Office of the Bursar FAQs
Please refer to the sections below for the answers you need. If you have a question that is not listed here, please reach out to our office at bursar@rowan.edu or (856) 256-4150.Change of Address
How do I change my address with the University?
The permanent or local address may be updated at the Office of the Registrar or through Self-Service Banner.
General Questions
- I cannot log in as an Authorized User to the payment site with my password. What do I do?
To reset your authorized user password, go to the ePay Center and click the link under "Forgot Your Password?" - What is the best way of reaching your office other than calling?
You can e-mail our office at bursar@rowan.edu, or you can take advantage of our live chat feature, which provides students with instant access to Bursar support staff between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. - Why doesn't the student account statement reflect all of the aid listed on my financial aid award summary?
Rowan University updates student account statements on a weekly basis. The student account reflects the anticipated aid information that is available at the time of billing. To view up-to-date financial aid and any anticipated aid, log in to Self-Service Banner, select the "Student" tab and then select "Financial Aid".
Once a student account statement is issued, it is static. Any activity occurring after the account statement is updated will be reflected on the next student account statement the following week. Please note that the awarding and disbursement of financial aid is managed by the Office of Financial Aid. Should you have specific questions that need to be addressed, you can contact them via e-mail at financialaid@rowan.edu. - I have enough aid to cover my current tuition bill, but it's asking me for payment for a previous semester. Can I use my refund from the current semester to pay for my outstanding (prior semester) balance?
Even if you are expecting a refund for the upcoming spring semester, you need to pay the outstanding balance from the prior semester. You can view your prior semester bill by logging into Self-Service Banner, select the "Bursar" tab on the main menu and select "ePay Center" to be directed to the secure payment site.
Account Summary and Official Billing/Account Statement
- When does my Account Summary or Official Billing and Account Statement update?
Your online account summary is updated and available 24/7 through the ePay Center through the On Demand Statement option. - Where will billing notices be sent?
All communications regarding billing will be directed to the student's official University e-mail account. - If I do not know my Rowan NetID and/or password, how do I access that information?
Go to id.rowan.edu to access this information. - How can I assign an authorized user to view and/or pay my Official Billing and Account Statement?
To set up an authorized user, log on to Self-Service Banner and follow the steps provided below. Please note that this does not replace the FERPA waiver or administered by the Office of the Registrar or Proxy Access (which is strictly limited to Self-Service Banner).
- Select "Bursar" tab.
- Select "ePay Center" to be directed to the secure payment site.
- Select "Authorized Users" under the "My Profile Setup" and follow the steps provided.
- Does the University charge for electronic payments?
There is no charge to pay by eCheck. There is a 2.95% service fee for payment made by credit or debit card.
Billing/Payment Problems
- I made a payment by eCheck and it is not reflected on my bank statement. Did you receive it?
Payment made online will be reflected immediately on your student account. However, payments make take between three (3) to five (5) business days before they are reflected in your bank account. - How long does it take for my mailed payment to post on my account?
If you have mailed your payment, please allow up to seven (7) business days for your payment to be processed and posted to your student account. The beginning of each semester is extremely busy in terms of the extremely high volume of payments being received, so additional processing time can be expected during this time. If your payment has cleared your bank account but you do not see it posted on your student account, please e-mail proof of the cleared payment to bursar@rowan.edu. - My account was sent to a collections agency. Can I set up a payment plan with the University instead?
All payment arrangements for accounts in collections must be made with the collection agency. Payments in full with certified funds can be made through the Office of the Bursar directly or the applicable collection agency. - I owe an old bill. Can I start making payments and register or get my transcripts?
There is no repayment plan for past due balances that will remove the Denial of Services hold from your account. Your account must be paid in full in order for the hold to be released.
Payments and Payment Options
How do I pay my bill?
Please click here for more information on how to pay your bill.
Can I pay by credit or debit card?
Yes, Rowan University accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. There is a 2.95% processing fee for each credit or debit card payment made in person or online. We cannot accept credit or debit card payments over the phone, by fax, or by e-mail.
