Non-PO Payment Request
Non-PO Payment Request
Non-PO Payment Request
The Non-PO Payment Request Form is used for reimbursement to faculty, staff members, or students who incur minor out-of-pocket expenses to accomplish official university business. These expenses must remain in compliance with the Accounts Payable General Payment Policy and cannot bypass the Office of Contracting and Procurement guidelines. All expenses must adhere to the authorized Non-PO Category List.
Note: If your current approver(s) has transitioned to a new department or is leaving the University, please contact to request that the queue be updated.
Accounts Payable has created the ultimate resource for all your Non-PO and reimbursement questions. This extensive guide will help you understand each step of the process.
On this page:
Itemized Receipt – A document itemizing the goods received, and the cost per unit of each item. A document that only provides the total charge is not considered an original itemized receipt.
Non-PO Payment Request – Form used to generate disbursements and reimbursements for minor out-of-pocket expenses.
Proof of Payment – This may take many forms, for example, a cash register receipt, a copy of an order form showing the payment was received, a web receipt, email confirmation of payment, and a canceled check. A credit card statement or copy of the credit card that matches the last 4 digits shown on the receipt should also be provided in addition to the receipt/order confirmation.
Substantiation – Documentation to support the payment. All payments must include original itemized receipts, business purpose documentation, attendees' names, and the appropriate expense report for the incurred cost. See the Preparing the Request section for examples of the required documentation.
Preparing the Request
Non-PO Payment Request may be submitted for direct payment to employees, students, non-trade vendors, and other miscellaneous administrative disbursements as authorized by AP General Payment Policy. These reimbursements are usually paid to an individual who incurs expenses on behalf of their departmental business operations. All items purchased and reimbursed become the University’s property.
Allowable Expense
What are the criteria for determining an allowable expense?
A Non-PO Payment Request may be used to process payments and reimbursements for reasonable allowable expenses incurred for business purposes as described in the University policies.
- Necessary to perform a valid business purpose fulfilling the mission of the University
- Reasonable in that the expense is not extreme or excessive, and reflects a prudent decision to incur the expense
- Appropriate in that the expense is suitable and fitting in the context of the valid business purpose
- Allowable according to the terms of any State and Federal regulation or University policy
Backup Documentation
What is the proper documentation to provide with the request?
Provide proof of payment
- Credit Card: Attach a copy of the credit card used showing only the last 4 digits or the credit card statement (purchaser’s name must be visible).
Note: If the receipt does not show the last 4 digits of the card used for payment, provide a redacted credit card statement. - Check: Attach a picture of the front and back of the cashed check or a redacted statement that shows both the account holder’s name and the amount withdrawn.
- Apple Pay: Apple pay creates a different 4-digit number from the card that is used on the receipt. Provide documentation from the bank showing the apple card number or a redacted credit card statement showing the purchase and the cardholder’s name.
- Credit Card: Attach a copy of the credit card used showing only the last 4 digits or the credit card statement (purchaser’s name must be visible).
NOTE: If the cardholder name is different than the employee’s name, there are two options for reimbursement: 1) Reimburse the employee with an email or letter from the cardholder stating who they are in relation to the employee and granting us permission to reimburse the employee directly due to shared finances/card. 2) Reimburse the cardholder with an email or letter from the employee stating that the membership is for them and granting Rowan permission to reimburse the cardholder directly. If option 2 is selected, you will need to set up the cardholder as a vendor through Office of Contracting and Procurement’s Vendor Portal. The reimbursement option is selected in order for the cardholder to receive payment.
- Provide backup documentation that explains the business purpose/justification of the expense
- Provide all original itemized receipts – If sending via interoffice mail, tape the receipt to a blank piece of paper (no staples or paper clips)
- Provide Entertainment/Official Reception Request for all food services
- For on-campus events, food/beverage purchases from an outside vendor totaling $100 or more must have an approved Gourmet Dining Food Service Waiver
- Provide IRT ITAP approval when necessary
- Provide Independent Contractor Determination Form (stipends, grants, awards)
- Provide Honorarium Request Form approved and signed by Procurement for honorarium payments
- Provide Independent Contractor Checklist, copy of grant program and HR determination email for Grant Participant stipends
Food Purchases
Did you know there is a Reception & Entertainment Policy?
Rowan University provides guidelines regarding the expenditure of State funds, faculty practice funds, and non-state grant funds for entertainment and official receptions in the Reception & Entertainment Policy.
- Complete and attach the Entertainment/Official Reception Request for requests related to food purchases.
- Verify form has the approver's signature. Expenses for entertainment and official receptions may only be approved by the President, Provost, Sr. Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Deans, Department Chair, or Head.
