Student Life

Student Life

Student Life at Rowan

You are exploring and growing throughout your college journey. So are we. The experiences we offer expand every year - from student government, to recreation activities, to volunteer opportunities - there is something for everyone on our campus!


Henry Rowan stated that "education is still the most important means of changing a person's life."
In that spirit, the Division of Student Life will serve as a high-quality, outcome-based, primary change agent in the lives of all students.

Student Life will be passionate servant-leaders committed to carrying forward the legacy of Henry and Betty Rowan. In that spirit, we will focus on:

  1. Honoring our past without allowing it to limit our future,
  2. Maintaining a focus on Effectiveness and Efficiency,
  3. Enhancing the lives of others using Creativity and Envisioning how to make that which others see as impossible a reality, and
  4. Adhering to principles of Altruism and Service to others.
Rowan's owl mascot, Whoo R U, jumping in the air.

About Us

About Us

A student poses with information for Rowan After Hours (RAH) events.


Visit the Student Life departments

Staff outside a building

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