NJ Specific Consumer Information

NJ Specific Consumer Information

New Jersey Specific Consumer Information

The  New Jersey College Student and Parent Consumer Information Ac t (P.L. 2009, Chapter 197) requires that each New Jersey four-year public college and university prepare and make available to the public an annual report. The purpose of the Act is “to maximize the awareness of students and their families of the costs associated with enrollment in the institution, the institution’s success in ensuring the graduation of its students, and the composition of the teaching faculty that a student will encounter." Each institution is required to display on its website "comprehensive information on the cost of attendance, the graduation rates of admitted students, and the faculty of the institution." The information here contains the data elements required of Rowan University, as determined by New Jersey Higher Education.

Rowan University's NJ College Student and Parent Consumer Information Act Report is available here.

Comparative information for Rowan, as well as the other New Jersey four-year public institutions of higher education, are available on the state's higher education website.