Student Absences
Student Absences
Student Absences
Students are expected to follow Rowan University's classroom attendance policy and notify instructors of individual course absences, in advance if possible, and to develop a plan, with a timetable, to make up missed coursework. Also reference your course syllabi for additional information regarding class absences and make-up work as allowing make-up work is at the discretion of the instructor. The Dean of Students Office can assist with absence notification for individual absences of three (3) or more consecutive days or for approved University group travel.
Interim Addendum, Effective Fall 2021
Under no circumstances should a student physically attend class when experiencing any symptoms of illness or when under instructions for self-isolation.
Students may be required to provide documentation to their instructors for excused absences in accordance with normal policy except in instances of illness or other potentially COVID-related circumstances. In such cases, the Dean of Students may ask for appropriate documentation; instructors are not to request documentation for student absences potentially related to COVID or illness and instead should refer students to the Dean of Students process.
Attendance considerations for each course type:
In-Person/Physical Presence Required: Students must attend the class sessions at the location and time specified on the class schedule. Students who are unable to attend a class session must notify the instructor prior to the scheduled class session whenever possible. In the case of extended illness or accommodations to avoid class attendance for a period of time, students should consult with the Office of Accessibility Services and the instructor to make a plan that enables successful completion of the course. This may involve issuing an IN grade, creating an alternate assignment, or another solution that enables achievement of the learning outcomes and all assigned work.
Online/Fully Virtual With No Meeting Time: Students will be responsible for completing all assigned learning activities and assignments in these online courses by the deadlines stated in the syllabus. There is no class meeting time and students may self-direct their participation in the course in accordance with stated deadlines. Failure to complete assignments or activities by stated deadlines may result in grade reductions or failure of the course.
Extended Individual Absences
If a student will be absent for illness, medical reasons, or exceptional personal reasons for three (3) or more consecutive class days, the Dean of Students Office may be asked to notify professors regarding the student’s absences. Students will be required to provide verifiable documentation regarding the reason for the absences to the Dean of Students Office. Though notification may be provided by the Dean of Students Office, arrangements for make-up work, make-up exams, or possible assignment adjustments are the responsibility of the student.
The specific details for the absence will not be shared beyond the Dean of Students Office, but a notification will be sent to your instructors via a Rowan Success Network (RSN) notification.
It is not the practice of the Dean of Students Office to document short-term illness, medical reasons, or personal reasons that may have caused a student to miss class for less than three days. If the student is absent fewer than three days, it is his/her responsibility to contact his/her instructors personally, or leave a message with the department program associate.
Documentation may be submitted to the Dean of Students Office (located in Savitz Hall, Rm 339) using this online form. If additional information or clarification is required, a member of our staff will contact you.
Click here to Submit an Absence
University Group Travel
Student orgniazation advisors, coaches, faculty, and other University representatives may request the Dean of Students Office assistance in notifing instructors of student group travel. Documentation, including a roster of students traveling and travel plans, may be submitted to the Dean of Students Office (located in Savitz Hall, Rm 339) via the same form above. If additional information or clarification is required, a member of our staff will contact you.