2022 Symposium

  • Flying First Symposium

2022 Symposium

5th Annual First-Generation Symposium

Reimagining Our Success: The Reshaping of First-Gen Futures

Thank you for a wonderful event!

As colleges and universities have adapted to changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all of us in higher education are challenged to reassess our goals, operations, and activities. This has involved far more than modifying programs; many of us are now taking a far-reaching look at the vision we have for creating caring university communities that can respond to our campuses’ ever-changing needs. Well-being, mental health, and empowerment of first-generation students remain at the forefront of these concerns, and addressing these and other issues requires both reflective and innovative thinking from all stakeholders. This year’s theme, “Reimagining Our Success: The Reshaping of First-Gen Futures,” invites students, families, professionals, scholars, and educators to share lessons from the pandemic and consider the many ways we might reshape our society to create even more opportunities for the first-gen communities we serve.
A completely virtual experience, the core of the symposium will remain the same: to educate, share ideas, and work to serve the needs of First Generation students and their families. The symposium will feature presentations, breakout sessions, resources, a roundtable discussion, as well as the return of the Student Panel session! The anticipated audience will include students, faculty, and staff from Rowan University and local colleges and universities.