer be accepted. The forms will be available through Self Service. Please see the attached link for instructions on how to access the form which is located on the IRT website. The links will also be available the budget website.
Contact Information:
Eric Williams
Budget Department
Gift Cards - Reminder of changes
Posted: 10/05/2022
Rowan University has received notice that TD Bank has discontinued use of their gift card services, therefore TD Bank gift cards are no longer an available option. The good news is that there is an alternative solution for physical and virtual gift cards. The University has been using ClinCard for research participants; however ClinCard is available for all gift card needs. ClinCard is a Visa card that can be used just like a TD or Amazon gift card. Since ClinCard provides virtual cards, Amazon virtual cards will no longer be offered. There is a small processing fee for both physical and virtual cards.
More information on ClinCard:
Please email with any questions.
Benefits of using ClinCard
- Gift Card Recipient Log & Gift Card Payment Acknowledgment forms do not have to be completed when utilizing ClinCard
- ClinCard facilitates a secure electronic method of collecting participant information and distributing payments
- ClinCard provides prompt and efficient payment to individuals
- ClinCard is a reloadable prepaid electronic (virtual) Visa card or Visa card (physical)
Tax Compliance
- Gift cards are considered cash or cash equivalent that is subject to taxes regardless of the face value
- Gift cards given to non-employees are taxable and reportable income on IRS form 1099 if the value of gift cards plus any other non-W2 compensation received by an individual from the university as a whole aggregates to an amount of $600.00 or more per calendar year
- Employees or student workers who participate in IRB-sanctioned research will have the value of the gift card added to their W-2 for tax reporting purposes
- Gift cards, regardless of value, may not be given to anyone considered a non-U.S. person for tax purposes
- Research participants are not required to provide their SSN except to receive payment as required by Rowan University Accounting Office
Non-Allowable Gift Card Purchase
- Gift cards may not be purchased with university funds for the purpose of giving an employee or student worker compensation for work or education-related activities
- Employees may not be reimbursed for out-of-pocket purchase of gift cards
- Gift cards may not be purchased using the University’s Procurement Card system
- Gift Cards may not be purchased through the University’s Barnes and Noble account
Contact Information:
Accounting Services
(856) 256-5498
back to top
Office of Contracting & Procurement: Req to Check Training
Posted: 09-28-2022
Please join the Office of Contracting & Procurement and Accounts Payable for an overview of the requisition to check process. You can register by adding your name and department here.
Once you register, we will provide a shared Google Sheet, so you can submit any questions prior to the virtual training.
if you would like your questions to be answered prior to the training, please complete registration by October 5th.
Upcoming Events:
- Vendor Compliance & Onboarding: October 25th at 1:00 pm
- Independent Contractor Overview: November 15th at 1:00 pm
- Public Bids: December 6th at 1:00 pm
Mark your calendars and stay tuned for registration information!
Contact Information:
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Let IRT Training help you get back on track this semester!
Posted: 09-15-2022
September is here! Yes, it’s hot right now, but autumn is coming….soon, bringing a new semester and must-dos. But do yourself a favor. Take the time to check some of those “want-to-dos” off your list, like refreshing your technology skills this September. Information Resources & Technology is offering free self-paced, online training courses in Canvas for:
Introduction to Banner Administrative Finance Pages
Requisitions in Banner Administrative Pages
Receiving in Banner Administrative Pages
Budgets in Banner Administrative Pages
Self-Service Banner Finance
Google Drive
You will be issued a certificate after completing each training. For our full list of course descriptions and registration, visit
Training Resources
It happened just last night. Did you hear it? The crickets changed their song. So keep calm this September, and check out our free training resources. We offer free training manuals, quick reference guides, and recorded videos to help you navigate Rowan University applications. Our training resources will help you learn at your own pace.
To see our training resources, go to - search by category for a manual, quick reference guide or recorded video.
Contact Information:
Sheena Pierce
Training & Instructional Support/Information Resources & Technology
Technical Trainer
Live: Concur Travel and Expense New User Interface (UI)
Posted: 09-06-2022
September 6, 2022: The New User Interface has been updated and is now live. The transition requires no action from Rowan employees and will have no impact on pending requests or expense reports that have been submitted.
The new UI consists of a fresh new look that will improve overall usability, accessibility, and deliver an intuitive, centralized, efficient, and effective experience.
We encourage you to take a moment to review the updated training materials provided by Rowan IRT.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please email
Contact Information:
Miranda S. Salvatore
Accounts Payable
Concur-New User Interface (UI) will transition Sept. 6, 2022
Posted: 08-23-2022
Effective September 6, 2022, travelers will see the updated UI when they log in to the system. This transition requires no action from Rowan employees and will have no impact on pending requests or expense reports that have been submitted.
The new UI consists of a fresh new look that will improve overall usability, accessibility, and deliver an intuitive, centralized, efficient, and effective experience.
Here's what you can expect:
- Updated Home Page Features
- The new home page view will include changes to visual elements such as fonts, colors, and icons.
- User-Friendly Travel Request Layout
- Requests will be displayed as individual tiles, currently they are viewed as a list. The tiles will be sorted by the date of creation.
- The tabs (Segments, Expenses, Audit Trail, etc.) within the travel request will be removed. Segments and Expenses will be combined into one category called Expected Expenses.
- The Approval Flow and Audit Trail tabs within the travel request will be removed. Approval Flow will be called Request Timeline and will located in the dropdown list called Request Details.
- Quicker Expense Reporting
- Add and create expenses from one location and correct issues fast. This means you will be able to complete your reports more quickly than before.
- Straightforward Expense Details
- From adjusting personal car mileage to updating meal per diem, you will be able to easily view and edit details when you open an expense.
- Easier Itemization
- The update will provide more space for itemization – which translates to quicker, simpler, and more accurate expense reporting.
- Receipt visibility will be enhanced, meaning you view the receipt while completing the required fields.
- Faster Allocations
- The new allocation button will provide visibility within the same screen.
- You will be able to allocate expenses to multiple accounts or account approvers.
- Additionally you will be able to allocate a single expense, or multiple expenses at one time.
Before these changes take effect, we encourage you to take a moment to review the self-guided demos provided by Concur:
Additionally, more information will be provided to assist with the transition.
Contact Information:
Miranda S. Salvatore
Accounts Payable
Gift Cards - changes effective August 2022
Posted: 08-18-2022
Rowan University has received notice that TD Bank will no longer be providing gift card services starting in August 2022. Rowan has not been provided an exact date yet for discontinued use. The good news is that there is an alternative solution for physical and virtual gift cards. The University has been using ClinCard for research participants; however ClinCard is available for all gift card needs. ClinCard is a Visa card that can be used just like a TD or Amazon gift card. Since ClinCard provides virtual cards, Amazon virtual cards will no longer be offered. There is a small processing fee for both physical and virtual cards.
More information on ClinCard:
Please email with any questions.
Benefits of using ClinCard
- Gift Card Recipient Log & Gift Card Payment Acknowledgment forms do not have to be completed when utilizing ClinCard
- ClinCard facilitates a secure electronic method of collecting participant information and distributing payments
- ClinCard provides prompt and efficient payment to individuals
- ClinCard is a reloadable prepaid electronic (virtual) Visa card or (physical) Visa card
Tax Compliance
- Gift cards are considered cash or cash equivalent that is subject to taxes regardless of the face value
- Gift cards given to non-employees are taxable and reportable income on IRS form 1099 if the value of gift cards plus any other non-W2 compensation received by an individual from the university as a whole aggregates to an amount of $600.00 or more per calendar year
- Employees or student workers who participate in IRB-sanctioned research will have the value of the gift card added to their W-2 for tax reporting purposes
- Gift cards, regardless of value, may not be given to anyone considered a non-U.S. person for tax purposes
- Research participants are not required to provide their SSN except to receive payment as required by Rowan University Accounting Office
Non-Allowable Gift Card Purchase
- Gift cards may not be purchased with university funds for the purpose of giving an employee or student worker compensation for work or education-related activities
- Employees may not be reimbursed for out-of-pocket purchase of gift cards
- Gift cards may not be purchased using the University’s Procurement Card system
- Gift Cards may not be purchased through the University’s Barnes and Noble account
Contact Information:
Sharyn Giordano, Associate Controller
Accounting Services
(825) 256-5498
The Dog Days of Summer are here. Cool off with IRT Training.
Posted: 08-17-2022
Summer is…. Hot days, short nights, sun, seas, shoreline, and simply having a ton of fun! But, while enjoying the summer's last days, make sure you take the time to enhance your technology skills before September. This August, Information Resources & Technology is offering free self-paced, online training courses in Canvas for:
Introduction to Banner Administrative Finance Pages
Requisitions in Banner Administrative Pages
Receiving in Banner Administrative Pages
Budgets in Banner Administrative Pages
Self-Service Banner Finance
Google Drive
You will be issued a certificate after completing each training. For our full list of course descriptions and registration, visit
Training Resources
Keep calm, and summer on! This summer has been hot. So do something cool, and check out our free training resources. We offer free training manuals, quick reference guides, and recorded videos to help you navigate Rowan University applications. Our training resources will help you learn at your own pace.
To see our training resources, go to - search by category for a manual, quick reference guide or recorded video.
Contact Information:
Sheena Pierce
IRT Training/Training & Instructional Support
Technical Trainer/Instructional Designer
Gift Cards - changes effective August 2022
Posted: 08-10-2022
Rowan University has received notice that TD Bank will no longer be providing gift card services starting in August 2022. Rowan has not been provided an exact date yet for discontinued use. The good news is that there is an alternative solution for physical and virtual gift cards. The University has been using ClinCard for research participants. Since ClinCard provides virtual cards, Amazon virtual cards will no longer be available. There is a small processing fee for both physical and virtual cards.
More information on ClinCard:
Please email with any questions.
Benefits of using ClinCard
- Gift Card Recipient Log & Gift Card Payment Acknowledgment forms do not have to be completed when utilizing ClinCard
- ClinCard facilitates a secure electronic method of collecting participant information and distributing payments
- ClinCard provides prompt and efficient payment to individuals
- ClinCard is a reloadable prepaid electronic (virtual) Visa card or Visa card (physical)
Tax Compliance
- Gift cards are considered cash or cash equivalent that is subject to taxes regardless of the face value
- Gift cards given to non-employees are taxable and reportable income on IRS form 1099 if the value of gift cards plus any other non-W2 compensation received by an individual from the university as a whole aggregates to an amount of $600.00 or more per calendar year
- Employees or student workers who participate in IRB-sanctioned research will have the value of the gift card added to their W-2 for tax reporting purposes
- Gift cards, regardless of value, may not be given to anyone considered a non-U.S. person for tax purposes
- Research participants are not required to provide their SSN except to receive payment as required by Rowan University Accounting Office
Non-Allowable Gift Card Purchase
- Gift cards may not be purchased with university funds for the purpose of giving an employee or student worker compensation for work or education-related activities
- Employees may not be reimbursed for out-of-pocket purchase of gift cards
- Gift cards may not be purchased using the University’s Procurement Card system
- Gift Cards may not be purchased through the University’s Barnes and Noble account
Contact Information:
Sharyn Giordano, Accounting Services
Associate Controller
(856) 256-5498
Practice Banner Finance skills in Banner
Posted: 08-04-2022
Have you ever needed to practice creating a requisition or receiving a purchase order in Banner Finance but did not know where to go? A little nervous about putting in your first requisition and wish there was a way to test it first?
No worries! Rowan employees can access a test instance called Pre-Production (PPRD) on Self-Service Banner and Banner Administrative pages. PPRD is a copy or clone of the real, or production instance, from the day before. You can practice placing requisitions, or doing receiving in PPRD without affecting the production environment. Just make sure to switch back to the real production instance when you want to place a “real” requisition or do “real” receiving!
Note: Employees must have access to Banner Finance to access the PPRD instance. Also, you must be connected to the Rowan VPN or use a virtual desktop to access test instances from off-campus.
To get to the PPRD test instance, go to
Scroll down to How Can I Access It?
Select the link to the Banner test instances page.
Log in with your Rowan NetID.
Select the link for either Self-Service Pre-Production (PPRD) or Banner Administrative Pages Pre-Production (PPRD).
Learning Banner Finance just got easier!
For more information about learning Banner Finance, check out our training resource page at
Contact Information:
Sheena Pierce
IRT Training/Information Resources & Technology
Technical Trainer/Instructional Designer
Learn how to view a vendor's history by your FOAPAL
Posted: 07-07-2022
Did you know you can view a vendor history by your FOAPAL in Banner Administrative Pages? Looking up a vendor's account is a great way to get started on orders placed in last year's budget from the vendor. To get started, follow the steps below:
Go to
Scroll down until you see Banner Administrative Pages.
Log in to Banner Administrative Pages with your Rowan NetID.
Go to FPIOPOV in Banner Admin Forms
Enter the Vendor Banner ID, or search for it.
Remove the Fiscal Year.
Enter your ORG.
Select Go.
Now you should see the history of the vendor. For more information on FPIOPOV in Banner Admin Forms, review the Banner Administrative Pages manual.
For more helpful training tips, check out our training resource page at
Contact Information:
Sheena Pierce
Training & Instructional Support/Information Resources & Technology
Technical Trainer
Office of Contracting & Procurement: Closeout Request
Posted: 07-05-2022
Closeout Request Form
On July 1st, the closeout mailbox will be turned off. You will make all of your purchase order closeout requests here (also available on our website).
What you will be asked to provide:
- Purchase Order #
- Vendor
- What is the remaining balance on the purchase order to be closed?
- Comments
- Department will need to verify all invoices have been paid prior to requesting a closeout.
- You will only be able to submit a request to close one purchase order at a time.
- If your purchase order has multiple line items, they cannot be closed individually. Due to limitations in system functionality, the entire po will need to be closed.
- Please check the purchase order status in FGIENCD in the Encumbrance Detail section to ensure your purchase order is in "O" (open) status. If your status is "C" closed you will not need to fill out this form. Your purchase order has already been closed. *Pro Tip: Your Encumbrance Detail may have multiple pages, you will need to check each page to know if your purchase order is fully closed.
Please reach out to Lori Morro at with any questions or concerns related to a specific closeout.
If you have any general questions, please reach out to
Contact Information:
Alexis Jones
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Update-Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2022
Posted: 07-05-2022
Effective July 1, 2022: the standard mileage rate has increased to $0.625 per mile for individuals traveling in privately owned vehicles on official business for the university. Concur Travel and Expense software has been updated to reflect this change for employees. All travel paper forms for Students / Non-Employees have also been updated. Students / Non-Employees should use the appropriate form when requesting reimbursement for travel.
Per University Travel Policy: when utilizing privately owned vehicles for official University business, the mileage reimbursement will be made at the prevailing IRS business rate. If a personal automobile is used for business purposes, individuals will be reimbursed for miles incurred in excess of daily commute at the current IRS authorized mileage rate. The personal mileage reimbursement covers all costs related to the operation of the vehicle, including service, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, and gas.
For more information regarding mileage rates visit; IRS website
Concur Travel and Expense website;
Students / Non-Employees travel paper forms; Accounts Payable website
Contact Information:
Miranda S. Salvatore
Accounts Payable
Non-PO Payment Request Form: Changes as of July 1, 2022
Posted: 07-01-2022
The Non-PO Payment Request Form is used for reimbursement to faculty, staff members, or students who incur minor out-of-pocket expenses to accomplish official university business. These expenses must remain in compliance with the Accounts Payable General Payment Policy and cannot bypass the Office of Contracting and Procurement guidelines. This form may also be submitted only in very select cases when the University needs to make a payment to a vendor, the government, or another institution. All expenses must adhere to the authorized Non-PO Category List.
As of July 1, 2022, a Non-PO Payment Request will not be accepted for processing of payments or reimbursements if:
- The request is not an approved category
- Non-PO Payment Requests that are outside of the approved Non-PO Category List will be returned to the preparer for submission through the requisition process
- A Non-PO Payment Request was used in lieu of the requisition process to pay approved vendors for goods and/or services received and/or rendered
- An approved vendor is any vendor that has an established active Banner ID/vendor profile
- Missed 45-day Submittal Deadline after the expense has occurred
- Expenses are not within the same fiscal year
- The purchase was not made with the employee’s personal funds
Utilizing the following information will help reduce errors and assist with ensuring a payment or reimbursement is processed timely.
Complete each section of the Non-PO Payment Request form in its entirety:
- Payment Request Type
- Select the type of payment that you are requesting
- Payee Classification
- Select Payee Status
- Enter the Banner ID number of the vendor or payee
- Make Check Payable to
- Vendor or employee being paid/reimbursed
- Full remittance address regardless if requesting Direct Deposit
- Department name, campus, and phone
- Additional Information
- Provide admin name & contact information
- Enclosure if necessary
- Ensure the budget is available
- Description of Expense
- Describe detailed purpose & justification
- Enter who, what, where, when, why, and how
- Attach all original itemized receipts and proof of payment
- Accounting Information
- Enter FOAPAL
- Utilize appropriate account code(s)
- Signature and Consent of individual being reimbursed
- Read and certify consent
- Print, date, and sign
- Departmental Authorization
- Certify expenses are compliant, appropriate, and allowable under University policy
- Department Head print, date, and sign
- Grant Approval if necessary
- Vendor payments to approved vendors are not permitted and must go through the Office of Contracting & Procurement
- A Non-PO Payment Request may not be used in lieu of the requisition process or to pay vendors for goods and/or services received and/or rendered or pay any type of wages for services rendered
- Paying approved vendors for goods and/or services received will not be reimbursed (for example; Amazon, Staples, Office Depot, etc.)
- Only the Office of Contracting & Procurement has the authority to obligate the University for the purchase of goods and services. Any purchases made outside the University policy will not be reimbursed and become the sole liability of the individual making the purchase
- Non-PO Payment Request Form should be completed electronically using Adobe Reader
- Provide proof of payment
- Attach a copy of the Credit Card used showing only the last 4 digits or the credit card statement (purchaser’s name must be visible)
- Attach a copy of the cashed check or statement showing only the last four digits of the account and the purchaser's name
- Provide backup documentation that explains the business purpose/justification of the expense
- Provide all original itemized receipts – If sending via interoffice mail, tape the receipt to a blank piece of paper (no staples or paper clips)
- Include Entertainment Form for all food services except for student organizations
- Provide the signature of President, Provost, Sr. Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Deans, Dept. Chair
- Honorariums cannot be paid to employees
- All documents must be clearly legible (dark or blurry photocopies/images will be returned)
- Section 7 – Signature and Consent for Reimbursement – should only be utilized when requesting reimbursement for an out-of-pocket expense
- Alcohol is not reimbursable
- NJ & FL sales tax is not reimbursable
Reasons a Non-PO request payment or reimbursement may be delayed:
- Illegible documentation
- Incomplete form
- Incorrect Banner ID utilized
- Missing proof of purchase (receipts, credit card/credit card statement information, and/or invoice)
- Missing signatures (Department Head, Grants, Employee, etc.)
- Missing Entertainment form
- Missing backup documentation/justification
Contact Information:
Merlyn Renfroe
Accounts Payable
Coming Fall 2022: Concur Travel and Expense will have a new User Interface (UI)
Posted: 06-14-2022
Accounts Payable is excited to announce the Concur Request and Expense modules will be getting an update! Changes are being made to make the travel request and expense report capabilities quicker and easier by updating the User Interface (UI). The new UI consists of a fresh new look that will improve overall usability, accessibility, and deliver an intuitive, centralized, efficient and effective experience.
Effective October 1, 2022, travelers will see the updated UI when they log in to the system. This transition requires no action from Rowan employees and will have no impact on pending requests or expense reports that have been submitted. Here's what you can expect:
- Updated Home Page Features
- The new home page view will include changes to visual elements such as fonts, colors, and icons.
- User Friendly Travel Request Layout
- Requests will be displayed as individual tiles, currently they are viewed as a list. The tiles will be sorted by the date of creation.
- The tabs (Segments, Expenses, Audit Trail, etc.) within the travel request will be removed. Segments and Expenses will be combined into one category called Expected Expenses.
- The Approval Flow and Audit Trail tabs within the travel request will be removed. Approval Flow will be called Request Timeline and is located in the dropdown list called Request Details.
- Quicker Expense Reporting
- Add and create expenses from one location and fix issues fast. This means you will be able to complete your reports more quickly than before.
- Straightforward Expense Details
- From adjusting personal car mileage to updating meal per diem, you can easily view and edit details when you open an expense.
- Easier Itemization
- The update will give more space to do your itemizations – which translates to quicker, simpler, and more accurate expense reporting.
- Receipt visibility will be enhanced, meaning you view the receipt while completing the required fields.
- Faster Allocations
- The new allocation button provides visibility within the same screen.
- Allocate expenses to multiple accounts or account approvers.
- You can allocate a single expense or multiple expenses at one time.
Before these changes take effect, we encourage you to take a moment to review the self-guided demos provided by Concur:
Additionally, more information will be provided in the coming months to assist with the transition.
Contact Information:
Miranda S. Salvatore
Accounts Payable
Non-PO Payment Request Form: Requirements & Reminders
Posted: 05-29-2022
The Non-PO Payment Request Form is used for reimbursement to faculty, staff members, or students who incur minor out-of-pocket expenses to accomplish official university business. These expenses must remain in compliance with the Accounts Payable General Payment Policy and cannot bypass the Office of Contracting and Procurement guidelines. This form may also be submitted only in very select cases when the University needs to make a payment to a vendor, the government, or another institution. All expenses must adhere to the authorized Non-PO Category List.
Utilizing the following information will help reduce errors and assist with ensuring a payment or reimbursement is processed timely.
Complete each section of the Non-PO Payment Request form in its entirety:
- Payment Request Type
- Select the type of payment that you are requesting
- Payee Classification
- Select Payee Status
- Enter the Banner ID number of the vendor or payee
- Make Check Payable to
- Vendor or employee being paid/reimbursed
- Full remittance address regardless if requesting Direct Deposit
- Department name, campus, and phone
- Additional Information
- Provide admin name & contact information
- Enclosure if necessary
- Ensure the budget is available
- Description of Expense
- Describe detailed purpose & justification
- Enter who, what, where, when, why, and how
- Attach all original itemized receipts and proof of payment
- Accounting Information
- Enter FOAPAL
- Utilize appropriate account code(s)
- Signature and Consent of individual being reimbursed
- Read and certify consent
- Print, date, and sign
- Departmental Authorization
- Certify expenses are compliant, appropriate, and allowable under University policy
- Department Head print, date, and sign
- Grant Approval if necessary
- Vendor payments to approved vendors are not permitted and must go through the Office of Contracting & Procurement
- A Non-PO Payment Request may not be used in lieu of the requisition process or to pay vendors for goods and/or services received and/or rendered or pay any type of wages for services rendered
- Paying approved vendors for goods and/or services received will not be reimbursed (for example; Amazon, Staples, Office Depot, etc.)
- Only the Office of Contracting & Procurement has the authority to obligate the University for the purchase of goods and services. Any purchases made outside the University policy will not be reimbursed and become the sole liability of the individual making the purchase
- Non-PO Payment Request Form should be completed electronically using Adobe Reader
- Provide proof of payment
- Attach a copy of the Credit Card used showing only the last 4 digits or the credit card statement (purchaser’s name must be visible)
- Attach a copy of the cashed check or statement showing only the last four digits of the account
- Provide backup documentation that explains the business purpose of the expense
- Provide all original itemized receipts – If sending via interoffice mail, tape the receipt to a blank piece of paper (no staples or paper clips)
- Include Entertainment Form for all food services except for student organizations
- Provide the signature of President, Provost, Sr. Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Deans, Dept. Chair
- Honorariums cannot be paid to employees
- All documents must be clearly legible (dark or blurry photocopies/images will be returned)
- Section 7 – Signature and Consent for Reimbursement – should only be utilized when requesting reimbursement for an out-of-pocket expense
- Alcohol is not reimbursable
- NJ & FL sales tax is not reimbursable
Reasons a Non-PO Payment Request may be returned:
- Not an approved category
- Non-PO Payment Requests that are outside of the approved Non-PO Category List will be returned to the preparer for submission through the requisition process
- Illegible documentation
- Incomplete form
- Incorrect Banner ID utilized
- Missed 45-day Deadline after the expense has occurred
- Expenses must be within the same fiscal year
- Missing proof of purchase (receipts, credit card information, and/or invoice)
- Missing signatures (Department Head, Grants, Employee, etc.)
- Missing Entertainment form
- Missing backup documentation/justification
Contact Information:
Merlyn Renfroe
Accounts Payable
Get prepared for the fiscal year end
Posted: 5-3-2022
Dedicate the time to get ahead this fiscal year. You may need to view all of your department's requisitions. But, did you know you can search by the user? No worries! Information Resources & Technology has your back. Follow the steps listed below:
Go to FOADOCU. Note: The User ID field (Rowan NetID), COA, and Fiscal Year are already populated.
Change the Original User ID to the applicable Rowan NetID, Fiscal Year, or enter Activity Dates if desired.
Select the green Go button.
You should see a list of requisitions (REQ) and budget transfers (JV) originated by the user. Note: If any have a blank status, they are incomplete.
Select one of the Requisition numbers in the list. Then, select Related - Document History to open FOIDOCH and drill down for more information.
To see more information on viewing all of your department's requisitions by the user, go to page 76 of the Banner 9 Administrative Pages manual.
For more helpful training tips, check out our training resource page at or register for one of our Banner Finance self-paced training courses at
Contact Information:
Sheena Pierce
Training & Instructional Support/Information Resources & Technology
Technical Trainer
Fiscal 2022 Year End
Posted: 04-13-2022
Fiscal 2022 Year End Budget Requirements |
Department Heads should review their unit's salary and non-salary accounts to ensure that all budgets are not in an actual or projected deficit. This is required for all FOAPALs (operating, carryforward/special programs, grant or capital project FOAPALs). Actual and/or projected deficits within your unit/org must be covered through budget transfers. Please cover deficits for all salary accounts (other than full time salary) through a budget transfer form no later than 07/12/22. |
Fiscal 2022 Year End Closing Dates: |
June 10, 2022 |
Last day to process requisitions or change orders for FY22 goods and services. Please place your requisition with appropriate documentation and required approvals to allow conversion to PO. Goods and/or services physically received by the close of the fiscal period June 30, 2022 will be charged to FY22 budget. |
June 10, 2022 |
Last day to place orders through Amazon. |
June 15, 2022 |
All full time and student salary vouchers need to be submitted by June 15th in order to be paid within FY22. ** Any FT or student labor redistribution for FY22 (for BW Pay#14) must be processed no later than July 19th.** |
June 16, 2022 |
Last day to place orders to Office Depot. |
June 16, 2022 |
Begin systematic batch closing of POs with remaining balances of $10.00 and under. Process to continue throughout Finance year-end close (mid-July) procedures. |
June 24, 2022 |
Last day for using a BOA Purchasing Card (PCard). ** Cards usage will be suspended from this date until 7/1/22.** |
June 29, 2022 |
All departmental deposits must be received on this day by the Office of the Bursar for posting by 4:30 p.m. |
June 30, 2022 |
Any open purchase orders at the close of FY22 (6/30/22) will be charged against FY23 budget if the item hasn’t been physically received. |
June 30, 2022 |
Goods to be charged against FY22 budget must be physically and electronically received (in banner) by the close of business day. |
July 01, 2022 |
All BOA Purchasing Card (PCard) June activity should be allocated in BOA Works system by end of day. |
July 08, 2022 |
Last day to post Non-PO payment request’s with a transaction date of June 30, 2022 for FY22 goods and services received on or before June 30, 2022. |
July 08, 2022 |
Cutoff date for processing Accounts Payable documents to be recorded in fiscal year 2022. Such documents include Non-PO payment request, travel, and invoices against purchase orders. |
July 08, 2022 |
Last day to submit journal entry requests/feeds and fully authorized DCAs. |
July 12, 2022 |
Last day to submit a budget transfer form for salary accounts. |
July 19, 2022 |
Last day to submit requests for labor redistribution corrections and adjustments (reallocation of salary and fringe) for full time and students (BW & BS Pay#14). |
Important Notes & Reminders |
1. |
Entering a requisition in Banner by the cutoff date (6/10/22) does not guarantee that the expense will be processed and paid within the current fiscal year (FY22). Due to ongoing supply chain disruptions, orders may not be processed and fulfilled during the current fiscal year (FY22). Continue to anticipate shipping delays, out of stock items and back orders. Please plan accordingly and do not wait until the cutoff date (6/10/22) to submit a requisition. |
2. |
Cutoff date for requisitions do not apply to external grant (funds beginning with 5 or 6), capital projects (funds beginning with 7), or select CHRI grants (funds beginning with 168XX) activity. All other cutoff dates (DCAs, Amazon, Office Depot, etc.) apply to these funds. |
3. |
All invoices should be forwarded to the Accounts Payable department or sent to |
4. |
FY22 Operational Budget surplus will not carry forward into FY23. |
5. |
FY23 Non-operating funds budgets (special programs, etc.) will not be set up in Banner until Finance completes year end system roll procedures, tentatively set for mid-July 2022. |
6. |
POs open at the completion of FY22 will carry forward to FY23 and charged to the fiscal FY23 budget.
7. |
Journal entry feeds include: telephone, stationary, postage, custodial back-charges, labor & material back-charges, duplicating, catering, copier, fuel charges, atrium card and BOA Pcard correction activity. |
8. |
Additional Procurement information can be found here. |
If there are any additional questions or concerns regarding the year-end closing process, please contact: |
Accounting Issues: |
Mary Ann Nisula ext.64893 |
Accounts Payable Issues: |
Ana Cardona-Parra ext.64335 |
Budget Issues: |
Eric Williams ext.64337 |
Bursar Issues: |
Monica Neuber ext. 65161 |
Purchasing Issues: |
Chris Haley ext.64149 |
Grant Issues: |
Rita Piccioni ext.65492 |
Contact Information:
Mary Ann Nisula
Assistant Controller
Accounting Services
Concur Travel and Expense Software - Updates & Reminders
Posted: 4-3-2022
Attention Rowan University Travelers
Concur, the travel & expense software, is the system for Rowan University employees traveling on official University business. The University has also contracted with Direct Travel, a travel management company, which integrates with Concur to fulfill employee travel arrangements.
