Mentorship Program

Mentorship Program

Mentorship Program

The Women’s Alliance Network (WAN) at Rowan University is dedicated to fostering professional and personal development opportunities for women within the Rowan University community. WAN is committed to cultivating an educational, social, professional, and inclusive environment where the voices and values of women, in all their diversity and richness, are not only heard, but celebrated.

The mentoring program is open to both Rowan University students and employees. WAN is committed to providing all participants with a valuable learning experience that fosters personal and professional growth.

The goal of the mentoring program of WAN is to meet the articulated goals of our bylaws by providing a path by which participants can, with the guidance and support of upper level administration, develop the strategies necessary to advance in a career in higher education.

The objectives for the WAN mentoring program, and the measure by which the program will be evaluated include: 

  • To sharpen coaching, management and communication skills of mentors as they assist employees with leadership development.
  • To create a well-informed workforce with an increased competency level, and a greater understanding of the University and their role in the achievement of the 4 Pillars.
  • To provide mentees with a go-to person to whom they can ask questions about University culture and expectations.
  • To create greater organizational commitment, and an increase in employee retention.
  • To assist with the advancement of employees within Rowan University and beyond.

Consistent with the goal and objectives for this program noted above, WAN seeks to offer a semi-formal mentoring program for employees. The purpose of this program is to provide an example of leadership in higher education, and to offer guidance to mentees throughout the academic year. Through formal programming and individual meetings between mentors and mentees, participants will gain valuable knowledge and skills for advancing in their careers. Mentors will also be enriched professionally by participating in this rewarding program. Program participants will attend meetings held by the Mentorship Committee of the WAN Advisory Board, which will serve as the oversight body for this program, and will work to ensure that all participants are benefiting to the fullest extent possible from the program. 


Applications for the 2024-2025 WAN Mentoring Program are currently OPEN. To apply, please visit: The deadline to submit an application (as either a Mentor or Mentee) is September 9th, 2024.


Special note about the program: At this time, we are unable to extend participation to non-Rowan employees. Rowan employees are defined as staff from the Glassboro, SOM, and CMSRU campuses.  However, the Advisory Board continues to discuss options for expansion with the hope to open participation to the broader community.

Questions? Please reach out to our team via email