I want to pay by eCheck. Where can I find my routing and account numbers?
This information can be found at the bottom of your paper check. The routing number is the first nine (9) digits starting from the left, followed by the account number. To view a sample image, please click here.
Is there a penalty for a returned check or eCheck?
Yes, you will be assessed a $35.00 returned check fee as well as have a denial of services hold placed on your account until payment has been restored. If three (3) paper checks or eChecks are returned, you will be put on a cash basis hold and no longer able to utilize these forms of payment. For more information on returned checks, please click here.
Is there a penalty for a disputed credit card transaction?
Yes, you will be assessed a $35.00 processing fee as well as have a denial of services hold placed on your account until payment has been restored. This type of hold will restrict you from registering for future classes as well as accessing transcripts and/or grades.
What are the benefits of online payments?
Online payments allow for faster and more convenient methods of making payments. Payments are immediately reflected on your Account Summary, and you save money since you no longer have to write checks or pay for stamps to mail in payments.
What payment options do I have?
You can pay your bill by paper check, eCheck, or credit or debit card. Cash payments can be made in person at the Office of the Bursar in Savitz Hall. For your security, please do not mail cash. Please note that we do not accept future-dated checks nor do we hold checks for future deposit. Please click here for general payment information and options.
How are monies received by the University applied toward my bill?
Initial monies received by the University will first be applied toward tuition and fees. For example, if you have taken out a loan for living expenses, and these funds arrive at the University before other financial aid monies are received, the loan will be applied to your tuition expenses.
Do you have a payment plan?
Please click here for details about Rowan University's Deferred Tuition Payment Plan.
What if I don't want to pay the credit/debit card processing fee?
You are not required to pay by credit or debit card. You can pay by eCheck (no charge), paper check, money order, or with cash (in person).
How do I view my payment on my account?
You can view current and past payments on your student account by logging in to Self-Service Banner, select the "Bursar" tab on the main menu, select "ePay Center", select "My Account", and then select "Payment History".
Can I make a partial payment?
Yes, you can make a partial payment on your account, but if the total balance due or installment payment is not paid by the indicated due date, a $65.00 late fee will be assessed on the total balance due.
Can I mail my payment?
Yes, even though we encourage you to pay with an eCheck. If you want to mail your payment, please click here. Please be sure to include your Rowan ID number on your check or money order. Do not mail cash payments.
What happens if I do not pay my bill by the due date?
If the payment is not received by the designated due date, your registration may be cancelled or you may be assessed a late fee of $65.00 (per occurrence) as well as having a denial of services hold placed on your account. This type of hold will restrict you from registering for future classes as well as accessing transcripts and/or grades.
Can I pay with cash?
Yes, you can pay with cash in person at the Office of the Bursar. For the security of your payment, do not mail cash.
Third Party Payments
What do I do if I am receiving a scholarship?
Please mail a hard copy of the award letter to the Office of the Bursar or e-mail it to bursar@rowan.edu. It is suggested that the award letter include the scholarship name, award amount, time period of award (i.e., fall semester, spring semester, academic year, etc.), any enrollment requirements, student's name, and Rowan ID number.
Why has my scholarship not been posted to my account?
Scholarship funds are disbursed into students' accounts when the funds are received. If the student is given money directly, the check should be taken to the Office of the Bursar for handling. If the check is mailed directly to Rowan University and is made payable only to Rowan University, the money will be posted to the student's account. If the check is made payable to both Rowan University and the student, then the student will be notified by e-mail to go to the Office of the Bursar to endorse the check. Once the check has been endorsed, the funds will be disbursed into the student's account.
To what semester will be scholarship be applied?
Awards will be applied to the current semester unless otherwise specified by the scholarship sponsor.
Where can I find information on health insurance for my student?
Please click here for information on student health insurance.
Meal Plans
Where can I find information on meal plans?
Please click here for information on how to sign up for a meal plan at Rowan University.