The following reminders and guidelines will assist all employees regardless of whether you are a new hire, existing employee, end user, budget administrator, administrative staff or a delegate who needs a refresher in Concur. Utilizing the information below will help reduce errors and achieve quicker travel approvals and reimbursements.
- New training available for all employees on Delegates & Travel Assistants – Click here to sign up.
- Before any travel can be submitted in Concur, it is required that the Profile be completed.
- Required Fields: Work/Home Address, Contact Info, Verify Email, Request & Expense Approvers
- Request and Expense Approvers must be completed within the profile before submission of a request or expense report.
Request (Only Overnight Travel):
- All overnight travel requires submission of a travel request, approvals, and the issuance of an encumbrance # before travel is booked.
- A Request should be started under the Request tab of Concur, not the Travel tab.
- Request/Trip Name: Required naming convention is Destination City and Conference name, workshop, etc.(Ex. Boston-AACOM)
- How will you book your travel?
- 1. Online using Concur Travel: indicates you plan to use Direct Travel for booking travel directly through the Concur system (University preferred booking method).
- 2. Phone Call to Direct Travel: indicates you plan to call Direct Travel to make arrangements.
- 3. Third Party (Outside Source): indicates you plan to book on your own and request reimbursement.
- Confirm Fund/Org/Travel Account/Program listed on the Request Header. This is the budget line where travel should be expensed. Contact your department administrator, department budget administrator, or supervisor to verify the correct information.
- Direct Travel is the University’s contracted travel management company. An approved Encumbrance # is required to complete booking. Click here to access more information.
- Review status of a request: Select Requests from the Concur top menu. You will see all the requests you created and the status of each.
- A Request can be recalled to make changes or adjustments as long as it has not been approved.
Expense (Overnight & Day Travel):
- Upon completion of overnight travel, log in to Concur and select the appropriate request to begin your expense report. Under the Action heading, select Expense. Expensing from the existing request ensures appropriate reimbursement will be issued.
- The mileage calculator tool must be used when selecting the expense type “Personal Car Mileage”. Complete the Waypoints, “A” and “B” fields with a physical address, to ensure reimbursements are calculated accurately.
- Per policy, shortest route must always be selected. Enter each segment (“A” and “B”) of your mileage as a separate line item, and verify the shortest distance has been chosen. The round-trip function is not allowable for mileage.
- Submission of a Google Map is no longer required.
- Expenses $25 and under do not require a receipt.
- Once reimbursement has been received, the request must be closed by the traveler to ensure any remaining balance will be released and returned to the assigned FOAPAL.
- Expense Reports must be submitted 10 business days after overnight travel was completed.
Monthly Day Travel Expense:
- Monthly Day Travel Expense reports require the following naming convention “Month Year Day Travel” (example - January 2022 Day Travel)
- Create one expense report per month for all car mileage and related expenses.
- The “Campus to Campus” expense type is required when traveling between Rowan Glassboro, CMSRU Camden, and Rowan SOM.
- Meals are not reimbursable for Day Travel.
- Monthly Day Travel reports must be submitted within 45 days after the monthly travel was completed.
Common Concur Error Messages:
- If the following message appears, “Missing the required approver for next workflow step. You may be able to select an approver. Contact your Administrator for assistance.”
- This is corrected by adding two Request Approvers within the profile.
- If the following message appears, “This report could not be submitted. Missing the required approver for next workflow step.”
- This is corrected by adding one Expense Approver within the profile.
Students & Non-Employees:
Students (Undergrad-Post Grad, etc.) and Non-Employees do not have access to Concur. Click here to access the paper-based process.
- Paper forms can be submitted via email,, be sure to acquire all approval signatures before sending to Accounts Payable.
- Required approvals for request: Department Head, Division Head, Ethics Liaison Officer, Grants (when applicable), and Dean of Students-Kevin Koett (students only).
- Requests will not be processed without proper approvals.
- Student travel requests should include brochure, registration form, or information printed from a website to verify the travel information. The backup should also include the GSA per diem breakdown and the signed student Release and Waiver form.
- For step by step WebEx or departmental training, contact to schedule a meeting.
- Delegate/Travel Assistant Training-Register here.
- All Concur training materials can be found on the following websites:
- Accounts Payable Website
- Concur Training Site
Contact Information:
Miranda S. Salvatore
Accounts Payable
Gift Cards
Posted: 3-26-2022
Important Message from the Finance Division:
The University has partnered with Greenphire ClinCard to provide an efficient way to procure, distribute, account, and reconcile gift cards to meet the needs of the University community while facilitating the University’s tax compliance reporting and internal cash control requirements. ClinCard offers both physical and virtual cards. The virtual card is a digital representation of a ClinCard prepaid reloadable debit card that is electronically distributed to participants through a secure link via email.
ClinCard Benefits:
- Direct on-site disbursement to study participants
- Improved funds workflow security/approval
- Enhanced processing/tracking/reporting
- Immediate SSN validation of recipients
- University compliance with tax reporting requirements
- Support research studies with reporting that will enhance project results
The purchase and use of gift cards require strict accountability – gift cards may only be provided as compensation to human subject research participants in IRB-sanctioned research, and for prizes and awards not tied to professional, work, or academic responsibilities. Listed below are guidelines that reflect some of the updates and changes:
Gift Card Policy Updates & Reminders:
- All gift card purchases must be pre-approved by completing the Gift Card Request Form
- Employees/student workers may not purchase gift cards out of pocket
- Gift Cards may not be purchased through the Barnes & Noble account
- Gift Cards cannot be used to pay vendors for goods and/or services received and/or rendered or pay any type of wages for services rendered
What’s New:
- ClinCard’s advanced technology and enhanced features allow processing, tracking, disbursing, and reporting to be performed using a secure method in one central location.
- ClinCard Visa card program should be utilized for IRB research studies.
- The Gift Card Request Form will simplify the process since it was redesigned to be easier to complete by having the drop-down menu, auto-fill calculation columns, and the ability to complete one form regardless of the type of gift card requested.
- Additional forms have been created to capture gift card distribution information and to remain IRS compliant for requests outside of the ClinCard system.
- A dedicated inbox has been created to submit all requests, forms and answer gift card related questions,
Training Materials:
- Gift Card Website
- Knowledge Base Article (login to Rowan Support Portal to access)
- Gift Card Forms PowerPoint
- Study Coordinator ClinCard Video
- One-on-one training can be scheduled via
For more information regarding the criteria, tax considerations, allowable procurement, and requirements around distribution and safeguarding of gift cards, please visit:
Contact Information:
Keri Fearon
Accounts Payable
Office of Contracting & Procurement: New Thresholds
Posted: 3-3-2022
The Office of Contracting & Procurement announces exciting changes to the price thresholds!
Procurement Thresholds
- Quote Threshold increased from $10,000 to $20,000
- Bid Threshold increased from $35,500 to $100,000
- BRC Threshold increased from $5,325 to $15,000
Thank you for your continued support,
Contact Information:
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Purchase Orders by Vendors for your FOAPAL
Posted: 3-3-2022
Do you need to find all of the purchase orders for a particular vendor in your own ORG? Information Resources & Technology is here to help. Follow the steps listed below.
Before you begin, make sure you have Banner Finance access. To get access, log in to Self-Service Banner, select Banner Access Request Menu and choose Request a Security Change.
Once you have access, go to, select Banner Administrative Pages (Remote Access or On-Campus Access) and take the following steps:
Fill in the Vendor ID
a. Or search for vendor:
b. Select the three dots next to the Vendor field to search
c. Select Advanced Search
d. From the drop-down menu, select Last Name
e. Select Contains
f. Enter the name or part of the name of the vendor (Case Sensitive)
g. Select Go
h. You will see a list of vendors, double click on the correct Vendor ID
3. Take out the fiscal year
4. Enter your ORG
5. Select the Status of All
6. Search
You should now see all of the PO’s and Commodities in your ORG for that Vendor.
To see more information on POs and vendors, go to page 80 of the Banner 9 Administrative Pages manual.
Note: For more helpful training tips, check out our training resource page at or register for one of our Banner Finance self-paced training courses at
Contact Information:
Sheena Pierce
Training/Information Resources & Technology
Technical Trainer/Instructional Designer
Concur Travel and Expense Software - Updates & Reminders
Posted: 03-02-2022
Attention Rowan University Travelers
Concur, the travel & expense software, is the system for Rowan University employees traveling on official University business. The University has also contracted with Direct Travel, a travel management company, which integrates with Concur to fulfill employee travel arrangements.
The following reminders and guidelines will assist all employees regardless of whether you are a new hire, existing employee, end user, budget administrator, administrative staff or a delegate who needs a refresher in Concur. Utilizing the information below will help reduce errors and achieve quicker travel approvals and reimbursements.
- New training available for all employees on Delegates & Travel Assistants – Click here to sign up.
- Before any travel can be submitted in Concur, it is required that the Profile be completed.
- Required Fields: Work/Home Address, Contact Info, Verify Email, Request & Expense Approvers
- Request and Expense Approvers must be completed within the profile before submission of a request or expense report.
Request (Only Overnight Travel):
- All overnight travel requires submission of a travel request, approvals, and the issuance of an encumbrance # before travel is booked.
- A Request should be started under the Request tab of Concur, not the Travel tab.
- Request/Trip Name: Required naming convention is Destination City and Conference name, workshop, etc.(Ex. Boston-AACOM)
- How will you book your travel?
- 1. Online using Concur Travel: indicates you plan to use Direct Travel for booking travel directly through the Concur system (University preferred booking method).
- 2. Phone Call to Direct Travel: indicates you plan to call Direct Travel to make arrangements.
- 3. Third Party (Outside Source): indicates you plan to book on your own and request reimbursement.
- Confirm Fund/Org/Travel Account/Program listed on the Request Header. This is the budget line where travel should be expensed. Contact your department administrator, department budget administrator, or supervisor to verify the correct information.
- Direct Travel is the University’s contracted travel management company. An approved Encumbrance # is required to complete booking. Click here to access more information.
- Review status of a request: Select Requests from the Concur top menu. You will see all the requests you created and the status of each.
- A Request can be recalled to make changes or adjustments as long as it has not been approved.
Expense (Overnight & Day Travel):
- Upon completion of overnight travel, log in to Concur and select the appropriate request to begin your expense report. Under the Action heading, select Expense. Expensing from the existing request ensures appropriate reimbursement will be issued.
- The mileage calculator tool must be used when selecting the expense type “Personal Car Mileage”. Complete the Waypoints, “A” and “B” fields with a physical address, to ensure reimbursements are calculated accurately.
- Per policy, shortest route must always be selected. Enter each segment (“A” and “B”) of your mileage as a separate line item, and verify the shortest distance has been chosen. The round-trip function is not allowable for mileage.
- Submission of a Google Map is no longer required.
- Expenses $25 and under do not require a receipt.
- Once reimbursement has been received, the request must be closed by the traveler to ensure any remaining balance will be released and returned to the assigned FOAPAL.
- Expense Reports must be submitted 10 business days after overnight travel was completed.
· Monthly Day Travel Expense:
- Monthly Day Travel Expense reports require the following naming convention “Month Year Day Travel” (example - January 2022 Day Travel)
- Create one expense report per month for all car mileage and related expenses.
- The “Campus to Campus” expense type is required when traveling between Rowan Glassboro, CMSRU Camden, and Rowan SOM.
- Meals are not reimbursable for Day Travel.
- Monthly Day Travel reports must be submitted within 45 days after the monthly travel was completed.
Common Concur Error Messages:
- If the following message appears, “Missing the required approver for next workflow step. You may be able to select an approver. Contact your Administrator for assistance.”
- This is corrected by adding two Request Approvers within the profile.
- If the following message appears, “This report could not be submitted. Missing the required approver for next workflow step.”
- This is corrected by adding one Expense Approver within the profile.
Students & Non-Employees:
Students (Undergrad-Post Grad, etc.) and Non-Employees do not have access to Concur. Click here to access the paper-based process.
- Paper forms can be submitted via email,, be sure to acquire all approval signatures before sending to Accounts Payable.
- Required approvals for request: Department Head, Division Head, Ethics Liaison Officer, Grants (when applicable), and Dean of Students-Kevin Koett (students only).
- Requests will not be processed without proper approvals.
- Student travel requests should include brochure, registration form, or information printed from a website to verify the travel information. The backup should also include the GSA per diem breakdown and the signed student Release and Waiver form.
- For step by step WebEx or departmental training, contact to schedule a meeting.
- Delegate/Travel Assistant Training-Register here.
- All Concur training materials can be found on the following websites:
Contact Information:
Miranda S. Salvatore
Accounts Payable
ClinCard Gift Cards & E-Gift Cards
Posted: 02-13-2022
Important Message from the Finance Division - ClinCard now offers physical and virtual gift cards:
The University has partnered with Greenphire ClinCard to provide an efficient way to procure, distribute, account, and reconcile gift cards to meet the needs of the University community while facilitating the University’s tax compliance reporting and internal cash control requirements. ClinCard offers both physical and virtual cards. The virtual card is a digital representation of a ClinCard prepaid reloadable debit card that is electronically distributed to participants through a secure link via email.
ClinCard Benefits:
- Direct on-site disbursement to study participants
- Improved funds workflow security/approval
- Enhanced processing/tracking/reporting
- Immediate SSN validation of recipients
- University compliance with tax reporting requirements
- Support research studies with reporting that will enhance project results
The purchase and use of gift cards require strict accountability – gift cards may only be provided as compensation to human subject research participants in IRB-sanctioned research, and for prizes and awards not tied to professional, work, or academic responsibilities. Listed below are guidelines that reflect some of the updates and changes:
Gift Card Policy Updates & Reminders:
- All gift card purchases must be pre-approved by completing the Gift Card Request Form
- Employees/student workers may not purchase gift cards out of pocket
- Gift Cards may not be purchased through the Barnes & Noble account
- Gift Cards cannot be used to pay vendors for goods and/or services received and/or rendered or pay any type of wages for services rendered
What’s New:
- ClinCard’s advanced technology and enhanced features allow processing, tracking, disbursing, and reporting to be performed using a secure method in one central location.
- ClinCard Visa card program should be utilized for IRB research studies.
- The Gift Card Request Form will simplify the process since it was redesigned to be easier to complete by having the drop-down menu, auto-fill calculation columns, and the ability to complete one form regardless of the type of gift card requested.
- Additional forms have been created to capture gift card distribution information and to remain IRS compliant for requests outside of the ClinCard system.
- A dedicated inbox has been created to submit all requests, forms and answer gift card related questions,
Training Materials:
- Gift Card Website
- Knowledge Base Article
- Gift Card Forms PowerPoint
- Study Coordinator ClinCard Video
- One-on-one training can be scheduled via
For more information regarding the criteria, tax considerations, allowable procurement, and requirements around distribution and safeguarding of gift cards, please visit:
Contact Information:
Keri Fearon
Accounts Payable
I only have eyes for the new Banner Finance Training!
Posted: 01-31-2022
Smile! Love is in the air this February. While you are enjoying your chocolates, flowers, and gifts be sure to check out the new Banner Finance online training! Information Resources & Technology is now offering a free self-paced, online training on Receiving in Banner 9 Administrative Pages in Canvas. You will learn the basics of how to receive goods and services for your department. Beginners will learn first hand the difference between receiving two types of purchase orders regular vs standing. For a full description on the training and who should take this training, visit
We also offer other Canvas self-paced, online training courses for Introduction to Banner Administrative Finance Pages, Requisitions in Banner Admin, Budgets in Banner Admin, Webex, Google Drive, and Cognos. You will be issued a certificate after completion of each training. For our full list of course descriptions and registration, visit
Training Resources
Remember February is short and sweet. Do not forget to check out our free Rowan employee training resources! IRT Training offers free training manuals, quick reference guides and recorded videos to help you navigate Rowan University applications. Our training resources were designed to help you learn at your own pace.
To see all of our training resources, go to - search by category for a manual, quick reference guide, or recorded video. You can also find all of our recorded training sessions on our website at
Contact Information:
Sheena Pierce
Training & Instructional Support/Information Resources & Technology
Techncial Trainer/Instructional Designer
Update on FY22 technology requests
Posted: 01-27-2022
Due to ongoing supply chain disruptions, we are experiencing shipping delays of a few weeks to several months for technology purchases, depending on the supplier. As a result, it is unclear whether we will be able to fulfill requests for technology submitted now by the end of the fiscal year.
Requests submitted now may be charged to FY23 operating budgets depending on delivery times, so please plan accordingly.
We previously announced a Tuesday, Feb. 1, deadline for submitting technology requests for this fiscal year. We encourage you to submit your orders for new hardware, including computers, monitors and printers, as well as audio-visual equipment and installation, by that date to help with timely delivery. However, if you place an order after Feb. 1, and it is received and delivered during this fiscal year, it will be charged to your current fiscal year operating budget. Only items received and delivered after the end of the fiscal year will be charged to FY23 operating budgets.
Trade-in cycle computers are managed through a different ordering and budgeting process. You do not need to take any action right now for new faculty computers or computers eligible for replacement through the trade-in cycle.
You can place orders for new hardware using the Rowan Support Portal. For help ordering technology in the portal, visit To request audio-visual equipment, visit
Personal Purchases Will Not Be Reimbursed
While we understand the frustration over these delays, all technology purchases must be submitted through our approved procurement process to ensure compliance with University policies, including the Technology Ownership Policy. We will not reimburse employees who purchase technology using personal funds or otherwise try to circumvent the University’s procurement process.
If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400, or submit a ticket in the Rowan Support Portal.
FY22 technology requests must be submitted by Feb. 1
Posted: 01-24-2022
Due to ongoing supply chain disruptions, all technology requests must be submitted by Tuesday, Feb. 1, to be charged to a current fiscal year budget. This deadline applies to all new hardware, including computers, monitors and printers, as well as audio-visual equipment and installation.
Even requests placed before Feb. 1 may not be processed and fulfilled during the current fiscal year due to shipping delays, which vary from a few weeks to several months depending on the supplier. Please plan for requests submitted after Feb. 1 to be charged to FY23 budgets.
Please place orders for new hardware using the Rowan Support Portal. For help ordering technology in the portal, visit To request audio-visual equipment, visit
Personal Purchases Will Not Be Reimbursed
While we understand the frustration over these delays, all technology purchases must be submitted through our approved procurement process to ensure compliance with University policies, including the Technology Ownership Policy. We will not reimburse employees who purchase technology using personal funds or otherwise try to circumvent the University’s procurement process.
If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400, or submit a ticket in the Rowan Support Portal.
Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2022
Posted: 01-19-2022
Effective January 1, 2022: the standard mileage rate has increased to $0.585 per mile for individuals traveling in privately owned vehicles on official business for the university. Concur Travel and Expense software has been updated to reflect this change for employees. All travel paper forms for Students / Non-Employees have also been updated. Students / Non-Employees should use the appropriate form when requesting reimbursement for travel.
Per University Travel Policy: when utilizing privately owned vehicles for official University business, the mileage reimbursement will be made at the prevailing IRS business rate. If a personal automobile is used for business purposes, individuals will be reimbursed for miles incurred in excess of daily commute at the current IRS authorized mileage rate. The personal mileage reimbursement covers all costs related to the operation of the vehicle, including service, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, and gas.
For more information regarding mileage rates visit; IRS website
Concur Travel and Expense website;
Students / Non-Employees travel paper forms; Accounts Payable website
Contact Information:
Miranda S. Salvatore
Accounts Payable
Start the new year by learning Banner Finance and More!
Posted: 01-03-2022
Cheers to a new year! Let’s pop the confetti and celebrate 2022. This year will be full of new promises so why not take the opportunity to set a new goal to boost your technology skills in Google Drive, Banner Finance, Webex, Cognos, and more! For the month of January IRT training is offering free Canvas self-paced, online training courses for:
Introduction to Banner Admin Finance Pages
Requisitions in Banner Admin
Budgets in Banner Admin
Self-Service Banner Finance
Google Drive
You will be issued a certificate after completion of each training. For our full list of course descriptions and registration, visit
Note: The Banner Receiving course will be available soon, but meanwhile we have recorded a live class for you to view while we are busy creating the Banner receiving Canvas course. Keep your eye on the Rowan Announcer in the coming months as the Receiving course will be rolled out. You can register to view the recorded session at
Training Resources
Do not forget to check out all of our Rowan employee training resources. IRT Training offers free training manuals, quick reference guides, and recorded videos to help you navigate Rowan University applications. Our training resources were designed to help you learn at your own pace.
To see all of our training resources, go to - search by category for a manual, quick reference guide, or recorded video.
Contact Information:
Sheena Pierce
Training/Information Resources & Technology
Technical Trainer & Instructional Designer
856-256-4179 (6-4179)
Dated Posted
11-30-2021 | Message on behalf of Joseph Scully, Senior Vice President and CFO, |
11-05-2021 | Holiday Gifts and Receptions |
10-25-2021 | How can I see all the PO's in my FOAPAL? |
09-28-2021 | Did you know that you can review PO details in Self-Service? |
07-22-2021 | New System for Gift Card & E-Gift Card Purchases |
07-13-2021 | Banner Finance Fiscal Year End Process Update |
07-02-2021 | Office of Contracting & Procurement: Change Order Requests |
06-07-2021 | Restricting access to sensitive information in Banner |
04-28-2021 | FY21 technology requests must be submitted by May 7 |
04-23-2021 | New System for Gift Card Purchases |
04-08-2021 | Concur Travel and Expense Training - April |
03-04-2021 | Fiscal 2021 Year End |
03-03-2021 | Concur Travel and Expense Training - March |
02-03-2021 | Concur Travel and Expense Training - February |
01-14-2021 | Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2021 |
Message on behalf of Joseph Scully, Senior Vice President and CFO, and Mira Lalovic-Hand, Senior Vice President and CIO:
Posted: 11-30-2021
The disruption of the global supply chain slowing the delivery of goods worldwide is causing delays in procuring technology for Rowan University.
We are experiencing shipping delays with computers and peripheral devices, particularly monitors and printers, that range from a few weeks to several months.
Personal Purchases Will Not Be Reimbursed
While we understand the frustration over these delays, all technology purchases must be submitted through our approved procurement process to ensure compliance with University policies, including the Technology Ownership Policy. We will not reimburse employees who purchase technology using personal funds or otherwise try to circumvent the University’s procurement process.
Managing Your Current & Future Technology Purchases
We are directly notifying employees who have recently placed orders to address potential shipment delays and offer alternate options, whenever possible.
As you consider your technology needs for the rest of this fiscal year, we encourage you to place your orders as early as possible to help with timely delivery and receiving. Even orders placed now may not be processed and fulfilled during the current fiscal year depending on the supplier.
If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400, or submit a ticket in the Rowan Support Portal.
Holiday Gifts and Receptions
Posted: 11-5-2021
OFFICIAL NOTICE: Holiday Gifts and Receptions
With the holiday season upon us, as Rowan University’s Ethics Liaison Officer I want to remind everyone that it is the policy of Rowan University and of the State of New Jersey to prohibit Rowan University employees from accepting gifts or items of value from individuals, companies or vendors doing business with the University. Note also that faculty are not to accept gifts from students. Any gift received by a Rowan University employee in his or her official capacity must be reported to me and I will, in turn, make a decision on whether or not it can be accepted, returned or turned in to be donated to a designated local charity. If practical, you should return the gift to the firm or individual who sent the gift and inform the firm or individual who sent the gift why you cannot accept it.
Note that gifts or benefits received that are of nominal or trivial value (i.e., complimentary calendars, pens or pencils) that are offered to the general business public through mass mailings or other forms of distribution need not be returned if their use does not create an impression of an endorsement. In these cases, one should NOT display these items publicly in their offices, as this might create an impression of a conflict.
Additionally, please be advised that Rowan University employees should refrain from attending holiday parties or receptions hosted by interested parties (i.e., those individuals, firms or vendors who do business with the University or who are seeking to do business with the University) if these events are primarily social in nature. Also as a reminder, University funds are not to be used for greeting cards or parties.
The Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity provides the following procedure for returning or donating holiday gifts:
- Employees are instructed to send non-perishable gifts via interoffice mail to the Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity, 40 E. Laurel Rd., Suite 1100, Stratford, NJ 08084. In addition to the gift, please include the recipient's name, interoffice mailing address, title, and department, the date the gift was received from donor, and the donor's name and address.
- Employees are instructed to donate perishable gifts to a local charitable organization in which they do not hold an interest, as defined above. Please contact the Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity.
- Upon receipt of the above information, the Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity sends a letter to the donor, with a copy to the recipient, informing the donor that State employees are prohibited from accepting gifts during their employment at Rowan University. Whenever practicable, non-perishable items are returned to the donor.
- The Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity maintains a database of gifts returned/donated, as well as copies of the letters that were sent to donors.
I remind all that the above policies are mandated by State laws and State regulations. Please direct all questions about gifts and parties to me, the University ELO at the extension or email address below. Thank you.
Ray Braeunig, CHC, CHPC, CHRC
Chief Audit, Compliance & Privacy Officer
Ethics Liaison Officer
Rowan University
40 East Laurel Road
P.O. Box 1011
University Educational Center {UEC-1108}
Stratford, NJ 08084
856-566-6136 Phone
856-566-6492 Fax
610-416-6699 Cell Email
How can I see all the PO's in my FOAPAL?
Posted: 10-25-2021
In Banner Admin Pages you can easily review and download a full list of all the purchase orders from a specific FY in your FOAPAL by using Transaction Detail Information (FGITRND) and Rule Codes.
Log into
Select Log in to Banner Administrative Pages from Off-Campus or On Campus.
Select Log in using Rowan Network credentials.
Enter Rowan login information and Duo if prompted.
Search for the FGITRND form and click on FGITRND.
Enter your Organization and Fund
The Fiscal Year is set to the current year, but you can change that if you wish
Select Advanced Filter
From the drop-down Add Another Field, select Type
Select Equals
In the Field type PORD
Click Go
You will see a list of all the Purchase orders for that FOAPAL.
To download the report click Tools and Export.
Note: See the appendix in the Banner user manuals for the rule type glossary and more information about FGITRND. See Banner Administrative Pages manual.
For more Finance tips in Banner, check out our Banner Finance training courses in Canvas. You can register at
Contact Information:
Sheena Pierce
Training & Instructional Support/Information Resources & Technology
Technical Trainer & Instructional Designer
Did you know that you can review PO details in Self-Service?
Posted: 9-28-2021
Note: To view the details of a purchase order, you will need Banner Finance access and access to the FOAPAL of the purchase order.
Log into
Select Log in to Self-Service Banner.
Select Log in using Rowan Network credentials.
Enter Rowan login information and Duo if prompted.
Click on the Finance tab.
Select View Document.
Choose Purchase Order as the Document Type.
Enter the purchase order number as the Document Number.
Select Yes to display accounting information.
Select viewing options for Document/Item Text and Commodity Text.
Select View Document.
For more Finance tips in Banner, check out our courses in Canvas. You can register at
Contact Information:
Sheena Pierce
Training & Instructional Support/Information Resources & Technology
Training Coordinator
New System for Gift Card & E-Gift Card Purchases
Posted: 7-22-2021
Important Message from the Finance Division - New System for Gift Card Purchases:
The University has partnered with Greenphire ClinCard to provide an efficient way to procure, distribute, account, and reconcile gift cards to meet the needs of the University community while facilitating the University’s tax compliance reporting and internal cash control requirements.
ClinCard Benefits:
- Direct on-site disbursement to study participants
- Improved funds workflow security/approval
- Enhanced processing/tracking/reporting
- Immediate SSN validation of recipients
- University compliance with tax reporting requirements
- Support research studies with reporting that will enhance project results
The purchase and use of gift cards require strict accountability – gift cards may only be provided as compensation to human subject research participants in IRB-sanctioned research, and for prizes and awards not tied to professional, work, or academic responsibilities. Listed below are guidelines that reflect some of the updates and changes:
Gift Card Policy Updates & Reminders:
- All gift card purchases must be pre-approved by completing the Gift Card Request Form
- Employees/student workers may not purchase gift cards out of pocket
- Gift Cards may not be purchased through the Barnes & Noble account
- Gift Cards cannot be used to pay vendors for goods and/or services received and/or rendered or pay any type of wages for services rendered
What’s New:
- ClinCard’s advanced technology and enhanced features allow processing, tracking, disbursing, and reporting to be performed using a secure method in one central location.
- ClinCard Visa card program should be utilized for IRB research studies.
- The Gift Card Request Form will simplify the process since it was redesigned to be easier to complete by having the drop-down menu, auto-fill calculation columns, and the ability to complete one form regardless of the type of gift card requested.
- Additional forms have been created to capture gift card distribution information and to remain IRS compliant for requests outside of the ClinCard system.
- A dedicated inbox has been created to submit all requests, forms and answer gift card related questions,
Training Materials:
- Gift Card Website
- Knowledge Base Article
- Gift Card Forms PowerPoint
- Study Coordinator ClinCard Video
- One-on-one training can be scheduled via
For more information regarding the criteria, tax considerations, allowable procurement, and requirements around distribution and safeguarding of gift cards, please visit:
Contact Information:
Keri Fearon
Accounts Payable
Banner Finance Fiscal Year End Process Update
Posted: 7-13-2021
Beginning at 3:30PM on Friday, July 16th, the Finance Division will be completing year end system process updates in the Banner Finance module in both Self-Service Banner & Administrative Pages.
On July 16th, all Banner Finance users are required to log off of the Banner Finance module by 3:30pm.
The Finance module will be unavailable until Saturday, July 17th.
Banner Finance includes, but is not limited to:
- Requisitions
- Receiving
- Journal Entries
- Accessing Budgets
Please contact if any questions or concerns.
Contact Information:
Brooke Lew
AVP Finance & Controller
Office of Contracting & Procurement: Change Orders
Posted: 7-2-2021
Change Order Request Portal
On July 1st, the change order mailbox ( will be turned off. You can make all of your purchase order change requests here (also available on our website).
