Lost and Found List

Lost and Found List

Lost and Found

Last Updated 03/18/2025 at 12:00 p.m.


Date Found
Location Found
Item Description
04/13/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Wallet, Bank Card, Earpod, Jewelry
05/01/2024 Welcome Center Keys
05/04/2024 Football Field Bank Card
05/04/2024 Parking Garage Bank Card
05/05/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Jewelry, Smart Watch
05/07/2024 Bunce Hall Jewelry
05/08/2024 Bunce Hall Glasses, Medical Card
05/09/2024 Esby Gym Jewelry
05/09/2024 Lot-P Membership Card
05/11/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Passport
05/14/2024 Student Center Flash Card, Headphones, Ear Pod, Key Fob, Bank Card, Debit Card
05/15/2024 Science Hall Jacket, Backpack
05/31/2024 James Hall ID Card
06/05/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Passport, Jewelry
06/06/2024 Library Tablet
06/09/2024 Townshouses Key
06/12/2024 Rec Center Bank Card, Jewelry, Key, Pin, Wallet, Charging Cable, Medal, Ear Pods
06/13/2024 Wilson Hall Keys
06/15/2024 Welcome Center Debit Card
06/25/2024 Hawthorne Hall Debit Card
07/01/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Wallet
07/12/2024 Rec Center Key
07/18/2024 Wilson hall ID Card, Sunglasses
07/19/2024 Chestnut Hall Wallet, Keyfob, Bank Card
08/06/2024 Savitz Hall Keys
08/07/2024 Student Center Passport
08/20/2024 James Hall Key
08/23/2024 Townhouse Complex Kitchen items
08/26/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Bank Card, Eyeglasses
08/29/2024 Wilson Hall Keys
08/30/2024 Memorial Hall Wallet
08/30/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Sunglasses, Airtag, Earpod, Medical documents, Bank card
09/01/2024 Robinson Hall Airtag
09/02/2024 College of Business Brace
09/02/2024 Townhouses Keys
09/02/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Cell Phone
09/04/2024 Student Center Earpods, Jewelry, Keys, Glasses
09/07/2024 Basketball Courts Air Pods
09/09/2024 College of Business Wallet, Phone, Key card, Jewelry, Glasses, Money
09/10/2024 Rowan Fitness Center Keys
09/10/2024 Science Hall Debit Card
09/10/2024 James Hall Keys
09/10/2024 Welcome Center Debit Card
09/11/2024 College of Business Key
09/11/2024 Lot-S Debit Card
09/16/2024 Student Center Debit Card, Cash Card, Keys, Air Pods, Air Pod Case, Headphones
09/23/2024 Science Hall Tablet and Charger
09/23/2024 Student Center Keys, Air Pod, Apple Pen
09/25/2024 Wilson Hall Jewelry
09/28/2024 Mimosal Hall Cell Phone
09/28/2024 Rec Center Bank Card
09/29/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Debit Card, Id Cards
09/30/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Jewelry, Card Holder, AirPods, AirPod case, earbud case, Debit Card, Drivers License, ID Card
09/30/2024 Student Center AirPods, ID Card
10/01/2024 EPA Wallet
10/02/2024 Student Center Wallet, Ear Pods
10/02/2024 Glassboro Campus (unknown) Wallet
10/04/2024 Student Center AirPods
10/04/2024 Unknown Jewelry
10/10/2024 Rowan Fitness Center AirPod Case, Keys, Lanyard, Headphones, Jewelry
10/11/2024 James Hall Employee Card
10/11/2024 Science Hall AirPods
10/14/2024 Rowan Blvd. Wallet
10/17/2024 Oak/Laurel Hall Eyeglasses
10/18/2024 James Hall AirPods
