Template and Sample Documents

Template and Sample Documents

Template and Sample Documents

Preliminary Pages Template

Please use this template when you begin formatting your thesis or dissertation document. This can occur either at the very beginning of your writing process, or at the very end; regardless, this template will help you to be sure that your title page, copyright page, dedication, acknowledgements, Table of Contents, List of Tables, and List of Figures are all formatted to the specifications outlined in the Thesis and Dissertation Manual. 

Preliminary Pages Word Template (Please download this as a Word template file [.dotx]. This template does not work in Google Drive/Docs.)

(To download, please be sure that you are signed in to Google through your Rowan account, and choose the option to download the file directly rather than opening the file using Google Docs. Only the file downloaded as a ".dotx" for Word will function properly as a template. This file is also available on the Pre-Submittal Workshop on Canvas for direct download, rather than through Google Drive.)

There is also a LaTeX template available. The School of Graduate Studies relies on student feedback in order to improve this template. Please reach out if you discover any issues. Any solutions you provide would also be deeply appreciated.

LaTeX Template (Please be sure to follow the instructions commented throughout the template in order to create the appropriate result.)

Sample Thesis and Dissertation Documents

The following pages are formatted according to the requirements prescribed by the Manual, and should be used as a guide when formatting your thesis/dissertation. Please ensure that your document matches the formatting in these sample pages prior to submission for final format approval. The first document is a standard example that can be used by any student in any field; the second is available for students who would like to use numbered headings as in many scientific documents. Numbered headings are not a requirement of scientific theses or dissertations according to this office, merely an option. From Spring 2021 on, all documents should format their headings, figures, and tables with APA 7th Edition formatting as shown in these examples.

Sample Thesis/Dissertation Document

Sample Thesis/Dissertation Document with Scientific Numbered Headings

Guides for Thesis/Dissertation Elements

Heading Level Guide 

Table and Figure Formatting Guide 

How To Set Up a Document for Page Numbering and Margin Differences

How to Set Up Dot Leaders in a Table of Contents 

Example Formatting for Epigraphs and Transcripts

How to Create an Automatic Table of Contents in Word

Video Guides from Other Institutions

How to Add Landscape Pages with Portrait Orientation Page Numbers