What you will be asked to provide:
- Purchase Order #
- Vendor
- Buyer (listed on the bottom left corner of your purchase order)
- Type (increase of decrease)
- Amount (since last change order)
- Change Request
- New Total
- Explanation for Change
- Any documentation you wish to provide
If you have any general questions, please reach out to If you have any purchase order specific questions, please reach out to the buyer listed on your purchase order.
The Change Order Request Portal is available to use now.
Contact Information:
Alexis Jones
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Associate Director
Restricting access to sensitive information in Banner
Posted: 6-17-2021
To further protect sensitive information at Rowan University, a cross-departmental team of employees has been working to limit access to personal data, such as Social Security numbers (SSNs), in information systems.
As part of this effort, the team from Information Resources & Technology, Office of the University Registrar and the Data Governance Committee will be restricting access to full SSNs on various screens in Banner to departments or business units that have confirmed their business justification to view this information. Only departments that require access to full SSNs should have access to that data in Banner.
Restricting access to SSNs and other sensitive information will help prevent inadvertent exposure of this data, which can lead to issues like identity theft.
For more information about this effort, review our article on authorizing full SSN access in Banner.
If you require full access to SSNs, please contact to request access.
Contact Information:
Submitted By:
Name: Erin O'Neill
Department: IRT - SVP/CIO Office
Title: Assistant Director of Communications
FY21 technology requests must be submitted by May 7
Posted: 4-29-2021
All requests for new hardware, including computers, monitors and printers, and audio-visual equipment and installation must be submitted by Friday, May 7, to ensure delivery during the current fiscal year. This deadline is due to a parts shortage caused by the pandemic that is delaying shipments from all manufacturers, including Lenovo and Apple.
Due to the shipment delays, Information Resources & Technology will be unable to process orders placed after Friday, May 7, during this fiscal year.
Please place orders for new hardware using the IRT Support Portal. For help ordering technology in the portal, visit To request audio-visual equipment, visit
If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400, or submit a ticket in the IRT Support Portal.
New System for Gift Card Purchases
Posted: 4-23-2021
Important Message from the Finance Division - New System for Gift Card Purchases:
The University has partnered with Greenphire ClinCard to provide an efficient way to procure, distribute, account, and reconcile gift cards to meet the needs of the University community while creating additional security and efficiencies around the University’s tax compliance reporting and internal cash control requirements.
ClinCard Benefits:
- Direct on-site disbursement to study participants
- Improved funds workflow security/approval
- Enhanced processing/tracking/reporting
- Immediate SSN validation of recipients
- University compliance with tax reporting requirements
- Support research studies with reporting that will enhance project results
The purchase and use of gift cards requires strict accountability – gift cards may only be provided as compensation to human subject research participants in IRB-sanctioned research, and for prizes and awards not tied to professional, work, or academic responsibilities. Listed below are guidelines that reflect some of the updates and changes:
Gift Card Policy Updates & Reminders:
- All gift card purchases must be pre-approve by completing the Gift Card Request Form
- Employees/student workers may not purchase gift cards out of pocket
- Gift Cards may not be purchased through the Barnes & Noble account
- Gift Cards cannot be used to pay vendors for goods and/or services received and/or rendered or pay any type of wages for services rendered
What’s New:
- ClinCard’s advance technology and enhanced features allows processing, tracking, disbursing and reporting to be performed using a secure method in one central location.
- ClinCard Visa card program should be utilized for IRB research studies.
- The Gift Card Request Form will simplify the process since it was redesigned to be easier to complete by having the drop down menu, auto-fill calculation columns, and the ability to complete one form regardless of the type of gift card requested.
- Additional forms have been created to capture gift card distribution information and to remain IRS compliant for requests outside of the ClinCard system.
- A dedicated inbox has been created to submit all requests, forms and answer gift card related questions,
Training Materials:
- Gift Card Website
- Knowledge Base Article
- Gift Card Forms PowerPoint
- Study Coordinator ClinCard Video
- One-on-one training can be scheduled via
For more information regarding the criteria, tax considerations, allowable procurement, and requirements around distribution and safeguarding of gift cards, please visit:
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
Concur Travel and Expense Training - April
Posted: 4-8-2021
Attention Rowan University Travelers, Assistants & Approvers – Concur Travel and Expense Training
Concur, the new travel and expense software is now live for Rowan University employees traveling on official university business. As previously announced, Concur Travel and Expense is replacing our current paper-based travel system and becoming the system of record in facilitating all of your University travel needs. With the introduction of Concur, Direct Travel is replacing Sunward Adventures as the University’s new travel management company. Direct Travel integrates with Concur to fulfill employees' travel booking arrangements, automatically transfer itinerary information to expense reports and maintain the traveler’s rewards. This integrated and centralized approach creates a seamless experience for our travelers across the University.
To ensure a smooth transition, the Accounts Payable Department will continue to provide training for each employee to fully acclimate to the new system. Due to the current circumstances of COVID-19, all training is being provided electronically. Each training was designed with helpful references for all levels of learning from a quick reference guide to webinar overviews. Step-by-step PowerPoints and WebEx sessions are also being provided for each Concur module.
Various training opportunities for each Concur module (Request, Travel, Approvals & Expense Report) are conveniently formatted to ease the transition:
- Online videos available on the Concur training site
- PowerPoints & Quick Reference Guides available on the Accounts Payable website
- WebEx sessions offer by topic and module
For step-by-step WebEx sessions and registrations, review the table below:
Concur Modules / Class Title |
Description & Registration Link |
Day Travel in Concur |
Description: Day Travel in Concur is travel that does not require an overnight stay. This training is for employees, faculty and staff who are requesting reimbursement for Day Travel related expenses such as mileage, tolls, parking, conference fees, workshop fees, or training fees. Concur training will cover step-by-step instructions on how to enter mileage and expenses into the automated system. We will review Campus to Campus mileage, submitting Day Travel as a monthly expense, and allocating expenses. In addition, a high-level overview of the expense report approval workflow process will be covered. Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form. Registration: |
Request |
Description: This training is for employees, faculty and staff who travel overnight on official university business. A Request must be used to obtain preapproval for overnight trips, including trips where a sponsor/host will cover the cost. Concur training will cover step by step instructions on how to obtain travel estimates, complete the Request, allocate funds to multiple FOAPals and review the approval flow. Note: The travelers profile in Concur must be complete before a Request can be submitted. Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form. Registration: |
Important reminders:
- Employees must complete their Concur profile to be able to access each of the Concur modules.
- All Concur training materials and training registration can be found on the Accounts Payable website for your reference.
- One-on-one training for departments or employees can be scheduled via
- November 30, 2020 - last day for employees to submit Day Travel Expense Form (mileage log) using our current paper-based process.
- December 2, 2020 - last day to submit or approve all employee travel forms using our current paper-based process.
Contact Information:
Miranda Salvatore
Accounts Payable
Fiscal 2021 Year End
Posted: 3-4-21
Fiscal 2021 Year End Budget Requirements
Department Heads should review their unit's salary and non-salary accounts to ensure that all operating budgets are not in an actual or projected deficit. Actual and/or projected deficits must be covered through budget transfers. Please cover deficits for all salary accounts (other than full time salary) through a budget transfer form no later than 07/09/21.
Fiscal 2021 Year End Closing Dates:
June 11, 2021 |
Last day to process requisitions or change orders for FY21 goods and services. Please place your requisition with appropriate documentation and required approvals to allow conversion to PO. Goods and/or services physically received by the close of the fiscal period June 30, 2021 will be charged to FY21 budget. |
June 11, 2021 |
Last day to place orders through Amazon. |
June 17, 2021 |
Last day to place orders to Office Depot. |
June 17, 2021 |
Last day for using a University Purchasing Card (UPC). |
June 17, 2021 |
Begin systematic batch closing of POs with remaining balances of $10.00 (^) and under. Process to continue throughout Finance year-end close (mid-July) procedures. |
June 30, 2021 |
Any open purchase orders at the close of FY21 (6/30/21) will be charged against FY22 budget if the item hasn’t been physically received. |
June 30, 2021 |
Goods to be charged against FY21 budget must be physically and electronically received (in banner) by the close of business day. |
July 09, 2021 |
Last day to post Non-PO payment request’s with a transaction date of June 30, 2021 for FY21 goods and services received on or before June 30, 2021. |
July 09, 2021 |
Cutoff date for processing Accounts Payable documents to be recorded in fiscal year 2021. Such documents include Non-PO payment request, travel, and invoices against purchase orders. |
July 09, 2021 |
Last day to submit budget transfers, journal entry requests, and DCAs. |
July 09, 2021 |
Last day to submit requests for Labor Redistribution corrections and adjustments (reallocation of salary and fringe). |
Important Notes
1. |
Entering a requisition or purchase order does not guarantee that the expense will be processed and paid within the current fiscal year (FY21). |
2. |
Cutoff dates (excluding DCAs) do not apply to external grant (funds beginning with 5 or 6) or capital (funds beginning with 7) funded accounts. |
3. |
All invoices should be forwarded to the Accounts Payable department or sent to |
4. |
FY21 Operational Budget surplus will not carry forward into FY22. |
5. |
POs open at the completion of FY21 will carry forward to FY22 and charged to the fiscal FY22 budget.
6. |
Additional Procurement information can be found here. |
If there are any additional questions or concerns regarding the year-end closing process, please contact:
Contact Information: |
Department | Contact | Extension | |
Accounting Services | Joseph Wicklund | | ext. 65498 |
Accounts Payable | Ana Cardona-Parra | | ext. 64335 |
Budget | Eric Williams | | ext. 64337 |
Grants | Rita Piccioni | | ext. 65492 |
Procurement | Chris Haley | | ext. 64149 |
Contact Information:
Mary Ann Nisula
Assistant Controller
Accounting Services
Concur Travel and Expense Training - March
Posted: 3-3-2021
Attention Rowan University Travelers, Assistants & Approvers – Concur Travel and Expense Training
Concur, the new travel and expense software is now live for Rowan University employees traveling on official university business. As previously announced, Concur Travel and Expense is replacing our current paper-based travel system and becoming the system of record in facilitating all of your University travel needs. With the introduction of Concur, Direct Travel is replacing Sunward Adventures as the University’s new travel management company. Direct Travel integrates with Concur to fulfill employees' travel booking arrangements, automatically transfer itinerary information to expense reports and maintain the traveler’s rewards. This integrated and centralized approach creates a seamless experience for our travelers across the University.
To ensure a smooth transition, the Accounts Payable Department will continue to provide training for each employee to fully acclimate to the new system. Due to the current circumstances of COVID-19, all training is being provided electronically. Each training was designed with helpful references for all levels of learning from a quick reference guide to webinar overviews. Step-by-step PowerPoints and WebEx sessions are also being provided for each Concur module.
Various training opportunities for each Concur module (Request, Travel, Approvals & Expense Report) are conveniently formatted to ease the transition:
- Online videos available on the Concur training site
- PowerPoints & Quick Reference Guides available on the Accounts Payable website
- WebEx sessions offer by topic and module
For step-by-step WebEx sessions and registrations, review the table below:
Concur Modules / Class Title |
Description & Registration Link |
Day Travel in Concur |
Description: Day Travel in Concur is travel that does not require an overnight stay. This training is for employees, faculty and staff who are requesting reimbursement for Day Travel related expenses such as mileage, tolls, parking, conference fees, workshop fees, or training fees. Concur training will cover step-by-step instructions on how to enter mileage and expenses into the automated system. We will review Campus to Campus mileage, submitting Day Travel as a monthly expense, and allocating expenses. In addition, a high-level overview of the expense report approval workflow process will be covered. Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form. Registration: |
Request |
Description: This training is for employees, faculty and staff who travel overnight on official university business. A Request must be used to obtain preapproval for overnight trips, including trips where a sponsor/host will cover the cost. Concur training will cover step by step instructions on how to obtain travel estimates, complete the Request, allocate funds to multiple FOAPals and review the approval flow. Note: The travelers profile in Concur must be complete before a Request can be submitted. Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form. Registration: |
Important reminders:
- Employees must complete their Concur profile to be able to access each of the Concur modules.
- All Concur training materials and training registration can be found on the Accounts Payable website for your reference.
- One-on-one training for departments or employees can be scheduled via
- November 30, 2020 - last day for employees to submit Day Travel Expense Form (mileage log) using our current paper-based process.
- December 2, 2020 - last day to submit or approve all employee travel forms using our current paper-based process.
Contact Information:
Miranda SalvatoreAccounts Payable
back to top
Concur Travel and Expense Training - February
Posted: 2-4-2021
Attention Rowan University Travelers, Assistants & Approvers – Concur Travel and Expense Training
Concur, the new travel and expense software is now live for Rowan University employees traveling on official university business. As previously announced, Concur Travel and Expense is replacing our current paper-based travel system and becoming the system of record in facilitating all of your University travel needs. With the introduction of Concur, Direct Travel is replacing Sunward Adventures as the University’s new travel management company. Direct Travel integrates with Concur to fulfill employees' travel booking arrangements, automatically transfer itinerary information to expense reports and maintain the traveler’s rewards. This integrated and centralized approach creates a seamless experience for our travelers across the University.
To ensure a smooth transition, the Accounts Payable Department will continue to provide training for each employee to fully acclimate to the new system. Due to the current circumstances of COVID-19, all training is being provided electronically. Each training was designed with helpful references for all levels of learning from a quick reference guide to webinar overviews. Step-by-step PowerPoints and WebEx sessions are also being provided for each Concur module.
Various training opportunities for each Concur module (Request, Travel, Approvals & Expense Report) are conveniently formatted to ease the transition:
- Online videos available on the Concur training site
- PowerPoints & Quick Reference Guides available on the Accounts Payable website
- WebEx sessions offer by topic and module
For step-by-step WebEx sessions and registrations, review the table below:
Concur Modules / Class Title |
Description & Registration Link |
Concur Profile Setup |
Description: It is important to complete your Concur Profile in its entirety prior to traveling on official university business or completing day travel, since each section will integrate with Banner, Outlook and our new travel management company, Direct Travel. This training will instruct travelers, delegates and approvers on how to set up their Concur profiles properly to ensure requests and expense reports are properly routed. Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form. Registration:
Day Travel in Concur |
Description: Day Travel in Concur is travel that does not require an overnight stay. This training is for employees, faculty and staff who are requesting reimbursement for Day Travel related expenses such as mileage, tolls, parking, conference fees, workshop fees, or training fees. Concur training will cover step-by-step instructions on how to enter mileage and expenses into the automated system. We will review Campus to Campus mileage, submitting Day Travel as a monthly expense, and allocating expenses. In addition, a high-level overview of the expense report approval workflow process will be covered. Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form. Registration: |
Request |
Description: This training is for employees, faculty and staff who travel overnight on official university business. A Request must be used to obtain preapproval for overnight trips, including trips where a sponsor/host will cover the cost. Concur training will cover step by step instructions on how to obtain travel estimates, complete the Request, allocate funds to multiple FOAPals and review the approval flow. Note: The travelers profile in Concur must be complete before a Request can be submitted. Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form. Registration: |
Important reminders:
- Employees must complete their Concur profile to be able to access each of the Concur modules.
- All Concur training materials and training registration can be found on the Accounts Payable website for your reference.
- One-on-one training for departments or employees can be scheduled via
- November 30, 2020 - last day for employees to submit Day Travel Expense Form (mileage log) using our current paper-based process.
- December 2, 2020 - last day to submit or approve all employee travel forms using our current paper-based process.
Contact Information:
Miranda Salvatore
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2021
Posted: 1-14-2021
Effective January 1, 2021: the standard mileage rate has decreased to $0.56 per mile for individuals traveling in privately owned vehicles on official business for the university. Concur Travel and Expense software has been updated to reflect this change for employees. All travel paper forms for Students / Non-Employees have also been updated. Students / Non-Employees should use the appropriate form when requesting reimbursement for travel.
Per University Travel Policy: when utilizing privately owned vehicles for official University business, the mileage reimbursement will be made at the prevailing IRS business rate. If a personal automobile is used for business purposes, individuals will be reimbursed for miles incurred in excess of daily commute at the current IRS authorized mileage rate. The personal mileage reimbursement covers all costs related to the operation of the vehicle, including service, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, and gas.
For more information regarding mileage rates visit; IRS website
Concur Travel and Expense website;
Students / Non-Employees travel paper forms; Accounts Payable website
Contact Information:
Miranda S. SalvatoreAccounts Payable
11-27-2020 | Concur Travel and Expense Training - December |
11-19-2020 | Holiday Gifts and Receptions |
11-05-2020 | Confirming Orders |
11-01-2020 | Concur Travel and Expense Training - November |
10-06-2020 | Gift Card Policy |
10-02-2020 | Concur Travel and Expense Training - October |
09-24-2020 | FY21 Approved Budget |
09-06-2020 | Concur Travel and Expense Training - September |
08-22-2020 | Concur Travel and Expense is now Live! |
08-17-2020 | Update: Online Departmental Charge Authorization (DCA) Form |
07-02-2020 | FY21 Budget & Standing Orders |
07-01-2020 | FY21 Budget - Budget Transfer Access |
05-13-2020 | New System for Travel & Expense: Timeline and Registration |
05-08-2020 | Fiscal 2020 Year End |
02-28-2020 | Office of the President: Guidance on International Travel |
02-18-2020 | New System for Travel and Expense |
02-05-2020 | Office of the President: Notify Rowan if Traveling to/from China |
01-09-2020 | IRT Training: New Year...New Technology Skills |
01-08-2020 | Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2020 |
Concur Travel and Expense Training
Posted: 11-27-2020
Attention Rowan University Travelers – Concur Travel and Expense Training
Concur, the new travel and expense software is now live for Rowan University employees traveling on official university business. As previously announced, Concur Travel and Expense is replacing our current paper-based travel system and becoming the system of record in facilitating all of your University travel needs. With the introduction of Concur, Direct Travel is replacing Sunward Adventures as the University’s new travel management company. Direct Travel integrates with Concur to fulfill employees' travel booking arrangements, automatically transfer itinerary information to expense reports and maintain the traveler’s rewards. This integrated and centralized approach creates a seamless experience for our travelers across the University.
To ensure a smooth transition, the Accounts Payable Department will continue weekly training until December 10, 2020 to provide ample time for each employee to fully acclimate to the new system. Due to the current circumstances of COVID-19, all training is being provided electronically. Each training was designed with helpful references for all levels of learning from a quick reference guide to webinar overviews. Step-by-step PowerPoints and WebEx sessions are also being provided for each Concur module.
Various training opportunities for each Concur module (Request, Travel, Approvals & Expense Report) are conveniently formatted to ease the transition:
- Online videos available on the Concur training site
- PowerPoints & Quick Reference Guides available on the Accounts Payable website
- WebEx sessions offer by topic and module
For step-by-step WebEx sessions and registrations, review the table below:
Concur Modules / Class Title |
Description & Registration |
Concur Profile Setup |
Description: It is important to complete your Concur Profile in its entirety prior to traveling on official university business or completing day travel, since each section will integrate with Banner, Outlook and our new travel management company, Direct Travel. This training will instruct travelers, delegates and approvers on how to set up their Concur profiles properly to ensure requests and expense reports are properly routed. Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form. Registration: |
Day Travel in Concur |
Description: Day Travel in Concur is travel that does not require an overnight stay. This training is for employees, faculty and staff who are requesting reimbursement for Day Travel related expenses such as mileage, tolls, parking, conference fees, workshop fees, or training fees. Concur training will cover step-by-step instructions on how to enter mileage and expenses into the automated system. We will review Campus to Campus mileage, submitting Day Travel as a monthly expense, and allocating expenses. In addition, a high-level overview of the expense report approval workflow process will be covered. Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form. Registration: |
Important reminders:
- Employees traveling on official university business need to complete their Concur profile to be able to access each of the Concur modules.
- All Concur training registrations can be found on the Accounts Payable website for your reference.
- Online training and registration will continue weekly until December 10, 2020.
- One-on-one training for departments or employees can be scheduled via
- November 30, 2020 is the last day employees can submit a Day Travel Expense Form (mileage log) using our current paper-based process.
- December 2, 2020 is the last day to submit or approve all employee travel forms using our current paper-based process.
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
OFFICIAL NOTICE: Holiday Gifts and Receptions
Posted: 11-19-20
With the holiday season upon us, we are reminding everyone that it is the policy of Rowan University and of the State of New Jersey to prohibit Rowan University employees from accepting gifts or items of value from individuals, companies or vendors doing business with the University. Note also that faculty are not to accept gifts from students. Any gift received by a Rowan University employee in his or her official capacity must be reported to the Ethics Liaison Officer (Ray and a decision will be made whether or not it can be accepted, returned or turned in to be donated to a designated local charity. If practical, you should return the gift to the firm or individual who sent the gift and inform the firm or individual who sent the gift why you cannot accept it. Please document this activity and send to me for filing purposes.
Note that gifts or benefits received that are of nominal or trivial value (i.e., complimentary calendars, pens or pencils) that are offered to the general business public through mass mailings or other forms of distribution need not be returned if their use does not create an impression of an endorsement. In these cases, one should NOT display these items publicly in their offices, as this might create an impression of a conflict.
Additionally, please be advised that Rowan University employees should refrain from attending holiday parties or receptions hosted by interested parties (i.e., those individuals, firms or vendors who do business with the University or who are seeking to do business with the University) if these events are primarily social in nature. Also as a reminder, University funds are not to be used for greeting cards or parties.
For the Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine (RowanSOM), the Stratford campus and RowanSOM satellite offices, the Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity provides the following procedure for returning or donating holiday gifts:
- RowanSOM employees are instructed to send non-perishable gifts via interoffice mail to the Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity, 40 E. Laurel Rd., Suite 1100, Stratford, NJ 08084. In addition to the gift, please include the recipient's name, interoffice mailing address, title, and department, the date the gift was received from donor, and the donor's name and address.
- Employees are instructed to donate perishable gifts to a local charitable organization in which they do not hold an interest, as defined above. Please contact your RowanSOM Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity.
- Upon receipt of the above information, the RowanSOM Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity sends a letter to the donor, with a copy to the recipient, informing the donor that State employees are prohibited from accepting gifts during their employment at Rowan University. Whenever practicable, non-perishable items are returned to the donor.
- The RowanSOM Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity maintains a database of gifts returned/donated, as well as copies of the letters that were sent to donors.
The above policies are mandated by State laws and State regulations. Please direct all questions about gifts and parties to me, the University ELO - Ethics Liaison Officer at the extension or email address below. Thank you.
Ray Braeunig, CHC, CHPC, CHRC
Chief Audit, Compliance & Privacy Officer
Ethics Liaison Officer
Rowan University
40 East Laurel Road
P.O. Box 1011
University Educational Center {UEC-1108}
Stratford, NJ 08084
856-566-6136 Phone
856-566-6492 Fax
610-416-6699 Cell
Confirming Orders
Posted: 11-5-2020
The University community must always, and particularly now as we face these challenging times, do everything possible to conserve resources so our institution can remain in the best position to preserve our mission. Therefore, the Office of Contracting and Procurement (OC&P) has been reviewing with heightened scrutiny all requisitions. It has become apparent through these reviews that employees are still engaging in confirming orders which are defined as purchases made prior to submitting a requisition and receiving a purchase order.
Confirming orders are not permitted under any circumstance because of the inherent problems they create, including but not limited to:
- Violations of legal requirements
- Lost items
- Missed discounts
- Receipt of duplicate shipments
- Redundant payments
- Unidentified invoices
PLEASE BE ADVISED: Any employee who buys products or services without going through the OC&P assumes personal liability for payment and the suspension of requisitioning privileges.
If an individual submits a requisition with an invoice attached indicating the purchase has already been completed, please note that the OC&P may not process the requisition. Additionally the individual may be personally responsible for the costs associated with such purchases according to policy.
Please make sure all individuals that work in your Department are aware of the seriousness of confirming orders and the significant consequences associated with them.
Thank you,
Christine M. Brasteter
Senior Director of Contracting and Procurement
cc: Melissa Wheatcroft, General Counsel
Joseph F. Scully, Senior Vice President of Finance
Elyse Crawford, Assistant General Counsel
Concur Travel and Expense Training
Posted: 11-1-2020
Attention Rowan University Travelers – Concur Travel and Expense Training
Concur, the new travel and expense software is now live for Rowan University employees traveling on official university business. As previously announced, Concur Travel and Expense is replacing our current paper-based travel system and becoming the system of record in facilitating all of your University travel needs. With the introduction of Concur, Direct Travel is replacing Sunward Adventures as the University’s new travel management company. Direct Travel integrates with Concur to fulfill employees' travel booking arrangements, automatically transfer itinerary information to expense reports and maintain the traveler’s rewards. This integrated and centralized approach creates a seamless experience for our travelers across the University.
To ensure a smooth transition, the Accounts Payable Department will continue weekly training until December 9, 2020 to provide ample time for each employee to fully acclimate to the new system. Due to the current circumstances of COVID-19, all training is being provided electronically. Each training was designed with helpful references for all levels of learning from a quick reference guide to webinar overviews. Step-by-step PowerPoints and WebEx sessions are also being provided for each Concur module.
Various training opportunities for each Concur module (Request, Travel, Approvals & Expense Report) are conveniently formatted to ease the transition:
- Online videos available on the Concur training site
- PowerPoints & Quick Reference Guides available on the Accounts Payable website
- WebEx sessions offer by topic and module
For step-by-step WebEx sessions and registrations, review the table below:
Concur Modules / Class Title |
Description & Registration |
Concur Profile Setup |
Description: It is important to complete your Concur Profile in its entirety prior to traveling on official university business or completing day travel, since each section will integrate with Banner, Outlook and our new travel management company, Direct Travel. This training will instruct travelers, delegates and approvers on how to set up their Concur profiles properly to ensure requests and expense reports are properly routed. Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form. Registration: |
Day Travel in Concur |
Description: Day Travel in Concur is travel that does not require an overnight stay. This training is for employees, faculty and staff who are requesting reimbursement for Day Travel related expenses such as mileage, tolls, parking, conference fees, workshop fees, or training fees. Concur training will cover step-by-step instructions on how to enter mileage and expenses into the automated system. We will review Campus to Campus mileage, submitting Day Travel as a monthly expense, and allocating expenses. In addition, a high-level overview of the expense report approval workflow process will be covered. Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form. Registration: |
Request |
Description: This training is for employees, faculty and staff who travel overnight on official university business. A Request must be used to obtain preapproval for overnight trips, including trips where a sponsor/host will cover the cost. Concur training will cover step by step instructions on how to obtain travel estimates, complete the Request, allocate funds to multiple FOAPALs and review the approval flow. Note: The travelers profile in Concur must be complete before a Request can be submitted. Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form. Registration: |
Important reminders:
- Employees traveling on official university business need to complete their Concur profile to be able to access each of the Concur modules.
- All Concur training registrations can be found on the Accounts Payable website for your reference.
- Online training and registration will continue weekly until December 2, 2020.
- One-on-one training for departments or employees can be scheduled via
- November 30, 2020 is the last day employees can submit a Day Travel Expense Form (mileage log) using our current paper-based process.
- December 2, 2020 is the last day to submit or approve all employee travel forms using our current paper-based process.
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
Gift Card Policy
Posted: 10-6-2020
The University has implemented a policy on the procurement and distribution of gift cards
The University has implemented a policy to establish guidelines for the procurement, distribution, accounting, and reconciliation of gift cards to meet the needs of the University community while facilitating the University’s tax compliance reporting and internal cash control requirements. The purchase and use of such items requires strict accountability – gift cards may only be provided as compensation to human subject research participants in IRB-sanctioned research, and for prizes and awards not tied to professional, work, or academic responsibilities.
For more information regarding the criteria, tax considerations, allowable procurement, and requirements around distribution and safeguarding of gift cards, please visit:
Contact Information:
Title: Controller
Phone: 856-256-4130
Concur Travel and Expense Training
Posted: 10-2-2020
Attention Rowan University Travelers – Concur Travel and Expense Training
Concur, the new travel and expense software is now live for Rowan University employees traveling on official university business. As previously announced, Concur Travel and Expense is replacing our current paper-based travel system and becoming the system of record in facilitating all of your University travel needs. With the introduction of Concur, Direct Travel is replacing Sunward Adventures as the University’s new travel management company. Direct Travel integrates with Concur to fulfill employees' travel booking arrangements, automatically transfer itinerary information to expense reports and maintain the traveler’s rewards. This integrated and centralized approach creates a seamless experience for our travelers across the University.
To ensure a smooth transition, the Accounts Payable Department will continue weekly training until December 9, 2020 to provide ample time for each employee to fully acclimate to the new system. Due to the current circumstances of COVID-19, all training is being provided electronically. Each training was designed with helpful references for all levels of learning from a quick reference guide to webinar overviews. Step-by-step PowerPoints and WebEx sessions are also being provided for each Concur module.
Various training opportunities for each Concur module (Request, Travel, Approvals & Expense Report) are conveniently formatted to ease the transition:
- Online videos available on the Concur training site
- PowerPoints & Quick Reference Guides available on the Accounts Payable website
- WebEx sessions offer by topic and module
For step-by-step WebEx sessions and registrations, review the table below:
Concur Modules / Class Title |
Description & Registration |
Day Travel in Concur |
Description: Day Travel in Concur is travel that does not require an overnight stay. This training is for employees, faculty and staff who are requesting reimbursement for Day Travel related expenses such as mileage, tolls, parking, conference fees, workshop fees, or training fees. Concur training will cover step-by-step instructions on how to enter mileage and expenses into the automated system. We will review Campus to Campus mileage, submitting Day Travel as a monthly expense, and allocating expenses. In addition, a high-level overview of the expense report approval workflow process will be covered. Registration: |
Concur Profile Setup |
Description: It is important to complete your Concur Profile in its entirety prior to traveling on official university business or completing day travel, since each section will integrate with Banner, Outlook and our new travel management company, Direct Travel. This training will instruct travelers, delegates and approvers on how to set up their Concur profiles properly to ensure requests and expense reports are properly routed. Registration: |
Important reminders:
- Employees traveling on official university business need to complete their Concur profile to be able to access each of the Concur modules.
- All Concur training registrations can be found on the Accounts Payable website for your reference.
