Talent Retention & Employee Engagement
Talent Retention & Employee Engagement
The Office of Talent Retention and Employee Engagement introduces and implements strategies for continuous improvements to workplace belonging to benefit both employees and the University. We collaborate across all of Rowan’s campuses to support initiatives that promote the contributions that all Rowan employees have to offer and infuse in our work a focus on creating an environment that is welcoming to employees of all identities and backgrounds.
Do you have feedback, ideas, recommendations, or other information you would like to share with the Office of Talent Retention and Employee Engagement? Would you like to request training for employees focused on building or improving community, developing strategies for more meaningful and respectful dialogue (including disagreement), or learning how to highlight the best everyone has to offer? Do you need to ask a question, or contact the OTREE for any other reason? Please email us at inclusion@rowan.edu.
Updates from the Office of Talent Retention and Employee EngagementThe Office of Talent Retention and Employee Engagement aims to increase a sense of belonging for all Rowan employees. This area of the website will feature regular updates as well as guiding thoughts or ideas for employees to consider. We welcome suggestions for these topics as well as any feedback about these updates. Please feel free to contact inclusion@rowan.edu or email one of us directly. "What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."
In our work we make a difference for every employee and student at Rowan, however indirectly. What kind of difference do you want to make? Are your interactions with others consistent with the difference you want to make? What might you be able to do differently to make the difference you want to make? If you are interested, talk with your co-workers and colleagues about these questions. |
Meet the Staff!Allison Gunn, Manager of Employee Inclusiongunn@rowan.edu La Shaun Gould, Manager of Inclusive Recruitmentgouldla@rowan.edu
Accommodations Under Americans with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in employment, state and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation. The Office of Employee Equity plays a substantial role in the enforcement of this Act to ensure the rights of individuals with disabilities.If you are an employee who is seeking possible assistance under this policy, please contact the Office of Labor Relations at 856-256-5494 or complete the below packet and send them to Christy Mroz at mroz@rowan.edu.
Employee Resource Communities
Click here to learn more about ERCs at Rowan University.
Effective Recruitment
Click here to learn more about effective recruitment strategies at Rowan University.
Events and Programs
Click here to learn more about the various events and programs offered by the Office of Talent Retention and Employee Engagement