Accessibility & Belonging
Accessibility & Belonging
Accessibility & Belonging
Counseling & Psychological Services (CPS) is committed to helping all Rowan students navigate life’s challenges by acknowledging the complexity of the experiences, circumstances, and environments that shape them. We strive to challenge our own biases so that we may grow in our understanding of human suffering, which accounts for many interpersonal, interpersonal, and structural stressors, inequalities, and barriers to belonging and opportunity, such as: discrimination, hostilities, and everyday micro-aggressions that reinforce stigma and serve to marginalize individuals based on their differences. Informed by the experiences of our students and psychological science, we seek to empower our students to self-advocate while also helping to amplify their voices and advocate for inclusive and equitable cultural and systemic changes.
We recognize that as complex human beings we may identify with a variety of identities. While we are unable to provide information regarding all of these intersections, we hope you might find some useful information in the pages outlined below.