- Online training and registration will continue weekly until December 2, 2020.
- One-on-one training for departments or employees can be scheduled via
- November 30, 2020 is the last day employees can submit a Day Travel Expense Form (mileage log) using our current paper-based process.
- December 2, 2020 is the last day to submit or approve all employee travel forms using our current paper-based process.
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
FY21 Approved Budget
Posted: 9-24-2020
The FY21 budget has been approved by the Board of Trustees and is uploaded into the banner system. You may access your budget allocation on our budget website or by following the below link.
Please note that your budget transfer access has been reinstated.
Contact Information:
Natalie Beury
Budget Office
Budget Director
Concur Travel and Expense Training
Posted: 9-6-2020
Concur, the new travel and expense software is now live for Rowan University employees traveling on official university business. As previously announced, Concur Travel and Expense is replacing our current paper-based travel system and becoming the system of record in facilitating all of your University travel needs. With the introduction of Concur, Direct Travel is replacing Sunward Adventures as the University’s new travel management company. Direct Travel integrates with Concur to fulfill employees' travel booking arrangements, automatically transfer itinerary information to expense reports and maintain the traveler’s rewards. This integrated and centralized approach creates a seamless experience for our travelers across the University.
To ensure a smooth transition, the Accounts Payable Department will continue weekly training until December 2, 2020 to provide ample time for each employee to fully acclimate to the new system. Due to the current circumstances of COVID-19, all training is being provided electronically. Each training was designed with helpful references for all levels of learning from a quick reference guide to webinar overviews. Step-by-step PowerPoints and WebEx sessions are also being provided for each Concur module.
Various training opportunities for each Concur module (Request, Travel, Approvals & Expense Report) are conveniently formatted to ease the transition:
- Online videos available on the Concur training site
- PowerPoints & Quick Reference Guides available on the Accounts Payable website
- WebEx sessions offer by topic and module
For step-by-step WebEx sessions and registrations, review the table below:
Concur Modules / Class Title |
Description & Registration |
Day Travel in Concur |
Description: Day Travel in Concur is travel that does not require an overnight stay. This training is for employees, faculty and staff who are requesting reimbursement for Day Travel related expenses such as mileage, tolls, parking, conference fees, workshop fees, or training fees. Concur training will cover step-by-step instructions on how to enter mileage and expenses into the automated system. We will review Campus to Campus mileage, submitting Day Travel as a monthly expense, and allocating expenses. In addition, a high-level overview of the expense report approval workflow process will be covered. Registration:
Concur Profile Setup |
Description: It is important to complete your Concur Profile in its entirety prior to traveling on official university business or completing day travel, since each section will integrate with Banner, Outlook and our new travel management company, Direct Travel. This training will instruct travelers, delegates and approvers on how to set up their Concur profiles properly to ensure requests and expense reports are properly routed. Registration:
Important reminders:
- Employees traveling on official university business need to complete their Concur profile to be able to access each of the Concur modules.
- All Concur training registrations can be found on the Accounts Payable website for your reference.
- Online training and registration will continue weekly until December 2, 2020.
- One-on-one training for departments or employees can be scheduled via
- November 30, 2020 is the last day employees can submit a Day Travel Expense Form (mileage log) using our current paper-based process.
- December 2, 2020 is the last day to submit or approve all employee travel forms using our current paper-based process.
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
Attention Rowan University Travelers – Concur Travel and Expense is now Live!
Posted: 8-22-2020
Concur, the new travel and expense software is now live for Rowan University employees traveling on official university business. As previously announced, Concur Travel and Expense is replacing our current paper-based travel system and becoming the system of record in facilitating all of your University travel needs. With the introduction of Concur, Direct Travel is replacing Sunward Adventures as the University’s new travel management company. Direct Travel integrates with Concur to fulfill employees' travel booking arrangements, automatically transfer itinerary information to expense reports and maintain the traveler’s rewards. This integrated and centralized approach creates a seamless experience for our travelers across the University.
To ensure a smooth transition, the Accounts Payable Department will continue weekly training until December 2, 2020 to provide ample time for each employee to fully acclimate to the new system. Due to the current circumstances of COVID-19, all training is being provided electronically. Each training was designed with helpful references for all levels of learning from a quick reference guide to webinar overviews. Step-by-step PowerPoints and WebEx sessions are also being provided for each Concur module.
Various training opportunities for each Concur module (Request, Travel, Approvals & Expense Report) are conveniently formatted to ease the transition:
- Online videos available on the Concur training site
- PowerPoints & Quick Reference Guides available on the Accounts Payable website
- WebEx sessions offer by topic and module
For step-by-step WebEx sessions and registrations, review the table below:
Concur Modules / Class Title |
Description & Registration |
Day Travel in Concur |
Description: Day Travel in Concur is travel that does not require an overnight stay. This training is for employees, faculty and staff who are requesting reimbursement for Day Travel related expenses such as mileage, tolls, parking, conference fees, workshop fees, or training fees. Concur training will cover step-by-step instructions on how to enter mileage and expenses into the automated system. We will review Campus to Campus mileage, submitting Day Travel as a monthly expense, and allocating expenses. In addition, a high-level overview of the expense report approval workflow process will be covered. Registration: |
Concur Profile Setup |
Description: It is important to complete your Concur Profile in its entirety prior to traveling on official university business or completing day travel, since each section will integrate with Banner, Outlook and our new travel management company, Direct Travel. This training will instruct travelers, delegates and approvers on how to set up their Concur profiles properly to ensure requests and expense reports are properly routed. Registration: |
Important reminders:
- Employees traveling on official university business need to complete their Concur profile to be able to access each of the Concur modules.
- All Concur training registrations can be found on the Accounts Payable website for your reference.
- Online training and registration will continue weekly until December 2, 2020.
- One-on-one training for departments or employees can be scheduled via
- November 30, 2020 is the last day employees can submit a Day Travel Expense Form (mileage log) using our current paper-based process.
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Accounts Payable
Update: Online Departmental Charge Authorization (DCA) Form
Posted: 8-17-2020
Beginning August 17, 2020, Phase I of the online Departmental Charge Authorization (DCA) Form will be available to the University Community for non-salary expense DCA requests.
The DCA Form is an online system that will allow users to:
- Go paperless! This online tool replaces the paper form and attachments for supporting documentation
- Route DCA forms for approvals internally and between departments
- Easily track the status of a DCA form as it moves through the 6-step process
- Reduce the processing time for posting to the Banner Finance module
Please note: In Phase I, exclusions include all Grants, SGA and related departments, Athletic Department funds, Foundation, South Jersey Tech Park, Barnes & Noble transactions, and Central Receiving/Central Stores orders.
For training materials visit:
For more information and to start using the online DCA Form, visit:
Please contact us at for questions or concerns.
Contact Information:
Mary Ann NisulaAssistant Controller
Accounting Services
FY21 Budget & Standing Orders
Posted: 7-2-2020
Due to the increased focus on cash management responsibilities related to the COVID19 crisis and resulting budgetary concerns, effective with the opening of FY21 budgets, the Office of Contracting & Procurement will not authorize standing orders for more than three months at a time.
As the University continues to navigate changes in budget processes, please do not hesitate to email with questions or concerns before placing orders.
Contact Information:
Alexis JonesOffice of Contracting & Procurement
Contract Manager
FY21 Budget - Budget Transfer Access
Posted: 7-1-2020
The Board of Trustees approved a 3-month spending budget for FY21. In an effort to control the 3-month budget set up, we are suspending the access of budget transfers to University end users at this time. Last year, we developed a budget pooling function for all University accounts, which allows University end users to complete non salary transactions with a pooled budget. As such, budget transfers are not needed for these transactions and all non-salary budgets will be allocated to account code 7400 (actual charges should continue to go to their correct account/category). It is anticipated that when a 12-month budget is approved, the 3-month budgets will be reversed from account code 7400 and the 12-month budgets will be uploaded as in past years. We anticipate restoring the budget transfer access at that point.
If you would like to complete a budget transfer, please submit the form to the budget office email, Please note, there are a few account codes/categories not part of the budget pooling, and we have accounted for these accounts.
With the start of the new fiscal year, all expenditures (salary and non-salary) will continue to follow the same current approval process that has been in effect over the past few months and spending should be kept to a minimum.
Contact Information:
Budget Office
Budget Director or
New System for Travel & Expense: Timeline and Registration
Posted: 5-13-2020
As announced, Concur Travel and Expense (Concur) will replace our current paper-based travel system and become the system of record in facilitating all of your University travel needs. With the introduction of Concur, Direct Travel will be replacing Sunward Adventures as the University’s new travel management company. Direct Travel will integrate with Concur to fulfill employees' travel booking arrangements, automatically transfer itinerary information to expense reports and maintain the traveler’s rewards. This integrated and centralized approach will create a seamless experience for our travelers across the University.
More significantly, booking through Concur allows quick access to view where University travelers are located and provide assistance should the need arise.
The transition to Concur will begin in FY 2021 starting July 1, 2020 and continue through December 2, 2020. Due to the current circumstances of COVID-19, all training will be provided electronically at this time. Each training is being designed with helpful references for all levels of learning from a quick reference guide to webinar overviews. Step-by-step PowerPoints and WebEx sessions will also be provided for each Concur module to ensure a smooth transition. Training resources will be available weekly so that ample time is provided for each employee to fully acclimate to the new system. Please review the key dates listed below for more information.
Various training opportunities will be provided in convenient formats to ease the transition:
- Online videos
- Quick Reference Guides
- Webinar Overviews
- Power Point Presentations by topic
- WebEx sessions by topic
The following is a list of key dates associated with the shift to Concur and online training:
May 09, 2020
Online registration begins and will continue weekly until December 2, 2020.
Concur Request, Travel & Expense Overview:
Overview Registration - SOM
Overview Registration - CMSRU
Overview Registration - Glassboro
Concur Step-by-Step on Profile Setup:
Step-by-Step Profile Registration - SOM
Step-by-Step Profile Registration - CMSRU
Step-by-Step Profile Registration - Glassboro
May 26, 2020
First day of Concur online training. Weekly training will continue until December 2, 2020.
June 26, 2020
Training materials and quick reference guides will be available on the Accounts Payable website. We strongly encourage employees to access these materials to understand key changes to travel booking and expense reporting.
July 1, 2020
Concur goes live.
October 30, 2020
Last day to submit a paper Day Travel Expense Form (mileage log) using our current paper-based process.
December 2, 2020
Last day to submit or approve all travel forms using our current paper-based process.
Meanwhile, we encourage you to take a moment to review the following generic Concur videos to familiarize yourself with the new system.
Exploring Concur Home Page, click here for video.
Updating Traveler’s Profile, click here for video.
Assigning a Delegate in Concur, click here for video.
Acting as Delegate in Concur, click here for video.
Travel Request in Concur, click here for video.
Travel Request Approval in Concur, click here for video.
Expense Report in Concur, click here for video.
Expense Report Approval in Concur, click here for video.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at 856.256.4115 or
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
Fiscal 2020 Year End
Posted: 5-8-2020
Fiscal 2020 Year End Closing Dates |
Department Heads should review their unit's salary and non-salary accounts to ensure that all operating budgets are not in an actual or projected deficit. ACTUAL AND/OR PROJECTED DEFICITS MUST BE COVERED THROUGH BUDGET TRANSFERS NO LATER THAN 7/10/20.
June 12, 2020
Last day to process requisitions or change orders for FY20 goods and services. Please place your requisition with appropriate documentation and required approvals to allow conversion to PO. Goods and/or services physically received by the close of the fiscal period June 30, 2020 will be charged to FY20 budget.
June 12, 2020
Last day to place orders through Amazon.
June 19, 2020
Last day to place orders to Office Depot.
June 19, 2020
Last day for using a University Purchasing Card (UPC).
** Cards usage will be suspended from this date until 7/1/20.**
June 30, 2020
Any open purchase orders at the close of FY20 (6/30/20) will be charged against FY21 budget if the item hasn’t been physically received.
June 30, 2020
Goods to be charged against FY20 budget must be physically and electronically received (in banner) by the close of business day.
July 10, 2020
Last day to post Non-PO payment request’s with a transaction date of June 30, 2020 for FY20 goods and services received on or before June 30, 2020.
July 10, 2020
Cutoff date for processing Accounts Payable documents to be recorded in fiscal year 2020. Such documents include Non-PO payment request, travel, and invoices against purchase orders.
July 10, 2020
Last day to submit budget transfers, journal entry requests, and DCAs.
July 14, 2020
Last day to submit requests for Labor Redistribution corrections and adjustments (reallocation of salary and fringe).
Important Notes |
Entering a requisition or purchase order does not guarantee that the expense will be processed and paid within the current fiscal year 2020.
Cutoff dates (excluding DCAs) do not apply to grant or capital funded accounts.
All invoices should be forwarded to the Accounts Payable department or sent to
FY20 Operational Budget surplus will not carry forward into FY21.
POs open at the completion of fiscal 2020 will carry forward to fiscal 2021 and charged to the fiscal 2021 budget.
Additional Procurement information can be found here.
If there are any additional questions or concerns regarding the year-end closing process, please contact:
Accounting Issues:
Joseph Wicklund ext. 65498
Accounts Payable Issues:
Ana Cardona-Parra ext. 64335
Budget Issues:
Eric Williams ext. 64337
Purchasing Issues:
Chris Haley ext. 64149
Grant Issues:
Rita Piccioni ext. 65492
Office of the President: Guidance on International Travel
Posted: 2-28-2020
Over the past few days, there has been a surge of new Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) cases reported across the globe. Although the immediate risk for the U.S. remains low, our students and faculty travel broadly for such things as conferences, study abroad experiences, competitions, research, and so on.
Out of an abundance of caution for the safety of our students and broader University community, Rowan University is immediately suspending some planned University-related international travel through May 31, and may extend that date if necessary.
Student Guidelines
Students currently studying abroad do not have to return at this time, but should contact Gokhan Alkanat, director of the International Center, 856-256-5191,, with questions or concerns. The University will provide financial assistance to those individuals who are studying in areas with risk level designations and who want to return home.
Student groups that are scheduled to take a University-related trip to a destination designated as Level 1 or higher, and have already purchased tickets and made other financial commitments, should contact the Dean of Students Office, (856) 256-4283, for directions on how to cancel their trips. The University will provide financial assistance to students who may suffer financial losses as a result of this temporary suspension. For destinations that are not currently designated, monitoring will continue.
Employee Guidelines
Faculty who have already been approved for University-related international travel should immediately contact the Office of the Provost for a review of their itinerary. University funds cannot be used for trips to any country with any risk level designation. All travel previously approved to other countries will be allowed but the situation will be regularly monitored. The University is suspending approvals of international travel requests.
Personal Trips
The University requests that students and employees report their plans for international travel to, especially if traveling to countries with any risk level designation. The Wellness Center will provide additional information about travel warnings and precautions individuals should take before leaving and before returning.
The University understands that the decision to suspend international travel will inconvenience many across our institution. We appreciate your patience on this matter and commit to helping individuals avoid personal losses.
Contact Information:
Office of the President, 856-256-4100
Submitted By:
Name: Jose Cardona
Department: University Relations
Title: Vice President, University Relations
New System for Travel and Expense
Posted: 2-18-2020
Dear Colleagues,
The Division of Finance is pleased to announce the implementation of a new, state-of-the art travel system. Beginning on May 1, 2020, Concur Travel and Expense (Concur T&E) will replace our current paper-based travel system and become the system of record in facilitating all of your University travel needs.
Concur T&E will integrate encumbrances, travel bookings, and expense reporting into a single system of record. Through this technology, administrative functions will be consolidated, thereby allowing you to seamlessly request travel, receive approval for travel, book travel, and submit travel-related expenses. Our strategy is to improve customer satisfaction, increase operational efficiency, streamline processes, and improve transparency of travel and expense by automating T&E processing.
Administratively, Concur T&E will allow us to:
- Monitor and manage compliance for travel and expense;
- Improve travel and expense reporting;
- Consolidate functions of travel and expense;
- Leverage buying power on services provided by our vendors; and
- Electronically collect, store, and manage receipts in adherence with University travel policy.
Functionally, Concur T&E will:
- Simplify travel requests and approvals;
- Reduce time spent making travel reservations;
- Minimize the need of completing paper-based travel forms;
- Allow on-the-go capabilities through user-friendly mobile applications; and
- Provide pre-populated expense reports to assist users with the submission of travel reimbursements.
The transition to Concur T&E will take place in phases. Additional information will be sent over the next few weeks along with notification of critical key dates. In the meantime, we encourage you to take a moment to review the self-guided demo provided by Concur T&E:
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at 856.256.4115 or
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
Notify Rowan if Traveling to/from China
Posted: 2-4-2020
Out of an abundance of caution, we are asking all Rowan employees and students to notify the University if you plan to travel to China this semester.
All employee travel requests to China must be reviewed by the Office of the Provost. Student trips, that are part of an academic or research programs, must be reviewed by Gokhan Alkanat, director of the International Center.
Personal Trips: If you are taking a personal trip or are in close contact with someone who has returned from China, we ask that you please notify the Wellness Center, at 856-256-4333, to receive the latest instructions and guidelines as provided by the CDC.
About the Coronavirus
The 2019-nCoV is a newly identified coronavirus that is causing an outbreak of pneumonia illness. The CDC considers this new virus a public health concern based on current information. However, the immediate health risk to the general U.S. public is considered low at this time. The CDC and the World Health Organization are closely monitoring the situation and providing ongoing guidance. The CDC escalated its health warning to a level 3 as the coronavirus continues to spread, recommending that people avoid all nonessential travel to Wuhan, China.
Staying Informed
Rowan University’s health and wellness officials are in constant contact with the local and state health department. Rowan University recommends all students, staff, and faculty comply with travel recommendations made by the CDC and avoid any non-essential travel to China for the foreseeable future. Leaders from all campuses, including the International Center, are meeting regularly to discuss the outbreak in China, coordinating plans to prepare and discussing strategies to keep our university safe. If you have questions about the recommendations relating to travel, please contact the Provost for faculty related travel or the International Center relating to proposed student travel.
For More Information
- NJ State Health Department (
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (
- Contact the Wellness Center at 856-256-4333
Contact Information:
Office of the President, 856-256-4100
Submitted By:
Name: Jose Cardona
Department: University Relations
Title: Vice President, University Relations
New Year...New Technology Skills
Posted: 1-9-2020
Empower yourself with new technology skills this winter. These classes are provided at no cost for all Rowan employees and are offered in a variety of ways, including traditional face-to-face courses, live-streaming and online sessions, pre-recorded classes and web-based resources through LinkedIn Learning.
Online Resources
Get access to videos, user manuals and quick reference guides on applications like Kaltura, Qualtrics, Cognos, and Banner at any time by visiting For more training videos on Kaltura, log in to, click the About drop-down menu and click Using Kaltura Capture.
Glassboro Blackboard Training Resources
Blackboard training resources and quick-tip videos are now available on the Glassboro Blackboard Support page on the IRT website. If you would like one-on-one Blackboard help, please email us at
Banner Finance Series Training
Our series of free, in-person classes on Banner Finance for Rowan University employees will teach you how to create requisitions, review budgets, and complete receiving for all your department purchases in both Banner Finance Self-Service and Banner 9 Administrative pages.
To view the current schedule and register for a class, visit We recommend you sign up early as seating is limited.
Please note that you must complete the Introduction to Administrative Pages (Banner 9) training prior to enrolling in any other Administrative Pages (Banner 9) training sessions.
LinkedIn Learning
The online learning platform LinkedIn Learning is also available at no cost to faculty and staff. LinkedIn Learning offers more than 13,000 courses in business, creative, and technology skills taught by expert instructors. With LinkedIn Learning, you also have the option to connect your LinkedIn profile with your account to get personalized recommendations based on your current skills and position.
To find out more, visit
Contact Information:
Sheena Pierce
Training & Instructional Support/Information Resources & Technology
Training Coordinator
Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2020
Posted: 1-8-2020
Effective January 1, 2020: the standard mileage rate has decreased to $ 57.5 cents per mile for individuals traveling in privately owned vehicles on official business for the state. The Day Travel Expense, Domestic Travel Request, International Travel Request and Travel Expense forms have been adjusted to reflect this change. Please use the appropriate form when completing your reimbursement request.
Per University Travel Policy: when utilizing privately owned vehicles for official University business, the mileage reimbursement will be made at the prevailing IRS business rate. If a personal automobile is used for business purposes, individuals will be reimbursed for miles incurred in excess of daily commute at the current IRS authorized mileage rate. The personal mileage reimbursement covers all costs related to the operation of the vehicle, including service, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, and gas.
For more information regarding mileage rates visit IRS website:
Forms are available on the Accounts Payable website:
Contact Information:
Ana L. CardonaDirector of Accounts Payable
IRT Tech Tips: Update a requisition in Self-Service Banner
Posted: 12-13-2019
IRT Tech Tips is a new monthly feature from Information Resources & Technology that provides helpful reminders to employees based on common questions we receive.
This month’s tip covers how to update a requisition in Self-Service Banner.
Sometimes when you place a requisition, Procurement returns it to you for more information. Did you know you can update the returned requisition and complete it again in Self-Service Banner? You do not have to update it in Banner Administrative Pages. Follow these steps to update a returned requisition in Self-Service Banner:
- After logging in to Self-Service Banner, go to the Finance tab and then Requisition.
- Click the Search for In Process Requisitions button.
- On the next screen (Document Lookup), click the Execute Query button.
- Any in-process documents will appear. Select the Requisition number, which will be a blue hyperlink.
- The requisition will now appear on the page for you to make changes. When you are finished making changes, select the Complete button at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: This will only work for requisitions that have been returned to you from Procurement. If you need to change a completed (not returned) requisition, please email
For more detailed information, see page 40 of the Finance User Manual for Self-Service Banner.
Contact Information:
Technology Support Center
Accounts Payable Monthly Open House - Glassboro
Posted: 11-16-2019
Many of your colleagues are coming to see us – find out why.
Accounts Payable specialists are available at each open house on a one-on-one basis to answer questions and assist in resolving AP related issues. Each session does not only provide end-users up-to-date solutions, but other tools and resources to empower and promote growth and success. We welcome all campus communities to attend, especially end-users, budget administrators and administrative staff.
Don’t have a specific question? Come for a quick overview of our most popular topics.
Accounts Payable Topics:
- AP Email Alert Notifications:
- Incomplete Receiving
- FYI and/or Action Required - Verify Receiving
- Resolving Problem Invoices via an Authorized Purchase Order:
- Banner Non-Sufficient Funds Error – NSF
- Purchase Order Change Order Notification
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Non-PO Payment Requests:
- Non-PO Category List Effective 9/1/18
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Removal of the $500 Threshold
- All Allowable Business Expenses
- Simplified Travel Processes:
- Day Travel – Mileage
- Encumbrances
- Expenses
- Overnight Travel (Domestic/International)
- Per Diem Rates – GSA Rates
- Prepayment
Date & Location:
The Open House will be held on:
Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Memorial Hall, Room 169
Please register here using your Rowan login: Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – Walk Ins Welcome!
Future Monthly Open Houses will be held at CMSRU and Stratford campuses.
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
Office Depot Users
Posted: 10-30-2019
The Division of Finance is excited to announce positive changes to the Office Depot ordering process. Beginning on November 4th, a requisition will no longer be required. You simply log into your Office Depot account, create an order, and send it on for approval. Your order will be invoiced against the FOAPAL(s) associated with your Office Depot profile. This will also eliminate the need for standing orders, change orders and closeouts.
Note: We will send a subsequent notification regarding open standing orders.
Contact Information:
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Contract Supervisor
Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – SOM
Posted: 10-22-2019
Many of your colleagues are coming to see us – find out why.
Accounts Payable specialists are available at each open house on a one-on-one basis to answer questions and assist in resolving AP related issues. Each session does not only provide end-users up-to-date solutions, but other tools and resources to empower and promote growth and success. We welcome all campus communities to attend, especially end-users, budget administrators and administrative staff.
Don’t have a specific question? Come for a quick overview of our most popular topics.
Accounts Payable Topics:
- AP Email Alert Notifications:
- Incomplete Receiving
- FYI and/or Action Required - Verify Receiving
- Resolving Problem Invoices via an Authorized Purchase Order:
- Banner Non-Sufficient Funds Error – NSF
- Purchase Order Change Order Notification
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Non-PO Payment Requests:
- Non-PO Category List Effective 9/1/18
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Removal of the $500 Threshold
- All Allowable Business Expenses
- Simplified Travel Processes:
- Day Travel – Mileage
- Encumbrances
- Expenses
- Overnight Travel (Domestic/International)
- Per Diem Rates – GSA Rates
- Prepayment
Date & Location:
Please attend our Open House that will be held at these locations:
SOM Campus
Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
SOM Academic Center Room 276, 2nd floor
Please register here using your Rowan login: Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – Walk Ins Welcome!
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – SOM & CMSRU
Posted: 9-29-2019
Many of your colleagues are coming to see us – find out why.
Accounts Payable specialists are available at each open house on a one-on-one basis to answer questions and assist in resolving AP related issues. Each session does not only provide end-users up-to-date solutions, but other tools and resources to empower and promote growth and success. We welcome all campus communities to attend, especially end-users, budget administrators and administrative staff.
Don’t have a specific question? Come for a quick overview of our most popular topics.
Accounts Payable Topics:
- AP Email Alert Notifications:
- Incomplete Receiving
- FYI and/or Action Required - Verify Receiving
- Resolving Problem Invoices via an Authorized Purchase Order:
- Banner Non-Sufficient Funds Error – NSF
- Purchase Order Change Order Notification
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Non-PO Payment Requests:
- Non-PO Category List Effective 9/1/18
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Removal of the $500 Threshold
- All Allowable Business Expenses
- Simplified Travel Processes:
- Day Travel – Mileage
- Encumbrances
- Expenses
- Overnight Travel (Domestic/International)
- Per Diem Rates – GSA Rates
- Prepayment
Date & Location:
Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Cooper Medical School Room 422 - Medium Conference Room, 4th floor
Please register here using your Rowan login: Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – Walk-ins Welcome!
Future Monthly Open Houses will be held at the Stratford campus.
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
Message from the Office of Contracting & Procurement
Posted: 9-17-2019
New Contract Portal
In an effort to alleviate paper usage and speed up turn times, the Office of Contracting & Procurement has developed a new Contract Request Portal.
A few pro-tips:
- The Approval Form will need to be fully executed prior to submitting your request. (you are not able to move forward without it)
- Make sure your vendor is setup in the system and you have a Banner ID ready (again, you will not be able to move forward without it)
- Save your documents in an easily accessible folder, because you will be asked to upload them.
If you are comfortable filling out Google Forms, you can go ahead and start using the portal now – which is also available on our website. If not, we will offer the following trainings:
- Student Center Room 144: September 19th from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Student Center Room 221: September 24th from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Keep in mind, following the trainings, we will not accept contracts via email or interoffice mail.
Please tell your colleagues and thanks for your support.
Contact Information:
Alexis Jones
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Contract Supervisor
Message from Information Resources & Technology
Posted: 9-12-2019
Streamlined technology purchasing process arrives September 30
Scope: All hardware and software purchases will be placed through the IRT Support Portal as of September 30
Information Resources & Technology has streamlined the process for ordering technology as part of our continued effort to better serve the University community.
As of September 30, all hardware and software purchase requests will be submitted in one place: the IRT Support Portal.
The IRT Support Portal will be the place to go if you are buying a standard-issue laptop, acquiring high-end research equipment or requesting academic software packages. Requests that require evaluation through the Information Technology Acquisition Process (ITAP) will be automatically routed for the appropriate review and approvals.
ITAP submissions will no longer be accepted in Self-Service Banner as of September 30.
For more information about making purchases in the portal, visit
If you have any additional questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400, or log in to and click “Get Help” to submit a ticket.
Message from the Office of Contracting & Procurement
Posted: 9-11-2019
ACTION REQUIRED: Join the New Purchasing Program with Amazon Business
Dear Faculty & Staff,
If you are already part of the main Rowan University Amazon Business account, please disregard this message. If you are unsure if you are part of the account, please reply directly back to me and I will confirm.
Rowan University is excited to announce that Amazon Business is an approved as a secondary supplier. This new program simplifies your purchasing process and allows you to take advantage of Amazon’s wide product selection and competitive prices for university purchases.
It is expected that your Rowan University P-Card is not authorized for purchases.
All Amazon purchases must be completed through the main Rowan University Amazon Business account. Certain items may be restricted because Rowan University has a purchasing agreement with another vendor, please do not add these items to your cart.
Items in the Furniture, Food (such as snacks or Amazon Pantry items), or ITAP restricted categories must follow our internal procedures. Please contact me with questions.
Shopping on Amazon Business is as user friendly as Additional benefits include:
- Automatic tax exempt purchasing on items sold by com LLC and participating 3rd party sellers
- Access to millions of additional products, available only to Business customers
- Business-specific pricing, including quantity discounts on eligible items
- Access to a specialized Amazon Business Customer Service team at 888-281-3847 or here.
Today, you will receive an email to set up your Amazon Business account (sent from Please promptly follow the instructions to complete the registration process.
For more information, please refer to the attached FAQ and User Registration Guide. For account setup questions, please contact Morgan Battrell ( or Amazon Business Customer Service at 888-281-3847 or here.
Amazon Business FAQ Library | First Time User Registration Guide
Thank you,
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Rowan University | 201 Mullica Hill Rd., Laurel Hall #201 | Glassboro, NJ 08028-1701
T: 856-256-4504 | F: 856-256-5623 |
Message from the Department of Public Safety
Posted: 9-10-2019
Compliance with the Clery Act
Rowan University is committed to providing a secure environment and fostering safety and a sense of community on all our campuses. A significant element of achieving this mission is our compliance with the Clery Act, which is a federal statute requiring colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs to maintain and disclose campus crime statistics and security information. This is a shared institutional responsibility, necessitating assistance from all departments to comply with this federal law.
Your support in providing information for the Campus Security Authority (“CSA”) process when requested by the University’s Clery Compliance Office and your help in the identification of policies for the Annual Security and Fire Safety is essential for our compliance with the Clery Act. Failure to comply can result in fines upward of over $50,000 per violation against the University and suspension from participating in federal student financial aid programs.
