Training and FAQs
Training and FAQs
Training and Helpful Information
Banner Information
- Banner Account Codes
- Banner Finance Manual - Banner 9
- Commodity Codes
- Helpful Banner Screens & Email Addresses
Log in to Banner Administrative Pages
Banner Training
- New Banner Finance Training Courses - Finance Training
- Please visit the Banner Training Web Site - Banner 9 Training
- Please visit IRT Training Resources - Online Training Resourses
Helpful Information by Department
- NSF Budget Error:
Office of Procurement and Contracting
- How to Purchase Goods or Services
- Required information and dedicated inboxes for Purchase Orders:
- Purchase Order Increase/Decrease:
Required Information - Close-out Existing Purchase Orders:
Required Information
- Purchase Order Increase/Decrease:
Accounts Payable Department
- Autogenerated AP Email Notification Samples
- Fiscal Year End
- Gift Cards
- Invoice Payments
- New Hire Finance Workshop
- New Hire Presentation - Purchase to Pay
- New Hire Presentation - Travel
- Non-PO Payment Request
- Purchase to Pay Flyer
- Travel:
- Close Travel Encumbrance - Paper Process - Required Information
- Close Travel Encumbrance - Concur - Closing a Request After Reimbursement
- Travel on Behalf of Rowan
- Concur Training Material
- Non-Employee Travel
- Non-Reimbursable Travel Expenses
- Student Travel
- Student Travel Process PowerPoint
- Verify Payment Status
- How do I know if an invoice has been paid?
- Can I tell if a Requisition, Purchase Order, Invoice, or check has been canceled?
- Can I tell if a check has been processed, the check date, and the mailing address?
- How would I receive goods in Banner?
- Can I tell if a Receiving Notice has been completed and payment will be processed?
- What days are check runs?
- Can vendor payments be set up on Direct Deposit?
- What are the University’s standard payment terms?
- How do I pay for a Guest Speaker?
- How do I stop payment on a check?
- What would I do if I just received a call or email from AP with one of the following issues: non-sufficient funds, change order, or receiving?
- Who should complete an IRS Form W-9?
- I was asked to obtain a Form W-9 (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification) for a new vendor – why?
- How do I complete the name section of the W-9 form?
- How do I complete the classification section of the W-9 form?
- What address goes on the W-9?
- What does “TIN” stand for? What is the difference between an EIN and a Federal Tax Identification Number (often referred to as a “Federal I.D. Number”)?
FAQ Answers
How do I know if an invoice has been paid?
The following 2 forms in Banner will be able to assist;
Vendor Detail History form (FAIVNDH) - If there is a check number listed on the same line as the invoice, a check has been issued. If no check number, verify the date in the Due Date column. If the date has passed contact AP for assistance.
Document History form (FOIDOCH) - Requisition, Purchase Order, or Document "I" number, entered in FOIDOCH will show if a check has been issued, check number will be shown in Check field.
Can I tell if a Requisition, Purchase Order, Invoice, or Check has been canceled?
Yes. You can go to Banner form FOIDOCH. There will be an "X" in the status box next to the document type that was canceled.
Can I tell if a check has been processed, the check date, and the mailing address?
Yes. You can go to Banner form FOIDOCH (Document History).
You can enter one of these codes, REQ (Requisition), PO (Purchase Order), INV (Invoice), CHK (Check) or RCV (Receiving) in the Document Type.
Then tab to Document Code to enter the number that coincides with the Document Type (e.g. Doc Type: PO, Doc Code: P170001).
Click Go
Under Document Type look for Check Disbursement. If you do not see Check Disbursement then a check has not cut for this order.
To find the check date, select the line of the check you want to review, then select Related from the top menu, then Query Document. Enter the bank number in the Bank Field. The Bank number is the first two digits of the check number.
For electronic checks (the check begins with a “!”), the Bank number is 30.
Click Go
The check information including number, date and amount will be at the top of your screen.
The invoices paid on that check will be listed below in the Check Payment History section.
To view the mailing address, select the Invoice number in the Document Number column. Select Related, Document Inquiry, Go. You will see the mailing address.
How would I receive goods in Banner?
Training and inquiries are provided for Banner users on how to receive goods in Banner through IRT training services. Visit the website for further information
Can I tell if a Receiving Notice has been completed and payment will be processed?
Yes. You can go to Banner form FOIDOCH (Document History).
There will be a "C" in the status box next to the receiver number.
