Parent and Family Resources
Parent and Family Resources
Parent and Family Resources
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Rowan Resources
Flying First: First generation student support services
Information Resources & Technology (IRT)
Rowan Text-Message Alert System
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find information about safety?
How do I send a package to Rowan?
Where can I find dates of University breaks and holidays so I can plan my student’s vacation schedule?
How do I pay a bill?
Where can I find information if my student has a need for accessibility and/or accommodations services?
The laws protecting students with disabilities are different at the high school and post-secondary level. Rowan University is committed to ensuring that academic programming and services are accessible to students with disabilities.
A very big difference of post-secondary education is that it is not the university's responsibility to identify and provide services to students with disabilities. Rather, the responsibility is to provide appropriate accommodations when requested to do so. Students should visit the Academic Success Center at or contact us at | (856) 256-4259
If you’re looking for a meal plan or housing accommodation, please connect with the Academic Success/Disability Center for more information regarding accommodations:
If you have a dietary restriction, food allergies or are too sick to get to the dining hall, please connect with our Dietitian to set up an appointment to discuss your dietary needs. We will work with you and review how we can best accommodate you on campus:
As a parent of a first-to-go-to college student, where can I find information to aid in my student’s success specifically course selection and number of credits per semester?
To best assist with your student’s academic success, please encourage your student to schedule an academic advising appointment with their academic advisor each and every semester. During this appointment, the advisor will discuss academic progress, personal and professional goals, make referrals to other campus departments, discuss course planning and selection, and much more! Students typically use the Rowan Success Network ( to view the advisor’s calendar and schedule an appointment at a date and time convenient for them.
To view program guide information for your student’s intended major, individual courses and requirements, the Registrar’s website is a convenient resource ( All academic program guides are listed on this page and, if your student is considering a change of major, this site can be very helpful to looking at other options. Additionally, students can schedule an appointment with our University Advising Center by calling (856) 256-4459 or email to talk about how changing their major may impact time to graduation and how completed credits will apply to the new program choice.
To assist your student with course selection and registration, Section Tally is recommended ( to research course section offerings and availability. To register for classes, your student will use their Self-Service Banner Account (
What health records are required prior to attending Rowan?
What do I need to know to help stay healthy while on campus?
Staying healthy as an on-campus college student means much more than just a state of physical health. It encompasses all the components of the Rowan Thrive Well-Being initiatives; physical health, emotional stability, clear thinking, the ability to embrace change, exercise intuition, able to overcome the unexpected, and have the qualities and characteristics of a resilient person. Encourage your student to take advantage of all the resources and opportunities Rowan University for them to Thrive by engaging in the various events of this initiative found at, on ProLink and Rowan Daily Announcer.