Thank you for your ongoing assistance with our compliance with the Clery Act as we proactively work together in keeping our campuses safe and secure. If you have any questions, please contact Ronald Massari, Assoc. Director for Clery Compliance at or 256-4562.
Contact Information:
Michael H. Kantner
Assistant Vice President
Office of Emergency Management
Department of Public Safety
Rowan University
(856) 256-4566
Message from the Budget Department
Posted: 9-9-2019
Budget Pooling
Effective September 7, 2019, THE BUDGET OFFICE is pleased to announce that budget pooling has been implemented in Banner. Budget pooling will increase ease of use and efficiency for all Rowan Employees. Please click on the video link below to see how budget pooling will effect your operations.
Please contact the budget office email ( if you have any further questions.
Contact Information:
Budget Office
Accounts Payable Monthly Open House - Glassboro
Posted: 8-22-2019
Many of your colleagues are coming to see us – find out why.
Accounts Payable specialists are available at each open house on a one-on-one basis to answer questions and assist in resolving AP related issues. Each session does not only provide end-users up-to-date solutions, but other tools and resources to empower and promote growth and success. We welcome all campus communities to attend, especially end-users, budget administrators and administrative staff.
Don’t have a specific question? Come for a quick overview of our most popular topics.
Accounts Payable Topics:
- AP Email Alert Notifications:
- Incomplete Receiving
- FYI and/or Action Required - Verify Receiving
- Resolving Problem Invoices via an Authorized Purchase Order:
- Banner Non-Sufficient Funds Error – NSF
- Purchase Order Change Order Notification
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Non-PO Payment Requests:
- Non-PO Category List Effective 9/1/18
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Removal of the $500 Threshold
- All Allowable Business Expenses
- Simplified Travel Processes:
- Day Travel – Mileage
- Encumbrances
- Expenses
- Overnight Travel (Domestic/International)
- Per Diem Rates – GSA Rates
- Prepayment
Date & Location:
The Open House will be held on:
Thursday, September 19, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Memorial Hall, Room 169
Please register here using your Rowan login: Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – Walk Ins Welcome!
Future Monthly Open Houses will be held at CMSRU and Stratford campuses.
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
Clery Act/Campus Security Authority (CSA) Self Identification
Posted: 8-16-2019
As part of the University’s ongoing effort to be compliant with the federal Clery Act, we are required to regularly identify those individuals at Rowan who are considered to be “Campus Security Authorities-CSA” under this law.
According to the Clery Act, a “Campus Security Authority” is “[a]n official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities.” Many positions qualify as CSAs, due to the function of their job responsibilities. It is extremely important that we identify all University personnel who are CSAs under this law, particularly in the following groups, who have not already been identified as a Campus Security Authority.
These would include the following (but not limited to):
-Advisors/Coaches to student groups, organizations, clubs, etc.
-Personnel where their job functions involves supervising student employees (such as work study, interns, etc.).
-University personnel who are responsible for students on University sponsored trips (both domestic and international).
-You have significant responsibility for student and campus activities due to the function of your position.
If you should meet one of the above criteria, and have not already been identified and contacted as a Campus Security Authority-CSA, we need your assistance.
Please email the following information to
-Your name;
-Your Department;
-Your position/job function (need this information as related, for example “supervise student workers”, “advisor to student group/club”…)
Thank you for your assistance. Further information on Campus Security Authorities can be found at:
Training on Campus Security Authorities can be found at:
Contact Information:
Ronald Massari
Rowan University Department of Public Safety
Associate Director for Clery Compliance
Updates to Rowan University's Cellular Device Policy
Posted: 8-12-2019
The divisions of Information Resources & Technology and Finance have recently received several inquiries regarding Rowan University’s Cellular Device Policy.
The full policy is available at
The policy defines which employees are eligible to receive University-owned cellular devices or reimbursement for the use of a personal device for University business and who may authorize such requests.
For questions about University-owned devices, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400. For questions about reimbursements, please contact the Office of Contracting & Procurement at 856-256-4171.
Contact Information:
Technology Support Center
Accounts Payable Department – Travel Policy Update (Mileage)
Posted: 6-24-2019
Per University Travel Policy:
When utilizing privately owned vehicles for official University business, the mileage reimbursement will be made at the prevailing IRS business rate. If a personal automobile is used for business purposes, individuals will be reimbursed for miles incurred in excess of daily commute at the current IRS authorized mileage rate. The personal mileage reimbursement covers all costs related to the operation of the vehicle, including service, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, and gas. Mileage should always be calculated using the shortest route available. All mileage reimbursement must be submitted within 45 calendar days after travel was completed. Failure to observe this deadline could lead to denial of reimbursement.
Travel Policy update:
Effective July 1, 2019, the Accounts Payable Department has created a more efficient way to accept mileage submissions by reducing the supporting documentation to a mileage summary. This one page mileage summary condenses the information necessary to remain compliant with the travel policy. This summary can only be found utilizing Google Maps which provides a user friendly side panel for calculating mileage while displaying the shortest route. The Google Mileage Summary includes the shortest route, specific location search, fewer icons for simpler navigation and map display. As an added benefit, this will decrease the overall number of pages being printed and submitted.
The Google Mileage Summary must be submitted with the following forms: Day Travel Expense, Domestic & International Travel Request, and Travel Expense. For detailed instructions and information on how to find and submit the Google Mileage Summary, please go to:
In addition, the Accounts Payable Department has established new predetermined miles between our three campuses to continue streamlining our travel procedures. This new standard of miles between campuses will not only reduce time but also costs associated with submitting mileage. Using the chart below will ensure the university remains consistent with mileage reimbursements and avoids having to submit the Google Mileage Summary or any other supporting documentation with the travel forms.
Mileage Chart:
Information regarding all University travel and travel forms can be found on the Accounts Payable website using the Travel tab.
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – CMSRU & SOM
Posted: 5-27-2019
Many of your colleagues are coming to see us – find out why.
Accounts Payable specialists are available at each open house on a one-on-one basis to answer questions and assist in resolving AP related issues. Each session does not only provide end-users up-to-date solutions, but other tools and resources to empower and promote growth and success. We welcome all campus communities to attend, especially end-users, budget administrators and administrative staff.
Don’t have a specific question? Come for a quick overview of our most popular topics. In addition, we will be reviewing helpful tips for a smooth fiscal year end process.
Accounts Payable Topics:
- Fiscal Year End Process:
- Where to Start
- Helpful Screens
- Submission Deadlines
- AP Email Alert Notifications:
- Incomplete Receiving
- FYI and/or Action Required - Verify Receiving
- Resolving Problem Invoices via an Authorized Purchase Order:
- Banner Non-Sufficient Funds Error – NSF
- Purchase Order Change Order Notification
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Non-PO Payment Requests:
- Non-PO Category List Effective 9/1/18
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Removal of the $500 Threshold
- All Allowable Business Expenses
- Simplified Travel Processes:
- Day Travel – Mileage
- Encumbrances
- Expenses
- Overnight Travel (Domestic/International)
- Per Diem Rates – GSA Rates
- Prepayment
Date & Location:
Please attend our Open House that will be held at these locations:
CMSRU Campus
Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Cooper Medical School Room 522 - Multimedia Conference Room, 5th floor
SOM Campus
Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
SOM Academic Center Room 276, 2nd floor
Please register here using your Rowan login: Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – Walk Ins Welcome!
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
'Yes' scam calls targeting Rowan employees
Posted: 5-14-2019
Several employees have recently reported receiving calls on their work phones that appear to come from a Rowan University number. During these calls, the caller poses a question that would prompt a “Yes” response, such as “Can you hear me?” or “Am I speaking to John Doe?” When the recipient of the call answers “Yes,” the caller hangs up.
These calls are alleged to be part of a scam the federal government has issued warnings about that records the voice of the person who answers the call. The scammers, according to officials, may later attempt to use that recording for fraudulent purposes; for example, by using your “yes” response as proof that you agreed to a purchase or credit card charge.
Our recommendation is that if you receive this type of call, immediately hang up. If you suspect that you may already have fallen victim to this scam and responded “Yes” to any of their questions, keep an eye out for any suspicious charges on your accounts. While there are not widespread reports of scammers using these recordings to make fraudulent charges with the few companies that allow voice verification, it’s better to be extra vigilant.
In general, the Federal Communications Commission offers the following tips to prevent unwanted calls and scams:
- Don’t answer calls from unknown numbers. Let them go to voicemail.
- Don't return any calls from numbers you don't recognize.
- If you answer and the caller (often a recording) asks you to hit a button to stop receiving calls, just hang up. Scammers often use these tricks to identify, and then target, live respondents.
- If you receive a scam call, write down the number and file a complaint with the FCC so they can help identify and take appropriate action to help consumers targeted by illegal callers.
- Ask your personal phone service provider if it offers a robocall blocking service. If not, encourage your provider to offer one. You can also visit the FCC’s website for information and resources on available robocall blocking tools to help reduce unwanted calls.
- Consider registering all of your telephone numbers in the National Do Not Call Registry.
If you receive one of these calls or have any questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400, or submit a ticket at
Contact Information:
Technology Support Center
Annual Finance Training & Updates
Posted: 5-14-2019
Back by popular demand, the Finance Division will be offering training and information sessions. Each session will not only provide end-users with up-to-date Finance and Banner solutions, but will also discuss other tools and resources to empower and promote growth and success. We invite all campus communities to attend especially end-users, budget administrators, and administrative staff.
Topics will include:
- Website Updates
- Same day and overnight travel
- Fiscal Year-End preparation
- Departmental Charge Authorizations (DCAs)
- Rowan Online Marketplace
- Payroll Updates
- Budgets Overview
- Contract Process
In addition, the Finance Division has teamed up with IRT and Human Resources to present various topics of interest to all University employees such as ITAP and ePar.
Sessions will be offered on May 22nd and 23rd. Guests are welcome to attend training sessions on both dates. Most individual sessions will be offered at least two times and seats will be available on a first come basis. The schedule (subject to change) can be found here:
For a description of the trainings please visit the following link:
Please register for the training sessions that you wish to attend at the link below:
Sign-In will be held in the Business Hall HUB starting at 8:00am each day.
Breakfast and lunch to be provided according to the schedule.
Contact Information:
Division of Finance
Managing Administrative Assistant
Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – CMSRU & SOM
Posted: 5-7-19
Many of your colleagues are coming to see us – find out why.
Accounts Payable specialists are available at each open house on a one-on-one basis to answer questions and assist in resolving AP related issues. Each session does not only provide end-users up-to-date solutions, but other tools and resources to empower and promote growth and success. We welcome all campus communities to attend, especially end-users, budget administrators and administrative staff.
Don’t have a specific question? Come for a quick overview of our most popular topics. In addition, we will be reviewing helpful tips for a smooth fiscal year end process.
Accounts Payable Topics:
- Fiscal Year End Process:
- Where to Start
- Helpful Screens
- Submission Deadlines
- AP Email Alert Notifications:
- Incomplete Receiving
- FYI and/or Action Required - Verify Receiving
- Resolving Problem Invoices via an Authorized Purchase Order:
- Banner Non-Sufficient Funds Error – NSF
- Purchase Order Change Order Notification
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Non-PO Payment Requests:
- Non-PO Category List Effective 9/1/18
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Removal of the $500 Threshold
- All Allowable Business Expenses
- Simplified Travel Processes:
- Day Travel – Mileage
- Encumbrances
- Expenses
- Overnight Travel (Domestic/International)
- Per Diem Rates – GSA Rates
- Prepayment
Date & Location:
Please attend our Open House that will be held at these locations:
CMSRU Campus
Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Cooper Medical School Room 522 - Multimedia Conference Room, 5th floor
SOM Campus
Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
SOM Academic Center Room 276, 2nd floor
Please register here using your Rowan login: Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – Walk Ins Welcome!
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
Fiscal 2019 Year End
Posted: 5-3-2019
Fiscal 2019 Year End Closing Dates | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Department Heads should review their unit's salary and non-salary accounts to ensure that all operating budgets are not in an actual or projected deficit. ACTUAL AND/OR PROJECTED DEFICITS MUST BE COVERED THROUGH BUDGET TRANSFERS NO LATER THAN 7/12/19.
Important Notes |
1. | Entering a requisition or purchase order does not guarantee that the expense will be processed and paid within the current fiscal year 2019. |
2. | Cutoff dates (excluding DCAs) do not apply to grant or capital funded accounts. |
3. | All invoices should be forwarded to the Accounts Payable department or sent to |
4. | FY19 Operational Budget surplus will not carry forward into FY20. |
5. | POs open at the completion of fiscal 2019 will carry forward to fiscal 2020 and charged to the fiscal 2020 budget. |
6. | Additional Procurement information can be found here. |
If there are any additional questions or concerns regarding the year-end closing process, please contact:
Accounting Issues: | Joseph Wicklund ext. 65498 |
Accounts Payable Issues: | Ana Cardona-Parra ext. 64335 |
Budget Issues: | Eric Williams ext. 64337 |
Purchasing Issues: | Chris Haley ext. 64149 |
Grant Issues: | Rita Piccioni ext. 65492 |
Contact Information:
Mary Ann Nisula
Accounting Services
Manager Financial Services
Accounts Payable Monthly Open House - Glassboro
Posted: 4-20-2019
Many of your colleagues are coming to see us – find out why.
Accounts Payable specialists are available at each open house on a one-on-one basis to answer questions and assist in resolving AP related issues. Each session does not only provide end-users up-to-date solutions, but other tools and resources to empower and promote growth and success. We welcome all campus communities to attend, especially end-users, budget administrators and administrative staff.
Don’t have a specific question? Come for a quick overview of our most popular topics. In addition, we will be reviewing helpful tips for a smooth fiscal year end process.
Accounts Payable Topics:
- Fiscal Year End Process:
- Where to Start
- Helpful Screens
- Submission Deadlines
- AP Email Alert Notifications:
- Incomplete Receiving
- FYI and/or Action Required - Verify Receiving
- Resolving Problem Invoices via an Authorized Purchase Order:
- Banner Non-Sufficient Funds Error – NSF
- Purchase Order Change Order Notification
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Non-PO Payment Requests:
- Non-PO Category List Effective 9/1/18
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Removal of the $500 Threshold
- All Allowable Business Expenses
- Simplified Travel Processes:
- Day Travel – Mileage
- Encumbrances
- Expenses
- Overnight Travel (Domestic/International)
- Per Diem Rates – GSA Rates
- Prepayment
Date & Location:
The Open House will be held on:
Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Memorial Hall, Room 169
Please register here using your Rowan login: Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – Walk Ins Welcome!
Future Monthly Open Houses will be held at CMSRU and Stratford campuses.
Contact Information:
Ana L. CardonaDirector of Accounts Payable
Preparation for 2019 Fiscal Year-End Processing
Posted: 4-15-2019
As the University’s fiscal year-end approaches, there are special timing considerations and actions required in order to ensure that all financial transactions are recorded properly AND in the current fiscal year. The Finance Division has begun planning to ensure the year-end process runs as efficiently as possible and that we provide the support needed to each department in order to meet year-end objectives. We will send announcements as new information becomes available and reminders as we approach various deadlines.
At this time, each department should be proactively reviewing their budget, purchase orders, and invoice status in Banner. Outstanding orders, requisitions, and purchases should also be reviewed to identify payments that are required to be made prior to fiscal year-end. If goods or services have been received and vendors have not submitted invoices, the departments should be following up with these vendors to request invoices and then forwarding these invoices to the Accounts Payable dedicated inbox at:
Preparation Checklist
- Review your budget to ensure that funds are available to process necessary requisitions.
- Advise all staff to assess any anticipated needs and submit requisitions as soon as possible to guarantee the goods or services are issued/received before the end of the fiscal year which is June 30, 2019.
- Review central charges (telephone, copier, duplicating, central stores, gourmet, and purchasing card) to ensure adequate funding is in place through year end. Please keep in mind, the central charges are normally a month behind, so please make projections until year end before placing any other orders.
- Verify purchase order encumbrances to ensure there is adequate funding in place to process invoices.
- Confirm open purchase orders are necessary for payment (Open purchase orders will carry forward to FY20 and will be charged against your FY20 budget).
- Validate all your receiving has been completed in Banner, as applicable.
- Send all invoices to the Accounts Payable department dedicated inbox at:
- Determine if all invoices have been processed and received against the purchase order in Banner before sending a request to:
**Please keep in mind that orders that do not arrive by June 30, 2019 will be charged to FY20.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding year-end processes, please contact the appropriate person below.
Contact Information:
Accounting Issues: Joseph Wicklund ext. 65498
Accounts Payable Issues: Ana Cardona-Parra ext. 64335
Budget Issues: Eric Williams ext. 64337
Grant Issues: Rita Piccioni ext. 65492
Purchasing Issues: Chris Haley ext. 64149
FY19 computer requests must be submitted by May 1
Posted: 4-4-2019
All requests for new computers must be submitted by May 1 in order to ensure delivery during the current fiscal year. This is due to a parts shortage that is delaying shipments from all manufacturers, including Lenovo and Apple.
Due to that shortage, Information Resources & Technology will be unable to process orders placed after May 1 during this fiscal year.
Please place orders for new computers using the IRT Support Portal at For detailed instructions on how to order technology in the portal, visit
If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400, or submit a ticket at
Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – CMSRU & SOM
Posted: 3-30-19
Many of your colleagues are coming to see us – find out why.
Accounts Payable specialists are available at each open house on a one-on-one basis to answer questions and assist in resolving AP related issues. Each session does not only provide end-users up-to-date solutions, but other tools and resources to empower and promote growth and success. We welcome all campus communities to attend, especially end-users, budget administrators and administrative staff.
Don’t have a specific question? Come for a quick overview of our most popular topics. In addition, we will be reviewing helpful tips for a smooth fiscal year end process.
Accounts Payable Topics:
- Fiscal Year End Process:
- Where to Start
- Helpful Screens
- Submission Deadlines
- AP Email Alert Notifications:
- Incomplete Receiving
- FYI and/or Action Required - Verify Receiving
- Resolving Problem Invoices via an Authorized Purchase Order:
- Banner Non-Sufficient Funds Error – NSF
- Purchase Order Change Order Notification
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Non-PO Payment Requests:
- Non-PO Category List Effective 9/1/18
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Removal of the $500 Threshold
- All Allowable Business Expenses
- Simplified Travel Processes:
- Day Travel – Mileage
- Encumbrances
- Expenses
- Overnight Travel (Domestic/International)
- Per Diem Rates – GSA Rates
- Prepayment
Date & Location:
Please attend our Open House that will be held at these locations:
CMSRU Campus
Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Cooper Medical School Room 522 - Multimedia Conference Room, 5th floor
SOM Campus
Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
SOM Academic Center Room 276, 2nd floor
Please register here using your Rowan login: Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – Walk Ins Welcome!
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Monthly Open House - Glassboro
Posted: 3-11-19
Many of your colleagues are coming to see us – find out why.
Accounts Payable specialists are available at each open house on a one-on-one basis to answer questions and assist in resolving AP related issues. Each session does not only provide end-users up-to-date solutions, but other tools and resources to empower and promote growth and success. We welcome all campus communities to attend, especially end-users, budget administrators and administrative staff.
Don’t have a specific question? Come for a quick overview of our most popular topics. In addition, we will be reviewing helpful tips for a smooth fiscal year end process.
Accounts Payable Topics:
- Fiscal Year End Process:
- Where to Start
- Helpful Screens
- Submission Deadlines
- AP Email Alert Notifications:
- Incomplete Receiving
- FYI and/or Action Required - Verify Receiving
- Resolving Problem Invoices via an Authorized Purchase Order:
- Banner Non-Sufficient Funds Error – NSF
- Purchase Order Change Order Notification
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Non-PO Payment Requests:
- Non-PO Category List Effective 9/1/18
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Removal of the $500 Threshold
- All Allowable Business Expenses
- Simplified Travel Processes:
- Day Travel – Mileage
- Encumbrances
- Expenses
- Overnight Travel (Domestic/International)
- Per Diem Rates – GSA Rates
- Prepayment
Date & Location:
The Open House will be held on:
Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 9:00a.m. – 11:00a.m.
Memorial Hall, Room 169
Please register here using your Rowan login: Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – Walk Ins Welcome!
Future Monthly Open Houses will be held at CMSRU and Stratford campuses.
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Monthly Open House - Glassboro
Posted: 2-14-19
Many of your colleagues are coming to see us – find out why.
Accounts Payable specialists are available at each open house on a one-on-one basis to answer questions and assist in resolving AP related issues. Each session does not only provide end-users up-to-date solutions, but other tools and resources to empower and promote growth and success. We welcome all campus communities to attend, especially end-users, budget administrators and administrative staff.
Don’t have a specific question? Come for a quick overview of our most popular topics.
Accounts Payable Topics:
- AP Email Alert Notifications:
- Incomplete Receiving
- FYI and/or Action Required - Verify Receiving
- Resolving Problem Invoices via an Authorized Purchase Order:
- Banner Non-Sufficient Funds Error – NSF
- Purchase Order Change Order Notification
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Non-PO Payment Requests:
- Non-PO Category List Effective 9/1/18
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Removal of the $500 Threshold
- All Allowable Business Expenses
- Simplified Travel Processes:
- Day Travel – Mileage
- Encumbrances
- Expenses
- Overnight Travel (Domestic/International)
- Per Diem Rates – GSA Rates
- Prepayment
Date & Location:
The Open Houses will be held on:
Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 9:00a.m. – 11:00a.m.
Memorial Hall, Room 169
Please register here using your Rowan login: Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – Walk Ins Welcome!
Future Monthly Open Houses will be held at CMSRU and Stratford campuses.
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2019
Posted: 1-11-2019
Effective January 1, 2019: the standard mileage rate has increased to $0.58 cents per mile for individuals traveling in privately owned vehicles on official business for the state. The Mileage Log, Day Travel, Travel Request and Travel Expense forms have been adjusted to reflect this change. Please use the appropriate form when completing your reimbursement request.
Per University Travel Policy: when utilizing privately owned vehicles for official University business, the mileage reimbursement will be made at the prevailing IRS business rate. If a personal automobile is used for business purposes, individuals will be reimbursed for miles incurred in excess of daily commute at the current IRS authorized mileage rate. The personal mileage reimbursement covers all costs related to the operation of the vehicle, including service, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, and gas.
For more information regarding mileage rates visit IRS website:
Forms are available on the Accounts Payable website: Accounts Payable Forms
Contact Information:
Ana L. CardonaDirector of Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Monthly Open House
Posted: 1-10-2019
Many of your colleagues are coming to see us – find out why.
Accounts Payable specialists are available at each open house on a one-on-one basis to answer questions and assist in resolving AP related issues. Each session does not only provide end-users up-to-date solutions, but other tools and resources to empower and promote growth and success. We welcome all campus communities to attend, especially end-users, budget administrators and administrative staff.
Don’t have a specific question? Come for a quick overview of our most popular topics.
Accounts Payable Topics:
- AP Email Alert Notifications:
- Incomplete Receiving
- FYI and/or Action Required - Verify Receiving
- Resolving Problem Invoices via an Authorized Purchase Order:
- Banner Non-Sufficient Funds Error – NSF
- Purchase Order Change Order Notification
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Non-PO Payment Requests:
- Non-PO Category List Effective 9/1/18
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Removal of the $500 Threshold
- All Allowable Business Expenses
- Simplified Travel Processes:
- Day Travel – Mileage
- Encumbrances
- Expenses
- Overnight Travel (Domestic/International)
- Per Diem Rates – GSA Rates
- Prepayment
Date & Location:
Please attend our Open House that will be held at these locations:
SOM Campus
Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.
SOM Academic Center Room 276, 2nd floor
CMSRU Campus
Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 1:30p.m. - 3:30p.m.
Cooper Medical School Room 522 - Multimedia Conference Room, 5th floor
Please register here using your Rowan login: Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – Walk Ins Welcome!
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Monthly Open House
Posted: 12-20-2018
Many of your colleagues are coming to see us – find out why.
Accounts Payable specialists are available at each open house on a one-on-one basis to answer questions and assist in resolving AP related issues. Each session does not only provide end-users up-to-date solutions, but other tools and resources to empower and promote growth and success. We welcome all campus communities to attend, especially end-users, budget administrators and administrative staff.
Don’t have a specific question? Come for a quick overview of our most popular topics.
Accounts Payable Topics:
- AP Email Alert Notifications:
- Incomplete Receiving
- FYI and/or Action Required - Verify Receiving
- Resolving Problem Invoices via an Authorized Purchase Order:
- Banner Non-Sufficient Funds Error – NSF
- Purchase Order Change Order Notification
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Non-PO Payment Requests:
- Non-PO Category List Effective 9/1/18
- Proper Supporting Documentation
- Removal of the $500 Threshold
- All Allowable Business Expenses
- Simplified Travel Processes:
- Day Travel – Mileage
- Encumbrances
- Expenses
- Overnight Travel (Domestic/International)
- Per Diem Rates – GSA Rates
- Prepayment
Dates & Location:
The Open House will be held on:
Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 9:00a.m., and at 2:00p.m.
Friday, December 14, 2018 at 9:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.
Memorial Hall, Room 169
Please register here using your Rowan login: Accounts Payable Monthly Open House – Walk Ins Welcome!
Future Monthly Open Houses will be held at CMSRU and Stratford campuses.
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
President's Office Holiday Gifts and Receptions Announcer
Posted: 11-21-2018
OFFICIAL NOTICE: Holiday Gifts and Receptions
With the holiday season upon us, as Rowan University’s Ethics Liaison Officer I want to remind everyone that it is the policy of Rowan University and of the State of New Jersey to prohibit Rowan University employees from accepting gifts or items of value from individuals, companies or vendors doing business with the University. Note also that faculty are not to accept gifts from students. Any gift received by a Rowan University employee in his or her official capacity must be reported to me and I will, in turn, make a decision on whether or not it can be accepted, returned or turned in to be donated to a designated local charitable. If practical, you should return the gift to the firm or individual who sent the gift and inform the firm or individual who sent the gift why you cannot accept it.
Note that gifts or benefits received that are of nominal or trivial value (i.e., complimentary calendars, pens or pencils) that are offered to the general business public through mass mailings or other forms of distribution need not be returned if their use does not create an impression of an endorsement. In these cases, one should NOT display these items publicly in their offices, as this might create an impression of a conflict.
Additionally, please be advised that Rowan University employees should refrain from attending holiday parties or receptions hosted by interested parties (i.e., those individuals, firms or vendors who do business with the University or who are seeking to do business with the University) if these events are primarily social in nature. Also as a reminder, University funds are not to be used for greeting cards or parties.
For the Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine (RowanSOM), the Stratford campus and RowanSOM satellite offices, the Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity provides the following procedure for returning or donating holiday gifts:
RowanSOM employees are instructed to send non-perishable gifts via interoffice mail to the Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity, 42 E. Laurel Rd., Suite 1300, Stratford, NJ 08084. In addition to the gift, please include the recipient's name, interoffice mailing address, title, and department, the date the gift was received from donor, and the donor's name and address.
Employees are instructed to donate perishable gifts to a local charitable organization in which they do not hold an interest, as defined above. Please contact your RowanSOM Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity. Currently we use the following organization: Cathedral Kitchen Camden
Upon receipt of the above information, the RowanSOM Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity sends a letter to the donor, with a copy to the recipient, informing the donor that State employees are prohibited from accepting gifts during their employment at Rowan University. Whenever practicable, non-perishable items are returned to the donor.
The RowanSOM Office of Compliance & Corporate Integrity maintains a database of gifts returned/donated, as well as copies of the letters that were sent to donors.
I remind all that the above policies are mandated by State laws and State regulations. Please direct all questions about gifts and parties to me, the University ELO at the extension or email address below. Thank you.
Contact Information:
Robert A. Zazzali
Sr. V.P. Administration
Office of Contracting & Procurement Amazon Announcer
Posted: 10-9-2018
New Purchasing Partnership with Amazon Business
Faculty and Staff,
We are excited to announce the upcoming launch of a new purchasing partnership between Rowan University and Amazon Business through our US Communities contract. Amazon Business is now an approved marketplace for non-contracted items and all Amazon purchases should be made under Rowan University’s centralized account. Beginning Nov. 1, 2018 Amazon purchases made outside of the Rowan portal will not be eligible for reimbursement.
Note: You will be receiving an official email notice with instructions on how to join the account shortly. This will be sent to Rowan employees who currently order from Office Depot for their departments.
ACTION REQUIRED: If you previously registered for an Amazon Business account using your Rowan University email address, we need you to deregister that account, so that you can be added to the main account for Rowan University. Please see the below steps to deregister:
- Log onto your Business Account and download an order history report for the past 6-12 months (recommended best practice)
- If applicable, remove all users from the account.
- Click the following link to deregister your existing account (it will not remove any information on the account, simply the Amazon Business account tag):
If the above ‘ACTION REQUIRED’ item does not pertain to you, no action is required at this time. Stay tuned for more information.
Contact Information:
Karen JamesOffice of Contracting & Procurement
Alternative Procurement Specialist
856-256-4504 (6-4504)
Accounts Payable Department - New and Improved Travel Forms
Posted: 10-4-2018
Effective November 1, 2018, the Accounts Payable Department is excited to announce new and improved travel forms created to streamline the travel process for same day and overnight travel. These forms will simplify the process since they were designed to be easier to complete by having categories listed on the drop down menu, auto-fill calculation columns, predetermine IRS standard mileage rate, the ability to complete one form and include other travel related fees incurred during the travel. The forms were also created to align with the current federal, state, university rates and follow the International Travel Policy and guidelines. Below is a quick summary of the new travel forms:
- Day Travel Expense: This form is used to process payments and reimbursements for non-overnight travel expenses and other travel related expenses incurred during the day.
- International Travel Request: This form is used to request approval in advance for overnight travel in, to, or from a destination that is NOT in the United States (including its territories and possessions) on official University business.
- Travel Prepayment: This form is used to process prepayments of expenses with an approved travel encumbrance number and for Day Travel when applicable.