Completing the Request Form
The Non-PO Payment Request must include the following information:
Download the form from the AP website with Adobe Acrobat Reader
Note: When a Chrome Extension for Adobe is installed on a computer, select the 'Open in Desktop App' button to utilize the form features.
- Select the bank code from which the funds will be issued on the top right of the form
- Bank 24 - SJ Tech Park
- Bank 25 - Rowan Foundation
- Bank 30 - Rowan General Disbursement
- Bank 33 - RGI (separate entity that is a not a part of Rowan University)
Section 1

- The type of payment
Section 2
- The payee classification
- Banner ID of the individual being reimbursed
Note: Any entity requesting payment through the Accounts Payable department MUST have a Banner ID - New vendors must follow the vendor portal requirements listed on the Office of Contracting & Procurement website
Section 3
- Information about the individual being reimbursed
Note: The address entered in this section is the address the check will be mailed
Section 4
- Admin information
- Enclosure request
- Confirm budget is available
Section 5
- Provide a complete description of the expense
- What is the expense?
- Where did the expense take place?
- When did the expense take place?
Provide the start dates and end dates for any subscriptions, licenses, memberships, etc.
Provide the date of purchase for all other requests
Note: This is a required field when entering reimbursements in Banner and failure to add the dates will delay reimbursement/payment - Why did the expense take place?
- Amount/s of expenses
Section 6
- Accounting Information (FOAPAL)
Section 7
- Did the expense incurred involve alcohol?
- Select Yes or No
- If yes is selected, an authorization line will appear for Foundation to sign verifying funds have been transferred for this request.
- If there is a transfer of funds from Foundation to your university FOAPAL, you can attach documentation showing the transfer in lieu of providing a signature.
Section 8
- Signature and Consent of the individual being reimbursed
- Read and certify consent
- Date and sign
- Attach all original itemized receipts
Validate Form
- The Validate Form button is a new feature that allows users to verify all the necessary sections of the form have been completed before submission.
- Select the Validate Form button on the bottom right of the form and the fields that were missed will appear on the screen.
- Update the fields as needed.
Section 9
- Departmental Authorization:
- Certify expenses are compliant, appropriate, and allowable under the University policy
- Department Head print, date, and sign
- Department Heads may not sign off on their own reimbursement request
- Forward to Grant department if appropriate
- Grant department will forward to Accounts Payable
- Approval by Accounts Payable Director
Submitting the Request Form
To avoid delays,
- Complete all sections of the form
- Utilize the Validate Form button on the bottom right of the form to ensure all fields have been completed
- Attach all substantiation with the request
- Submit requests only once (electronic or paper) to the Accounts Payable department
Electronic process - preferred
If you send the form electronically, you do not need to send an original copy via inter-office mail.
Note: Sending requests electronically allows for easier tracking and faster processing.
- Email documents to Accounts Payable dedicated inbox,
- Type ‘Non-PO” and the individual receiving reimbursement in the subject line
Paper process
All reimbursements must be submitted within 45 days after the expense occurred
All expenses must be processed within the same fiscal year (July - June)
All Reimbursements are processed within ten (10) business days of the date the Non-PO Payment Request Form is received by Accounts Payable
Helpful Tips & Reminders
A Non-PO Payment Request Form can be denied for any of the following reasons:
- A Non-PO is submitted beyond the 45-day deadline from the date the expense was incurred.
- An incomplete or old Non-PO Payment Request Form is submitted.
- A Non-PO Payment Request Form contains a purchase from one of OC&P’s preferred vendors.
- Ex. All Ebay purchases need to be reviewed by OC&P to see if a ‘used equipment approval’ is needed.
- Ex. Amazon, Home Depot, Lowe’s
- Ex. All office supplies, including ink and toner, should be purchased at Office Depot. Staples purchases are not permitted.
- Ex. All textbooks should be purchased through Barnes & Noble.
- Ex. Any printing for business cards, letterhead, or envelopes needs to go through University Publications via the Stationery Ordering Process.
- A Non-PO Payment Request Form is used in lieu of the requisition process to pay a vendor for services received and/or rendered.
- Consultant payments, speaker fees, rental fees
- If the vendor is not currently active in Banner, reach out to Procurement.
- The reimbursement is for a subscription or item that requires IRT approval.
- If the download occurs on a Rowan-owned device, IRT approval is needed.
- Any software subscription that requires ITAP approval needs to be processed through OC&P. This ensures that ITAP approval is obtained PRIOR to the purchase being made.
- Dropbox subscription, website domain registrations, Grammarly
- The reimbursement request includes a signed contract.
