Students will be graded on the design report they produced at the end of the semester. The amount of points retrieved during the competition will count as extra credit for the design report.
Model for Design Report grading rubric
Grade |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Spelling, Grammar, ect. |
There are no grammatical or spelling errors. |
There are a few minor errors, but nothing significant. |
Some major errors are present in the text. |
Errors are scattered throughout and are highly noticeable to the reader. |
Errors are prevalent and distract from the text material. |
Text Language |
Written in a concise and highly professional language that conveys information highly effectively. |
Text is written well and material can be clearly understood by the reader |
Paper reads fairly well, with some sections not being well understood by the reader. |
Paper is disjointed and unprofessional. Material covered is not easily conveyed. |
Unprofessionalism in the text is highly detrimental to the paper and concepts are very poorly conveyed. |
Phase 0 |
Design process and progress made is effectively described and documented. Decisions during this phase as well as issues that arose are as very well explained. |
Design process is documented well. Decisions and problems that occurred during are brought to attention. |
Progression during this phase is described, although more detail is needed. Some of the decisions and issues are described. |
Significant detail of the design process is lacking. Engineering decisions and issues that occurred are not well explained or left out. |
Not enough documentation is present for the reader to understand the progression of the project. Major details are missing from this phase. |
Phase 1 |
Design process and progress made is effectively described and documented. Decisions during this phase are justified as well as issues that arose are thoroughly explained. |
Design process is documented well. Decisions and problems that occurred during are brought to attention. |
Progression during this phase is described, although more detail is needed. Some of the decisions and issues are described. |
Significant detail of the design process is lacking. Engineering decisions and issues that occurred are not well explained or left out. |
Not enough documentation is present for the reader to understand the progression of the project. Major details are missing from this phase. |
Phase 2 |
Design process and progress made is effectively described and documented. Decisions during this phase are justified as well as issues that arose are thoroughly explained. |
Design process is documented well. Decisions and problems that occurred during are brought to attention. |
Progression during this phase is described, although more detail is needed. Some of the decisions and issues are described. |
Significant detail of the design process is lacking. Engineering decisions and issues that occurred are not well explained or left out. |
Not enough documentation is present for the reader to understand the progression of the project. Major details are missing from this phase. |
Phase 3 |
Design process and progress made is effectively described and documented. Decisions during this phase are justified as well as issues that arose are thoroughly explained. |
Design process is documented well. Decisions and problems that occurred during are brought to attention. |
Progression during this phase is described, although more detail is needed. Some of the decisions and issues are described. |
Significant detail of the design process is lacking. Engineering decisions and issues that occurred are not well explained or left out. |
Not enough documentation is present for the reader to understand the progression of the project. Major details are missing from this phase. |
Evaluation |
The paper clearly outlines key flaws and advantages of the design, as well as how these could be modified in the future. Performance is evaluated with substantial detail. |
The paper presents some of the flaws and advantages of the design. Game performance is described with detail. |
The paper presents flaws and advantages of the design, although more detail may be merited. Performance of the creature is discussed, but not thoroughly. |
The paper presents flaws , advantages, and performance takeaways, though these need expanding upon. |
The paper has inadequate detail on the flaws , advantages, and performance takeaways. This section cannot be taken as a proper evaluation. |
This section is reproduced from our paper to be available online via ASEE.
Midiri, J. R., & Trieu, K., & Xue, W., & Trkov, M., & Jamison, C. S. E., & Bakrania, S. (2024, June), BYOE: McKibben Creature - A Low-Cost Robotic Simulation of A Biological Environment Paper presented at 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon. 10.18260/1-2--48435