Enhancements were also performed to the current travel forms. The improvements are aimed to minimize errors in the form completion, increase accuracy, uniformity, and efficiency. Starting November 1, 2018 please use the updated forms to ensure the correct federal rates such as General Services Administration and Internal Service Revenue are captured when submitting for reimbursement. Also, utilizing the revised travel forms will ensure the traveler is aware of the deadlines for submission, policy updates and guidelines which will result in a faster reimbursement. Below is a quick summary of the improved travel forms:
- Domestic Travel Request: This form is used to request approval in advance for overnight travel in, to, or from a destination that is in the United States (including its territories and possessions) on official University business.
- Travel Expense: This form is used to process approved travel encumbrances for overnight travel once the official University business has occurred (Domestic and International).
All travel forms and policy updates can be found on the Accounts Payable website as of November 1, 2018.
For more information, please attend one of the information sessions that will provide detailed information of the new and improved travel forms. The information sessions will be held:
Glassboro Campus
October 15 & October 16, 2018 at 2:00p.m.
October 18 & October 19, 2018 at 2:00p.m.
Memorial Hall, Training Room A
Please register here using your Rowan Login.
SOM Campus
October 23, 2018 at 10:00a.m., and at 1:00p.m.
3rd Floor, Academic Center, Dean’s Large Conference Room
Please register here using your Rowan Login.
CMSRU Campus
October 30, 2018 at 10:00a.m. and at 1:00p.m.
Room 522
Please register here using your Rowan Login.
The same information will also be listed on the Accounts Payable website as of November 1, 2018.
If you have any further questions, please contact Miranda Salvatore at or Debbie DiPietroantonio at
Contact Information:
Ana L. CardonaDirector of Accounts Payable
New Dates & Locations for Non-PO (MDV) Information Sessions
Posted: 9-11-2018
Accounts Payable - Changes to Miscellaneous Disbursement Vouchers (MDVs)
Effective September 1, 2018, the Accounts Payable (AP) Department is pleased to announce that the Miscellaneous Disbursement Voucher (MDV) form will have a new name along with specific category guidelines to assist in determining when to use the form for payment.
What’s changing?
- The MDV form will be called a “Non-PO Payment Request”.
- Removal of the $500 threshold.
- All allowable business expenses must be submitted on a Non-PO Payment Request.
- Non-PO Payment Request will only be used to pay specific categories, including registrations, subscriptions, memberships, medical / professional license dues and renewals.
What’s New?
- A new Non-PO Category List to assist in determining when the form can be utilized for payment.
- An approval process for allowable business expenses.
- Simpler and faster review due to less paper-based approvals.
- Beginning October 1, 2018, AP will no longer accept the old MDV form, so if you have it saved on your computer please update it to the Non-PO Payment Request located on the Accounts Payable Website:
Why are we making these changes?
- To improve the process by having defined categories, definitions, samples and tips of when a purchase order is not required.
- Monitor and track specific categories that impact the University.
- Remain in compliance with IRS reporting.
- Improve visibility of business expenses at the department level.
- Better ability to enforce University policies by having one central location manage the process.
- Increase employee satisfaction by reducing administrator’s time for processing requisitions and completing receiving on a purchase order.
- Faculty / Staff should not advance personal funds to purchase goods or services on behalf of the University. Standard procurement policy requires that departments use the approved procurement methods set by the Office of Contracting & Procurement.
- This improved process does not change how you order technology at Rowan University. Many standard items should be ordered online through the IRT hardware catalog. Requests for other items not included in the hardware catalog will need to go through the Information Technology Acquisition Process (ITAP). For more information, visit
- In addition, AP does not reimburse employees for payments for services to individuals or companies that are subject to income reporting such as independent contractors, consultants, guest speakers or approved vendors.
Please attend one of the information sessions that will be held during the following dates:
SOM Campus
September 13 & September 27, 2018 at 10:00a.m.
September 14, 2018 at 1:00p.m.
3rd Floor, Academic Center, Dean’s Large Conference Room
Please register here using your Rowan login:
CMSRU Campus
September 25 & October 23, 2018 at 10:00a.m., and at 1:00p.m.
Room 522
Please register here using your Rowan login:
Glassboro Campus
October 15 & October 17, 2018 at 9:30a.m.
Bole Hall, Provost Conference Room
Please register here using your Rowan login:
This same information is listed on the Accounts Payable website ( If you have questions before the information sessions are held, please e-mail Jackie Salvatore at or Ana Cardona at
Contact Information:
Ana L. CardonaDirector of Accounts Payable
Changes to Miscellaneous Disbursement Vouchers (MDVs)
Posted: 8-10-2018
Accounts Payable - Changes to Miscellaneous Disbursement Vouchers (MDVs)
Effective September 1, 2018, the Accounts Payable (AP) Department is pleased to announce that the Miscellaneous Disbursement Voucher (MDV) form will have a new name along with specific category guidelines to assist in determining when to use the form for payment.
What’s changing?
- The MDV form will be called a “Non-PO Payment Request”.
- Removal of the $500 threshold.
- All allowable business expenses must be submitted on a Non-PO Payment Request.
- Non-PO Payment Request will only be used to pay specific categories, including registrations, subscriptions, memberships, medical / professional license dues and renewals.
What’s New?
- A new Non-PO Category List to assist in determining when the form can be utilized for payment.
- An approval process for allowable business expenses.
- Simpler and faster review due to less paper-based approvals.
- Beginning October 1, 2018, AP will no longer accept the old MDV form, so if you have it saved on your computer please update it to the Non-PO Payment Request located on the Accounts Payable Website -
Why are we making these changes?
- To improve the process by having defined categories, definitions, samples and tips of when a purchase order is not required.
- Monitor and track specific categories that impact the University.
- Remain in compliance with IRS reporting.
- Improve visibility of business expenses at the department level.
- Better ability to enforce University policies by having one central location manage the process.
- Increase employee satisfaction by reducing administrator’s time for processing requisitions and completing receiving on a purchase order.
- Faculty / Staff should not advance personal funds to purchase goods or services on behalf of the University. Standard procurement policy requires that departments use the approved procurement methods set by the Office of Contracting & Procurement.
- This improved process does not change how you order technology at Rowan University. Many standard items should be ordered online through the IRT hardware catalog. Requests for other items not included in the hardware catalog will need to go through the Information Technology Acquisition Process (ITAP). For more information, visit
- In addition, AP does not reimburse employees for payments for services to individuals or companies that are subject to income reporting such as independent contractors, consultants, guest speakers or approved vendors.
Want to learn more?
Please attend one of the information sessions that will be held during August 14 to August 31, 2018, from 9:00am to 10:00am each day in Robinson Hall room 324. This same information will also be listed on the Accounts Payable website ( as of September 1, 2018.
Please register here:
If you have questions before the information sessions are held, please e-mail Jackie Salvatore at or Ana Cardona at
Contact Information:
Ana L. CardonaDirector of Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Department - Policy update
Posted: 7-6-2018
Important Message from Accounts Payable Department - Policy updated 06/23/2018:
Reception and Entertainment Policy update:
Expenses for entertainment and official receptions may only be approved by the President, Provost, Sr. Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Deans, Department Chair or Department Head except when specifically designated in writing.
As stated on this policy, catered events must utilize the University’s dining services’ vendor, Gourmet Dining, LLC. The vendor has established an E-Cater link to the E-Cater ordering solution system for catering. In order to simplify the process, ordering credentials must be pre-established in the E-Cater website before the catering event. Additionally, to ensure your department is charged accurately, the following information must be submitted to Accounts Payable via e-mail as soon as possible:
- Department’s full name
- Person ordering
- Person ordering e-mail
- Person Approving (as stated above in the policy)
- Approver’s e-mail(s)
Effective August 01, 2018, only authorized pre-established individuals will be able to place an order in Gourmet Dining’s E-Cater website. Please e-mail this information to Denise Brewer at or Ana Cardona at as soon as possible.
**If you have already submitted this information via e-mail or phone, since the Finance Training in June 2018, there’s no need to resubmit. **
Contact Information:
Ana L. Cardona
Director of Accounts Payable
Finance Divison Training Tentative Schedule
Posted: 5-21-2018
Sessions will be offered on June 6th and 7th and guests are welcome to attend individual training sessions on both dates. Most individual sessions will be offered at least two times and seats will be available on a first come basis. The tentative schedule (subject to change) can be found here:
If you have not done so already, please register for either or both training days here:
Sign-in, continental breakfast, lunch and giveaways will be provided in Robinson Hall Room 121 starting at 8:00 am each day.
Finance Division Training and Information Sessions - “Welcome to our World”
Posted: 5-8-2018
Back by popular demand, the Finance Division along with IRT will be providing training and information sessions. Each session will not only provide end-users up-to-date Finance and Banner solutions, but other tools and resources to empower and promote growth and success. We welcome all campus communities to attend especially end-users, budget administrators and administrative staff.
Topics will include:
- Banner 9
- Budget tips
- Req to Check processes
- Travel simplified
- FY End housekeeping
- Policy updates
- Open, pending and incomplete documents
In addition, the Finance Division has teamed up with other departments to present various topics of interest to all University employees such as ITAP, ePar and Tuition Waiver.
Sessions will be offered on June 6th and 7th and guests are welcome to attend individual training sessions on both dates. To receive more information as it becomes available, please register here:
Contact Information:
Ana L. CardonaDirector of Accounts Payable
Finance Fiscal Year End Process 2018
Posted: 4-30-2018
Fiscal 2018 Year End Closing Dates | |
Department Heads should review their unit's salary and non-salary accounts to ensure that all operating budgets are not in an actual or projected deficit. ACTUAL AND/OR PROJECTED DEFICITS MUST BE COVERED THROUGH BUDGET TRANSFERS NO LATER THAN 7/13/18. | |
June 15, 2018 | Last day to process requisitions for FY18 goods and services. Please place your purchase order with appropriate documentation and required approvals to allow conversion to PO. Goods and/or services physically received by the close of the fiscal period June 30, 2018 will be charged to FY18 budget. |
June 22, 2018 | Office Depot orders should be placed by 6/22/18. |
June 22, 2018 | All Pcard transactions posted by the credit card company by June 30th will be charged against FY18. ** Cards used will be suspended from this date until 7/1/18. |
June 29, 2018 | Any open purchase orders at the close of FY18 (6/30/18) will be charged against FY19 budget. |
June 29, 2018 | Goods to be charged against FY18 budget must be physically and electronically received by the close of business day. |
July 02, 2018 | The Banner Finance System will be available for FY19 processing. |
July 13, 2018 | Submit invoices to record FY18 revenue to Accounting Services. |
July 13, 2018 | Last day to submit requests for Labor Redistribution corrections and adjustments (reallocation of salary and fringe). |
July 13, 2018 | Last day to post MDV's with a transaction date of June 30, 2018 for FY18 goods and services received on or before June 30, 2018. |
July 13, 2018 | Cutoff date for processing Accounts Payable documents to be recorded in fiscal year 2018. Such documents include MDVs, travel expense vouchers, and mileage. |
July 13, 2018 | Last day to submit budget transfers, journal entry requests, and DCAs. |
Important Notes | |
1. | Entering a requisition or purchase order does not guarantee that the expense will be processed and paid within the current fiscal year 2018. |
2. | Cutoff dates (excluding DCAs) do not apply to grant or capital funded accounts. |
3. | All invoices should be forwarded to the Accounts Payable department or sent to |
4. | FY18 Operational Budget surplus will not carry forward into FY19. |
5. | POs open at the completion of fiscal 2018 will carry forward to fiscal 2019 and charged to the fiscal 2019 budget. |
6. | Additional Procurement information can be found here. |
If there are any additional questions or concerns regarding the year-end closing process, please contact: |
Accounting Issues: | Brooke Lew ext. 64130 |
Accounts Payable Issues: | Ana Cardona-Parra ext. 64335 |
Budget Issues: | Natalie Beury ext. 64123 |
Purchasing Issues: | Chris Haley ext. 64149 |
Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2018
Posted: 1-19-2018
Per University Travel Policy: when utilizing privately owned vehicles for official University business, the mileage reimbursement will be made at the prevailing IRS business rate. If a personal automobile is used for business purposes, individuals will be reimbursed for miles incurred in excess of daily commute at the current IRS authorized mileage rate. The personal mileage reimbursement covers all costs related to the operation of the vehicle, including service, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, and gas.
For more information regarding mileage rates visit IRS website:
Forms are available on the Accounts Payable website: Accounts Payable Forms
Contact Information:
Ana L. CardonaDirector of Accounts Payable
Independent Contractor Policy Information Sessions |
Revisions to Independent Contractor Policy |
Fiscal Year End Processes and Procedures Training |
Finance Fiscal Year End Process 2017 |
Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2017 |
Independent Contractor Policy Information Sessions
Posted: 11-17-2017
Information Sessions for Independent Contractor Policy
As mentioned in the prior announcement regarding revisions to the Independent Contractor Policy, the Office of the Senior Vice President for Finance will be holding three (3) information sessions. The session will review the changes to the policy as well as the administrative process the policy is requiring.
The sessions will be held:
- November 30th at CMSRU, 11:30 a.m., Room 369
- December 8th at Glassboro, 2:00 p.m., Memorial Hall, Room 169
- December 12th at SOM, 1:00 p.m., 3rd Floor, Academic Center, Dean’s Large Conference Room
Please register for a session at
If you have questions before the information sessions are held, please email
Thank you.
The Office of the Senior Vice President for Finance
Amy Bosio
Office of the Senior VP for Finance
Vice President
Phone: 856-256-4114 (from On Campus Rowan phone: 6-4114)
Revisions to Independent Contractor Policy
Posted: 11-10-2017
Effective January 1, 2018, there will be process changes made to the current Independent Contractor policy (Policy No.: FIN:2016:01). The changes in process are necessary to ensure that Rowan University is following applicable tax laws.
We are working to minimize the impact of these changes on your ability to procure services you need from professionals. However, the determination as to whether these professionals are employees or qualify as independent contractors will now be made by Human Resources. Please see for the revised policy and documents.
In the past, the Service Requestor (Staff/Faculty of Rowan) determined the classification of the Service Provider after reviewing the answers provided by the Service Provider on the Service Provider Questionnaire. Effective January 1, all paperwork necessary to make a determination will be sent to the Office of Human Resources for the determination of status. Human Resources will inform the Service Requestor if the Service Provider is determined to be an employee or independent contractor. The Service Requestor will then complete the necessary paperwork to ensure proper payment for the Service Provider.
As a general rule, an individual can be hired as an Independent Contractor only if all three (3) of the following requirements are met:
- The worker is free from the employer’s control or direction in the performance of his/her work;
- The worker is normally engaged in an independently established business or trade, which derives income from a number of clients including the University; and
- The work requires professional knowledge or expertise that is not generally available at the University.
All Rowan University employees who are engaged for a purpose outside of their regular job function, must be compensated as an employee. Additionally, Accounts Payable will no longer accept a Miscellaneous Disbursement Voucher (MDV) for payments to individuals performing a service for the University.
To learn more, please attend one of several information sessions which will be held later in November and early December. Dates and locations will be provided in a follow up announcement as well as listed on the Independent Contractor website.
If you have questions before the information sessions are held, please email
Thank you.
Office of the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Fiscal Year End Processes and Procedures Training
Posted: 5-15-2017
Does fiscal year-end confuse you? Do you want to understand why there are unusual balances, unpaid invoices, open POs, NSFs, change orders, and other transactions pending in your budget? Then this training is for you. By popular demand, the Finance Division along with IRT will be providing training on fiscal year end processes and procedures. This time computers labs have been reserved for all end-users to be able to bring their open encumbrances, invoices, DCAs, pending requisition, contract questions and all fiscal year end questions.
These classes will discuss the fiscal year-end processes, budget responsibilities and reporting tools, unusual balances, accrual entry accounting, some specifics on error correction and research, and processing area requirements including the closing calendar. It will also provide an overview of the year-end processes (Banner closeout, encumbrance roll and final operating account close).
The classes will be held on May 24th and 25th In Robinson Hall. Space is limited, so please register for each session you wish to attend at
Finance Fiscal Year End Process 2017
Posted: 5-5-2017
Fiscal 2017 Year End Closing Dates | |
Department Heads should review their unit's salary and non-salary accounts to ensure that all operating budgets are not in an actual or projected deficit. ACTUAL AND/OR PROJECTED DEFICITS MUST BE COVERED THROUGH BUDGET TRANSFERS NO LATER THAN 7/14/17. | |
June 16, 2017 | Last day to process requisitions for FY17 goods and services. Please place your purchase order with appropriate documentation and required approvals to allow conversion to PO. Goods and/or services received by the close of the fiscal period June 30, 2017 will be charged to FY17 budget. |
June 23, 2017 | Office Depot orders should be placed by 6/23/17. |
June 27, 2017 | All Pcard transactions posted by the credit card company by June 30th will be charged against FY17. ** Cards used will be suspended from this date until 7/1/17. |
June 30, 2017 | Any open purchase orders at the close of FY17 (6/30/17) will be charged against FY18 budget. |
June 30, 2017 | Goods to be charged against FY17 budget must be physically and electronically received by the close of business day. |
July 03, 2017 | The Banner Finance System will be available for FY18 processing. |
July 14, 2017 | Submit invoices to record FY17 revenue to Accounting Services. |
July 14, 2017 | Last day to submit requests for Labor Redistribution corrections and adjustments (reallocation of salary and fringe). |
July 14, 2017 | Last day to post MDV's with a transaction date of June 30, 2017 for FY17 goods and services received on or before June 30, 2017. |
July 14, 2017 | Cutoff date for processing Accounts Payable documents to be recorded in fiscal year 2017. Such documents include MDVs, travel expense vouchers, and mileage. |
July 14, 2017 | Last day to submit budget transfers, journal entry requests, and DCAs. |
Important Notes | |
1. | Entering a requisition or purchase order does not guarantee that the expense will be processed and paid within the current fiscal year 2017. |
2. | Cutoff dates (excluding DCAs) do not apply to grant or capital funded accounts. |
3. | All invoices should be forwarded to the Accounts Payable department or sent to |
4. | FY17 Operational Budget surplus will not carry forward into FY18. |
5. | POs open at the completion of fiscal 2017 will carry forward to fiscal 2018 and charged to the fiscal 2018 budget. |
6. | Additional information regarding Fiscal Year End Close Out can be found here. |
If there are any additional questions or concerns regarding the year-end closing process, please contact: |
Accounting Issues: | Rita Piccioni ext. 5492 |
Accounts Payable Issues: | Ana Cardona-Parra ext. 4335 |
Budget Issues: | Natalie Beury x 4123 |
Purchasing Issues: | Chris Haley x 4149 |
Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2017
Posted: 1-3-2017
Effective January 1, 2017: the standard mileage rate has decreased to $0.535 cents per mile for individuals traveling in privately owned vehicles on official business for the state. The Mileage Log, Travel Request and Travel Expense forms have been adjusted to reflect this change. Please use the appropriate form when completing your reimbursement request.
Per University Travel Policy: when utilizing privately owned vehicles for official University business, the mileage reimbursement will be made at the prevailing IRS business rate. If a personal automobile is used for business purposes, individuals will be reimbursed for miles incurred in excess of daily commute at the current IRS authorized mileage rate. The personal mileage reimbursement covers all costs related to the operation of the vehicle, including service, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, and gas.
For more information regarding mileage rates visit IRS website:
Forms are available on the Accounts Payable website: Accounts Payable Forms
For further information regarding transportation expenses visit IRS Publication 463 Chapter 4:
A Day in the Life of a Purchase Request |
"R U Informed" Finance Conference |
Travel Account Code(s) Clarification |
Finance Fiscal Year End Process 2016 |
Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2016 |
Accounts Payable Department - Policy Updates and Reminders |
A Day in the Life of a Purchase Request
Posted: 11-30-2016
Attend a full day of answers on who, what, when, where, why and how in the life of a purchase request. This Finance training program is essential for end users throughout the University community whoneed to purchase goods for their departments. Understand the whole purchasing process by going behind the scenes in how requisitions are converted to PO’s, how invoices tie into cutting checks and more. It is highly recommended that you attend this event to learn all about the enhancements, tips, tricks and updates with Rowan finance processes and procedures.
- Topics include:
- Budget - View your budget and learn how to navigate on the screens.
- New Vendors - What’s a W- 9, BRC, Chapter 51?
- Contracts – Do you have one? Do you need one?
- Requisition - How to process, what to enter and look for, understand special purchases.
- Req to PO – See behind the scenes on how a requisition is converted to PO.
- Recap - What to do once a PO# is assigned.
- Receiving - When to complete receiving in banner.
- Invoice - Where to send the invoice and what information is needed to process.
- Payment – Go over Banner screens, Payment terms, discounts, processing time, frequency of check runs and forms of payment
This one day seminar will be held on December 1, 2016, in the Chamberlain Student Center from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (registration and continental breakfast from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.). Lunch is also included. There is no cost to attend, but space is very limited, so register early at for “A Day in the Life of a Purchase Request”).
"R U Informed" Finance Conference
Posted: 7-25-2016
Money, Money, Money, Money – learn from beginning to end how to budget and account for it at Rowan’s first annual “R U Informed” Finance Conference!
This three day conference from August 09, 2016 – August 11, 2016 will help you navigate and learn about the latest tools and approaches within the Finance Division.
The Finance Division consists of the following departments: Accounting Services, Accounts Payable, Budget, Bursar, Procurement and Payroll. Each department has created special training tailored to meet the growing demands of the University. They will lead discussions and demos, and consult campus-wide users on all updates with helpful handouts and giveaways.
Each day will begin with a continental breakfast followed by five (5) one-hour training sessions with a catered lunch in between. Topics will include Banner Receiving, Purchasing Card, Travel Request, Cash Transmittal, MDVs and E-Invoices. There will also be demos regarding Office Max and Gourmet Dining, as well as a sneak peek at Banner XE in Banner Tips and Tricks.
For a growing list of classes, times and locations see:
So that we can plan accordingly, please register at:
Guests are welcome to attend individual training sessions or all three (3) conference dates.
“R U Informed” Finance Conference dates:
August 09, 2016
August 10, 2016
August 11, 2016
Travel Account Code(s) Clarification:
Posted: 6-8-2016
Please remember, more than one account code(s) may be used when completing travel forms, especially if claiming mileage. Since there is often confusion between the appropriate account code(s) to use when submitting travel forms, remember to properly separate travel expenses from mileage in order to prevent misunderstandings. To avoid further confusion, below are explanations and examples of when to use the appropriate account codes:
- Account 7215 (Mileage Reimbursement) this account code should always be used when claiming mileage on all travel forms. Example: if traveling to a conference by air and mileage is incurred from home to airport, this account code must be included on the travel form (and ensure sufficient funds are available).
- Account 7216 (Travel) this account code shouldbe used when reimbursing employees for all other travel expenses except mileage, for example: hotel, conference, registration, airfare, baggage fee, parking and toll fees, etc.
- Account 7217 (Student Travel) should be used for reimbursing students for all other travel expenses except mileage, including parking and toll fees.
To reiterate, separating the expenses by account code(s) and verifying funds are available will ensure prompt reimbursement by Accounts Payable Department.
Finance Fiscal Year End Process 2016
Posted: 4-28-2016
The University is approaching the end of another fiscal year (Fiscal Year 2016 timeframe runs from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) and it is time to coordinate year-end closing activities for all the campuses.
Accounting principles require that goods and services be charged to the period in which they’re received, meaning when the goods actually arrive or the services are actually performed and not when receiving is completed in Banner. Therefore, items received or services completed on or before 6/30/16must be charged to FY16; items received or services performed on or after 7/1/16 must be charged to FY17 regardless of whether there has been a FY16 purchase order already established. The following dates are being implemented in order to meet these standards.
Important Dates:
- 5/31 - cutoff date for entering requisitions to be charged to FY16 Budget
- 6/20 - cutoff date for Office Max orders
- 6/27 - cutoff date for using a University Purchasing Card (UPC). Card use will be suspended from this date until July 1, 2016
- 7/18 – cutoff date to process all Accounts Payable documents to be charged to FY16 such as MDVs (remember that MDVs must not exceed $500), Travel Expense Vouchers, Mileage reimbursement & Tuition reimbursement – these documents must be received in Accounts Payable by this cutoff date
- 7/18 – cutoff date for submitting a DCA to Accounting Services that will affect the FY16 budget
The cutoff dates (excluding DCAs) do not apply to Grants (Funds beginning with a “5” or “6”) or to Capital funded accounts (Funds beginning with a “7”).
Should an emergency necessitate a requisition after the dates noted above, a Purchase Order will only be issued with the approval of your Divisional Vice President. Requisitions submitted after the above noted cutoff dates will not be converted without the noted approval.
Important Information
1. Ensure your budget has sufficient funds in the specific account line to cover all payments before sending your invoice to Accounts Payable.
2. To be charged to the FY16 budget, the goods must be received or services performed, and invoiced on or before 6/30/16.
3. Goods & services received/performed on or after 7/1/16 will be charged to the FY17 budget.
4. Purchase Orders still open (not closed by the department) upon the completion of FY16 will be carried forward to FY17 & charged against the FY17 budget.
5. Make sure all your receiving has been completed in Banner, as applicable.
6. All invoices should be forwarded to the Accounts Payable Department or sent to
7. Purchases made on a UPC or personal credit card that would be an improper purchase through the requisition system are not permissible.
Follow this link for a more detailed explanation on how to prepare for the fiscal year end and for further clarification on the above information.
Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2016
Posted: 1-8-2016
Effective January 1, 2016: the standard mileage rate has decreased to $0.54 cents per mile for individuals traveling in privately owned vehicles on official business for the state. The Mileage Log, Travel Request and Travel Expense forms have been adjusted to reflect this change. Please use the appropriate form when completing your reimbursement request.
Per University Travel Policy: when utilizing privately owned vehicles for official University business, the mileage reimbursement will be made at the prevailing IRS business rate. If a personal automobile is used for business purposes, individuals will be reimbursed for miles incurred in excess of daily commute at the current IRS authorized mileage rate. The personal mileage reimbursement covers all costs related to the operation of the vehicle, including service, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, and gas.
For more information regarding mileage rates visit IRS website:
Forms are available on the Accounts Payable website: Accounts Payable Forms
For further information regarding transportation expenses visit IRS Publication 463 Chapter 4:
Accounts Payable Department - Policy Updates and Reminders
Posted: 1-4-2016
As noted in the Rowan Mailer dated 11/6/15, Rowan’s policies are now available on one website. Listed below are some important updates and general reminders relative to Accounts Payable.
Receptions and Entertainment
Entertainment is defined as activities, events or functions provided or held for the benefit of students of State institutions, dignitaries, and / or other "non-state" employees which are paid from public funds.
Reimbursement or payment from state-appropriated funds for the following expenditures is prohibited:
- Expenses for alcoholic beverages.
- Meals and other expenses for functions held primarily for the benefit of University officials and/or employees
- Receptions or other social functions held for or honoring any employee or group of employees of the State (retirement, awards, appointments, etc.).
- Meals or refreshments to be served to participants (other than students, officials, press-box personnel) or guests at any athletic or other games or contests.
- Expenses for regularly scheduled professional organizational / departmental meetings.
Reimbursements to employees will be made via direct deposit.
Any on-campus catered event must utilize the services of the University's dining services vendor, Gourmet Dining, LLC. The vendor has established an E-Cater Link to the E-Cater ordering solution system for catering. Ordering guidelines and other general information regarding E-Cater can be found on the Accounts Payable website.
Relocation Expenses
In order to be eligible for relocation expenses to be paid or reimbursed, the new employee must receive a Letter of Appointment from the University stating the following:
- New employees will satisfactorily maintain employment on a full-time basis, as defined by the University, for at least one year, commencing on the date that the employee starts work on a regular basis at the University
- New employees who fail to remain employed by the University for a full twelve (12) months will result in repaying the full amount (including taxes) to the University; as provided by law, sums may be withheld from salary or other compensations due to the employee.
- New employees must meet all rules in accordance with IRS guidelines in “Publication 521 – Moving Expenses.”
Travel Policy
- Employees traveling on official University business are expected to exercise care when planning travel and incurring expenses.
- Meals will no longer be paid at a standard rate issued by the University. Going forward, the University will follow the rates established by the General Service Administration (GSA).
- Per Diem rates will now be reimbursed based on traveler’s destination by city, please use the link provided to determine the appropriate rate.
- Original receipts must be submitted for all travel reimbursements over $25, to be reimbursed the receipt must show it was paid in full via cash, check or credit card.
- The Missing Receipt Affidavit form and credit card statement will no longer be accepted as proof of payment for travel reimbursements.
- A fully executed Travel Expense Report will be reimbursed to traveler within ten (10) business days of submission to the Accounts Payable department via direct deposit reimbursement.
- Travel Request and Expense Report forms have been updated to accommodate GSA per diem rates
Please begin using the updated forms immediately to ensure accurate accountability of encumbrances and reimbursement. Here is a link to Accounts Payable forms.
Incomplete Purchasing/Receiving Documents in Banner |
Finance Fiscal Year 15 End Process |
Incomplete Purchasing/Receiving Documents in Banner
Posted: 12-21-2015
Beginning January 2016 a report process in Banner will be activated that will generate a notification to end users who have incomplete requisitions and/or receiving codes in Banner. Currently our staffs (Purchasing and Accounts Payable) have adjusted and updated these items in Banner either by deleting older incomplete documents or notifying each end user directly to complete, correct or delete.
In an effort to increase efficiency going forward, the above noted report will send a notice to the applicable end user on a daily basis. The emails will include instructions on how to delete the incomplete document or complete through INB, as applicable.
Finance Fiscal Year End Process
Posted: 12-21-2015
The University is approaching the end of another fiscal year (Fiscal Year 2015 timeframe is July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015) and it is time to coordinate year-end closing activities for all the campuses.
Accounting principles require that goods & services must be charged to the period in which they’re received – meaning when the goods actually arrive and not when receipt is posted. Therefore, items received on or before 6/30/15 must be charged to FY15; items received 7/1/15 or after must be charged to FY16 regardless of whether has been a FY15 purchase order already established. The following dates are being implemented in order to meet these standards.
