Community Member Hub

Community Member Hub

Community Member Hub

Rowan is proud to be part of the Glassboro & South Jersey community.  Acting as an economic engine for the benefit of all who live in South Jersey is one of Rowan University’s principal Strategic Pillars.  Much of the strength of our Glassboro campus is how we partner with our Boro community in order to make a positive, active impact for everyone.  OCSR was established in 2021 in order to respond to the changing needs of our community, and so we are slowly building this portal and our scope of services over time.

This Community Member Hub portion of our website is intended for non-student community members who live in & around Glassboro.

If you’re a student renting in Glassboro, our Off-Campus Hub may be more helpful. 

If you’re a student who commutes to Rowan for classes, our Commuter Hub may be more helpful.

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Charlie Kuski

Coordinator, Off-Campus Services & Resources
856-256-4062 (direct office line) 

201 Mullica Hill Rd
Chamberlain Student Center, Rm.207
Glassboro, NJ 08028