- Any contracts/terms and conditions need to be processed through OC&P for legal and purchasing review. Following any negotiation on the contract, a requisition needs to be processed.
- The reimbursement is for the purchase of gift cards.
- Gift cards cannot be purchased with personal funds. The University utilizes Clincard for physical and virtual gift cards. Clincard is available for all your gift card needs. Visit Clincard Gift Card for more information.
- Food reimbursements that do not adhere to the Reception and Entertainment Policy
- Ex. Working lunches, retirement receptions, staff meetings
- Ex. Gourmet Dining Food Service Waiver was not obtained for an event held on campus with food totaling over $100
- The Unviersity cannot pay for alcohol charges. Include documentation showing the transfer of funds from Foundation to your university FOAPAL.
- The reimbursement includes a purchase of an appliance or piece of furniture.
- Refrigerators, Freezers, Bulletin Boards, and Dry Erase Boards will now require furniture pre-approval from Kyle Kephart at
Other Helpful Tips & Reminders:
- Regalia reimbursements being funded by the Provost Office need to be reviewed and signed by the Provost.
- NJ & FL sales tax is not reimbursable.
- If the vendor is in Banner, but is terminated, reach out to Procurement to assist with having this vendor made active again for payment to be processed.
- Travel reimbursements cannot be processed on Non-PO Payment Request Forms.
- Employees utilize Concur.
- Non-Employees and Students utilize paper travel forms.
Ensure all required backup is provided with the Non-PO.
- Itemized receipt of the transaction.
- Proof of payment - A credit card statement or copy of the credit card that matches the last 4 digits shown on the receipt should also be provided in addition to the receipt/order confirmation.
- A copy of the approved Gourmet Dining Food Service Waiver must be attached to all food expenses totaling $100 or more for any events held on campus.
- Completed Entertainment/Official Reception Request Form for all food and entertainment (including supplies/decorations for an event) purchases
- Honorarium Request Form approved and signed by Procurement for any honorarium payments. Employees cannot be paid honorariums.
- Independent Contractor Checklist, copy of grant program and HR determination email for Grant Participant stipends
Non-PO Payment Request Category List
Please utilize the lists linked below for the updated Non-PO Payment Request Category List and Condensed Non-PO Account Code List as of 01/09/24.
Non-PO Payment Request Category List
Payment Verification
The following screen will assist with the payment verification process.
FAIVNDH 'Vendor Detail History'
The Banner form FAIVNDH 'Vendor Detail History' provides an online list of vendor invoice/credit memo/payment transactions for all vendors in the system including terminated vendors.
Steps to confirm payment information:
- Enter the vendor Banner ID in the Vendor field
- Enter the fiscal year to review in the Fiscal Year field
- Select GO
- View the search results
- Vendor Invoice
- Banner Invoice
- Approved (received) Status
- Vendor Invoice Amount
- Due Date
- Check Date
- Check Number
- Filter results if necessary
- Select filter (top right)
- Enter the information in the field to filter
- Select Go
- Use Advanced Filter to filter on partial information
- Select Advanced Filter (top left)
- Choose Vendor Invoice from the dropdown
- Choose Contains from the dropdown
- Enter invoice information in the open field
- Select Go
Search for vendor ID:
- Select the three dots next to the Vendor field
- Select Entity Name/ID Search (FTIIDEN)
- Select Advance Filter (top left)
- Select Contains in the drop-down next to Last Name
- Enter the name of the vendor in the Last Name field (enter the most unique part of the name to get a more condensed list)
- Select Case Insensitive Query (bottom left)
- Select Go
- View the list of names
Fiscal Year End Information
- All documents are required to be processed by Accounts Payable before the cutoff date.
- Accounts Payable receives a large volume of documents starting around May, therefore:
- Confirm the FOAPALs have available funds to process and pay the Non-PO Payment Requests.
- Send all appropriate substantiation with the request.
- Verify in the Banner system the Non-PO Payment Request has not been paid. Helpful Banner Screens: FOIDOCH (Document History) & FAIVNDH (Vendor Detail History)
- Reminder: If a Non-PO Payment Request does not get processed before the cut-off date the funds will come out of the budget for the new fiscal year.
FYE24 Electronic Non-PO Presentation
Contact Information
Please send ALL Non-PO Payment Requests to for processing. In order to execute your requests quickly and efficiently please DO NOT cc AP personnel. Your requests will be forwarded promptly and appropriately.
When emailing Non-PO Payment Requests:
- Enter 'Non-PO' and the individual's name on the subject line
- Send all appropriate substantiation with the request
- Confirm all documents have been signed
- Send documents only once to AP
- Send one request per email
- Use PDF format
Please continue to email questions to