Preferred typefaces

Preferred typefaces

Preferred Typefaces

The Right Type

We encourage you to use the typefaces Minion Pro and Gotham for your correspondence and publications if you can. If you don’t have Minion Pro or Gotham, Source Serif or Source Sans are approved alternatives. Using these typefaces will help make the typography in Rowan publications—from letters and envelopes to brochures and fliers—more consistent.

Source Serif and Source Sans are free, open source typefaces. They have been installed on all Rowan computers starting in December 2017.

University Publications has a limited site license for Gotham Book, Book Italic and Bold. Please email to request the fonts. Other weights and variants (narrow, condensed, etc.) may be purchased from

The University does not have an institutional license for Minion Pro. For those with a University-provided Creative Cloud license, Minion is available through Adobe Fonts. Individual Minion fonts may also be purchased at FontSpring or MyFonts.

Minion Pro

Minion Pro is the recommended serif typeface for use as body copy for correspondence and publications. In addition to the styles below, Minion Pro is available in Display, Subhead, Caption and Condensed versions.

Minion Pro  

Source Serif

When Minion is not available, Source Serif is the preferred serif typeface.

 Source Serif 


Gotham is the recommended sans-serif typeface to complement and contrast with Minion Pro. Its clean, contemporary letterforms are best used in type displayed as headlines, subheads and captions. It may be used for short blocks of body copy if it has generous line space. In addition to the styles below, Gotham is available in Narrow and Condensed versions.


Source Sans

When Gotham is not available, Source Sans is the preferred sans-serif typeface.

 Source Sans