Soft Robotics Education

  • Image of the final prototype of the Hydraulic Fish Toy project
  • Final prototype of the Wacky Non-Inflatable Tube Man project
  • Final prototype of the McKibben Creature project
  • Final prototype of the Machine Design Fishtail Actuator
  • Spring 2024 Cultivate Soft Robotics Team

Soft Robotics Education

Cultivate Soft Robotics

Welcome to Rowan University Soft Robotics platform!

An NSF Funded Project

We are your gateway to exploring the exciting world of soft robotics. Our modules provide a comprehensive introduction to the principles, desing, and applications of soft robotics technology. Whether you are a student, researcher, or someone interested in the field, our user-friendly resources are designed to inspire creativity and facilitate learning.

What is Soft Robotics?

Soft robotics is a subfield of robotics that uses flexible and compliant materials rather than entirely made out of rigid links. This property gives soft robotics an advatange over its non-flexible counter parts and expands robotics in ways it hasnt before.


McKibben Creature

The McKibben Creature is a low-cost robot that is solely actuated by McKibben muscles. Materials such as corrugated cardboard and other readily available materials can be used for construction. 

Hydraulic Fish Toy

The Hydraulic Fish Toy introduces a collaborative collegiate project aimed at crafting a streamlined soft robotic fish with the ultimate objective of fashioning an interactive toy for kids. 

Wacky Non-Inflatable Tube Man

Students will work by individually to produce a themed magnetic-based soft robotic dancer using Arduino IDE, electromagnets, and silicone molding.