

Shuttle Services

*ATTENTION*  {2/11/25}

All Rowan University campuses will close at 4:45 pm tonight. Students and employees should read your Rowan email for details about remote instruction and other details.


The Internal Glassboro campus shuttle will run until campus closes at 4:45pm. 
The Campus-to-Campus Camden/Glassboro shuttle will make its final departure at 5pm. 

*ATTENTION*  {10/2/24}

Rowan Shuttle Services have been experiencing some difficulties with the TransLoc GPS hardware in some of our newer vehicles running in the Glassboro/Camden loop. In the interim, it is recommended that riders base decisions on the posted schedule times in the hardcopy schedule available on our website. With the exception of traffic related delays that cannot be anticipated, the posted schedule remains accurate.



Internal Shuttle Map 090822



Shuttle Calendar

  • The shuttle will begin operation on the first day of classes: Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
  • The last day the shuttle operates is Friday, May 9, 2025.

University Calendar

  • Semester Classes begin: January 21, 2025. 
  • Spring Break recess (classes will NOT be in session): March 17-21, 2025.
  • Semester Classes End: May 1, 2025.
  • Reading & Review Day (No Classes): May 2, 2025.
  • Finals Week: May 3-9, 2025.


Shuttle Schedules


*IMPORTANT REMINDER*: For the 2024-2025 academic year, there will be additional Shuttle Stops added to the Internal Glassboro Shuttle (Stops 2.5 & 5.5) in order to provide better accessibility to Campbell Library and Savitz Hall during on-going construction. No other locations or shuttle timing will be impacted by the addition.

Internal Glassboro Shuttle - Spring 2025: Operates Monday thru Friday while classes are in-session

Campus to Campus Glassboro/Camden Shuttle - Spring 2025: Operates Monday thru Friday while class are in-session

Camden Rising - City of Camden loop: The Camden Rising shuttle is NO LONGER AVAILABLE for Rowan riders

RCSJ Shuttle - Spring 2025 - For RCSJ Rowan Choice students ONLY.

        PLEASE NOTE: The RCSJ shuttle is available for Rowan Choice students ONLY.

Shopping Shuttle - Spring 2025

        PLEASE NOTE: Seating on the Shopping Shuttle will operate on a first-come-first-served basis.


Attention riders: Now you can track the Shuttle!

Rowan University introduces Shuttle Tracker, an app for iPhone and Android devices that enables users to see, in real time, where the campus shuttle is so they can make the most of the shuttle service

Live Shuttle Tracker Access
iOS App Store OR Android Marketplace
Shuttle Tracking on a Desktop

The FREE app, collects data from shuttle-mounted GPS units and displays it on a map so riders can track the vehicles’ locations. The app also features SMS text messaging of location information.

  1. Download Shuttle Tracker for iOS OR Download Shuttle Tracker for Android
  2. Search for "Rowan University" in Transit Systems
  3. Select the "Routes" icon and choose the shuttles you want to follow


News and Updates

Operational changes and safety measures during the COVID-19 pandemic

For the well-being of fellow riders, please follow the protocols listed below when riding our shuttles.

Operational changes and safety measures during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • COVID-19 signage will be placed at each shuttle stop.
  • Our shuttle provider has instituted a cleaning and disinfecting approach for all of our shuttles, which includes regularly disinfecting frequent touchpoints, such as handrails, armrests, seats, and door handles.
  • Disinfectant wipe and tissue dispensers will be provided on each shuttle.
  • Shuttle passengers will be recommended to wear face coverings.
  • Information will be posted online and around campus because shuttle routes may change to enhance efficiency and/or due to other university policy changes.
  • Riders who fail to comply with the safety measures outlined above will not be allowed to ride the shuttle and may face disciplinary actions for noncompliance.


UPDATED April 19, 2022

In alignment with the State of New Jersey's decision to lift the mask requirements for NJ Transit and public transportation services, the Rowan Shuttle operators at SJTA have lifted the masking requirements for all Rowan Shuttle services. Masking is now a recommendation for all shuttle services. Please direct all questions to