Disability FAQ's

Disability FAQ's

Disability FAQ's

     The transition from high school to college is often a challenging time for students.  For students with disabilities, this transition can be even more difficult.  In addition to the typical concerns about academic success, campus safety, roommate issues, and social adjustment, there may also be concerns about disability-related issues.

     Prior to college, parents have often played a major role in advocating for their children's disability needs.  Teachers, guidance counselors, and tutors may also have been involved and provided support.  With these familiar support networks no longer in place, your son or daughter will need to find new resources in college. Parents can help them prepare for this transition during the senior year of high school by having them gradually assume more responsibility for their disability-related needs.


Q. How do I sign up for accommodations?

A. For housing, food allergies, classroom and temporary accommodations, students must register for services using the AIM system (Go to the Office of Accessibility Resources webpage and click on "Register for Services" button). Please review our Documentation Guidelines carefully, and submit any supporting documentation with your registration for accommodations. For ADD/ADHD the ADHD_Verification_Forms will need to be completed and uploaded to AIM. All students registering must complete the Consent for Release of Information form and upload it to AIM as well.

Q. If I have a dietary restriction or Food Allergy, what do I do?

A. Students with dietary restrictions and food allergies are encouraged to contact Gourmet Dining's Registered Dietitian, Melissa Hudock, to discuss your dietary needs. Additionally, it is necessary to fill out the Meal Plan Accommodation Form.

Contact Information: Melissa Hudock, meaton@gourmetdiningllc.com or call/text (856) 371-6090

Q. How do services for college students with disabilities differ from services provided in high school?

A. The laws protecting students with disabilities are different at the high school and post-secondary level.  Rowan University is committed to ensuring that academic programming and services are accessible to students with disabilities.

A very big difference of post-secondary education is that it is not the university's responsibility to identify and provide services to students with disabilities.  Rather, the responsibility is to provide appropriate accommodations when requested to do so.  Accommodations are adjustments to the learning and/or physical environment and are intended to ensure an equal opportunity for participation, e.g., extended time to complete an exam or the use of a computer.

Accommodations cannot fundamentally alter the essential requirements of a course or curriculum.

Q.  Once a student is approved for classroom accommodations, how do they happen?

A.  After the student has met with Accessibility Services and have agreed to approved accommodations, students will be given accommodation letters to give to each of their faculty members. 

Q.  How do I receive permission to bring my Service Animal or ESA (Emotional Support Animal) on campus?

A.  Please refer to the Service and (ESA) Emotional Support Animal Policy via this link: https://confluence.rowan.edu/display/POLICY/Service+and+Emotional+Support+Animals+Policy

Q. If I have a grievance or concern, what do I do?

A. The first step is to set up a meeting with Accessibility Services and discuss your concern. If no resolution can be reached, then refer to the ADA/504 Grievance Procedures for Students:

  • Students requesting accommodations under the ADA or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act who are dissatisfied with the results of the Accessibility Services / Academic Success Center (ASC) may file a written grievance with the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students within ten days of receipt of the ASC’s decision. The grievant must provide all pertinent documentation supporting the grievance. If the student has been denied accommodations after they have been determined eligible, the process begins at the Office of Disability Resources.

  • The grievant must specifically state the reasons for grievance and the action he or she believes should be taken to accommodate the identified disability.

  • Within eight days after notification of the grievance, the ASC will report to the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students what was done in response to the request for accommodations and the reasons why agreement could not be reached.

  • The Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students may request additional information from the grievant or the ASC at any time and may discuss the matter with anyone in reaching a decision. The grievance record will be closed when all information is received by the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students. The Vice President and Dean of Student’s report and recommendation will be sent to be University President Staff within ten days of the closing of the records.

  • Within ten days following the receipt of the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Student’s report, the UP Staff will accept, reject or modify the report and recommendation and issue a determination.

  • If the grievant is not satisfied with the University President Staff’s determination, he or she can appeal the determination to the President.

  • The President must issue a determination within eight days, which is the University’s final decision.

  • These timeframes are subject to change in any given manner when essential individuals and/or information is not readily available or when the academic calendar warrants.