


 CIP Code Finder

The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) allows for the accurate tracking and reporting of fields of study and program completion activity.  This code must be included in all new degree and new degree-related program proposals. 


Library Resource Form 

A library resource form that has been completed by the sponsor/co-sponsor and by their department’s Librarian Liaison is required for all new course proposals as well as for all new degree and degree-related program proposals.  This form must be submitted with the aforementioned proposal types regardless of whether a sponsor considers current library resources to be sufficient for their proposed curricular needs. Last, a completed library resource form may be requested by a committee if a sponsor is proposing extensive changes to an existing course’s content. 


Appeal Process

If an approver declines to approve a curriculum proposal at any point in the Senate Curriculum process, sponsors may appeal to have their proposals reconsidered. 

  • To appeal a College Curriculum Committee non-approval, sponsors should petition the Senate Curriculum Committee in writing (directed to the Senate Curriculum Committee Chair).
  • To appeal a Senate Curriculum Committee non-approval, sponsors should petition the University Senate Executive Committee in writing (directed to the University Senate President).
  • To appeal a non-approval from the Dean’s Office, sponsors should petition the University Senate President and the Provost in writing (directed to the Office of the Provost). The Senate President and Provost will make a decision in consultation with the Senate Curriculum Committee Chair.
  • No formal appeal process exists for proposals rejected outside the Senate Curriculum process (i.e., preliminary department approval or Provost-level approval); however, in such cases, sponsors should contact the University Senate President to explore options for resolution.