Event Recordings
Event Recordings
Event Recordings
Here you can view recordings of previous events:
Previous Parent and Family Connections Webinars
Family Weekend Block Party Video 2023
Prof's Day Video 2024
President's Parade Video
Built for Resiliency
Built for Resiliency: Blending Academics and Career Road Maps that Promote Self-Care, Wellness & Self-Exploration
Date: Oct 26, 2021 05:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting Recording:
Excelling through Challenges
Excelling through Challenges
March 21, 2023
Visit the link below and enter the Passcode to view this recorded webinar:
Passcode: ?h%Vtk6X
Family Weekend 2021
Family Weekend Street Festival 2021
Rowan Experience Panel
Thursday, September 23, 2021 3:30 p.m.
Ingredients for a Great Career
Saturday, September 25, 2021 11 a.m.
View recording
Access Passcode: rowanfwoca1!
Profs in the Kitchen 2021
Saturday, September 25, 2021 3:30 p.m.
Financially Moving Forward
Financially Moving Forward
February 22, 2023
Visit the link below and enter the Passcode to view this recorded webinar:
Passcode: o=^k9=g9
Let's Talk About Student Loans
Money Matters: Office of Financial Aid & Bursar
Smoke Screen: Navigating Knowledge About Cannabis and Other Substance Use with College Students
Thriving Family Connections
Well-Being: A Critical and Creative Imperative for Impactful Learning
Thursday, December 9, 2021
7 p.m. Eastern Time
Learn from across the disciplines. Recipients of the 2020-2021 President's Award for Excellence in Innovative Instruction will share their insight into how crucial parental support is for student success. They will discuss the innovative teaching strategies they utilize in their classroom to boost academic achievement and deepen student engagement through creatively providing opportunities for interactive learning through a humanistic well-being approach. In turn, parents, as critical motivators in their student's success, will learn how daily tools and practices inspire student scholarship.
Recording link: https://rowan.zoom.us/rec/share/fZSb2aUBBJhKjK6_jATiBO_PUwG_DjzqIxb_xcw-05wdlhppVrmhhUVGMtKEirVd.BCwVI4GUWh6VDIpy
Rowan Well-Being Resources and Thriving Over Winter Break
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
7 p.m. Eastern Time
Learn about resources to support students and our Rowan Thrive well-being framework. Learn how to support your student's mental health, including how to seek help and common feelings students may experience during the semester break.
Recording link: https://rowan.webex.com/rowan/ldr.php?RCID=661023b2af056090389f26b5767f2894
Career Resilience and Adaptability in College Students
Cultivate to Create: Education and Career Preparation Through Experiential Learning
Making The Most Of Your Academic Advising Experience
All Rowan University students have an academic advisor who are well-versed in university policies such as general education requirements, graduation requirements, the impact of adding/dropping courses, transferring in credits, campus resources, and major-specific policies that will add your student in completing the degree on time with the appropriate experiential learning for a cutting-edge career. Learn how the academic advisor brings a holistic approach to supporting students navigating their higher education, professional, career, and post-graduate journey.
Recording Link: https://rowan.zoom.us/rec/share/E97KZ1DegK0tGl8b8IhHuU838RdYM6KDbwvag5EFJ9YeDvR7dlkS7rhxJleywXGZ.HgvNLRYV3TSBpdHq?startTime=1705956696000
How to Make a Killer LinkedIn Profile
Session Description:
Whether you are looking for a job or are internship hunting, gathering leads, or networking in your career field, having a professional, eye-catching LinkedIn profile is an excellent idea to ensure that the right people can find you at the right time. You can learn how to complete your LinkedIn profile, insert a professional photo, make your headline stand out, and add images or documents to your experiences or expertise to appeal to prospects quickly, scanning to see if you have what they need.
Mastering the Arts of Resume Writing: Tips and Tricks
Session Description:
First Generation Task Force, Parent Subcommittee, and the Office of Student Enrichment & Family Connections
Elevate Your Career Potential
Altonia Bryant, MA, MS
Session Description:
Whether it is a "micro-internship," "academic-based internship," "career path internship," or "global internship," paid or non-paid opportunity with or without eligible academic credit, an internship is an excellent experimental learning opportunity to build your skills, both professionally and personally. These skills are invaluable in building your career, personal development, professional network, and future success. So, don't be afraid to try something new—invest in an internship experience that aligns with the student's career goals!
The Office of Career Advancement assists students in connecting with internships that will enhance their academic and professional careers, including internships based in local organizations.
First Generation Task Force, Parent Subcommittee, and the Office of Student Enrichment & Family Connections
Self-Advocacy: Speaking Up to Affirm that Your Needs Matter
What is self-advocacy and why is it important? As students transition to college, their ability to effectively communicate their interests, needs, and rights generates the confidence needed for them to successfully achieve independence. Strong self-advocacy skills empower students to become resilient, active participants in their college to career journey. This session will answer the What?, Why?, How?, and When? of self-advocacy and provide tips for self-advocacy skill development.
Navigating Your Student's Career Path: Supporting Their Major Choice and Career Readiness
Disney College Program
Empowering Parents: Partnering in Your Student’s Career Journey
Transitioning Successfully: Supporting Your Student from College to Career
6 p.m. est
A Path to Work For Neurodiverse College Students and Graduates
Thursday, November 7, 2024
6 pm est
Career planning and preparation for college students with disabilities can alleviate the angst inherent to the college-to-career transition process. It is imperative that these students are equipped with essential skills and competencies for employability. Despite advances in improving career readiness for neurodivergent students, there is still a great deal to be done to support employment preparation. The presentation includes successful strategies to help neurodivergent students develop self-efficacy, intentionally engage in a four-year career journey, and utilize support provided them through an active community of care and employer mentorship and pipeline programs.