Student Services

Student Services

Student Services

Students can have problems that can make their academic and personal lives at college difficult.  It is not necessary to have a serious problem to see a counselor; sometimes it is helpful to simply have someone with whom to talk things over. Common problems that students experience include, but are not limited to: adjusting to college or life transitions, relationship concerns, depression and anxiety, eating and body image concerns, family problems, alcohol and substance abuse problems, social anxiety, and identity development or confusion.

For additional well-being supports, please visit the Rowan Thrive page. 

Crisis Counseling

REACH Counselors are available during office hours if you are in crisis and On-Call Counselors are available after hours.

Let's Talk

"Let's Talk" is a service that provides easy access to informal, confidential consultations with CPS counselors. Drop-in hours are held at different sites on campus and open to all students.

Group Therapy

For many of the issues college students face, group therapy has been shown to be the most effective treatment approach.

Individual Therapy

Individual counseling allows you to speak privately and confidentially with a trained counselor about personal concerns and/or emotional problems with the goal of facilitating personal growth.

Psychiatric Services

Psychiatric services at Rowan are limited. All students receiving psychiatric services at CPS must be referred by their CPS counselor.

Alcohol & Other Drug Services

Individual and group treatment for students with alcohol and other substance abuse concerns are available. CPS is also able to provide referrals to community treatment options.

Appointment Policy

Keeping appointments is important. A missed appointment hinders your progress and limits service availability to other students.