Securing Your Information

Securing Your Information

Securing Your Information

In this day and age of cyber criminals and spearfishing e-mail campaigns, it is important for students to be vigilant about securing their personal and financial information.  The Office of the Bursar is committed to keeping student information private and secure.  Our ePay payment system provider, TouchNet, now requires two-step verification in order to verify your identity prior to accessing your financial information.  You are now required to set up a method in which to receive a passcode, either via text or e-mail, with an option to add a back-up method to an additional mobile number or e-mail address (see image below for reference).  Although the back-up method is optional, we strongly encourage you to add one in the event you lose access to your primary method of communication.


In addition to the two-step verification, we advise students to never share their log-in information (user name and/or password) or banking information with anyone, especially in response to an e-mail, social media request or phone call.  E-mail and phishing scams are often difficult to recognize, so if there is any doubt about the legitimacy of a request for your personal information, do not click or respond to the request.