Important Dates:
- 5/29 - cutoff date for entering requisitions to be charged to FY15 Budget
- 6/12 - cutoff date for using a University Purchasing Card (UPC). Card use will be suspended until July 1, 2015
- 6/26 - cutoff date for Office Max orders
- 7/10 - all requests for MDV’s, Travel Expense Vouchers, Mileage reimbursement & Tuition reimbursement requests to be charged to FY15 must be received in the Accounts Payable Department by this date
The cutoff dates do not apply to Grants (Funds beginning with a “5” or “6”) or to Capital funded accounts (Funds beginning with a “7”).
Should an emergency necessitate a requisition after the dates noted above, a Purchase Order will only be issued with the approval of your Divisional Vice President. Requisitions submitted after the above noted cutoff dates will not be converted without the noted approval.
Important Information:
- 1. Ensure your budget has sufficient funds on the specific account line to cover all payments before sending your invoice to Accounts Payable.
- 2. To be charged to the FY15 budget, the goods must be received or services performed, and invoiced on or before 6/30/15.
- 3. Goods & services received/performed on or after 7/1/15 will be charged to the FY16 budget.
- 4. Purchase Orders still open (not closed by the department) upon the completion of FY15 will be carried forward to FY16 & charged against the FY16 budget.
- 5. Make sure all your receiving has been completed in Banner, as applicable.
- 6. All invoices should be forwarded to the Accounts Payable Department or sent to
- 7. Purchases made on a UPC or personal credit card that would be an improper purchase through the requisition system are not permissible.
Follow this link for a more detailed explanation on how to prepare for the fiscal year end and for further clarification on the above information.
Sign Up for Finance’s Fiscal Year-End Prep Training
Sign Up for Finance’s Fiscal Year-End Prep Training
Please join the Division of Finance virtually for a presentation on Fiscal Year-End Prep on Wednesday, April 30th from 1pm-2pm. The presentation will discuss key components to prepare for a successful fiscal year-end. Presenters will include Budget, Office of Contracting & Procurement, Accounts Payable, Accounting Services and Grants. We strongly encourage anyone who oversees departmental budgets or performs day-to-day fiscal procedures including, but not limited to, processing requisitions, DCAs, budget transfers, Non-PO Payment Request Forms, and travel to attend.
Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form (link shown below). When you register, please submit any questions you would like to see answered during the presentation. The link to the training will then be emailed to you on the morning of April 30th.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Alexis Jones
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Mary Ann Nisula
Accounting Services
Natalie Beury
Anna Damph
March Chat with Travel Sessions and Travel on Pcard Reminders
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in March. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member and a member from Procurement will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Thursday, March 6th and Tuesday, March 25th -
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of expenses permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline's Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of expenses still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University's Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please state Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.
As a reminder, Rowan's travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as University Paid.
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions.
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in February. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member and a member from Procurement will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Tuesday, Feb. 4th and Thursday, Feb. 20th -
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of expenses permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline's Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of expenses still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University's Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please state Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.
As a reminder, Rowan's travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as University Paid.
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions.
Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2025
Effective January 1, 2025, the standard mileage rate has increased to $0.70 per mile for individuals traveling in privately owned vehicles on official business for the university. Concur Travel and Expense software has been updated to reflect this change for employees. All travel paper forms for Students / Non-Employees have also been updated. Students / Non-Employees should use the appropriate form when requesting reimbursement for travel.
Per University Travel Policy, when utilizing privately owned vehicles for official University business, the mileage reimbursement will be made at the prevailing IRS business rate. If a personal automobile is used for business purposes, individuals will be reimbursed for miles incurred in excess of daily commute at the current IRS-authorized mileage rate. The personal mileage reimbursement covers all costs related to the operation of the vehicle, including service, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, and gas.
Expense Report Tips
- For day travel, the business purpose of the travel needs to be included in the “purpose of the trip” field.
- Ex. Event name, project name, etc.
- Deduct normal work commute if travel occurred on a normal workday
- Make a comment if there is no deduction due to a special circumstance like a scheduled remote day/holiday
- The mileage calculator must be used and applied to all personal car mileage entries
- A physical street address must be included on all mileage entries
- Ex. A report will be returned for corrections if the address only states Deptford, NJ.
- If utilizing paper forms, the Google Map copy needs to be attached showing the route being reimbursed
For more information regarding mileage rates visit; IRS website
Concur Travel and Expense website;
Students / Non-Employees travel paper forms; Accounts Payable website
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in January. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member and a member from Procurement will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Thursday, Jan. 9th and Tuesday, Jan. 21st -
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of expenses permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline's Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of expenses still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University's Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please state Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.
As a reminder, Rowan's travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as University Paid.
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions.
December Chat with Travel Sessions and Travel on Pcard Reminders
Accounts Payable will have one Chat with Travel session in December. Two sessions will resume in January. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member and a member from Procurement will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Thursday, Dec. 12th -
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of expenses permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Personal Expenses
- Airfare- No Business Class/First Class & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline's Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of expenses still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University's Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please state Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.
As a reminder, Rowan's travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as University Paid.
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions.
November Chat with Travel Sessions and Travel on Pcard Reminders
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in November. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member and a member from Procurement will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Thursday, Nov. 14th and Tuesday, Nov. 26th -
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of expenses permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline's Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of expenses still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University's Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please state Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.
As a reminder, Rowan's travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as University Paid.
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions.
New eProcurement system Rowan ProConnect coming soon!
We are excited to announce the upcoming launch of our new procure-to-pay solution, Rowan ProConnect, set to go live for Contracts Management October 8th, 2024, Supplier Management October 28th, 2024, and eProcurement and Invoicing January 27th, 2024.
Rowan ProConnect webpage
This innovative system will streamline the way we buy and pay for goods and services across the University, offering a single, user-friendly platform.
Here are some of the key features and benefits:
- Comprehensive Procure-to-Pay Solution: Enjoy an intuitive, robust end-to-end procure-to-pay, supplier management, and contract management system with mobile capabilities, automated receipt integration, streamlined approval functionalities, and compliance verification.
- Connecting Processes and Systems: A single solution for Contracts Management, Supplier Management, Procurement, and Accounts Payable needs eliminating the need for disconnected homemade solutions.
- Increased Efficiency: Reduce processing time and manual efforts with streamlined process and workflow automation
- Advanced Reporting Tools: Access graphical reporting tools to analyze purchasing trends and spend data directly in the solution without needing to export data to Cognos for reporting.
- Improved Compliance: Ensure adherence to procurement policies and regulatory requirements with built-in compliance checks.
- Supplier Collaboration: Foster better relationships and supplier communication through a centralized platform.
In the coming months we will be hosting Town Halls to introduce the solution and provide information around who this will impact, some of the goals and benefits, and the timeline for deployment. Our first Town Hall Session will be scheduled for October 9th at 2pm EST. We are excited about the future of Rowan's procurement process and appreciate your support in making this transition successful.
If you have any questions or would like to know how you can get involved, please contact our project team at
Thank you,
Joseph Scully
Senior Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Anthony Lowman
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Contact Information
Alexis Jones
Rowan University
Director of Contracting & Procurement
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in October. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member and a member from Procurement will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Thursday, Oct. 10th and Tuesday, Oct. 22nd -
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of expenses permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline's Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of expenses still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University's Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please state Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.
As a reminder, Rowan's travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as University Paid.
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions.
September Chat with Travel Sessions and Travel on Pcard Reminders
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in September. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member and a member from Procurement will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Thursday, Sept. 12th and Tuesday, Sept. 24th -
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of expenses permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline's Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of expenses still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University's Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please state Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.
As a reminder, Rowan's travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as University Paid.
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions.
AP Fiscal Year-End Reminders - Travel, Non-POs & Invoices
AP Fiscal Year-End Reminders- Travel, Non-POs & Invoices
As we approach the countdown to fiscal year-end, Accounts Payable would like to remind everyone of a few key items.
Invoices Paid Against a Purchase Order
- Friday, July 5th— last day to submit any invoices to be processed for FY 24
- Ensure all invoices have been sent to Accounts Payable via
- Ensure you send the vendors you are working with their approved PO#(s) as soon as you obtain them & request that they send their invoices with the PO# on it to
- Can request that the vendor copy end-user on the email
*Only services that have been rendered or items that have been physically received on or before June 30th will be recorded in FY 24*
- To avoid processing delays:
- Ensure you process electronic receiving in Banner as soon as you receive the product/service
- If you know you will be invoiced a higher amount than you originally thought & requested on the requisition, submit a change order ASAP & ensure you process electronic receiving for the additional amount
- NOTE: If the invoice amount is more than 10% of PO amount or greater than $100 you will need to request a change order
- An invoice needs to be submitted - Proforma invoice or Quote is NOT accepted
- Start & end date of the service need to be provided if not listed on the invoice
- For example, Membership/subscription term
- Ensure you are responding to AP requests in a timely manner
- If receiving is required in order for the payment to be processed:
- AP sends out reminder emails to process receiving – these emails will be sent out weekly & daily as we get closer to FYE
- Automated daily emails are sent if receiving is incomplete
Non-PO Payment Requests
- Friday, July 5th— last day to submit any Non-POs to be processed for FY 24
- Email all requests directly to with “Non-PO” listed in the subject line – please do not send via inter-office mail.
- To avoid processing delays:
- Review the Non-PO Category List to ensure you are not submitting a Non-PO that is not reimbursable
- Double check that all required documentation is attached to your Non-PO Payment Request Form & that all approvals have been obtained
- For example, ensure proof of payment is attached & all approval signatures have been obtained
- For additional information on required documentation, visit our Non-PO Payment Request Webpage
- Memberships/Subscriptions spanning two fiscal years: FY 24-FY 25 or purely for FY 25
- For ex. Spanning from June 1, 2024 – June 1, 2025 or July 1, 2024 – July 1, 2025
- Must be processed and paid by June 28th
- NOTE: If it is not processed & paid by June 28th, have to wait until July 29th to process & utilize SDE Dates (start & end date)
Employee Travel
- Friday, June 28th— last day to submit any Concur expense reports to be processed for FY 24
- NOTE: Keep in mind that you need to allow sufficient processing time for travel requests to be fully approved with encumbrance #s.
- Review any open encumbrances — confirm expense reports have been submitted & fully approved
- Once the report has been fully approved in Concur (sent for payment status), Close Out Your Request
- If you closed out your request and notice the budget is still held up, there may be an error — email
- To avoid processing delays:
- Cost Object Approvers (COA) in Concur — verify there is sufficient budget in the foapal lines before approving reports to avoid Non-Sufficient Fund (NSF) issues. If you need to move budget, have it moved prior to submitting the report.
- Ensure all required documentation is attached – utilize Expense Report Tip Sheet and visit Employee Travel for more resources
Concur Travel Encumbrances - For Employees
- FY 24 encumbrances do not roll over into FY 25 — this cannot be changed due to Banner systematically closing out the encumbrances for the fiscal year-end roll
- Due to this, if your trip is still multiple months away & you will not be charging any of the expenses before June 30th, we recommend not submitting your Travel Request until after June 30th.
- If submitting an FY 25 Travel Request in FY 24:
- Before June 30th - include all predicted travel expenses on the request, but only include amounts for the expenses that will be charged in FY 24 and will be included in the encumbrance
- After July 1st – submit another Travel Request as “extension of prior trip”
- Include all travel expenses, but only include amounts for the expenses that will be charged in FY 25 and will be included in the encumbrance
Student Travel
- Friday, July 5th— last day to submit any paper expense reports to be processed for FY 24
- NOTE: Keep in mind that you need to allow sufficient processing time for travel requests to be fully approved with encumbrance #s.
- Review any open encumbrances
- Confirm expense reports have been submitted & fully approved – can verify payment status to the student via Banner screen FAIVNDH
- Email with the following info to close-out existing encumbrances:
- Traveler Name
- Encumbrance #
- Destination
- Reason for closing
- To avoid processing delays:
- Verify there is sufficient budget in the foapal lines before approving reports to avoid Non-Sufficient Fund (NSF) issues. If you need to move budget, have it moved prior to submitting the report.
- Ensure all required documentation is attached to the travel form – utilize Expense Report Tip Sheet and visit Student Travel Webpage for more resources
We encourage you to visit our Fiscal Year-End Webpage to find many valuable resources, including a copy of the PowerPoint presentation the Division of Finance hosted on April 23, 2024.
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
May Chat with Travel Sessions and Travel on Pcard Reminders
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in May. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Tuesday, May 14th and Thursday, May 30th -
A member of the Procurement team will be available during May's sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
Fiscal 2024 Year End
Fiscal 2024 Year End Closing Dates: |
June 14, 2024 |
Last day to enter new vendor or vendor reactivation requests for FY24 purchase order requests for purchases over $15,000. |
June 20, 2024 |
All full time Special Assignment Payments and Student Special Project Contracts (formerly salary vouchers) for the FY24 Academic Year must be submitted by June 20th in order to be paid within FY24. ** Any Full Time & Part Time employee labor redistribution for FY24 (for BW Pay#14) must be initiated by the department no later than July 8th.** ** Any student labor redistribution for FY24 (for BW Pay#14) must be initiated by department no later than July 16th.** |
June 20, 2024 |
Last day to process requisitions or change orders* for FY24 goods and services. Please place your requisition (for active vendors only) with appropriate documentation and required approvals to allow conversion to PO. Goods and/or services physically received by the close of the fiscal period June 30, 2024 will be charged to FY24 budget. See note 2 below for exceptions. *Change order requests to reduce PO amounts or adjust for payment of items received before 6/30/24 will be processed. |
June 20, 2024 |
Begin systematic batch closing of POs with remaining balances of $10.00 and under. Process to continue throughout Finance year-end close (end of July) procedures. |
June 20, 2024 |
Last day to place orders through Amazon. See note 2 below for exceptions. |
June 27, 2024 |
Last day to place orders to Office Depot. |
June 27, 2024 |
All departmental deposits must be received on this day by the Office of the Bursar for posting by 4:30 p.m. |
June 28, 2024 |
Any open purchase orders at the close of FY24 (6/30/24) will be charged against FY25 budget if the item hasn’t been physically received. |
June 28, 2024 |
Goods to be charged against FY24 budget must be physically and electronically received (in Banner) by the close of business day. ***Important: Banner Receiving should only be completed after services are performed and/or goods have been delivered. This applies to all purchases in Banner, regardless of the funding source, including internal and external grants.*** |
June 30, 2024 |
Last day for using a BOA Purchasing Card (PCard). |
June 30, 2024 |
Last day for processing employee travel expense reports in Concur for FY24. |
July 05, 2024 |
Last day to post Non-PO payment requests with a transaction date of June 30, 2024 for FY24 goods and services received on or before June 30, 2024. |
July 05, 2024 |
Cutoff date for processing Non-PO payment request, student & non-employee travel expense reports, and invoices against purchase orders to be recorded in fiscal year 2024. See note 3 below regarding memberships & subscriptions. ***Ensure sufficient time for travel encumbrances to be fully approved and expense reports to be submitted by July 5th*** |
July 08, 2024 |
Last day to submit requests for Full Time & Part Time employee labor redistribution corrections and adjustments (reallocation of salary and fringe) for BW Pay#14. |
July 10, 2024 |
All BOA Purchasing Card (PCard) June activity should be allocated in BOA Works system by end of day. |
July 12, 2024 |
Last day to submit journal entry requests/feeds and fully authorized DCAs for FY24. See note 8 below regarding journal entry feeds and note 9 below for external grant DCA exception. |
July 16, 2024 |
Last day to submit requests for student labor redistribution corrections and adjustments (reallocation of salary and fringe) for BS Pay#14. |
Important Notes & Reminders |
1. |
Entering a requisition in Banner by the cutoff date (6/20/24) does not guarantee that the expense will be processed and paid within the current fiscal year (FY24). Due to ongoing supply chain disruptions, orders may not be processed and fulfilled during the current fiscal year (FY24). Continue to anticipate shipping delays, out of stock items and back orders. Please plan accordingly and do not wait until the cutoff date (6/20/24) to submit a requisition. |
2. |
Cutoff date exceptions for requisitions:
Amazon activity from June 21st to June 30th may be processed via requisition. All other cutoff dates (Office Depot, etc.) apply to the funds noted above. |
3. |
All invoices should be forwarded to the Accounts Payable department or sent to Note: Memberships/Subscriptions spanning two fiscal years: FY24-FY25 or purely for FY25 must be processed and paid by June 28th in order to be reflected in FY24. |
4. |
Travel FY24 manual encumbrances do not roll over into FY25 — this cannot be changed due to Banner systematically closing out the encumbrances for the fiscal year-end roll
5. |
FY24 Operational Budget surplus will not carry forward into FY25. |
6. |
FY25 Non-operating funds budgets (special programs, etc.) will not be set up in Banner until Finance completes year end system roll procedures, tentatively set for July 26th. |
7. |
POs open at the completion of FY24 will carry forward to FY25 and charged to the fiscal FY25 budget.
8. |
Journal entry feeds include: telephone, stationary, utility allocations, postage, custodial back-charges, labor & material back-charges, duplicating, catering, copier, fuel charges, atrium card and BOA Pcard correction activity. |
9. |
Cutoff date exceptions for DCA’s:
10. |
Additional Procurement information can be found here. |
If there are any additional questions or concerns regarding the year-end closing process, please contact: |
Accounting Issues: |
Kyle Beach ext.64944 |
Accounts Payable Issues: |
Stacey Bucci ext. 64117 |
Budget Issues: |
Eric Williams ext.64337 |
Bursar Issues: |
Adrienne Graber ext. 65162 |
Purchasing Issues: |
Chris Haley ext.64149 |
Grant Issues: |
Lisa Ciliberto ext.65534 |
Contact Information:
Associate Controller
Accounting Services
May 2024 - Clincard (Gift Card) Fees will be increased
Rowan University has received notice that effective May 1, 2024, Greenphire Clincard will increase the load fee for ClinCard Gift Cards from $1.15 to $1.75 per load.
The Gift Card Request Form will be updated to reflect this change prior to May 1, 2024. The form simplifies the process and can be found on the Accounts Payable website once it is updated.
We encourage you to also visit our website: to find helpful resources on utilizing the Clincard.
Friendly reminder that Clincard should be utilized for all your gift card needs, not only for research purposes.
Please feel free to email with any additional questions.
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
April Chat with Travel Sessions and Travel on Pcard Reminder
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in April. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Thursday, April 11th and Tuesday, April 23rd -
A member of the Procurement team will be available during January’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Miranda Salvatore
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
*REMINDER* Sign Up for Finance's Fiscal Year-End Prep Training
Please join the Division of Finance for a presentation on Fiscal Year-End Prep on Tuesday, April 23rd from 1pm-2pm. The presentation will discuss key components to prepare for a successful fiscal year-end. Presenters will include Budget, Office of Contracting & Procurement, Accounts Payable, Accounting Services and Grants. We strongly encourage anyone who oversees departmental budgets or performs day-to-day fiscal procedures including, but not limited to, processing requisitions, DCAs, budget transfers, Non-PO Payment Request Forms, and travel to attend.
Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form (link shown below). When you register, please submit any questions you would like to see answered during the presentation. The link to the training will then be emailed to you on the morning of April 23rd.
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
Alexis Jones
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Mary Ann Nisula
Accounting Services
Natalie Beury
Rita Piccioni
Sign Up for Finance's Fiscal Year-End Prep Training
Please join the Division of Finance for a presentation on Fiscal Year-End Prep on Tuesday, April 23rd from 1pm-2pm. The presentation will discuss key components to prepare for a successful fiscal year-end. Presenters will include Budget, Office of Contracting & Procurement, Accounts Payable, Accounting Services and Grants. We strongly encourage anyone who oversees departmental budgets or performs day-to-day fiscal procedures including, but not limited to, processing requisitions, DCAs, budget transfers, Non-PO Payment Request Forms, and travel to attend.
Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form (link shown below). When you register, please submit any questions you would like to see answered during the presentation. The link to the training will then be emailed to you on the morning of April 23rd.
Contact Information:
Stacey Bucci
Accounts Payable
Alexis Jones
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Mary Ann Nisula
Accounting Services
Natalie Beury
Rita Piccioni
March Chat with Travel Sessions & Travel on Pcard Reminders
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in March. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Thursday March 7th and Tuesday, March 19th -
A member of the Procurement team will be available during March’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
February Chat with Travel Sessions & Travel on Pcard
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in February. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Tuesday, February 6th and Thursday, February 22nd -
A member of the Procurement team will be available during January’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Sign Up for the Division of Finance's New Hire Workshop
Please join the Division of Finance for our New Hire Workshop on Wednesday, February 28th from 9:30am-11:30am in the Chamberlain Student Center, Room 221. Although this workshop is structured for new hires, all are welcome and encouraged to attend. Presenters will include Budget, Office of Contracting & Procurement, Accounts Payable, Accounting Services, and Payroll.
Since this will be a great overview of the various Finance departments and their functions, we strongly encourage anyone who oversees departmental budgets or performs day-to-day fiscal procedures including, but not limited to, processing requisitions, DCAs, budget transfers, Non-PO Payment Request Forms, and travel to attend.
Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form (link shown below). When you register, please submit any questions you would like to see answered during the presentation.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Alexis Jones
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Mary Ann Nisula
Accounting Services
Natalie Beury
Carrie Milligan
Event Information:
Event Name: Division of Finance's New Hire Workshop
Event Location: Chamberlain Student Center, Room 221
Event Date: February 28, 2024
Event Start Time: 9:30 AM
Event End Time: 11:30 AM
New Payment Guide
The Division of Finance has formalized the language used for payment recipients across the University. These include payments to vendors, employees, and students. The goal is to provide a guide to the University community with definitions and payment processes so the language surrounding payments is consistent across all divisions and departments.
You will find a spreadsheet here with a list of payment types, definitions, and other applicable information. Please use this sheet as a reference guide when requesting payments of any type.
Contact Information:
Contracting & Procurement
Updates to Non-PO Category List
Effective immediately, the following updates have been made to the Non-PO Category List:
- Medical/professional license dues and renewals are only permitted on Non-POs if they are reimbursements.
- Memberships/Subscriptions are only permitted on Non-POs if they are reimbursements.
- Sponsorships are no longer permitted on Non-POs.
- Staff Training/Professional Development payments are only permitted on Non-POs if they are reimbursements.
- Virtual Conference payments are only permitted on Non-POs if they are reimbursements.
We are strongly encouraging that these types of payments be made through the Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP) rather than be made on personal credit cards, whether that be via a requisition or a Pcard. This will not only reduce the amount of out-of-pocket expenses for employees and students, but also enable OCP to accurately track spend for vendors. Please visit OC&P's Pcard Webpage to obtain more information on Pcard usage and to request a Pcard.
The Non-PO Payment Request Form is used for reimbursement to faculty, staff members, or students who incur minor out-of-pocket expenses to accomplish official university business. These expenses must remain in compliance with the Accounts Payable General Payment Policy and cannot bypass the Office of Contracting & Procurement's (OC&P) guidelines.
As a friendly reminder, a Non-PO Payment Request Form can be denied for any of the following reasons:
- A Non-PO is submitted beyond the 45-day deadline from the date the expense was incurred.
- An incomplete or old Non-PO Payment Request Form is submitted.
- A Non-PO Payment Request Form contains a purchase from one of OC&P’s preferred vendors.
- Ex. Amazon, Home Depot, Lowe’s
- Ex. All office supplies, including ink and toner, should be purchased at Office Depot. Staples purchases are not permitted.
- Ex. All textbooks should be purchased through Barnes & Noble.
- Ex. Any printing for business cards, letterhead, or envelopes needs to go through University Publications via the Stationery Ordering Process.
- A Non-PO Payment Request Form is used in lieu of the requisition process to pay a vendor for services received and/or rendered.
- Ex. Consultant payments, speaker fees, rental fees
- If the vendor is in Banner, but is terminated, please reach out to Procurement to assist with having this vendor be made active again for payment to be processed.
- The reimbursement is for a subscription or item that requires IRT approval.
- If the download occurs on a Rowan-owned device, IRT approval is needed.
- Any software subscription that requires ITAP approval needs to be processed through OC&P. This ensures that ITAP approval is obtained PRIOR to the purchase being made.
- Ex. Dropbox subscription, website domain registrations, Grammarly
- The reimbursement request includes a signed contract.
- Any contracts/terms and conditions need to be processed through OC&P for legal and purchasing review. Following any negotiation on the contract, a requisition needs to be processed.
- The reimbursement is for the purchase of gift cards.
- Gift cards cannot be purchased with personal funds. The University utilizes Clincard for physical and virtual gift cards. Clincard is available for all your gift card needs. Visit Clincard Gift Card for more information.
- Food reimbursements that do not adhere to the Reception and Entertainment Policy
- Ex. Working lunches, retirement receptions, staff meetings
- Ex. Gourmet Dining Food Service Waiver was not obtained for an event held on campus with food totaling over $100
- The University cannot pay for alcohol charges. Include documentation showing the transfer of funds from Foundation to your University foapal or obtain a signature from the Foundation office.
Other Helpful Tips & Reminders
- Regalia reimbursements being funded by the Provost Office need to be reviewed and signed by the Provost.
- NJ & FL sales tax is not reimbursable.
- Travel reimbursements cannot be processed on Non-PO Payment Request Forms.
- Employees utilize Concur.
- Non-Employees and Students utilize paper travel forms.
- Ensure all required backup is provided with the Non-PO.
- Itemized receipt of the transaction.
- Proof of payment - A credit card statement or copy of the credit card that matches the last 4 digits shown on the receipt should also be provided in addition to the receipt/order confirmation.
- For on-campus events, food/beverage purchases from an outside vendor totaling $100 or more must have an approved Gourmet Dining Food Service Waiver
- Completed Entertainment/Official Reception Request Form for all food and entertainment (including supplies/decorations for an event) purchases
- Honorarium Request Form approved and signed by Procurement for any honorarium payments. Employees cannot be paid honorariums.
- Independent Contractor Checklist, copy of grant program, and HR determination email for Grant Participant stipends
- Department Heads cannot sign off on their own reimbursements.
To learn more information regarding Non-POs, please visit our new webpage Non-PO Payment Request or contact Accounts Payable at
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Update to Student Travel Request Process
Effective immediately, the Ethics office no longer has to review and approve Student Travel Requests. This includes domestic as well as international travel.
The travel request forms have been updated to reflect this change. Please visit to find the new forms.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements.
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2024
Effective January 1, 2024, the standard mileage rate has increased to $0.67 per mile for individuals traveling in privately owned vehicles on official business for the university. Concur Travel and Expense software has been updated to reflect this change for employees. All travel paper forms for Students / Non-Employees have also been updated. Students / Non-Employees should use the appropriate form when requesting reimbursement for travel.
Per University Travel Policy, when utilizing privately owned vehicles for official University business, the mileage reimbursement will be made at the prevailing IRS business rate. If a personal automobile is used for business purposes, individuals will be reimbursed for miles incurred in excess of daily commute at the current IRS-authorized mileage rate. The personal mileage reimbursement covers all costs related to the operation of the vehicle, including service, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, and gas.
Expense Report Tips
- For day travel, the business purpose of the travel needs to be included in the “purpose of the trip” field.
- Ex. Event name, project name, etc.
- Deduct normal work commute if travel occurred on a normal workday
- Make a comment if there is no deduction due to a special circumstance like a scheduled remote day/holiday
- The mileage calculator must be used and applied to all personal car mileage entries
- A physical street address must be included on all mileage entries
- Ex. A report will be returned for corrections if the address only states Deptford, NJ.
- If utilizing paper forms, the Google Map copy needs to be attached showing the route being reimbursed
For more information regarding mileage rates visit; IRS website
Concur Travel and Expense website;
Students / Non-Employees travel paper forms; Accounts Payable website
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
January Chat with Travel Sessions & Travel on Pcard
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in January. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Thursday, January 11th and Tuesday, January 23rd -
A member of the Procurement team will be available during January’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Updates to Travel Policy
Accounts Payable is pleased to announce that we have made some updates to our Travel Policy in hopes of alleviating some of the burden users face when processing travel expenses.
Note the following changes effective immediately:
- No receipt is required for any expenses $35 and under on an expense report
- NJ Sales Tax is reimbursable
- Premium economy for airfare is reimbursable
- Travel on Acela trains is permitted when it is the most economical
- Early bird check in fees for hotels are permitted when necessary
- Trip cancellation insurance is permitted
You can reference the full updated policy under University Policies.
We strongly encourage users to utilize our Expense Report Tip Sheet when completing expense reports. Accounts Payable utilized the most common errors to create this tip sheet.
Please visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements as well as visit our News and Updates Webpage to see upcoming Chat with Travel dates.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Independent Contractor Process Updates
The OC&P and Human Resources have finalized the policy regarding changes to the Independent Contractor process.
Please review the updated webpage that includes an outline of the new process, forms, database, and power point that we will be presenting during the online training on Thursday, December 7, 2023, at 1:00 pm. You can register for the Ask a Buyer Presentation here.
The biggest visible change will be to the Vendor Portal where you will submit the IC Determination Form in lieu of emailing it to Determinations will be routed internally, and you will be notified of the status by OC&P.
Changes to the Vendor Portal will go live on Monday, November 20, 2023, but you are free to use the new process immediately.
Thanks for your patience and support,
November and December Chat with Travel Sessions
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in October. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Tuesday, November 28th -
- Thursday, December 7th and Tuesday, December 19th -
A member of the Procurement team will be available during October’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios and No Room Upgrade/Early Bird Check-In Fees
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class, No Travel Insurance, & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class or Acela
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Retiring Banner Finance forms on 10-31-2023
The Banner Finance forms that have been replaced by the upgraded My Finance dashboard in Self-Service Banner will be retired as of Tuesday, October 31.
All Banner Finance users must use the My Finance dashboard to complete necessary tasks as of that date. If you have not already, review the relevant training materials for the new dashboard on the IRT website.
The Division of Finance will be inviting employees to attend sessions later this fiscal year to gain more hands-on experience and address any questions you may have about the new dashboard.
