Commuter Student Hub
Commuter Student Hub
Commuter Student Hub
Commuter Students are students who don't live on campus & who generally come to Rowan's campus using their car or public transportation. If you're a student who lives in a rental house or apartment in the Glassboro area near our campus, you might find the Off-Campus Student Hub a little more helpful. And if you're a non-student neighbor of our community, our Community Member Hub may be what you're looking for.
Check out some of the links below & the menu to the left for information specific to commuter students at Rowan.
To review the University policies regarding inclement weather & class cancelations, please visit this page on the Office of Emergency Preparedness website.
For the most up to date information regarding Rowan's COVID-19 response & our return to campus as restrictions lift, please visit
And if you're interested in some very exciting future improvements to our region, check out the Glassboro-Camden Line Proposal for a new commuter rail!
Charlie Kuski
Coordinator, Off-Campus Services & Resources
856-256-4062 (direct office line)
201 Mullica Hill Rd
Chamberlain Student Center, Rm.207
Glassboro, NJ 08028

Confirm your residence with us!
Make sure your address is registered with our office. OCSR tries to make sure we maintain where our commuters are coming from to provide as many resources as we can.

NJ Traffic Conditions is a traffic monitoring service for our whole state. Check out traffic conditions before you leave! Note: this is not a University service; this is an external site.