What is ASCEND?
Achieving Success through Collaboration Engagement and Determination
The ASCEND program is composed of two major programs: EOF and RISE. In Camden student are accepted as EOF participants. ASCEND Scholars in Camden are provided financial support via their EOF grants. Students also receive academic support through a series of intentional programming, which includes: success coaching, peer tutoring, mentoring, academic workshop, leadership development, supplemental courses, text book assistance, and a textbook loan library. Through faculty, administration, and most importantly, their peers, the ASCEND program inspires academic excellence, enhances the overall college experience, as well as encourages post-graduate educational and career opportunities for students.
The EOF program in Camden is designed for commuter students and supported through ASCEND. As an ASCEND EOF student on the Camden campus, you are required to attend PCI. The PCI in Camden is an academic enrichment program designed for commuter students, which is a mandatory 6-week program. The PCI program prepares students for the rigors and expectations of college coursework and provides support through engagement with Rowan faculty and staff during the transition to college. Students accepted through the ASCEND EOF program in Camden start their first year as a commuter student, taking courses on the Camden campus, but have the ability to become residential students, if they choose to, in their sophomore year.
A Pathway to the University
EOF Pathway
Pathway classes:
Pathway classes are credit-bearing academic English classes that will help students improve academic language skills during their first year of undergraduate studies. In the fall, EOF pathway students are required to take 9 credits of pathway course work:Semester 1:
•Pathway classes (9 credits)
•Additional freshman level classes (3 - 6 credits)
Semester 2:
•Foundations of College Writing (3 credits)
•Additional freshman level classes (9 - 12 credits), based on placement.

Meet Our Team - Camden EOF
Interested in finding out more about our Camden EOF Program? Please contact us.