Off-Campus Student Hub
Off-Campus Student Hub
Off-Campus Student Hub
Off-Campus Students are students who don't live on campus but do rent a house or apartment in the immediate Glassboro area. If you're a commuter student who lives a little further away from campus, you might find the Commuter Student Hub a little more helpful. And if you're a non-student neighbor of our community, our Community Member Hub may be what you're looking for.
Check out some of the links below & the menu to the left for information specific to off-campus students living in our Boro community.
To review the University policies regarding inclement weather & class cancelations, please visit this page on the Office of Emergency Preparedness website.
Charlie Kuski
Coordinator, Off-Campus Services & Resources
856-256-4062 (direct office line)
201 Mullica Hill Rd
Chamberlain Student Center, Rm.207
Glassboro, NJ 08028

Confirm Your Off-Campus Residence
We want to make sure we have a good accounting of all the off-campus residences around the university. Take 2-3 minutes to enter your info and register your residence with our office.

Look for a Rental around Rowan
Places4Students is an online apartment listing. Find your place here!