Rowan Identity Management System
Rowan Identity Management System
Rowan Identity Management System (RIMS)
The Rowan Identity Management System (RIMS) is a web-based application designed to collect hierarchical data from the top down and facilitates management by clarifying relationships, defining roles, levels of authority, and supervisory or reporting lines. Supervisors will be responsible to collect update and maintain their employee data in RIMS for efficient and accurate organization and reporting.
RIMS benefits:
- University departments can easily create accurate electronic organizational charts eliminating the need for manually created charts that constantly need updating
- Employees will be granted timely access to crucial campus services such as wireless network, door access, email, library, Blackboard, Banner, etc.
- Information pulled from RIMS will provide up-to-date information for the Rowan online directory.
RIMS Policy and Procedures-updated 6-15-2018
Local Job Titles-updated 6-15-2018
Application Access:
To log on the RIMS application, visit
Training and Support:
- For a self-guided tutorial, please review the following training materials.
- Please contact the Technology Support Center at for additional assistance.