If you have any technical questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400, or submit a ticket in the Rowan Support Portal. You can also get answers to common questions in our Knowledge Base and our chatbot, Ask Susan, at any time.
Contact Information:
Technology Support Center
*NEW* Non-Employee Travel Forms
Accounts Payable would like to announce that we have updated our travel forms for Non-Employees.
All Non-Employees, with the exception of candidates and guest speakers, require pre-approval when traveling overnight. Pre-approval can be obtained utilizing the Non-Employee Domestic Travel Request Form for domestic travel or the Non-Employee International Travel Request Form for international travel. Once the traveler returns from their trip and reimbursement needs to be made, the Non-Employee Travel Expense Form should be utilized.
The traveler needs a Banner ID# in order to be reimbursed. Ensure you obtain this through the Office of Contracting & Procurement's portal prior to submitting the Non-Employee Travel Expense Form.
We strongly encourage users to utilize our Expense Report Tip Sheet when completing expense reports. Accounts Payable utilized the most common errors to create this tip sheet.
Please visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements as well as visit our News and Updates Webpage to see upcoming Chat with Travel dates.
If you would like to schedule one-on-one training or would like Accounts Payable to host a training session for your department, please feel free to email with your request.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Candidate Travel Reminders
As the new semester has started, Accounts Payable would like to provide some reminders regarding candidate travel.
The *NEW* Non-Employee Travel Expense Form should be utilized to reimburse candidates for any out-of-pocket expenses they may have incurred. An encumbrance number (Travel Request) is not required for candidate travel.
Please note the following when coordinating a candidate’s visit to campus:
- Courtyard at Marriot in Glassboro, NJ should be utilized for the hotel and paid via Rowan PO #.
- Meals should NOT be charged to the rooms.
- The traveler needs a Banner ID# in order to be reimbursed. Ensure you obtain this through the Office of Contracting & Procurement's portal prior to submitting the Non-Employee Travel Expense Form.
- Itemized meal receipts are required for reimbursement. Per diem is not permitted.
- Proof of payment is required. à A credit card statement or copy of the credit card that matches the last 4 digits shown on the receipt should also be provided in addition to the receipt/order confirmation of the expense.
- Only economy or coach for airfare and train can be reimbursed.
- Utilize current IRS mileage rate (found on the form).
- Include Google Maps
- NJ sales tax is not reimbursable.
Friendly reminder that Chat with Travel sessions are still occurring every month where Rowan faculty and staff have the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member is available once a week from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. The dates for these sessions are advertised via Daily Mailers and are listed on Accounts Payable's News and Updates Webpage.
If you would like to schedule one-on-one training or would like Accounts Payable to host a training session for your department, please feel free to email with your request.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
October Chat with Travel and Travel on Pcard Reminders
Posted: 10-01-2023
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in October. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Tuesday, October 10th and Thursday, October 26th-
A member of the Procurement team will be available during October’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios and No Room Upgrade/Early Bird Check-In Fees
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class, No Travel Insurance, & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class or Acela
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
September Chat with Travel and Travel on Pcard Reminders
Posted: 09-01-2023
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions in September. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Friday, September 8th -
- Tuesday, September 12th and Thursday, September 28th-
A member of the Procurement team will be available during September’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios and No Room Upgrade/Early Bird Check-In Fees
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class, No Travel Insurance, & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class or Acela
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Mileage Update to Travel Policy
Posted: 07-18-2023
Accounts Payable is pleased to announce that we have made an update to our Travel Policy in hopes of alleviating some of the burden users face when processing mileage reimbursements in Concur.
Effective immediately, the round-trip mileage function can now be utilized when submitting mileage reimbursements. For example, when you are requesting to be reimbursed for travel from Rowan to an event and back to Rowan, you can now enter this as one expense line item. You no longer have to split the mileage into two trips/expense line items.
Please reference our detailed step-by-step guide on Entering Personal Car Mileage in Concur.
Key tips when submitting mileage reimbursements include:
- For day travel, the business purpose of the travel needs to be included in the “purpose of the trip” field.
- Ex. Event name, project name, etc.
- Deduct normal work commute if travel occurred on a normal workday
- Make a comment if there is no deduction due to a special circumstance like a scheduled remote day/holiday
- The mileage calculator must be used and applied to all personal car mileage entries
- A physical street address must be included on all mileage entries
- Ex. A report will be returned for corrections if the address only states Philadelphia, PA.
- If utilizing paper forms, the Google Map copy needs to be attached showing the route being reimbursed
We strongly encourage users to utilize our Expense Report Tip Sheet when completing expense reports. Accounts Payable utilized the most common errors to create this tip sheet.
Please visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements as well as visit our News and Updates Webpage to see upcoming Chat with Travel dates.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
August Chat with Travel Sessions & Travel on Pcard Reminders
Posted: 07-14-2023
Accounts Payable will resume Chat with Travel sessions in August and will continue on a monthly basis. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Monday, August 7th and Friday, August 21st -
- Thursday, August 3rd and Tuesday August, 15th -
A member of the Procurement team will be available during August’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios and No Room Upgrade/Early Bird Check-In Fees
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class, No Travel Insurance, & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class or Acela
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard. This includes overweight/excess baggage fees.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Upgrade coming for "My Finance" application in Banner
Posted: 07-24-2023
The Divisions of Information Resources & Technology and Finance are pleased to announce we will soon be upgrading the My Finance application in the Self-Service Banner. This upgrade is required as part of the larger transition from version 8 to 9 of Self-Service Banner.
The upgrade, which we expect to release later this summer, includes:
- A new and improved look and feel
- New dashboards that provide an on-demand view of data (saved queries are run and results displayed on the dashboard), including new graphics to assist with spend analysis.
- A new requisition module dashboard that provides an on-demand view of the document history and current status
You can find a sneak peak of the updated application here.
Be on the lookout for more details about this upgrade, including Knowledge Base articles and videos to help navigate the updated application.
Contact Information:
Technology Support Center
Banner Finance Fiscal Year End Process Update
Posted: 07-07-2023
Beginning at 11:00AM on Friday, July 14th, the Finance Division will be completing year end system process updates in the Banner Finance module in both Self-Service Banner & Administrative Pages.
On July 14th, all Banner Finance users are required to log off of, and remain out of, the Banner Finance module by 11:00AM.
The Finance module will be unavailable until Saturday, July 15th.
Banner Finance includes, but is not limited to:
- Requisitions
- Receiving
- Non-PO Payment/Direct Pay Processing
- Approval Queues
- Journal Entries
- Accessing Budgets
- Indexing in Onbase
Please contact if any questions or concerns.
Contact Information:
Mary Ann Nisula
Assistant Controller
Accounting Services
AP Fiscal Year-End Reminders - Travel, Non-POs & Invoices
Posted: 06-05-2023
As we approach the countdown to fiscal year-end, Accounts Payable would like to remind everyone of a few key items.
Invoices Paid Against a Purchase Order
- Friday, July 7th— last day to submit any invoices to be processed for FY 23
- Ensure all invoices have been sent to Accounts Payable via
- Ensure you send the vendors you are working with their approved PO#(s) as soon as you obtain them & request that they send their invoices with the PO# on it to
- Can request that the vendor copy end-user on the email
*Only services that have been rendered or items that have been physically received on or before June 30th will be recorded in FY 23*
- To avoid processing delays:
- Ensure you process electronic receiving in Banner as soon as you receive the product/service
- If you know you will be invoiced a higher amount than you originally thought & requested on the requisition, submit a change order ASAP & ensure you process electronic receiving for the additional amount
- NOTE: If the invoice amount is more than 10% of PO amount or greater than $100 you will need to request a change order
- An invoice needs to be submitted - Proforma invoice or quote is NOT accepted
- Start & end date of the service need to be provided if not listed on the invoice
- For example, Membership/subscription term
- Ensure you are responding to AP requests in a timely manner
- If receiving is required in order for the payment to be processed:
- AP sends out reminder emails to process receiving – these emails will be sent out weekly & daily as we get closer to FYE
- Automated daily emails are sent if receiving is incomplete
Non-PO Payment Requests
- Friday, July 7th— last day to submit any Non-POs to be processed for FY 23
- Email all requests directly to with “Non-PO” listed in the subject line – please do not send via inter-office mail.
- To avoid processing delays:
- Review the Non-PO Category List to ensure you are not submitting a Non-PO that is not reimbursable
- Double check that all required documentation is attached to your Non-PO Payment Request Form & that all approvals have been obtained
- For example, ensure proof of payment is attached (examples shown on slides 24-25) & all approval signatures have been obtained
- For additional information on required documentation, visit our Non-PO Payment Request Webpage
Employee Travel
- Friday, July 7th— last day to submit any Concur expense reports to be processed for FY 23
- NOTE: Keep in mind that you need to allow sufficient processing time for travel requests to be fully approved with encumbrance #s.
- Review any open encumbrances — confirm expense reports have been submitted & fully approved
- Once the report has been fully approved in Concur (sent for payment status), Close Out Your Request
- If you closed out your request and notice the budget is still held up, there may be an error — email
- To avoid processing delays:
- Cost Object Approvers (COA) in Concur — verify there is sufficient budget in the foapal lines before approving reports to avoid Non-Sufficient Fund (NSF) issues. If you need to move budget, have it moved prior to submitting the report.
- Ensure all required documentation is attached – utilize Expense Report Tip Sheet and visit Employee Travel for more resources
Concur Travel Encumbrances - For Employees
- FY 23 encumbrances do not roll over into FY 24 — this cannot be changed due to Banner systematically closing out the encumbrances for the fiscal year-end roll
- Due to this, if your trip is still multiple months away & you will not be charging any of the expenses before June 30th, we recommend not submitting your Travel Request until after June 30th.
- If submitting an FY 24 Travel Request in FY 23:
- Before June 30th - include all predicted travel expenses on the request, but only include amounts for the expenses that will be charged in FY 23 and will be included in the encumbrance
- After July 1st – submit another Travel Request as “extension of prior trip”
- Include all travel expenses, but only include amounts for the expenses that will be charged in FY 24 and will be included in the encumbrance
Student Travel
- Friday, July 7th— last day to submit any paper expense reports to be processed for FY 23
- NOTE: Keep in mind that you need to allow sufficient processing time for travel requests to be fully approved with encumbrance #s.
- Review any open encumbrances
- Confirm expense reports have been submitted & fully approved – can verify payment status to the student via Banner screen FAIVNDH
- Email with the following info to close-out existing encumbrances:
- Traveler Name
- Encumbrance #
- Destination
- Reason for closing
- To avoid processing delays:
- Verify there is sufficient budget in the foapal lines before approving reports to avoid Non-Sufficient Fund (NSF) issues. If you need to move budget, have it moved prior to submitting the report.
- Ensure all required documentation is attached to the travel form – utilize Expense Report Tip Sheet and visit Student Travel Webpage for more resources
We encourage you to visit our Fiscal Year-End Webpage to find many valuable resources, including a copy of the PowerPoint presentation the Division of Finance hosted on April 26, 2023.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacey Bucci
Accounts Payable
May Chat with Travel Sessions and Travel on Pcard Reminders
Posted: 05-01-2023
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions as great feedback has been received. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Monday, May 1st and Tuesday, May 16th -
- Thursday, May 25th -
A member of the Procurement team will be available during May’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
Please note due to Fiscal Year-End, Chat with Travel sessions will NOT be occurring in June, but will resume after.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios and No Room Upgrade/Early Bird Check-In Fees
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class, No Travel Insurance, & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class or Acela
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Fiscal 2023 Year End
Posted: 04-14-2023
Fiscal 2023 Year End Budget Requirements |
Department Heads should review their unit's salary and non-salary accounts to ensure that all budgets are not in an actual or projected deficit. This is required for all FOAPALs (operating, carryforward/special programs, grant or capital project FOAPALs). Actual and/or projected deficits within your unit/org must be covered through budget transfers. Please cover deficits for all salary accounts (other than full time salary) through a budget transfer form no later than 07/11/23. |
Fiscal 2023 Year End Closing Dates: |
June 15, 2023 |
All full time Special Assignment Payments and student Special Project Contracts (formerly salary vouchers) need to be submitted by June 15th in order to be paid within FY23. ** Any FT or student labor redistribution for FY23 (for BW Pay#14) must be initiated by department no later than July 14th.** |
June 15, 2023 |
Last day to enter new vendor or vendor reactivation requests for FY23 purchase order requests. |
June 22, 2023 |
Last day to process requisitions or change orders* for FY23 goods and services. Please place your requisition (for active vendors only) with appropriate documentation and required approvals to allow conversion to PO. Goods and/or services physically received by the close of the fiscal period June 30, 2023 will be charged to FY23 budget. See note 2 below for exceptions. *Change order requests to reduce PO amounts or adjust for payment of items received before 6/30/23 will be processed. |
June 23, 2023 |
Last day to place orders through Amazon. See note 2 below for exceptions. |
June 23, 2023 |
Last day to place orders to Office Depot. |
June 23, 2023 |
Begin systematic batch closing of POs with remaining balances of $10.00 and under. Process to continue throughout Finance year-end close (mid-July) procedures. |
June 23, 2023 |
Last day for using a BOA Purchasing Card (PCard). ** Cards usage will be suspended from this date until 7/1/23.** |
June 29, 2023 |
All departmental deposits must be received on this day by the Office of the Bursar for posting by 4:30 p.m. |
June 30, 2023 |
Any open purchase orders at the close of FY23 (6/30/23) will be charged against FY24 budget if the item hasn’t been physically received. |
June 30, 2023 |
Goods to be charged against FY23 budget must be physically and electronically received (in banner) by the close of business day. |
June 30, 2023 |
All BOA Purchasing Card (PCard) June activity should be allocated in BOA Works system by end of day. |
July 07, 2023 |
Last day to post Non-PO payment request’s with a transaction date of June 30, 2023 for FY23 goods and services received on or before June 30, 2023. |
July 07, 2023 |
Cutoff date for processing Accounts Payable documents to be recorded in fiscal year 2023. Such documents include Non-PO payment request, travel, and invoices against purchase orders. |
July 07, 2023 |
Last day to submit journal entry requests/feeds and fully authorized DCAs. |
July 11, 2023 |
Last day to submit a budget transfer form for salary accounts. |
July 18, 2023 |
Last day to submit requests for labor redistribution corrections and adjustments (reallocation of salary and fringe) for full time and students (BW & BS Pay#14). |
Important Notes & Reminders |
1. |
Entering a requisition in Banner by the cutoff date (6/22/23) does not guarantee that the expense will be processed and paid within the current fiscal year (FY23). Due to ongoing supply chain disruptions, orders may not be processed and fulfilled during the current fiscal year (FY23). Continue to anticipate shipping delays, out of stock items and back orders. Please plan accordingly and do not wait until the cutoff date (6/22/23) to submit a requisition. |
2. |
Cutoff date exceptions for requisitions:
Amazon activity from June 23rd to June 30th may be processed via requisition. All other cutoff dates (DCAs, Office Depot, etc.) apply to the funds noted above. |
3. |
All invoices should be forwarded to the Accounts Payable department or sent to |
4. |
FY23 Operational Budget surplus will not carry forward into FY24. |
5. |
FY24 Non-operating funds budgets (special programs, etc.) will not be set up in Banner until Finance completes year end system roll procedures, tentatively set for mid-July 2023. |
6. |
POs open at the completion of FY23 will carry forward to FY24 and charged to the fiscal FY24 budget.
7. |
Journal entry feeds include: telephone, stationary, utility allocations, postage, custodial back-charges, labor & material back-charges, duplicating, catering, copier, fuel charges, atrium card and BOA Pcard correction activity. |
8. |
Additional Procurement information can be found here. |
If there are any additional questions or concerns regarding the year-end closing process, please contact: |
Accounting Issues: |
Kyle Beach ext.63714 |
Accounts Payable Issues: |
Joselyn Peoples ext.64335 |
Budget Issues: |
Eric Williams ext.64337 |
Bursar Issues: |
Adrienne Graber ext. 65162 |
Purchasing Issues: |
Chris Haley ext.64149 |
Grant Issues: |
Rita Piccioni ext.65492 |
Contact Information:
Mary Ann Nisula
Assistant Controller
Accounting Services
Sign Up for Finance's Fiscal Year-End Prep Training
Posted: 04-07-2023
Please join the Finance Division for a presentation on Fiscal Year-End Prep on Wednesday, April 26th from 1pm-2pm. The presentation will discuss key components to prepare for a successful fiscal year-end. Presenters will include Budget, Office of Contracting & Procurement, Accounts Payable and Accounting Services. We strongly encourage anyone who oversees departmental budgets or performs day-to-day fiscal procedures including, but not limited to, processing requisitions, DCAs, budget transfers, Non-PO Payment Request Forms, and travel to attend.
Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form (link shown below). When you register, please submit any questions you would like to see answered during the presentation. The link to the training will then be emailed to you on the morning of April 26th.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Alexis Jones
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Mary Ann Nisula
Accounting Services
Natalie Beury
April Chat with Travel and Travel on Pcard Reminders
Posted: 03/31/2023
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions as great feedback has been received. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Monday, April 3rd and Monday, April 17th -
- Thursday, April 13th and Tuesday, April 25th -
A member of the Procurement team will be available during April’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, some travel expenses are now allowable Pcard expenses. See the Pcard Policy to find more information.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios and No Room Upgrade/Early Bird Check-In Fees
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class, No Travel Insurance, & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class or Acela
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
- All expenses, regardless of the payment method, need to be included on the travel request.
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Sign up for Student Travel Process Training
Posted: 03/30/2023
Student Travel Process Training
Please join us for a presentation on the student travel process on Thursday, April 27th 1pm-2pm. We will discuss what is required for student travel requests as well as expense reports, including what is needed from each area that reviews and approves each form. Presenters will include Accounts Payable, OSP, Study Abroad, Export Control, and Ethics.
Please sign into Google using your Rowan email account to access the registration form (link shown below). You can submit any questions you would like to see answered during the presentation when you register. The link to the training will then be emailed to you on the morning of April 27th.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Miranda S. Salvatore
Accounts Payable
Deborah DiPietroantonio
Accounts Payable
New Non-PO Payment Request Form & Non-PO Category List
Posted: 02/28/2023
A *NEW* Non-PO Payment Request Form has been created and a *NEW* Non-PO Category List is also now in effect.
- Condensed Form - Select the applicable bank code on the top right of the form to populate the appropriate signatures.
- The new form should be utilized for all bank codes including Bank 24 (South Jersey Tech Park), Bank 25 (Foundation), Bank 30 (General), and Bank 33 (Rowan Global).
- Validate Form - The Validate Form button is a new feature that allows users to verify all the necessary sections of the form have been completed before submission.
- Select the Validate Form button on the bottom right of the form and the fields that were missed will appear on the screen.
- Update the fields as needed
- Examples - Click the text in blue to link to a webpage or show examples of the data to enter in a particular field.
- Extensions - When a Chrome Extension for Adobe is installed on a computer, select the 'Open in Desktop App' button to utilize the form features.
The Non-PO Payment Request Form is used for reimbursement to faculty, staff members, or students who incur minor out-of-pocket expenses to accomplish official university business. These expenses must remain in compliance with the Accounts Payable General Payment Policy and cannot bypass the Office of Contracting & Procurement's (OC&P) guidelines.
We strongly encourage that a Pcard be utilized for membership fees, subscription fees, registration/application fees, and license renewals. This will reduce the amount of out-of-pocket expenses incurred for employees and students. Please visit OC&P's Pcard Webpage to obtain more information on Pcard usage and to request a Pcard.
A Non-PO Payment Request Form can be denied for any of the following reasons:
- A Non-PO is submitted beyond the 45-day deadline from the date the expense was incurred.
- An incomplete or old Non-PO Payment Request Form is submitted.
- A Non-PO Payment Request Form contains a purchase from one of OC&P’s preferred vendors.
- Ex. Amazon, Home Depot, Lowe’s
- Ex. All office supplies, including ink and toner, should be purchased at Office Depot. Staples purchases are not permitted.
- Ex. All textbooks should be purchased through Barnes & Noble.
- Ex. Any printing for business cards, letterhead, or envelopes needs to go through University Publications via the Stationery Ordering Process.
- A Non-PO Payment Request Form is used in lieu of the requisition process to pay a vendor for services received and/or rendered.
- Ex. Consultant payments, speaker fees, rental fees
- If the vendor is in Banner, but is terminated, please reach out to Procurement to assist with having this vendor be made active again for payment to be processed.
- The reimbursement is for a subscription or item that requires IRT approval.
- If the download occurs on a Rowan-owned device, IRT approval is needed.
- Any software subscription that requires ITAP approval needs to be processed through OC&P. This ensures that ITAP approval is obtained PRIOR to the purchase being made.
- Ex. Dropbox subscription, website domain registrations, Grammarly
- The reimbursement request includes a signed contract.
- Any contracts/terms and conditions need to be processed through OC&P for legal and purchasing review. Following any negotiation on the contract, a requisition needs to be processed.
- The reimbursement is for the purchase of gift cards.
- Gift cards cannot be purchased with personal funds. The University utilizes Clincard for physical and virtual gift cards. Clincard is available for all your gift card needs. Visit Clincard Gift Card for more information.
- Food reimbursements that do not adhere to the Reception and Entertainment Policy
- Ex. Working lunches, retirement receptions, staff meetings
- Ex. Gourmet Dining Food Service Waiver was not obtained for an event held on campus with food totaling over $100
- The University cannot pay for alcohol charges. Include documentation showing the transfer of funds from Foundation to your University foapal or obtain a signature from the Foundation office.
Other Helpful Tips & Reminders
- Regalia reimbursements being funded by the Provost Office need to be reviewed and signed by the Provost.
- NJ & FL sales tax is not reimbursable.
- Travel reimbursements cannot be processed on Non-PO Payment Request Forms.
- Employees utilize Concur.
- Non-Employees and Students utilize paper travel forms.
- Ensure all required backup is provided with the Non-PO.
- Itemized receipt of the transaction.
- Proof of payment - A credit card statement or copy of the credit card that matches the last 4 digits shown on the receipt should also be provided in addition to the receipt/order confirmation.
- For on-campus events, food/beverage purchases from an outside vendor totaling $100 or more must have an approved Gourmet Dining Food Service Waiver
- Completed Entertainment/Official Reception Request Form for all food and entertainment (including supplies/decorations for an event) purchases
- Honorarium Request Form approved and signed by Procurement for any honorarium payments. Employees cannot be paid honorariums.
- Independent Contractor Checklist, copy of grant program, and HR determination email for Grant Participant stipends
- Department Heads cannot sign off on their own reimbursements.
To learn more information regarding Non-POs, please visit our new webpage Non-PO Payment Request or contact Accounts Payable at
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Travel on the Pcard
Posted: 02/27/2023
Travel on the Pcard
To assist the Rowan community with alleviating the burden of out-of-pocket expenses, the Pcard Policy has been updated to permit more travel expenses on the Pcard.
The following types of travel expenses are permitted on the Pcard:
- Hotels- No Meals on Hotel Folios and No Room Upgrade/Early Bird Check-In Fees
- Airfare- No Business Class or First Class, No Travel Insurance, & No Main Cabin Extra/Preferred Seating/Extra Leg Room/American Airline’s Paid Seats
- Train- No Business Class or Acela
- Registration
- Parking- Economy Lot Only and No Services like White Glove Service Permitted
- Ubers/Lyfts/Taxis- No Uber/Lyft Premium Services or Priority Pickup
- Rental Cars- Economy Class with Approved Business-Related Days
- Include Justification/Approval Email or Letter from Department Head
- Fuel for Rental Cars
The following types of travel expenses are still prohibited from being charged on a Pcard:
- Meals while traveling (Instead, per diem is to be reimbursed.)
- Incidentals
- Tolls
- Fuel for Personal Vehicles
Please reference Rowan University’s Travel Policy to find the full list of the generally Non-Reimbursable/Prohibited Travel Expenses, which also can never be charged to a Pcard.
For any overnight travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please ensure you attach a copy of the Approved Encumbrance Email to the Pcard transaction.
For any day travel expenses charged on the Pcard, please Day Travel, Type of Expense, name of event, e.g. “Day Travel, fuel for rental car to XYZ Conference.”
Accounts Payable will continue Chat with Travel sessions as great feedback was received. These sessions provide Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Tuesday, March 14th and Monday, March 27th -
- Tuesday, March 7th and Thursday, March 23rd -
*NEW* We are excited to announce that a member of the Procurement team (Stacie Mori and/or Nicole Johnson) will be available during March’s sessions to answer any questions you have regarding utilizing the Pcard for travel.
As a reminder, Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, can also be utilized to book travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent with an approved encumbrance #, including students and non-employees.
- *IMPORTANT* Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard need to be included on expense reports and should be marked as “University Paid.”
Visit Accounts Payable for other travel-related information including reimbursement requirements and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard questions or to request a Pcard.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Stacie Mori
Office of Contracting & Procurement
New Entertainment/Official Reception Request Form
Posted: 02/13/2023
New Entertainment/Official Reception Request FormA new Entertainment/Official Reception Request form has been created and should be utilized for all food, dining, and entertainment purchases. This includes the purchase of decorations for an event.
Backup should include a meeting agenda, event start and end time, event location, and a full attendee list. For student-only events, a flyer with the event location is sufficient.
Please reference the Entertainment and Reception Policy to ensure the food, dining, or entertainment purchase is in accordance with Rowan University’s policy.
For all on-campus events that include food and/or beverage purchases totaling $100 or more, a Gourmet Dining Waiver needs to be submitted prior to the purchase being made.
As a reminder, the Entertainment/Official Reception Request form as well as an approved Gourmet Dining Waiver (if applicable) needs to be attached to all Non-PO Payment Request Forms submitted for reimbursement as well as all University P-Card transactions in BOA Works. If these items are not provided, your reimbursement may be delayed and/or denied and your Pcard transactions will be flagged.
The Entertainment/Official Reception Request form is also required for any food, dining, or entertainment purchases made with a purchase order.
Contact Accounts Payable for more information regarding Non-PO Payment Requests and Office of Contracting & Procurement for any Pcard or Purchase Order questions.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Alexis Jones
Office of Contracting & Procurement
Accounts Payable Travel Updates and Reminders
Posted: 1/31/2023
Accounts Payable Travel Updates and Reminders
As the new semester begins, Accounts Payable would like to provide some updates and reminders regarding traveling on behalf of Rowan University.
If you would like to schedule one-on-one training or would like Accounts Payable to host a training session for your department, please feel free to email with your request.
- *NEW* An Expense Report Tips sheet has been created to easily reference before submitting an expense report in Concur for an employee or a Travel Expense Paper Form for a student or non-employee. Referencing this chart and ensuring all required documentation listed on the chart is attached to your report will assist with a quicker turnaround for reimbursement.
- Key Tips include:
- Per diem = travel allowance in Concur
- Mileage calculator with the physical street address listed needs to be utilized in Concur
- Ex. 2000 Clements Bridge Rd Deptford, NJ instead of Deptford, NJ
- Normal work commute mileage needs to be deducted if travel occurred on a normal workday
- Make a comment if there is no deduction due to a special circumstance like a scheduled remote day or holiday
- Business purpose needs to be included in the purpose of the trip for day travel reimbursements
- Google map needs to be provided when reimbursing mileage on a paper form
- Proof of payment needs to always be provided when requesting reimbursement
- Ex. A credit card statement or copy of the credit card that matches the last 4 digits shown on the receipt should also be provided in addition to the receipt/order confirmation.
- Key Tips include:
- Remember to close out your request in Concur after you submit the expense report.
- If you do not close your request, your encumbrance will not reduce which will affect your budget.
- Visit Concur: Closing a Request After Reimbursement for instructions on closing your request.
- *NEW* Chat with Travel- We’re excited to announce that in February, we will be offering Rowan faculty and staff the opportunity to pop in at their convenience to chat with the travel team in an open WebEx session. An AP travel team member will be available on the dates listed below from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-3:30pm to discuss any travel questions, comments, or concerns. Please utilize the links below to join the session.
- Monday February 13th and 27th -
- Thursday February 9th and 23rd-
- To reduce out-of-pocket expenses, it is encouraged that Rowan’s travel agent, Direct Travel, be utilized to book your travel. Anyone can utilize the travel agent, including students and non-employees, with an approved encumbrance #. A Pcard can also be utilized to process a registration fee.
- Any expenses paid via Direct Travel or a Pcard should be marked as “University Paid” on your expense report.
- If the Cost Object Approver (COA) needs to be changed from what is currently in Concur, please fill out the Cost Object Approver Update Request Form.
Contact Information:
Joselyn Peoples
Accounts Payable
Miranda S. Salvatore
Accounts Payable
Deborah DiPietroantonio
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Mileage Rate 2023
Posted: 1/20/2023
Effective January 1, 2023, the standard mileage rate has increased to $0.655 per mile for individuals traveling in privately owned vehicles on official business for the university. Concur Travel and Expense software has been updated to reflect this change for employees. All travel paper forms for Students / Non-Employees have also been updated. Students / Non-Employees should use the appropriate form when requesting reimbursement for travel.
Per University Travel Policy, when utilizing privately owned vehicles for official University business, the mileage reimbursement will be made at the prevailing IRS business rate. If a personal automobile is used for business purposes, individuals will be reimbursed for miles incurred in excess of daily commute at the current IRS-authorized mileage rate. The personal mileage reimbursement covers all costs related to the operation of the vehicle, including service, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, and gas.
Expense Report Tips
- For day travel, the business purpose of the travel needs to be included in the “purpose of the trip” field.
- Ex. Event name, project name, etc.
- Deduct normal work commute if travel occurred on a normal workday
- Make a comment if there is no deduction due to a special circumstance like a scheduled remote day/holiday
- The mileage calculator must be used and applied to all personal car mileage entries
- A physical street address must be included on all mileage entries
- Ex. A report will be returned for corrections if the address only states Deptford, NJ.
- If utilizing paper forms, the Google Map copy needs to be attached showing the route being reimbursed
For more information regarding mileage rates visit; IRS website
Concur Travel and Expense website;
Students / Non-Employees travel paper forms; Accounts Payable website
Contact Information:
Accounts Payable