Electronic Non-PO Processing Instructions

Electronic Non-PO Processing Instructions

Electronic Non-PO (Direct Pay)

Note: If your area is not set up to process Electronic Non-POs yet, please reach out to Joselyn Peoples (peoplesj@rowan.edu) for more information. 

Accounts Payable has been rolling out a new process where end-users can directly process Non-POs into Banner.

The Non-POs route through an electronic approval process similar to how requisitions flow through approval queues in Banner. This electronic process not only eliminates the need to solely utilize paper Non-PO forms and obtain multiple written signatures but also enables easy tracking system to ensure reimbursement requests are not lost in the shuffle between emails.

Non-PO Instructions

Entering Non-PO (Direct Pay)

Non-PO Approval Queue Process

Complete or Delete Banner Transaction

Upload Documents to OnBase

Retrieve Documents from OnBase

Abbreviations & Category List

Non-Grant Abbreviations for Vendor Invoice Field

Grant Abbreviations for Vendor Invoice Field

Non-PO Category List

Non-PO Instructional Videos

Video: How to Delete an Invoice

Video: Resubmit an Electric Non-PO

Video: Search for a Transaction Banner Invoice Number