Important Information & Policies

Important Information & Policies

Important Information & Policies

As a patient of the Wellness Center, you have the right to the following:

  • Be treated with respect, consideration and dignity.
  • Privacy and confidentiality with regard to treatment and medical records. Your medical record is completely separate from your academic record.
  • Approve or refuse the release of your medical record, except when release is required by law.
  • Review, unless medically contraindicated, your medical record in the company of a professional.
  • Be informed about your health problem, associated treatment in understandable terms, the effectiveness of treatment, and possible risks, side effects or alternate methods of treatment.
  • Participate in decisions regarding your health care, and consent to or refuse any care or treatment.
  • Approve or refuse to participate in experimental research.
  • Know who is treating you, including their credentials.
  • Choose or change your health care provider(s).
  • Have access to a second opinion before making any decision.
  • Expect reasonable attempts by health care professionals or staff to communicate with you in a language or manner that you primarily use.
  • Be informed of personal responsibilities involved in maintaining health and well-being after treatment. 

You Have The Responsibility To:

  • Be respectful to other patients and staff at the Wellness Center.
  • Present accurate identifying information.
  • Present details of illness or complaint in a direct and straightforward manner.
  • Cooperate responsibly with all persons involved in the health care process.
  • Keep appointments, or cancel appointments with advance notice.
  • Provide your own transportation to your visits or referrals.
  • Comply with the treatment plan provided by the health professional.
  • Ask for clarification whenever information or instructions are not understood.
  • Make payments for services rendered, where applicable.
File a concern or complaint either in person or email to For confidentiality complaints, call 1-855-431-9967. See below for other important policies.