OCSR Residence Confirmation

OCSR Residence Confirmation

2024-25 OCSR Residence Confirmation


2024-25 Residence Confirmation Survey

Each academic year, we ask our off-campus student population & our commuter population to confirm where they're residing through the semester.  Because records don't always get updated & college students move around through their time at Rowan, it's very possible you're not living in the same place you did when you first became a student.

Follow the above link to complete the Residence Confirmation Survey!

Keep in mind:

  • Off-Campus students are students who rent houses or apartments in the communities surrounding the University, typically in the boro of Glassboro.
  • Commuter students are students who live at home (maybe with family) & commute to campus from all over our southern New Jersey & Philadelphia region.

If you'd like more information, please email Charlie Kuski, the Coordinator for Off-Campus Services & Resources.

Please note: this residence confirmation is for the 2024-25 academic year.  If you're looking for a different period of time, contact OCSR for more information.