Quality & Reliability: McKibben Muscle

Quality & Reliability: McKibben Muscle


Students will work individually to create their own McKibben Muscle under a set of constraints and manufacturing conditions. The class sample of McKibben Muscles will each be tested for different criteria (ex: length, inflation diameter). Each student will perform statistical analysis using the data from the entire class and determine if their own sample product is reliable and falls within the set constraints and conditions.


Core concepts and theory of Quality & Reliability are sourced from the textbook:

T. R. Chandrupatla, Quality and reliability in engineering. Cambridge, Angleterre: Cambridge University Press, 2009

Theory Application

Understand the acutation principle and underlying engineering theory applies to this project.

Project Description

See the breakdown of how this project will be implemented in a course including instructor prep, materials, and phase timeline.

Sample Prototype

See how the developers fabricated the prototype of this project.