Thesis and Dissertation Requirements

Thesis and Dissertation Requirements

Thesis and Dissertation Requirements

To pay the Thesis & Dissertation Fee in order to access the Pre-Submittal Workshop on Canvas, please click here. 

Rowan students pursuing a doctoral degree or a master’s degree with a thesis requirement (or option) as part of their fulfillment for graduation are required to submit their thesis/dissertation to the Office of School of Graduate Studies for final format approval. The School of Graduate Studies coordinates the final format review process and is responsible for ensuring that all theses/dissertations adhere to the format and style as prescribed in the Thesis & Dissertation Manual prior to final approval with the Registrar for graduation purposes.

Please note that thesis/dissertation approval is only one of the requirements for graduation. Students must also meet all requirements of the department or college in which they are enrolled as a student for graduation approval. Students should verify exit requirements as established by the department or college in which they are enrolled as a student. 

For a better understanding of the entire thesis/dissertation process, including when to turn in the necessary forms and what to expect during the final format review, please take a look at the step-by-step guide available here. There is also a helpful PDF of the Thesis & Dissertation Paperwork and Formatting Workshop presentation available here.

Please also find many resources and samples in the Template and Sample Documents link in the sidebar. 

Thesis/Dissertation Process & Formatting Information Session

The School of Graduate Studies offers information sessions for students whose graduate programs require them to produce a thesis or dissertation. The workshop explains the general thesis and dissertation process at Rowan University, and students will benefit greatly from understanding these requirements even before their thesis or dissertation work begins. Though each program has its own expectations for course work, timing, research, and writing, there are many elements (fees, paperwork, formatting, submission method, deadlines) that are the same for every thesis- or dissertation-track graduate student on the Glassboro campus. All students and faculty members enrolled or teaching in thesis-track masters or doctoral programs are welcome to attend. Come learn the process, ask questions, and find out what resources are available to you.

Please RSVP using this Google Form in order to be invited to the WebEx meeting.

Spring 2025 Dates
February 10th, 6pm-7pm (Monday)
March 11, 6pm-7pm (Tuesday)
April 16, 6pm-7pm (Wednesday)
May 2, 6pm-7pm (Friday)