There will be an "A" in the status box next to the invoice number.
Can vendor payments be set up on Direct Deposit?
Please email with the ACH Credit Transfer Setup Form. Please note that before ACH information is updated in Banner, Accounts Payable must first complete a phone call confirmation of the information. Once the information is confirmed via phone call, a pre-note will go out. After this, the vendor’s next payment(s) will be paid via direct deposit.
What are the University’s standard payment terms?
Per the University’s General Payment Policy, the University payment terms are net 30 days unless otherwise stated on the contract. Departments are not authorized to negotiate different terms or to make special arrangements concerning payment terms. The required payment date will be 30 calendar days from the receipt of a properly executed invoice by the Accounts Payable department or 30 calendar days from the receipt of goods and services, whichever is later.
How do I pay for a Guest Speaker?
Follow Human Resources established guidelines and required documents listed on the website.
How do I stop payment on a check?
Please complete the Void Check Request Form and forward to for processing.
What would I do if I just received a call or email from AP with one of the following issues (Non-Sufficient Funds, Change Order or Receiving)?
Non-sufficient funds – Money needs to be transferred into the account that is being charged.
Change order – The amount of the purchase order needs to be increased. Subimt your request to the Purchasing department change order portal.
Receiving – In order for a check to be issued, receiving in Banner needs to be completed.
Can I submit a statement, quote, packing slip, order confirmation, Rowan University purchase orders, etc. for payment?
No. Accounts Payable can only issue payment from a Vendor invoice.
How would I submit an invoice?
- Email –
- Interoffice – Bole Hall
Send invoices only once to Accounts Payable for processing.
Make sure that the Purchase Order is clearly visible on the invoice.
**Please note: As a result of a state audit finding, all invoices should be sent directly to Accounts Payable ( for processing. End users can be copied on the email if they are requesting if they want to ensure they receive a copy as well for their records.
What if my independent contractor does not supply an invoice?
Visit the Human Resources Independent Contractor website.
Non-PO Payment Request
Can I pay people for services out of my own pocket?
No. All payments for services must be processed via the Office of Contracting & Procurement.
If I pay for a product out of pocket, how can I be reimbursed from Rowan University?
The department must complete an Non-PO Payment Request, include original itemized receipts and a detailed description of purchased product. Include a statement that describes the circumstances that required this method of purchase rather than using the procurement department. For a full listing of authorized categories see the Non-PO Category List found on the Accounts Payable website.
What is the turnaround time for a submitted Non-PO Payment Request?
Accounts Payable always strives to process payments as quickly as possible, but please allow 8-10 business days for review and payment processing as check runs are typically processed once a week on Wednesdays.
Where can I find a Direct Payment (Non-PO Payment Request) form?
Go to the forms tab on the Accounts Payable website
Tax Exempt
Who do I contact for a tax exempt certificate?
Tax exempt certificates are online on the AP website
What states are we tax exempt in?
New Jersey and Florida - forms are online on the AP website
How can I be reimbursed for business travel?
Requests for travel reimbursements should be submitted on a completed, signed and approved Travel Expense Form accompanied by the required receipts and encumbrance number. Use one form per traveler per trip. See Travel Policy for further clarification.
What is the current mileage rate?
Beginning January 1, 2023 the IRS mileage reimbursement rate is 65.5 cents per mile.
Beginning July 1, 2022 the IRS mileage reimbursement rate is 62.5 cents per mile.
Beginning January 1, 2022 the IRS mileage reimbursement rate is 58.2 cents per mile.
Beginning January 1, 2021 the IRS mileage reimbursement rate is 56.0 cents per mile.
Beginning January 1, 2020 the IRS mileage reimbursement rate is 57.5 cents per mile.
Beginning January 1, 2019 the IRS mileage reimbursement rate is 58.0 cents per mile.
Beginning January 1, 2018 the IRS mileage reimbursement rate is 54.5 cents per mile.
Beginning January 1, 2017 the IRS mileage reimbursement rate is 53.5 cents per mile.
Beginning January 1, 2016 the IRS mileage reimbursement rate is 54.0 cents per mile.
Beginning January 1, 2015 the IRS mileage reimbursement rate is 57.5 cents per mile.
How do I calculate per diem rate?