10/20/2024 Rec Center Ear Pods, Jewelry, Eyeglasses
10/23/2024 Savitz Hall Keys
10/23/2024 Business Hall AirPods, Gift Card
10/24/2024 Unknown Check
10/25/2024 James Hall Jewelry, Glasses, Keys, AirPod Case, Water Bottle, Lunchbox, ID
10/25/2024 Rowan Blvd Key Fob
10/28/2024 Library Credit Card
10/28/2024 Bunce Hall Keys
10/30/2024 Business Hall Wallet
10/30/2024 Student Center Headphones, Library Card, AirPod case, Airpod, Airtag, Key
10/31/2024 Bozorth Hall Backpack
11/01/2024 Rowan Blvd Garage Casino Card, Credit Card
11/04/2024 Student Center AirPods, Keys, Purse
11/04/2024 Rowan Fitness Center Airpods, AirPod case
11/08/2024 Holly Point Commons Credit Card, AAA Card, Wallet, Cell Phone
11/08/2024 Robinson Hall Water Bottle, AirPods
11/09/2024 Mimosa Hall Credit Card
11/10/2024 Willow Hall Bank Card
11/18/2024 Bozorth Hall Key Fob, Jacket, iPad
11/19/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Cell Phone
11/20/2024 Townhouses Debit Card
11/20/2024 Student Center Airpod Case, Keys, Video game controller, Health Card, Visa Card
11/20/2024 Mimosa Hall Bookbag
11/21/2024 Rowan Blvd. Apts Keys, Health Card
11/22/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Credit Card, Keys, Headphones
11/23/2024 Mimosa Hall  Keys
11/25/2024 Student Center Jewelry
11/25/2024 Business Hall Laptop
11/27/2024 Townhouses Key
11/29/2024 West High Street Cell Phone
12/05/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Backpack, ID, Airpod Case, Eyeglasses
12/06/2024 Savitz Hall Cell Phone
12/06/2024 Robinson Hall Sunglasses, Eyeglasses, Battery Charger
12/09/2024 Student Center Airpod Case, Wireless Earbuds and Case, Car Keys
12/11/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Airpods, Clothing, Healthcard
12/16/2024 Holly Pointe Commons Cell Phone
12/21/2024 Rec Center Headphones, Jewelry, AirPods, Tablet Pen, Smart Watch, Keys
01/01/2025 James Hall Drivers License, Bank Cards
01/02/2025 Student Center Debit Card, AirPods, Keys
01/08/2025 70 Sewell Purse
01/22/2025 Student Center Keys
01/23/2025 Holly Pointe Common Cell Phone
01/23/2025 Bole Annex Bank Card
01/25/2025 Esby Gym Bank Card, Insurance Card
01/28/2025 Student Center Keys, Debit Card, metro Card, Electronic Pen
01/29/2025 Student Center AirPod Case, Amusement Park Pass, Debit Card
01/30/2025 Holly Pointe Commons Electronic Pen
01/31/2025 Rowan Blvd. Apts Headphones
02/01/2025 Rec Center Wallet
02/02/2025 Rec Center Debit Card
02/03/2025 Student Center Key, Key Fob, Ear Buds
02/04/2025 Holly Pointe Commons AirPod Case, AirPods, Keys
02/07/2025 Parking Lot-P Floor Jack
02/07/2025 Student Center Credit Card, EarPods
02/10/2025 Robinson Hall Key
02/10/2025 Willow Hall Apple Watch
02/11/2025 Business Building Tablet
02/17/2025 Rec Center EarPods, EarPod Case, Jewelry
02/20/2025 Bunce Hall Wallet
02/21/2025 Business Hall AirPods, AirPod case, Jewelry, Keychain
02/24/2025 Enterprise Building Key
02/26/2025 Memorial Hall Key
02/26/2025 Student Center Keys, Stylus
02/27/2025 Bunce Hall Keys
02/28/2025 Holly Pointe Commons Debit Card, AirPods, Keys
03/01/2025 Rec Center Ear Buds, Ear Bud Case, AirPods, Keys, Jewelry, Glasses
03/13/2025 114 Victoria Apts. Wallet
03/15/2025 Rowan Blvd. Apts. Credit Card