Rowan University Police Department
2025 Sworn Personnel Recruitment Plan
Public Safety Recruitment Goals
The goal of the Rowan University Police Department Recruitment Plan is to attract qualified individuals and outline steps to achieve the goals of an ethnic, racial, and gender workforce composition in the sworn law enforcement ranks in approximate proportion to the makeup of the available workforce in the law enforcement agency’s service area.
The Lieutenant Commander of the Rowan University Police Department is responsible for the administration of the recruitment plan. Some recruitment responsibilities are through administrative assignment which support this function. The plan was revised in January 2025, and shall be re-evaluated periodically to determine recruitment changes that may be necessary to achieve the goals set by the Lieutenant Commander.
The Rowan University Police Department is subject to the provisions of New Jersey Statutes Annotated in Title 11 of the New Civil Service Commission, and the Public Safety Recruitment and Selection Policy # 05-0910 in all facets of the recruitment and selection process.
The Rowan University Police Department will seek qualified candidates from some, or all of the following sources:
- Human Resources Bulletin Board
- Distribution of job announcement campus-wide
- Rowan University Jobs Website
- NJ-HERC Website
- Website
- Job Fairs
- Local community groups
- Rowan University Law Justice Program
- NJ Chiefs of Police Association
- Participate in the Gloucester County Law Enforcement Minority Recruitment Initiative
- Rowan University Law Enforcement Community Collaborative (LEEC)
(The Department of Public Safety is an equal opportunity employer in all facets of the personnel process.)
Current Demographics
The student population was collected from the 2024 spring semester enrollment data combined with the 2024 instructional and non-instructional (staff population) population. When combined, it provided the demographical makeup of the service population for Rowan University. This information was supplied by the Office of Analytics, Systems & Applications and the Division of Information Resources & Technology.
The available workforce statistical data was collected from the U.S. Census Bureau, for the State of New Jersey in 2020, with the combined age groups of 20-24 and 25-34 (not absolute, but general recruitment age for sworn police officers, determined by the Police and Fire Pensions System cut-off age of 35 years old)
Population by Race and Ethnicity (Recruitment age 20-34 years old)
Race and Ethnicity |
Rowan’s Service Population
Available Workforce (NJ 2020 Census)
Current Sworn Police Officers 2025 |
Current Sworn Officers Female 2025 |
Prior Assessment Sworn Officers 2024 |
Prior Assessment Sworn Officers Female 2024 |
# |
% |
# |
% |
# |
% |
# |
% |
# |
% |
# |
% |
Caucasian |
13984 |
56.28% |
898,148 |
79.6% |
27 |
81.81% |
2 |
75% |
32 |
78.05% |
3 |
75% |
African-American |
2656 |
10.69% |
168,248 |
13.60% |
3 |
9.09% |
1 |
25% |
5 |
12.20% |
1 |
25% |
Asian |
1997 |
8.04% |
70,515 |
5.7% |
1 |
3.03% |
0 |
0 |
1 |
2.44% |
0 |
0 |
Hispanic |
3320 |
13.36% |
164,567 |
13.3% |
2 |
6.06% |
0 |
0 |
3 |
7.32% |
0 |
0 |
Other |
2891 |
11.63% |
85,361 |
6.9% |
0 |
0% |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0% |
0 |
0 |
Total |
100% |
1,386,839 |
119.1% (Caveat) |
33 |
100% |
3 |
100% |
41 |
100% |
4 |
100% |
The Rowan “Other” category includes American Indian, Native Hawaiian, two or more races, non-resident and unknown race and ethnicity. The NJ Other category includes American Indian, Native Hawaiian, other, two or more races representing.
Caveat: When tallying population by ethnicity and race in the NJ Available Workforce, the percentage exceeds 100% to 117.68 %, because the data was combined. The NJ demographics profile has not changed since 2020, which reflects the same data previously reported and used on the 2024 Recruitment Plan.
Demographical Data
Based on the above demographical data, the Department of Public Safety seeks to attract the following race, ethnicity, and/or gender categories to enhance the diversity in the sworn police workforce ranks:
Identified Underrepresented Minorities:
- African Americans
- Asian Americans
- Hispanic Origin
- Females
Objective and Activities
Objective #1: Recruit identified underrepresented minorities and females to replicate the diverse community which we serve.
Activities include, but are not limited to:
- Contact the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police with Rowan Police recruitment announcements.
- Draft, print, and distribute informational brochures that may attract qualified candidates to the agency.
- Use of Rowan University’s job announcement page
- Notify the National Organization of Black Executives (NOBLE), the local National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Asian American Organizations, local Hispanic Organizations, and Woman’s Professional Organizations.
- Notify all regional police academies of this agency’s desire to recruit underrepresented minority personnel for Security Officer Positions, in which we select sworn personnel.
- Participate in the Gloucester County Law Enforcement Minority Recruitment Initiative.
- Notify Rowan University Law Enforcement Community Collaborative (LECC)
Objective #2: Identify, establish and maintain contact with state, county, and municipal-based minority organizations and social support groups including, but not limited to educational, religious, ethnic, racial, and gender-based organizations with special attention to previously identified underrepresented minorities.
Activities include, but are not limited to:
- Send recruitment announcements to these organizations to stimulate interest in a career with the Rowan University Police Department.
- Attend “Career Days” at local schools, colleges, and minority organizations regarding law enforcement careers with the Rowan University Police Department.
- Make maximum use of Rowan University’s Human Resource website to attract qualified candidates to the agency.
- Advertise open positions in the consortium of Human Resources websites.
Recruitment Assignment
The Personnel Assignment for executing the recruitment plan during the selection process with the Rowan University Police Department is assigned by the Lieutenant Commander. The Selection Committee Chair/recruiter is responsible to prepare reports on progress, or shortfalls of the agency’s efforts to successfully meet the objectives of the plan and submit reports accordingly, with suggestions to achieve the goals.
Review and Evaluation
The Lieutenant Commander of the Rowan University Police Department shall review and evaluate this recruitment plan as required by CALEA standard 31.2.1. The following data shall minimally be reviewed:
- Number of applicants vs. the number of minority applicants
- Number of applicants hired vs. the number of minority applicants hired
- Number of Career Days attended
- Progress towards goals
This plan is subject to modification as needed based upon ability to achieve the goals and objectives outlined therein.
Prepared by;
Senior Lieutenant Adam McCain
January 23, 2025