Beginning October 1 the General Services Administration (GSA) per diem rates are subject to change. To calculate please follow these steps:
- Go to GSA website
- Under search box enter the state and city you will be travelling to and click “Find Rates”
- Per Diem Rates are listed under “Meals & Incidentals (M&IE) Rates”
- Review the information by ensuring primary destination is listing the city name. For example; New Jersey, Atlantic City per diem rate is $66.00 per day.
- Additional Per Diem Rates and breakdown - scroll down to “Additional Per Diem Topics,” click “Meals & Incidental Expense Breakdown (M&IE).” This chart will show the meal breakdown for the per diem amount, and for the First & Last Day of Travel calculated at 75 percent. (See below)

Registration for a conference can be reimbursed only if there is an approved Travel Request with an issued Encumbrance # from Accounts Payable.
What is the Clery Act and how to comply?
Notice of Reporting Requirements for University-sponsored Student Trips and/or Academic Space Use to Off-Campus Locations. The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (“Clery Act”) requires Rowan University to report publicly on any crimes that occur on University premises - a requirement that includes rental properties and University sponsored trips to off-campus locations under certain circumstances. University personnel who are responsible for students on University-sponsored trips (both domestic and international) are considered “Campus Security Authorities (“CSAs”) under the law who are legally obligated to report those crimes.
How to comply with the law?
Complete the forms and email to: listed on this link: Clery Act Student Trip Form
Who should complete an IRS Form W-9?
The following people or entities complete the IRS Form W-9:
- People legally living in the United States (including resident aliens)
- Partnership, Corporation, Company, Association, Estate, or Domestic Trust which has been organized in the United States or under the laws of the United States.
If a person is a nonresident alien or if the entity is a foreign entity (i.e. outside of the United States), the foreign person or foreign entity completes an IRS Form W-8.
I was asked to obtain a Form W-9 (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification) for a new vendor – why?
To comply with Federal and State laws and regulations, the University must have a correct and complete W-9 on file before the University is allowed to issue a payment to the vendor. The University is required to report certain payments to the IRS. This form gathers all the pertinent information we need in order to comply with the IRS regulation. Download Form W-9.
How do I complete the name section of the W-9 form?
The name entered on the first line should be the name listed on file with the IRS on the individual or entity’s tax return. If the vendor is a partnership, the name of the partnership goes on the first line (not the name of the individuals). Important note: the “doing business as” or “dba” name never goes in the first line (Name) field of the W-9.
The vendor’s “doing business as” or “dba” name goes in the Business Name (second line) of the W-9 Form.
How do I complete the classification section of the W-9 form?
This section defines how the vendor is classified when it comes to federal taxes. The first box should be checked marked if filing as an individual, sole proprietor or single-member limited liability company (LLC) owned by an individual and disregarded for U.S. federal tax purposes. A sole proprietor business operates under the owner’s Social Security number and hasn’t been registered as another type of business. Taxes apply to single-member LLCs in the same way.
The other boxes correspond to C corporation, S corporation, Partnership and Trust/estate businesses.
The Limited liability company box is for a Partnership or LLC businesses with multiple members. This box is checked if you own an LLC treated as a partnership for federal taxes (fill in “P” in the adjacent space), an LLC that has filed Form 8832 or 2553 and is taxed as a corporation (fill in “C” or “S” in the adjacent space depending on the type) or an LLC whose owner is another LLC not disregarded for federal tax purposes (fill in the appropriate letter in the adjacent space). If your LLC has not filed a request to be taxed as a C or S corporation, it is taxed as a Partnership. The “Note” on the form clarifies the LLC-specific rules. You can always seek your attorney’s or tax advisor’s help to ensure you complete your form(s) correctly.
The address area must contain the address that the vendor has on file with the IRS.
- If the vendor’s address and the vendor’s remit-to address are the same, then this address goes in the Address section.
- If the vendor’s address and the vendor’s remit-to address are different, the vendor must use the address that is on file with the IRS.
What does “TIN” stand for? What is the difference between an EIN and a Federal Tax Identification Number (often referred to as a “Federal I.D. Number”)?
“TIN” stands for “Tax Identification Number.” There are two types of Tax Identification Numbers:
- Social Security Number (“SSN”): The SSN is assigned by the United States Internal Revenue Services (“IRS”) for individual U.S. citizens.
- Employer Identification Number (“EIN”): The EIN is assigned by the IRS for corporations and some other entities. The EIN also known as the Federal Tax Identification Number (commonly called a “Federal Tax ID”). So, the EIN and the Federal Tax Identification Number is the same number.