University Police

University Police

University Police

Victim Witness Services

The mission of the Rowan University Police Department is to enhance quality of life by providing the entire University community with a safe and secure environment. However, there are times when members of the Rowan Community are victimized. The Rowan Police Department Victim Witness Services Unit is committed to support victims and witnesses by keeping them educated and informed about the criminal justice system. From our initial point of contact with a victim, through the final disposition of their case, we will make every effort to ensure that victims and witnesses are treated with dignity and compassion.

New Jersey Victims Bill of Rights

  • To be treated with dignity and compassion by the criminal justice system.
  • To be informed about the criminal justice process.
  • To be free from intimidation.
  • To have inconveniences associated with participation in the criminal justice process minimized to the fullest extent possible.
  • To make at least one telephone call from the police station provided the call is reasonable in both length and location called.
  • To medical assistance if, in the judgment of the law enforcement agency, medical assistance appears necessary.
  • To be notified if presence in court is not needed.
  • To be informed about available remedies, financial assistance and social services.
  • To be compensated for their loss whenever possible.
  • To be provided a secure, but not necessarily separate, waiting area during court proceedings.
  • To be advised of case progress and final disposition.
  • To the prompt return of property when no longer needed as evidence.
  • To submit a written statement about the impact of the crime to a representative of the county prosecutor's office which shall be considered prior to the prosecutor's final decision concerning whether formal criminal charges will be filed; and
  • To make, prior to sentencing, an in-person statement directly to the sentencing court concerning the impact of the crime. This statement is to be made in addition to the statement permitted for inclusion in the persistence report.
  • To have the opportunity to consult with the prosecuting authority prior to the conclusion of any plea negotiations.
  • To be present at any judicial proceeding involving a crime.
  • To be notified of any release or escape of the defendant.
  • To appear in any court before which a proceeding implicating the rights of the victim is being held