Refunds and Credit Balances
What type(s) of account can I use for my eRefund?
Personal checking and savings accounts are the only acceptable types of accounts when utilizing eRefund. Should you designate anything other than a standard checking or savings account, the eRefund will be cancelled, your eRefund designation will be removed, and a paper check will be issued.
In order to avoid delays in processing your refund, please be sure to use a standard checking or savings account when signing up for eRefund.
In order to avoid delays in processing your refund, please be sure to use a standard checking or savings account when signing up for eRefund.
How do I know my eRefund has been processed?
Once your eRefund has been processed, you will receive an e-mail that is auto-generated from our ePay system advising you of said refund. After the eRefund has been generated, the process may take from three (3) to five (5) business days before it will appear as a credit in your checking account. Please refer to your financial institution's policy concerning the availability of these funds.
How do I get a refund of the credit balance on my account?
It is advised that students enroll in eRefund for the quickest delivery of their refund.
If the student is entitled to a refund, how will it be handled?
When all University tuition and fees have been paid and a payment and/or financial aid creates an overpayment, the student is then entitled to a refund. Refunds can be electronically deposited into their bank account by signing up for eRefund.
Why are you holding a credit balance in my account?
When a payment is received by personal check or eCheck that creates a credit on your account, a ten (10) business day waiting period is required before any refund is issued in order to ensure the check has cleared the bank. Once this time period has passed, we will refund the credit balance via direct deposit to your bank account (eRefund) or via paper check.
How do I transfer a credit from loans and/or financial aid to my RowanCard?
In order to transfer a credit from loans and/or financial aid to your RowanCard, you must log in to Self-Service Banner to do so. Once logged in, go to the "Bursar" tab and then click "Transfer Rowan Bucks via Financial Aid/Bursar Credit" and continue steps as indicated.
Rowan Bucks are available for spending one (1) week prior to the start of the semester or within one (1) hour thereafter once the semester begins. Please note that prior to transferring funds, students must obtain a RowanCard from the Information Desk in the Chamberlain Student Center in order for the funds to be applied. For more information on Rowan Bucks and the RowanCard, please click here.
Rowan Bucks are available for spending one (1) week prior to the start of the semester or within one (1) hour thereafter once the semester begins. Please note that prior to transferring funds, students must obtain a RowanCard from the Information Desk in the Chamberlain Student Center in order for the funds to be applied. For more information on Rowan Bucks and the RowanCard, please click here.
Why have I not received my refund?
There are many reasons why your refund has not been processed. Here are some possibilities:
- If a payment was made by personal check or eCheck, a refund will not be processed until ten (10) business days from receipt of that payment.
- If you are signed up for eRefund, the account information may be incorrect. If this is the case, you will receive notification.
- We strongly recommend that students sign up for eRefund for faster receipt of any future refunds.
- You have not accepted your loans/financial aid.
- Your financial aid has not disbursed to your account. The Office of Financial Aid is responsible for disbursing your financial aid.
How do I request a transcript?
Transcripts may be obtained through the Office of the Registrar.
Miscellaneous Questions
What are University fees?
University fees support student-centered activities, services, facilities and recreation that improve student life and are calculated on the number of credits in which a student is enrolled. New legislation requires that universities be more specific as to what fees entail, so you will see specific breakdowns of fees for undergraduate, graduate, and medical schools on the Tuition and Fees pages of our site that include hyperlinks to expand on fee specifics. Please note that students are not being charged any additional fees; they are simply being broken out for transparency and informational purposes.
Can I be reimbursed tuition for a semester if I withdraw?
Students who withdraw form a course or courses after a drop deadline are still held financially responsible for tuition and fees. In some instances, there are extenuating circumstances, such as a documented medical condition or death of a family member, that can be petitioned through the Division of Academic Affairs via a waiver of tuition request. Please note that requests are not guaranteed and can take up to sixty (60) days to process.
Should I receive a discount because my mother/father or spouse is employed at Rowan University?
Please click here for information on these type of discounts and to determine your eligibility.